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Posts posted by elaks

  1. I don't really like rap, but I don't go around saying it.


    No offense dude, but it does suck.

    There is no big music genre in the world which sucks. No matter what it is- there will be at least one shining example of a good song in your opinion.

    I'm fine with people's personal opinions, I used to nhave the same. I hated rap with a passion until I was introduced by some friends to actually good songs, and was reminded of thingsm I heard in my child-hood. There's just such a large range, from Afroman (Comedy) to Scarface (Not comedy).


    I hate the people that dis rap and hip-hop. I listen to a lot of rap and I'm been listening to it for most of my life. And I like talking about the new songs and stuff. Then some idiots start talking and saying rap is crap and rap stands for retards attemption peotry and all of that BS.

    You shouldn't take what they say to heart so much. If someone doesn't agree with your music taste, how do imagine yourself percieving their's. Whilst you may not say it's 'Crap' to their face- you'll definately think it. The only difference between you and the 'hater' is the fact that you choose to control your opinion as it's not as strong.

  2. Wow, thanks for such quick replies people. This has certainly changed my opinion- I've been thinking over the last 24 hours and I have to agree that it's more catchy and works better in the long run.I also had a few feuds with people also trying to use the name 'Sheepeasy' on their sites- one was a woman who knitted woolen clothes..Thanks again, site plans will accord to this topic. You have all done a service to me, and your country! :)

  3. I'd just like to know which name you think is better. My site is involved in humorous reviews of comics, PC Games, general writing. Make sure you vote before reading the rest, as I want this to be an unbiased opinion.BACKGROUND-----------------SHEEPEASY - This name originates from way back when I was 10 and started my first Freewebs site. I made it so me and my friends could post flash animations without having to undergo bad reviews and scrutiny from other sites such as Newgrounds. I tried to make this site big; but I was locked into place by loyalty to my friends. I couldn't just get rid of the flash section, or delete their files- so the site never moved on.RAMBOOT - I made this name up a few weeks ago when I signed up for new webhosting. I wanted it to be remenicent of Sheep, but a step away from 'Sheepeasy'. I made this name when I was inteding my new site to be a computer and technology based one; explaining the 'boot' bit.Thanks for cooperation and feedback (If any) in advanced. I may use the results from this poll to determine my new sites name; but I'm really just interested. The liklihood is that I'll choose Sheepeasy because I personally think it's a better name and not just because of nostalgia. :)

  4. I agree.
    Stupid kids (excuse my terminology) generally make the class slower and less fulfilling. They mess around and don't do the work and the intelligent kids suffer.

    Obviously, stupid kids should be rewarded for the work they do. If it's sub par then they should be put in lower classes, likewise with the intelligent kids.

    Exactly my point. Unless someone is mentally challenged, everybody has the ability to do the work. On most occasions, e.g. Physics tests are purely completed by noting down things you revised straight from the text book- no thought required.

    From your post, it appears that you've only thought about yourself, but have you thought about what those people who would be streamed to lousier classes feel? That was why the parents complained. It made their kids develop poor self-esteem or keep getting worst because all they mix with is bad company. And on the other hand, you also get elite kids growing up to develop 'superiority' mentalities. Kids are very susceptible at young ages, so the impact can be everlasting on both groups of people.

    I don't really find that whole 'Superioty complex' thing exists with smarter kids. The thing is, if kids are in a bad set and want to move up- all they have to do is extra revision. Most kids don't because they don't care; I do. I will continue to work to stay in the top sets whilst kids who want to piss about will remain the lowest.There are some subjects where my theory falters. Maths for instance. I for one am good at maths- I'm in the second best set out of 10. My friend however is in set 10 (Not that good at the subject) and he finds it impossible to move up because they don't teach the whole curriculum to the bottom two sets, just the important stuff. It's still only his loss, we all started out in the same class and he was the one who slipped up in the first place..

  5. I should probably ask a mod to change the topic title.. Thanks for the input, even though everyone here appears to read manga.

    I'll go ahead and input some of my favourite western comics.


    1) Checkmate - DC Comics


    Posted Image


    My absolute favourite comic book series available. The story sees different characters of a covert government operation unit (Checkmate) fighting a battle against villains. Sounds tacky but it's incredibly well drawn and written.


    2) The Punisher - Barracude - Marvel


    Posted Image


    A six book series for my favourite villain/hero ever concieved- 'Barracuda'. The seven foot, muscle bound, black American living in the ghetto has many friends and enemies in the world including the many mafia families. In short, the series portrays him helping a 20 year old hemophiliac son of a mobster kill people for the greater good.


    3) Alien Pig farm 3000. - Image (One of their only good comic..)


    Posted Image


    The first humerous comic I read, and still my favourite. Aliens attack a small redneck community, what they don't realise is that the community is loaded with weapons and crazed hics. A compelling story with ridiculous amounts of violence and sexual prowess.

  6. Great to see another veggie. :rolleyes:
    I've been veggie since I was born, so I dont have a clue what it tastes like.

    My god.. No delicious bacon, no fried chicken. Don't even try it man, it's very likely you'll enjoy it. And I imagine it would be hard to quit..
    Yeah- I eat meat because I don't have moral issues. The majority of the meat I eat is from small family butchers and Sainsburies free range (Tastes better). Whilst Sainsburies may not treat their animals with absolute respect, the small family butchers will definately buy from country farms.
    I also eat meat because I enjoy the taste. I'll admit that what I enjoy the most is tampered with quite alot (Sausages, Salami) but there is nothing more delicious in my mind than meat. I'm not saying this to appear a hard man, I dislike steak for instance (Too plain).
    Whilst I have friends who are vegetarian- I don't hold alot of respect for them. I would understand avoiding fast food resteraunts; but there are so many ways to get meat from a humane source that looks after it's animals. Alot of supermarkets for instance, use the fact they treat there animals well as promotion for products, e.g. Free range options are always the most advertised on shelves.

    * It is a cheaper lifestyle to adopt and I'm poor. (this is debatable, it may or may not be true.)

    I find that eating good quality meat is expensive. Alot more so than vegetable stews, soups or lentils..

  7. your background is pretty plain, why not a glass effect or something, or a flash box with clolours and stuff, your navigation bar isn't good, actually its terrible, I can barely see what it says, I recommend changing the font color to FFFFFF, but good site overall, just need to change the font on the navigation bar and maybe a few more colours

    I agree. Usually a plain site is a good thing as it helps with navigation. But as csp4.0 and others have said; the navigation is so hard to see no attention is drawn to it, therefore wasting such a plain background for nothing.
    Overall I think there is a bigger flaw. Upon entering the home page I have no idea what the site is about. There's no FAQ or short introductory paragraph to help new users. I only found out what your site really did when I visited into the developers section and found a few anouncements about heads of teams.

    One last tip: I'd recomend not only changing the colour of text in the navigation frame, but also giving the links more recognisable names. I know alot of people think that calling a forum a "Community" is professional looking, but it's complicates navigation even more.

    On a plus, it seems you've managed to setup a decent forum. Perhaps lacking in members (Don't worry, I've been a forum admin before. I feel your pain) but you've got a loyal few that post regularly. Good luck in the future. :rolleyes:

  8. HI,, I am about to attempt my first database project. I want to create a small community that is similar to a myspace application but there will not be more them maybe a hundred friends in it. I am trying to figure this out. I would need to create a database for this. A few questions.1. there will be a login becuase it will be members only, is this a completely seperate database or should the database be one whole unit.

    2. there will be a place for a picture, a few songs, a couple links to different websites that they like, maybe a short video, ....this should all be in the same databse i assume.

    3. I am using godaddy for my hosting, do i create the database then use php to put things in and take things out or should i use php all together to create the tables as i go, which brings me to my final question.

    4. if say i set this up with 100 slots, and then a 101st person joins, how do i work this in.

    I know its a lot but i have been using this forum for years and have always gotten the help i needed and also learned a great deal.


    1. I think it's good to keep all tables (e.g. Videos/users/pictures) in the same database.

    2. Yup.

    3. If you're using MySQL for databasing then I'd recomend that you set up the database with something like PhpMyAdmin so you can see what problems may occur whilst trying to setup. Once this is done you should definately automate the site to input data to tables using Php, much faster.

    4. Data is stored in tables vertically, you can add as many rows as possible. It is possible to limit the amount of rows but that's a strange thing to do, if you don't set it the moment a new user joins it will just add another row.

    I don't know how much experience you have in this subject area but I'd recomend getting a good book on the subject. My personal recomendation would be: PHP an MySQL by Larry Ullman. Good luck. :rolleyes:

  9. I read manga more than western comics though. It seems like you have some misunderstanding about manga. Was it simply because of the models that put you off? Japanese comics have lots of genres for adults and children alike. They have thrillers, romance, mature, science-fiction, fantasy etc. Some authors do like to 'sex-up' the image of female characters and I can imagine that it would offend some people. However, that depends on the author and the genre. Not all manga authors do that to their female characters.

    I've never been a fan of anime just because I find it hard to connect to characters. I know a lot of manga and anime is very well drawn but it feels like reading a childs comic no matter what the subject matter is because of style differences. For instance, the eyes and noses usually let anime down; where as most DC & Marvel comics concentrate so much on realism that with some it seems plausible that they've been traced from pictures..I also recognize a lot more of the customs and face shapes used in American comics (Sorry, a little racist but it's true). Almost every character I've seen so far can be traced back to a recognizable actor or a friend of mine because of the core western face architect. Anime/Manga however, feels like observing a completely different world.

    I certainly do. my all-time favorite comic series is Tin Tin. It is very witty and I've learnt a lot of stuff about foreign politics and history from it. I have the whole series at home, and they are tattered and torn because they actually were passed on to me from my brother. I also read Archie comics. The older ones were nice but the new stories are getting silly. I don't know if its because I've outgrown it or what.

    I also have a full set (Minus approx. two) of the Tin Tin comics. Mostly my parents but I've made it my duty to add to the collection where necessary. Tin Tin would rank pretty high on my comic list.

    Anyway, I've seen collectibles of American female superheroes like Catwoman and Superwoman. Aren't they clad scantily and have very big boobs too? But their sexiness is toned down in cartoons and comics. So I believe the same applies to manga too.

    That is a good point. Maybe it's because I haven't read enough, but all the females in modern comics (And originals from the 50s) are very much in control of the situation and a figure of authority. In a lot of the manga I've seen they've either been shy young things/busty purely to add sex to the comic or playing the part of "The Silly Woman".
    Just some of my opinions, maybe you could suggest some titles for me because the manga section of forbidden planet is absolutely chock-a-block with titles and series. :rolleyes:

  10. This topic was an idea formed from the PDA (Public display of affection) topic in which Cerebral Stasis posted his view on streaming, and I'd have to agree.I for one completely agree with streaming from an early age (I.E, from the start of high school). Teachers and the heads of school have this idealistic and verging on communist view that putting less intelligent (Thick as bloody posts) students in the same classes as the smarter kids for the majority of classes up until year 10 (I'm in year 9).Year 7 & 8 have been good for as I was placed into a bright class by pure coincidence and kept a large amount of my best friends from my previous school. We were all pretty much the same level, all well behaved and conscious of ourselves and how we act around others. This year however I have managed to find myself in a class full of preppies (Mostly the girls) and a group of underperforming trouble making boys. What's worse is that I do have friends in this class- two of whom are close to child prodigy grade-wise. Where as last year it wouldn't matter what teacher I had seeing as my class were so well behaved and intelligent every lesson flew by, this year I have been given a few great ones, but the majority are just walkovers who seem to have the view of children that someone who's young and has no children would maintain (We're all eager to learn fact finders).What really gets me is this: WE'RE STUDYING FOR GCSES THIS YEAR. If we're studying for such important tests why allow bright kids to be dragged down by the bad; it makes no sense. I could ask for a class transfer (A little harsh on my brighter peers) yet the school has so far managed to **** up every class just as badly as mine.I have a whole year of this crap left (Only five weeks in). Any feedback people? :rolleyes:

    Notice from rvalkass:
    Moved to the High School section as per your request ;)

  11. Hey guys. First post for a while (Mainly because I plan to start a site again).

    A few days after my fourteenth birthday I was invited by a group of friends to visit central London. During that visit I stumbled upon "Forbidden Planet", one of London's largest comic stores. Upon entering the store I was slightly put off by models of underage anime women in risqu? positions and the over zealous use of face paint on some Emo customers- but as I traveled into the basement I was taken aback.

    The pure amount of comics and the variety in styles and countries of origin was truly inspiring. At one end of the ever crowded basement; walls were lined with manga (Yuck) and drawing stationary, at the other- doctor who DVDs and H.P.Lovecraft novels were in charge. The middle of the basement was entirely reserved for graphic novels. Of course I spent some time looking around, but it didn't take long for me to realize that I must own one of these books. Seeing as I had no preference (As long as it wasn't manga/anime) I didn't know where to begin, so I grabbed a couple of packs from the pick and mix '5 for ?1 ($2)'. I bought four packs to make sure I had variety and made sure the covers varied in the production companies and the style of art to ensure there would be the biggest range for me to choose from.

    From that point I have become a mad collector, with some definite tastes and favorite series. What I was wondering was if anyone else of Xisto shares my enthusiasm or am I a lone basement dweller? :rolleyes:


    And in case your lazy: DOES ANYONE ELSE READ COMIC BOOKS.

  12. Thanks for the support. I don't want to dabble too much into the problems of my PC- but I've managed to get Windows XP up, it's the networking that stumps me.. Anyway; hope to post more around here. Good day.

    Anyone who can correctly spell "indubitably" is ok in my book.

    Finally; I'm appreciated for something more than my good looks!

  13. Hey peoples. I haven't posted here in a while- two main reasons:* Just moved up a year to middle school (Homework moved up to 11 hours a week from about 6.)* Ubuntu accidentally formatted the partition that windows nestled in (Lucky me, seeing as I don't have an original disk). I'm currently going about my ways getting a new copy- so assume the positions when I begin to post in the computer help section.*IT'S MAH BERFD4Y 1N 4 DAYS!Third one shouldn't really be on the list; but I've had sleepless nights just lying in wait of the big day! To think- fourteen; I can do so many things!> I can no longer use my old oyster card (British underground + bus pass) to get free bus travel, I have to pointlessly get a new one and continue getting free travel..?> I can buy more items seeing as my pocket money is increased, plus I can stay up longer (OH SNAP).> I don't have to worry too much about spots any more (Strangely enough, it was at 12 that I suffered acne and by 13 it had dispersed), and I can continue growing my beard and mustache to the jealousy of my friends.> I can be fourteen!Well that sums up why I haven't been posted. Plus I've stopped work on my site, it closed down before it started as I realized how pointless it was.Anyway; expect more posting from me. Bye. :P

  14. It's funny, same thing happens to me. I usually try doing my work during lunch hour or in the library after school. By going to these areas there is no chance of getting distracted by electronics. I usually listen to music whilst I'm working; but recently this has become a problem as I seem to become engrossed int he song and can sit for maybe ten minutes just listening.My recomendation: use the quiet area technique. Put some music on, tell yourself that you're going to work and there is nothing on the internet that needs checking or people you need to talk to on MSN. Willpower is key here.

  15. From the guys I've seen on BBSs and underground (Not really) h4xXing sites; there is alot of misuse of capitalizations. People, including the system operators there start all their sentences without capitalizing. I'm sure this has been happening since the ninties. As soon as a person is introduced to a computer and needs to type faster than possible they develop this habit, and as no one si there to tell them off seeing as most are doing it; they continue to learn with this pigeon english styled leet speak.

  16. People are always coming up with 'It's not graphics that count' as a comeback for support of the Wii. Yeah- what usually follows that statement is about gameplay, but these games are neither new or fun.I've tried one at my friends house and am currently bored with it. All the games have to be taylored to something you might play on Newgrounds. Everything is a party game; no good FPSs, no good RTSs, no good racing games, no good skill games. I would highly recomend against this console; compared to it's counterparts it has failed the race.

  17. I find cellphones that support music, ect. superior to the Ipod. And honestly the Ipod's interface is so damn simple and redundant it's annoying, like it was made for complete retards.

    But isn't that a good thing. This product was aimed; not at omputer programmers, but at people who like music. If anything I'm sick of Mp3s with such complicated layouts- having it so simple is fantastic from a design perspective. Also; what does the interface matter, it's just for listening to music?

  18. What's interesting is that the people complaining about the subject usually can't compete with what they hate. For instance; websites. I had a guy in my year constantly telling me my website sucked and how he could make a better one. Unfortunately for him we managed to find his website- hosted on freewebs using a plain template, and found it was pure crap.Same goes for servers. Same thing happened to Pleno- I used to host a CounterStrike server on Linux, and people kept coming on and telling me it sucked. What's more, I decided to make it a surf only server (CS players will understand) and yet a torrent of people; who could easily read it was "Elaks' surf server" would come on and state how much they hated surf maps- even though they continued playing. Why would you bother?

  19. I'm tired of supporting people who don't want to work. It's not my job. It's not my responsibility to care for somebody I did not bring into this world. I resent having part of my paycheck hijacked for people who won't just get a job already.

    In England, the only way for a white (Sorry, it's true; I government is over politically correct) working class person to get onto the council flat property ladder is to become pregnant (To make them a prioritory in the Government's eyes). Basically meaning; my parents not only pay the free accomidation they recieve- but also for their seven children who will not make any contribution to society and will most likely commit crime.

    I agree with you FolkRockFan- we have a whole generation who can just scrape by with the money they get from the government because it's more than they could get from doing a job (A job which requires no intelligence mind). Same goes for Polish people coming to Britain- they get more money from wellfare here, than a job for an average middle class person back home. If we don't stop the majority will be surviving on wellfare.

    I'm not against help though. If someone has any kind of mental illness, disabled or too elderly to work; I think the money should go to them, not however to illegal immigrants and the lower working class.

  20. Well, in my opinion it's clean coding as well as simplicity. A while back I used to use nothing but grungy templates that were coded terribly, and never made it through the validators. Recently- when making my layout, I check it with the W3 CSS, and XHTML validator for mistakes. Yes, it took a long time- but it made sure the page was viewable by every single browser. That was another thing; I was always test my site with IE, Firefox, Safaria and Opera before continueing.I think clean cut seperators make a big difference. Having a column for navigation, a column for content, and then a final column if needed for ads and other content really ads to the site. By doing that- you have a 'The more the merrier' approach because all of your content will be evenly distributed. :P

  21. 1 Brown Basilisk Named Cleo,2 Bearded Dragons: Named Prince Charming (Princey for short), and Walter,

    OH LAWD!

    Lol, at the moment I only have a cat called Ziggy. He's got a slight hint of Siamese in him because of his pointed ears and thin face. He's incredibly lazy- and often kills baby birds/mice because they're the only thing he can catch. He did get a pigeon once though. He's about six years old and I've had him for five and half.
    My ambition was always to get a dog- but because of my location (West London terrace house) having a dog would be cruel because we lack the facilities like parks or big open spaces of grass. Oh well- maybe when I'm 18. :P

  22. I was at a bookstore and I found a book that had the Google logo on it. So I picked it up and read a few pages. If I recall, 'Google' is actually some what of a typo. The domain googol was already in use at the time so they decided on Google. :P

    That's very strange- I always considered it to be named Google because of the number, not because of how rich they wanted to be; but because that's how many results they would like to have. Seems the mispelling theory is the true one, according to Wikipedia..

  23. 8/10 - That's a very attractive signature. The colour scheme works very well and the lineart seem to blend into each other fawlessly; on the other hand- the line art doesn't go so well over the top of the hand drawn woman. The change from pencil, so smooth and shaded, to plain colour with slight blurring outside is too much.


    ---RATE MAH SIG YO---

    Posted Image


    Please rate kindly- this was my first attempt at using proper grunge brushes. :P

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