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Everything posted by Solar

  1. Since this isn't a sensitive subject for me, I'll post this. http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=sponsor
  2. Ha! I have conquered Photoshop!!!Thanks for that tutorial, it's so simple yet so awesome-tistic. A fun thing to do after all that's ssaid and done is to take the liquify thing and squish it all around, then add an angryblue font.Ta-da, awesome-d00distic siggy.
  3. *eye twitches from all the exclamation points and improper use of grammar* Take the time to type it out boy. That stuff is worse than all the Gizoogle translations put together.
  4. The best font EVAR is angryblue. I love it. It's pretty damned original as well.Tis Godly, I use it on almost all my sigs when I make them
  5. Just kinda a random question. You just got introduced to the internet a few years ago? How old are you?It reminds me of this one guy who was in a coma since like the late 1960's and just woke up about 5 years ago or whatever. Didn't know about like ANYTHING.
  6. An example of one of my websites is chaosportal.cjb.netAt least until I get my hosting request accepted here
  7. Another time while I was browsing a website on the school's computer, I saw one of those "If this link is flashing, YOU'VE WON!!!"All you had to do was click the "Stop" button and it stopped flashing.Oops! No prize :)
  8. I use my compooter for many reasons...Doing some Ebay shtuff, gotta love Ebay.Checking Email.Using it for counter-strike and other games.SOME programming, I'm still learning most of that.Building websites, sometimes to get a point across, some for fun.Listening to music with Winamp until I get an iPod.Downloading free pr0n :)I also use it for a BUNCH of *BLEEP* with school, since I homeschool. The internet is a great resourch, and saves a trip to the local library.
  9. Amen. I can't wait till I get to go to college. Hell, I'm getting transfered to some science-highschool thing soon where we actually get dorms and *BLEEP* there. I can't wait to get away from the house and someone where I can live by my own terms. Just for awhile at least. And Spook, how the Hell do you keep running into walls? Were you drunk or high? That's a big no-no in school And quiksilver, they can't be glass, or else they wouldn't be that good against tornadoes eh?
  10. i use notepad haha. i dunno, directly editing code seems to be alot easier for me. GUI based html publishers can help but i still find it easier to code from scratch. learning html is a good skill which has come in handy for me in a number of cases. it isn't hard to learn either, 3 months is all u really need max. ^_-LOL Amen to the notepad thing, I've been using notepad a lot lately as well. I'm still learned HTML, it's been like a month since I started and I'm already getting the hang of it. It's actually pretty cool learning it as well.Next stop... Java!!*cough cough*
  11. Solar


    Don't hide it. Break it and throw it away. He wont know the difference. Believe me, I have 2 little brothers, 1 is 10, the other is 6. The 10 year old bugs me all the time"Daniel, play Burnout with me!""Daniel, let me play!""I'll tell mom!""MOM!! HE WONT PLAY WITH ME!!"*I end up getting in trouble*The 6 year old just keeps begging me to play Barney for him, and sing that stupid "I love you" song with him. It drives me nuts. One of these days I'm going to rip out their own vocal cords and strangle them with 'em.
  12. That is *BLEEP*ing HILARIOUS. Whoever made that is as Godly as Sylvester Calzone. :)This is GOLD.
  13. What would you do if computers didnt exist? - I wouldn't be reading this topic.________________________________________________________________Would you go crazy? - No, unless I already was, then yes.Would YOU not exist? - Hmm... To exist or not to exist... THAT is the questionWould you be bored all day? - No, I have friends, a life, a girlfriend, videogames... etcWould you be board at school all day? - If I was at school I would be able to spell "bored" right :)Would you be stuck playing board games and stuff all day? - Boardgames SUCK.Would you end up working all day? - Most likely.Would you be determined to invent computers? - I r mad scientist!/!/1 wtf iz compooterz?Would you keep a computer secret in your closet and use it when no ones looking? - You know itWould you just be a all around idiot? - Already amWould you drink coffee all day? - Already doWould you sleep all day? - Already doWould you kill yourself? - NoWould you be a cop? - No, I would be a robber.Would you be a robber? - No, I would be a mugger.Would you be a mugger? - No, I would be a regular person.Would you be a regular person? - No, I would be a cop.Would you like to exist on this earth? - No, I'm going to Mars where it's nice a cozy, what with it's lack of oxygen and all.Would you die of boredom? - Nope. I have videogames and a girlfriend and a life.Would you invent games? - N/AWould you invent more games? YES!Would you think about inventing computers? - Wasn't this already asked. You need a HUGE attention span upgrade.
  14. To view your hosting credits, go to the main page and look under the shoutbox. My answer wasn't asap, but heh, close enough.
  15. I didn't think it was all that bad either. I got it when it first came out and I thought it was pretty damned fun. The story wasn't half bad either.
  16. I have one thing to say. Amen.
  17. Gmail is FAR better IMO.A gig of storage isn't enough for you? I also love the spam blocker, I haven't seen spam since I got it! They definitely put a lot of work into that area. The Gmail Notifier is Godly as well, I love knowing whether someting is in my inbox or not, so I don't have to check every couple of hours if I'm waiting on something important.Hotmail is just... Meh. It's okay, but the spam filter isn't good at all, and it's a bit annoying with all the ads around the page.Heil Gmail!
  18. Firefox by far. Faster, more realiable. I even donated to teh Firefox people for it :)I r just so coolio d00d.Besides, IE explorer is slow, and for some reason I always et tose search bars and junk that appear on it, which slow it down even more, if that's possibly. Firefox is the way to go.
  19. Best ad/commercial ever?The new Axe commercial where all the woman are fondling toasters and other kitchen appliances. It's too damn funny.Whoever thought of that is a genius. In comedy. o_O[/stupidity]
  20. Ahhh Halo 2 is much better IMHO.Duel wielding and a nice shiny battle rifle. I also like how you et to be the Arbitor.
  21. To be honest, I think he did it, but people are stretching this out WAY too far. I'm a big fan of Michael Jackson, BEFORE he had all the surgery and junk. You know, when he was a kid... Today, I think he looks absolutely repulsive.I REALLY think he did it.The End.
  22. Exactly.I've been going arond and warning people, just because I'm so nice *cough cough*
  23. SNES > N64SNES has classic games, Super Mario, Super Metroid, Contra 3.Though I must admit, N64 does have great games such as Goldeneye and the original Super Smash Bros.Meeeh. In the long run, the SNES wins out for me
  24. Go to Start -> Search -> firefoxSearch for anything with firefox in it. Chances are you'll hit the thing that makes it tick, and pop goes the FireFox.
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