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go see another site in flash i made. and yeah i know bussness sites in flash. but there are ways around it since html carries the flash and it works. i must add that the gallery is not my work but the clients. i only take credit for the flash part. another litte project feel free to comment in any way. i wont be offended if you trash it. just be honest. critisism can help if it is good critisism. so try.....
Bright Site donnot forget your sunglasses
puck replied to puck's topic in Websites and Web Designing
the bleu was pinkish before, and they asked for blue. that is also a part of designing a site for some one if they want it they can have it. customer is king, or queen in this case. and there are ways around the spider thing. you can put text in the html that "carries the flash" there are great sites all designed in flash. flash if used well is at least as good as other things used. the thing that it is with flash is that loads donnot know how to use it and go overboard on animations the customer can see the progress of the site and is on cloud nine. and the scrollbars, i agree i will change that. but thanks all for reacting. i really like honesty! but in the end it is still the customer that pays, and what i think is place two. i wear sunglasses while working. and i dont agree about breaking the webdesign rules, and what if i did. my opinion is that the web is very boring in lots of sites. and since this is no information-site but a fashion-bag-itemselling site, it can be loud and bright and screaming. but agian i like other peoples opinion, so please don be shy and give your opinion and suggestions. -
Re-do Of My Site! Please Review :) projectjim.co.uk
puck replied to Jimmy's topic in Websites and Web Designing
hey jimmy, it looks nice and clean, the menu is very clear and easy to navigate. i just dont like the colors but that is a personal thing. i am not that much into brown. i think myself if you make it orange it is a lot better. bleu and orange go well together. it makes a nice contrast. but that i personal. you did a good job here. -
First i want to sai that i have an autistic son and i am proud of him. i am proud to be his mom and h cannot embarres me in any way or in any situation, he sees the world not like we see it. i am proud of the way he can handle himelf in spite of his autisme in this sometimes verycold world. i take him everywhere, i donnot hide him or denie him. like i heard some do. he is a better person than the people that dont accept him. i must correct you here, there is not two sorts of autisim, no autistic person is the same as another. my son is autistic, classic autistic. and he is not the introvert type or the bouncing of the walls type. he is a really nice wonderfull kid. and yes they deserve a normal life like any other person. i also want to say that autistic dont mean that you are < i am lookin for words her since i am not english or american> mentally challenged. my son is really smart. he can point out all autobrands, he can read a few words. he can solve puzzles very well. and he can count. he can dress himself and when he wants something he wont stop trying till he succeeds. he is four years, and goes to normal school with a coach. he is normal intelligent to smart. when he goes to see the doctors, he was very sick last year, he is scared like any other kid.but the communication problem makes it hard to explain that the wont puttubes in his nose this time. he likes chocolat and icecream. he likes to ride a bike, and where other kids like to see cartoons he likes to watch commercials or introducingtunes from shows like friends. with his autism he likes familiar things. new situations are scaring him at times. not always like the books say , but it can.like goin to a public toilet. he thinks it is a hospital, all white and waiting people. at a moment like that i cannot get trough to him. he is lost in his fear. that is his main problem. the thing with autism is that the inormation we take in , arrives diffrently i their heads. they say that it comes in in bits and pieces. where we see the wole thing they get fragments. there are autistic people that can function very well in society. but some cant. a part of the problem is also accepting. cuz you ussually dont see in ther faces that they are autistic, unlike down syndrome. mainly autism is a communication thing. and well it is so annoying that when i walk with my son stare, not oncebut turn their heads like three times, who looks like a normal kid, but he behaves diffrent behaviour. like he flaps his hands and screams when he is happy. he cannot speak words, understand language very well. communicates with symbols and sounds. autism is a word for loads of diffrent things. it is like an umbrella for a neurological communication ( i dont want to sai the word dissorder) diffrence. the are no less at all. some know things or understand thing we have no knowlegde off. did you know albert einstein was also autistic? and one period in history autistic kids were seen as a kid with a close connection to god. there are also loads of negative explanations, like refrigiratormums, and changelings. which were allowed to be killed. any questions? ask. i cannot speak for all autistic people i know that. but i am an expert when it comes to my son.
hi all, this is a site a am working on for a client. the want polkadotred and well then they can have it. i am still working on it so lots of the links dont do a thing. just go see and give some honest opinion. it is goin to be a bag selling and stuff selling site. it is supossed to be a happyhappy joy girly site. suggestions are welcome