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An intergalactic superpower. We are so far from anything like that right now... But here is my plan of how it could become possible.Earth and it's inhabitants are on the brink of another world war already. Everything is collapsing, the economy of the United states, the resources of africa and such... Earth is close to reaching it's total population supporting level. we have 6 1/2 billion inhabitants now, the highest possible sustainable populaton being 8.5 billion. The world is currently in disarray, as world hunger is being brought on greater and greater in the places with high population growth because of failed economic resources. i say, if our world is to ever become organized and become an intergalactic superpower, that all must change.Here's how:the religious problems in the world are a great infulence on the economy, as resources from the middle east and western asia/eurasia are being cut off from the rest of the world. The united states is becoming too dependant on resources that are being depleted already. Europe and Australia are acually the most stable countries/regions in the world right now. Australia's resources for food are limited, as are europe's. Australia should be considered as a place to set up a new centrer of world goverment and power, while europe is changed to be a super-indeustrial region for a short period of time. Science needs to go into extremely heay research in the area of fast growing crops, and space travel research needs to be given unlimited resources.Earth first needs to solve world hunger if the fraction that is a thrid of it's population is ever going to become an economic strongpoint. once a way to grow food with some special gene or something is discovered, and enhanced to a dramatic point, world hunger would be solved. an example is this: a gen that will work for all plant life that could enhance it's growth by 10 times, and make it less reliant on water and minerals, but instead completely depend on energy, such as sunlight. Our resources for famring would be greatly enhanced this way, as places where rivers are dried up could become places of great culticvation and agriculture! with the nearly 2 billion people inm africa fed and added as a new economic force for production of resources, the economy of our world would increase nearly 30%.Next, there would need to be a year or so of financial freezing, as money would no longer be required in economy. a massive worldwide agreement to this would be needed, as no no money would be used to fund certain things, as people would be supported adequetly without them having to make money to get those things. the scientific programs could flourish, and with money problems out of the picture, resources for advancement would be unlimited. money would soon no longer be needed on our world, but instead trade would be used. international mass trade of goods. all people given equal support for themselves. this is still a slight problem, as crime and rebellion could arise form money no longer being used, as value of an object vcould be compromised. that problem would need to be solved somehow.but with this element of a new economic process, we could advance wour technology nearly 500% more than we have in the last century.after that, world peace would be achived, and everyone would have to agree to equalization, as opinions must be held back about beliefs and such to avoid disputes. all religions and beliefs would have to be considered equal, and disputes about which belief(s) are correct would have to be avoided, as that question would never be allowed to be asked again.this dea is far from what international martial law could do, and is much more effective.as space travel is mastered, mining operations on other planets could become established. first on the moon, and then mars. and then the asteroid belt of jupiter. the gases of jupiter and other gas panets could be siphoned for use to create oxygen, as it HAS BEEN PROVEN that any form of a state of matter can be transformed by mass transformation. such as turning deadly gases into oxygen, and turning acids into water! that possibility is proven, and can be done in mass quantities. siphoning such things from these massive gas giants such as juptiter, saturn, uranus, and neptune, could lend nearly unlimited resources for establishing colonies on other planets!imagine the possibilities! overlook the problems with this plan for now, they can be solved later.
6th Sense? Do we have another sense?
Hyperious replied to TypoMage's topic in Science and Technology
perhaps this sixth sense is an undeveloped human ablity progressing as humans become more and more intelligent in their progression of advancement. as in some sci-fi shows, theories of higher planes of existence and such are shown and explained theoretically. -
6th Sense? Do we have another sense?
Hyperious replied to TypoMage's topic in Science and Technology
i belive this too! i remember that when i was very young, and starwars 1-3 weren't even out yet and i hadn't seen 4-6, i had had "visions" at times of things from starwars. i rember once seeing kamino and the imperial city on coruscant while playing as a child before i ever saw starwars, even the millenium falcon, death star, lightsabers, battle droids, clone troopers, and a few more things. then i saw those things in thr actual movies, and it was weird! as if i had seen parts of the movies, evwen rembering certain scens before seeing them! i one had visions of wha my next pet would be, a back and white sheltie, and it came true! i really think we may all have a hidden 6th sense! -
i wish games like tha were singleplayer... if only runescape had a singleplayer version, where you could invite friends to play with you though on that singleplayer game too, instead of having tons of rabid players killing you all over the place. the wilderness gets annoying, as you can't really survive out there due to all those big players... i with i had world of warcraft... and a better computer.ever tried making money off of stocks online? like at e-trade? it's hard, but if you're good enough at it, you could make hundreds, even thousands. i'm not advertising e-trade though, just suggesting it as an option.
Hmm... very interesting guide. my english isn't very good, so bear with me. I have never actually taken a matial arts training class, but i have leanred much from my uncle in the means of self defense, and agressive defensive styles. I have devised a special fighting style, based off of what i have laened from my uncle. I live in las vegas, so it is necessary that i know such techniques if the need for self defense arises. and it has before, about 4 times.So, here is a special small guide to my/my uncle's special technique of self defense.As you have read above, physical conditioning is vital to being able to adequetly defend yourself or flee, but for those of you who are more, 'incapable' , this tactic of defense will likely serve you well.it requires the use of great agility, so you need to have a linber, fast body to properly exercise this technique.The first part of this technique includes the use of a weapon.melee aggressive combat defense:if you are walking along, such as in a park, by several enemies, use of a long weapon is useful, such as a tough, blunt staff, perhaps quickly fashioned from a fallen treebranch. use the more blunted end of the staff for stabbing attacks intead of the sharp end. this is a key tactic to this form of using a staff in defense. never give the enemies a chance to side attack you, but instead, get up close to the enemy, and use blunt attacking force. slash your makeshift staff on both sides of the enemy, freferably hitting his ribcage ara, and harmlessly knowcking the creath out of him/her. if the enemy is able to take this attack without flinching, resort a more fast paced stabbing attack. first stab your enemy with the tough, blunt end of your staff, then sideswipe his legs to take him down. be sure to be constantly swinging around to make quick jabs at the other enemies to disorientate them. if you are trapped, and the eneies are getting used to your attacks, resort to dual-weilding attacks. attempt to use two swordlike weapons in unison, and if the enemy is armed with say, a knifwe or gun, use these dual swods to grabs the wapon out of his hands and launch it into the air. then catch it and use it instead. if it is a gun, aim for your enemies' legs, as this is the most effective solution of disabling your opponent if they are very dangerous and this meathod of disabling them with a gun is normally legal in most of the world, allowing you to be able to avoid a court-matial or sueing by the opponent(s) you defended yourself from. if the weapon was a knife, aim for vital areas that will not kill the enemy, such as the lower spinal cord. in doing this, yoy will likely temporarily parilyze the enemy. in other methods, aim for your enemies' upper arms and shoulders, but aim for the back of their arms and the top of their shoulders, as anyplace else will likely ensue in massive bleeding and death of the enemy form puncturing an enemies' artery.now, onto the next part. unarmed combat:in unarmed combat, attempt to take down your enemy and knock him onto his frontside on the ground. aim for the legs in back of him to do this. once he/she is down, quickly make swift, hard kicks at their shoulders and elbows to keep them form getting back up. then, unless if your enemy is dazzed and unconcious form his arms being broken, leave him and get police. but if he is still armed to the point of still being a threat, swiftly but not too hard, kick his lower neck just below the 3rd vertebrae of his neck. this should effectely parylyse and disabel him witout permanent damage to him. although, if you attack him too extensively in this neck region, you may kill him. there are several other tacticas i haven't mentioned yet, those that include more defensive tactics that don't leave you so open to attack.