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  1. hi,before u can use php template system, u should have preliminary knowledge on php+html.the simplest and i still use it till now, is fasttemplate. its not developed again, but it's so mature and easy to use. there's no programming at all in template.most modern template system allow u to insert small program there.btw,why we should use template system?a. to separate between html and programming (php) part. so, designer and programming can start work together in the same time.b. make the html easy to maintain. most designer use wysiwyg html editor, in contrast, programmer use text editorc. make the source code cleaner, because all html part reside on the template.that's all i know for now..cheers,
  2. no need to worry about that.so many software bundle that will automize installing php, apache and mysql at one click.if i were u, i will make google to be my best friend. learning spirit is the most important and good tutorial links also important. so, start googling then..cheers,
  3. i agree with u, mozilla development team is one of the best development team. they have so many products and keep developing most of their products. i know that firefox will consume much memory but i can accept that because it has so many feature and support javascript better than the other browser. it has so many extension, theme, plugin, add-on, etc etc.. above of all, it's free.
  4. if u wanna have full control on html editing and simple wysiwyg gui, then use dreamweaver. notepad and any text editor are very good for the one who has deep knowledge on html, in contrast frontpage try to hide all html mystery by using it's GUI.if we compare someone who start learning web authoring, all of dreamweaver starter will have good knowledge on html, frontpage user will only remember how to use the software and not even know html.so if u want to learn html and web authoring in one packet, use dreamweaver.cheers,
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