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Posts posted by Hellmonkeys

  1. Wow, a handheld Grand Theft Auto sounds amazing. That series of games is by far my favorite. They are so well made and are so addicting. The PSP is pretty powerful, and I think the Grand Theft Auto game will be great for it. I hope that if they do release it, that they will release it on PS2 or PC or something as well, because I don't plan on buying a PSP :).

  2. I am also for cloning. I think it can be useful for a ton of things. For example, they can use it to create tissue and organs to keep people alive. As long as it doesn't get out of hand, I think cloning should be explored more in depth. Also, cloning can elimate the flaws of humans by cloning people without these flaws. Having every person all the same would suck, but, I think what we should really be trying to discover about is DNA modification, so you can remove some of the bad things about us. I guess this is still controversial, and it will always be a hot topic :).

  3. I think this mp3 storgae spcae is really starting to get out of hand, i mean, who actaully has time to listen 25 000 songs?!


    Well, a lot of the MP3 players can also store other data on these hard drives as well. Basically it is just a portal hard drive.


    But yeah, hard drives are getting getting huge amounts of storage for small amounts of size. The 3.5 inch drives are pretty cool as well.

  4. That is sad :). There were so many innocent lives lost in Iraq. And all for what? Nothing. There was no reason for the thousands of soldier deaths, and many more civial deaths.I don't get why the insurgants attack civilians. That is so stupid... they didn't even do anything. I don't mind them killing soldiers, because they have willingly risked their lives to fight against them. But civilians? That's just sick...

  5. The weird thing about this is that the kid took his grandfather's gun, police car, and bulletproof vest. The kid used the police's own gear to kill several people... rather ironic.But, I think this is terrible that it happened. Why would anyone ever do this? :) The worst part about this is that the kid is only 16. He is so young, yet he kills his grandparents as well as several of his classmates? How sad...

  6. Haha, that is hilarious. PHP a derivative of PCP... what a joke, hahahaha. That must be a good school if the teachers think a programming language is a drug B). Just because they are ignorant doesn't mean they have to punish the kid :). Maybe he should have typed in "PHP" on google and would have seen 10 million results about it being a programming language. But hey, I guess that would be too easy.

  7. That is good that it got abolished for teenagers. However, I think it should be removed completely. The death penalty is pointless. There is no reason that anyone should be killed by the government. One reason that it should be gone is because of all the false accusations. There have been way too many cases where someone was sentanced to death and then they discovered he was innocent after he was already dead. The only way to prevent this is to just get rid of it completely.

  8. Yes, I have to agree with you here. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is probablly one of the best, if not the best, RPG that I have ever played. The story was excellent and there was so many things you could do. There was plenty of side quests and other things that you could deal with in several different ways to effect your rank from light to dark, or vice versa.Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II is also just as good as the first. It took everything from the first one and made it better.I suggest playing either of these great games, because that are amazing :).

  9. My internet connection is cable internet. It has 4 mbps download and 300 kbps upload speeds. The download speed is extremely good, however, the upload is pretty *BLEEP*. I think cable connections just can't have good upload speed, which kind of sucks. But, I like my connection either way and I can download things pretty damn fast :). Oh, and, it only costs $45/month.

  10. I am not sure about the Pros and Cons, but I have to say that I am an AMD fan. I just like their processors a lot better, for some unkown reason. But the one thing that I do like about them is that they are a LOT cooler than Intel's chips (at least the Athlon 64 vs. Pentium 4). But, other than this, I am not sure about the pros and cons.But, I have always used AMD, and until Intel creates something amazing with amazing NEW features, I am going to stick with AMD.

  11. I have left my computer on for 24/7 for YEARS now. I turn it off once in awhile for things such as vacations, etc., but that is very rare. And I have NEVER had any problems with leaving it on. Just make sure that you don't do something stupid like leave the door of the room shut or break the fans :).One thing that is bad about it is the energy bills. Computers take quite a bit of power to operate, so it costs quite a bit to run it, but I don't have to pay for it so I don't care B).Another thing that could cause problems is that leaving it on reduces the fan life. Fans do have a limited time span for ~50,000 hours (http://www.thermaltake.com/home.aspx?aspxerrorpath=/coolers/volcano/rs/a1725.htm). This is a lot of hours, but I guess it could cause some problems down the road.

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