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Everything posted by Rosaline

  1. That exercise sounds very relaxing, I love that it focuses on the "beauty" of "you." Yoga and meditation have always impressed me like that. Reading that exercise makes me want to try it, but every experience I've had with meditation and yoga hasn't been extremely rewarding. Thinking about it sounds awesome, but I think I get distracted easily by thoughts and have a hard time just sitting there and being silent.I find pilates is another useful method of relaxation, especially some of the stretching moves. It is similar to yoga, but a little more active, which is good for me since I have that whole can't-sit-still problem.I suppose yoga and meditation is a practice makes perfect sort of thing. I really should get in the habit of meditating more often. I'll be sure to try this exercise, so thanks for posting it!
  2. Personally, I don't go tanning in tanning beds because of the whole skin cancer thing (minor detail XD)... still, I've always thought about it, just because of how high society holds tan skin compared to pale skin.I have my own ways to "tan" though and was wondering what you all thought about the pros and cons of tanning beds?I usually just spend a lot of time outside on sunny days and hope to get a natural one. Or, for winter and colder days, I'll use tanning lotion. I use Bath and Body Works tanning lotion, it doesn't leave streaks and generally comes out with a good, natural looking tan color. I'm assuming some people have had bad experiences with the lotion and was wondering if there were any brands to avoid or brands that worked very well. I've never really used a bad brand. The only bad thing about lotion is that it takes awhile to slather it all on, sometimes you can miss spots, and sometimes if your skin is rougher in certain areas it will be a weird dark orange color. So you have to be careful and apply it lightly to these areas.Also, it has a smell. It's not necessarily bad, it's sort of citrusy but it's not always pleasant. It smells real bad until you shower four hours later, but even after you shower it still lingers some. It's not horrible, but I usually don't use the lotion the night before I have a big date or anything. Don't want to cover up the pheremones ;;Any other personal experiences or horror stories? Or do you just use tanning beds?Oh, another thing about tanning beds... the ones here are so expensive! I find it cheaper to just get the lotion or hang out outside.
  3. Although science continues to advance to explain otherwise religiously explained ideas, I believe that religion will always exist in our world. What do you think? Here's MY thoughts. I'd love to hear yours :lol:Science has given explanations that, before, were only offered up in texts such as the Bible were the only explanations. For example, the issue of how life came to be. Before, cultures from around the world would attribute this phenomenon of life to some fable or myth revolving around a divine power. In Christianity, it is the story about how God created the world in seven days. Now, modern science has offered up the explanation of the Big Bang Theory and Evolution to explain this phenomenon. Because of this, it seems like religions purpose?to explain the unexplainable?is no longer necessary. Science has answered a lot of questions that make religious explanations less reliable.However, science still has left many things unanswered. For example, even if you do believe in the Big Bang Theory, it still doesn?t answer everything. What started the Big Bang? And what created whatever started the Big Bang? Science and research cannot answer these questions, because logically, there would never be an end. Something had to create the something that created something. Religion, however, explains the unexplainable because it suggests another plane of existence and a higher power who can perform things that seem impossible to us as humans. Because science cannot offer up explanations to every earthly question, religion will always be a solution to such inquiries.Also, to those who truly believe in their religion, no matter how much science advances, they will always believe in their God. This is especially true in cultures and tribes that don?t focus on science or technology; they still have no scientific answer and will always turn to a higher power. Also, for me as a Christian, I truly believe that God exists because I feel like I have felt His presence in my life. That, for me, is more real than any logical or scientific explanation, so He will always be a part of my life. I think people like me will continue to pass on their beliefs to their children, and although some generations down the line God may not play as big of a role in our society, there will always be someone who believes and who promotes that belief. After all, close-minded people are never going to change their beliefs. So, because there will always be people who feel God, there will always be people who believe in Him.I also think that religion will always have a place in society because it fills an empty void that reason and logic cannot. Everyone searches for a purpose, and a lot of people have found that purpose through believing in a higher power. Also, the belief in a God offers up an explanation as to what happens after death. The fear of dying is a huge fear in our society, one that only religion can help lessen through it?s philosophies of an after life. Because it offers such a comforting outlook, the necessity of God in our society will always be there. Also, God provides a set of moral code and proper behavior and the punishment/reward to encourage the following of these rules. Even though moral behavior still exists in the lives of people who do not believe in God, His presence in our world definitely causes people to follow it. Without that, I think the motivation to be good would not be as great. The necessity of God in our society, again, outweighs any chance that he will ever fade completely.So, although science, logic, and reason may seem to be destroying God, there is always the chance that it only goes to prove his necessity all the more, therefore, God is definitely not going to be merely a thing of the past. What do you think?
  4. Hello everyone!I figure since this is the book forum, it would be an interesting debate to try and define literature. My thoughts aren't necessarily right, and I'd love to hear what you have to say! :lol:In the simplest of terms. I believe that literature is any piece of written word that contains meaning. Most of the time it also revolves around a central plot or idea. I also believe that it always has characters, whether that is simply the poetic voice or the different people in a play or novel. These characters can even be animals or objects that are personified.I believe that there are many different types of literature, but I feel that the motivation behind writing it is usually the same. Literature always reflects on the society and culture of the world. It is a way that people can observe their world through art and writing. So in the same sense that the world changes as time passes, so too does the style of literature. Literature always contains some sort of moral or theme, often times relating to problems of current society; for example, sexism or racism.I don't think that literature became more important over time, however, I do believe that literature from the past now has a more historical aspect that didn't exist at the time of itis publishing. This is simply because now we can learn more about the world at that time much in the same way we would inspect cave paintings :DI think that the historical aspect of literature is one of the reasons why we study it. It allows us a creative looking glass into the world at that time. We temporarily get inside of the mind of the author and, therefore, live in their time through their perspective of the world. Even though all fiction pieces of literature are not actually written historically or with the intention of being historical, we can still learn a lot about the problems and beliefs of people at that time.Another reason why we study literature is because by studying it we learn morals and lessons that help explain, justify, and give meaning to life and the world. It is an artistic way to explore the unexplainable. In science and math, you can't study the difference between right and wrong, the power of love, or the courage of man. Only through literature can we immerse ourselves in these ideas.Lastly, literature is fun. It is a form of entertainment that almost every one enjoys at one point in their life. Stories and poems allow us to travel to different worlds, meet new people, and go on exciting adventures. Our imaginations are given a chance to flourish through writing and reading, bringing to life colorful images and people that before were simply flat text on a page.Well... what do you think? Agree or disagree with me? Gotta love literature, either way
  5. Unfortunetly I can't shave my head, lol, though that does sound tempting! Guys don't realize just how much work girls put into their hair XDI've managed to find a style that works with my hair and doesn't require much time, but I still like to wear it down and straight sometimes because I like switching it up. I just wish there was another way besides the heating method.No one else has heard of the straightening stuff that works like a perm, but the opposite? I really want to know if it works, because otherwise I'm not investing the money in it. ;;
  6. I agree with everything said here. You just have to keep working hard. I wouldn't suggest over-using pills or other over-the-counter substances to increase your weight, as that's usually going to be a temporary fix. You'd be better off, and much more healthy, if you set up a daily/weekly exercise routine and stuck with it. Just keep trying, once you do it enough it will seem less like a chore and more like a habit that you'll WANT to do.Good luck! Keep us updated
  7. I think it is rare that anyone actually as a CAREER as an actor due to the fact that you get rejected so much you can't consider it stable. However, I am planning on being a Theatre/Education Major and was wondering if there were any others out there who are pursuing theatre as a job or at least as something to get paid on the side. I'm planning on teaching theatre at the high school level but then during the summers auditioning for whatever chances I can get.My college's theatre professor says that I would get called back using monologues that I've rehearsed, and she seems very encouraging about me pursuing this, so I am assuming I have some talent. All the same, it would be a hard process to start small and get paid nearly nothing. Has anyone gone through this before?I absolutely adore theatre, and simply working as an english/drama teacher at a high school while directing high school plays (like one a semester) would be fabulous. I would love to talk to theatre people who are interested in the art of acting or directing or anything else, especially those who are thinking of pursuing it further or who actually have. I know a lot of people who moved to Chicago this year after they graduated from my college to try and make a go at it. It's exciting, but scary!
  8. Has anyone else read The Time Traveler's Wife? This is one of my favorite books, it is probably the best novel I have ever come across. You should definitely check it out if you like romance, but even if you hate romance, this book is still amazing. The concept of it is that a woman is married to a man who randomly travels in time (something he can't control) and how each of them deal with it. It is written in a diary format, switching narratives between the wife and the man, as well as times. The ending is fantastic, I don't want to ruin it for you but you should definitely check it out. I couldn't believe how awesome it was, a friend suggested it to me and I was iffy at first because I'm not really into sci-fi/time travel, but it was fabulous.Every girl will love it for the romance XD It is so sweet.READ IT!!
  9. Hey there!Just wondering if any one else out there has curly/wavy hair and wants straight hair. I don't mind the curls and the wave, but my hair has this bad habbit where the front half is curly and the back half is pretty straight. And it's a frizzy sort of curly. So I'm pretty fond of straightening it, but I know how horrible hot irons are for your hair, so I've been looking into straightening products... you know, gels and stuff you put in your hair. I usually use Frizz-Ease, which doesn't actually help straighten it that much but it definitely is good for a long-lasting anti-frizz, especially in hot weather.I've seen those straightening packs that are like perms, but the opposite... like chemicals that you put in your hair to straighten it. Has anyone else seen these, or do you know what I'm talking about? I'm not sure if they work... also, not sure if they work on colored hair, which is what I have. Anyone have any experience with these? Thanks!
  10. Hello! I have successfully installed a phpbb2 forum on my site... (HORRAY)... but now I am trying to install EasyMod for it, but it is not working correctly. Has anyone had success with this? If so, can you give me step-by-step instructions, maybe I am doing something wrong? I fill out everything, including login information to my ftp, and get this message: Notice from serverph: added quote tags as needed. please use appropriate bbcode tags as required in your posts.
  11. Ugh I am so fed up, I'm just going to wait for fantastico to start working again so it will do it for me.
  12. UGH now it's not working again and I'm having the same problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KLJgfl;kdsjaf;dlsajf;dsaf
  13. Can you let me know how to do it using the cpanel? I just want to make sure I did it, lol.And now things are getting iffy again, because it won't let me log into the admin control panel on my forum because it says I'm missing a file. So it looks like I'm going to try deleting and reinstalling again . Oh, life.
  14. Uhm... how do you go about doing that? lol
  15. I think I might have found the problem... I have to make a username/password combo for the Database to use, right?
  16. I didn't change anything with the permissions of the database, but yeah, I did username_databasename.
  17. That's what I've been using. I've deleted everything and started again three times, and still no luck.This is awful
  18. It is in...public_html/forum/phpBB2/install/install.php
  19. I am getting very frustrated as I cannot for the life of me figure out how to install phpbb completely.I've uploaded all the files using FTPSmart. I think clicked on the install.php fine, and was taken to the screen where I fill everything out. It says I successfully did all that:Your admin username has been created. At this point your basic installation is complete. You will now be taken to a screen which will allow you to administer your new installation. Please be sure to check the General Configuration details and make any required changes. Thank you for choosing phpBB 2.-----However, when I click on the "Finish Installation" button, it takes me right back to the Install PHPBB screen that I already filled out!!!I am so confused and frustrated by this and cannot get it to work. Please help!
  20. Awesome, I will definitely use that!! Thank you so much!
  21. Definitely dogs. I absolutely adore how loyal and lovable they are, regardless of the fact that they take more effort to care for and such. My cousin and her husband have a tiny little dog breed to remain small its entire life, and a huge husky. I think they are probably the most adorable pets ever because they curl up and take naps together... it is definitely a sight to see! Ever since I've wanted the same pairing... a tiny and a big dog.Of course, I also love monkeys... lol. Pet monkeys would rock.
  22. Thank you very much! I would appreciate that a ton.Also... is it likely that fantastico will be up again soon? And is going at it that way simpler, so would it be wisest if I wait?Thanks again!!
  23. Hello!I was just wondering how I go about installing the phpbb forum on my site. I assume I go somewhere from the CPanel? I think someone told me that the CPanel has something that installs it for me automatically.Thank you!
  24. I agree, it does sound a lot like lust. Well, not necessarily LUST, because it's not that you just want her for her body, but in your post you said "I want" a lot. And to be quite honest, I don't think love is about "I want." I think it's about the both of you. I think your main concern should just be making her happy, becoming her friend first and showing her how wonderful YOU are. If she's not equally dedicated to being your friend and making YOU happy, then I don't think you'd want her to be your gf to begin with, you know what I mean? You shouldn't feel like the only reason you want to be with her is because of an "indescribable WANT." It should be because of love, or the possibility of love. So just relax, don't be so stressed about it and don't be so obsessive about wanting her, because that'll just scare her away. Take it slow, let her know how you feel after you guys get closer, and see what happens. Build the trust, that way you know that nothing bad will happen even if she says know, because you guys are still friends and such.So I guess the best advice I can say is take it slow. People get so wrapped up in the emotions of a possible relationship that they forget the important steps that are necessary to "get what you want". Good luck!
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