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Posts posted by nol

  1. Wasn't there something like this, like a big thing about shutting down limewire because of the mass illegal mp3 and video downloading on it? But they allowed limewire because it still does serve a purpose of torrents that aren't legal (however I don't think there are too many uses for limewire really, besides the downloading of illegal mp3s)

  2. So, I added that, and then it wouldn't let me try to test it because it would say that I needed to fill out all the fields, so on shoutbox.js I took out

    /***************************///@Author: Adrian "yEnS" Mato Gondelle & Ivan Guardado Castro//@website: http://yensdesign.com///@email: yensamg@gmail.com//@license: Feel free to use it, but keep this credits please!					/***************************/$(document).ready(function(){	//global vars	var inputUser = $("#nick");	var inputMessage = $("#message");	var loading = $("#loading");	var messageList = $(".content > ul");		//functions	function updateShoutbox(){		//just for the fade effect		messageList.hide();		loading.fadeIn();		//send the post to shoutbox.php		$.ajax({			type: "POST", url: "shoutbox.php", data: "action=update",			complete: function(data){				loading.fadeOut();				messageList.html(data.responseText);				messageList.fadeIn(2000);			}		});	}	//check if all fields are filled	function checkForm(){		if(inputUser.attr("value") && inputMessage.attr("value"))			return true;		else			return false;	}		//Load for the first time the shoutbox data	updateShoutbox();		//on submit event	$("#form").submit(function(){		if(checkForm()){			var nick = inputUser.attr("value");			var message = inputMessage.attr("value");			//we deactivate submit button while sending			$("#send").attr({ disabled:true, value:"Sending..." });			$("#send").blur();			//send the post to shoutbox.php			$.ajax({				type: "POST", url: "shoutbox.php", data: "action=insert&nick=" + nick + "&message=" + message,				complete: function(data){					messageList.html(data.responseText);					updateShoutbox();					//reactivate the send button					$("#send").attr({ disabled:false, value:"Shout it!" });				}			 });		}		else alert("Please fill all fields!");		//we prevent the refresh of the page after submitting the form		return false;	});});

  3. Basically, but this assumes the user is always logged in. Also, make sure you have filtered that session variable and that the session variable gets parsed within the string.

    As in the session starts and includes that the user must be logged in? I've got session starting, and I've got it so if the user is not logged in, it will redirect them to the login page, otherwise it shows the shoutbox. I'll try it I haven't added it in just yet though.
    So when I try and include my function.php I get

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/openpoli/public_html/shoutbox.php on line 40

    which is my

    $query = sprintf("INSERT INTO shoutbox(user, message) VALUES('$_SESSION['username']', '%s');", mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($user)),

  4. so in the line:

    function insertMessage($user, $message){	$query = sprintf("INSERT INTO shoutbox(user, message) VALUES('%s', '%s');", mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($user)), mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($message)));

    Should I add something like:


    Into where it says values of user (%s)?

    so it would look like:

    function insertMessage($user, $message){	$query = sprintf("INSERT INTO shoutbox(user, message) VALUES('$_SESSION['username']', '%s');", mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($user)), mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($message)));

  5. Here is the tutorial I am using:


    I am just wondering how would I, instead of using a form for the username, where they type in their name could I have it where instead the server would automatically post the username they are logged in with into the database? I'm guessing this would be something like the way you would make a user integrated forum system, but I'm not too familiar with ajax nor can I find too many tutorials on the internet for it, so does anybody think they could tell me how I would go about this?

    So basically, instead of the user typing in their username, they just need to type in a message, and their username (from the current session) will be posted.

  6. Array(	[PHPSESSID] => c9871b5bf1d74a136490d1a06c898c74	[openpoli_wiki_openpoli__session] => ed8da09f52b5e426b0d9f8652ea09760)


    oh and then I tried logging in,

    Array(	[SMFCookie683] => a:4:{i:0;s:1:\"1\";i:1;s:40:\"3bcb588b7556304359a762ce248c69c3c8d1ed83\";i:2;i:1434077628;i:3;i:0;}	[PHPSESSID] => 9837d5f6f0d3c2566b50d11496f619da)

    idk exactly what we are looking for?

  7. well it might be something with my coding of my index page, wher ei coded it to show the login box if your set to anonymous (as in not logged in), and to say hi if you are logged in, but it won't show hi and always shows the login box so im guessing it is to do with the cookies? or am i guessing wrong?

  8. Theres a script I am using, that deals with users sessions and cookies. I'm having a problem with this portion of the code because I don't have any clue on what to put.

    # The name of the cookie that contains the user's information# Note: Due to a bug in PHP, COOKIE_DOMAIN must contain at least two decimals  $USER_COOKIE   = "u_info";$COOKIE_DOMAIN = ".localhost.openpolitiks.com";  # $SERVER_NAME;$COOKIE_PATH   = "/";

    I left the $USER_COOKIE part alone, but I changed the $COOKIE_DOMAIN (don't remember what they had but it didn't work), so what should it be? as it doesn't seem to hold user stuff?

    here is the full script:


  9. i tried that before, and it wouldn't put anything else into the database before then. Tried it in multiple places, still get the unexpected T_STRING, it's something to do with that new line of code because it keeps giving me unexpected T_STRING in same spot, but if i take it away, it's fine (but it doesn't add to mysql databse :()edit: Oh alright I didn't see your post before truefusion, I tried what I think you meant? I checked the code blocks, I only saw 1 other switch, but I did see what you mean as me having a switch within a switch, so this is what I did:

    <?// confirm.php$mode = $_POST['mode']; // Make sure a mode is specified.	if ($mode == "") {	print("No mode specified.  Please contact the webmaster to have this problem fixed.");	die();	}require("vars.php"); // Get mysql info.mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die("MySQL connection error.");mysql_select_db($db) or die("No such database."); // Connect to the right database	switch ($mode) {	case "register";		// First, check to make sure that all the data is filled in.	$username = $_POST['username']; // Min 4, Max 16	$password = $_POST['password']; // Min 4, Max 10	$cpassword = $_POST['cpassword']; // Min 4, Max 10	$email = $_POST['email']; // Min 4, Max 40			if ($username == "") {		header("Location: register.php?error=1&email=$email");		die();		}		if ($password == "") {		header("Location: register.php?error=2&email=$email&username=$username");		die();		}		if ($cpassword == "") {		header("Location: register.php?error=3&email=$email&username=$username");		die();		}		if ($email == "") {		header("Location: register.php?error=4&username=$username");		die();		}		// Check to see if the passwords match		if ($password != $cpassword) {		header("Location: register.php?error=5&username=$username&email=$email");		die();		}		// Now check the minimum lengths		// Check the maximum lengths		if (strlen($username) > 15) {		header("Location: register.php?error=9&username=$username&email=$email");		die();		}		if (strlen($password) > 50) {		header("Location: register.php?error=10&username=$username&email=$email");		die();		}		if (strlen($email) > 40) {		header("Location: register.php?error=11&username=$username&email=$email");		die();		}	// Now check to make sure that we don't have the same username.	$temp = strtolower($username);	$query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(LOWER(username)) FROM users WHERE username='$temp'");	$result = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM);		if ($result[0] != 0) {		die();		}	// Check for duplicate email addresses.	$temp = strtolower($email);	$query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(LOWER(email)) FROM users where email='$email'");	$result = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM);		if ($result[0] != 0) {		die();		}	// We have completed all the checks.	// MD5 the password.	$password = md5($password);	// Insert the data into the user page.        mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (username, password, email) VALUES ('$username','$password','$email)");        mysql_query("INSERT INTO other (current,possible) VALUES ($current,$energypossible)");        mysql_query("INSERT INTO item2 (current,bank23) VALUES ('$current2','$bank23')");	// Redirect to login page	}if ( isSet($_POST['submit']) ){echo '<pre>';print_r($_POST);echo '</pre>';{switch( strToLower($_POST['class']) ){ case "1":$result = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET field1='10,field3='12' where id=$id");break;case "2":$result = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET field1='3,field3='10'where id=$id");break;case "3":$result = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET field1='6,field3='14' where id=$id");break;case "4":$result = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET field1='2,field3='8' where id=$id");break;case "5":$result = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET field1='9,field3='12' where id=$id");break;case "6":$result = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET field1='5,field3='10' where id=$id");}}	switch ($mode) {	case "login":	// Get user data	$username = $_POST['username'];	$password = $_POST['password'];		if ($username == "") {		header("Location: main.php?error=1");		die();		}		if ($password == "") {		header("Location: main.php?error=2");		die();		}	// MD5 the password.  Lower the username	$password = md5($password);	$username1 = strtolower($username);	$query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(LOWER(username)), id FROM users where username='$username' GROUP BY username");	$result = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM);		if ($result[0] != 1) {		header("Location: main.php?error=3");		die();		}	$query = mysql_query("select password from users where id=$result[1]");	$id1 = $result[1];	$result = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM);		if ($result[0] == $password) {		session_start();		$_SESSION['id'] = $id1;		// Get the actual user name		$query = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users where id=$id1");		$result = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM);		$username = $result[0];		$_SESSION['username'] = $username;		$_SESSION['password'] = $password;		// Check to see if they want to be logged in for a week.		$week = $_POST['week'];			if ($week == "yes") {			// add the cookie data			// find out the time a week from now			$time = time();			$time1 = 7 * 24;			$time1 = $time1 * 60 *60;			$time = $time + $time1;			setcookie("username", $username, $time,"/");			setcookie("password", $password, $time,"/");			setcookie("id", $id1,$time,"/");			setcookie("signedin","true",$time,"/");			}		header("Location: home.php");		die();		} else {		header("Location: main.php?error=3");		}		}

    still same thing is happening, and I think at least that I ended the switches where I'm supposed to? The thing is this script is my login/register processes script, so that is why I have the mode switch at the top. Should I just take out those switches and just make a seperate login and register script?

  10. i did that, and it still doesn't seem to do much good. doesn't display anything on the process.php page or anything, and the database still acts same way.

    <?// confirm.php$mode = $_POST['mode']; // Make sure a mode is specified.	if ($mode == "") {	print("No mode specified.  Please contact the webmaster to have this problem fixed.");	die();	}require("vars.php"); // Get mysql info.mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die("MySQL connection error.");mysql_select_db($db) or die("No such database."); // Connect to the right database	switch ($mode) {	case "register";	// First, check to make sure that all the data is filled in.	$username = $_POST['username']; // Min 4, Max 16	$password = $_POST['password']; // Min 4, Max 10	$cpassword = $_POST['cpassword']; // Min 4, Max 10	$email = $_POST['email']; // Min 4, Max 40		if ($username == "") {		header("Location: register.php?error=1&email=$email");		die();		}		if ($password == "") {		header("Location: register.php?error=2&email=$email&username=$username");		die();		}		if ($cpassword == "") {		header("Location: register.php?error=3&email=$email&username=$username");		die();		}		if ($email == "") {		header("Location: register.php?error=4&username=$username");		die();		}		// Check to see if the passwords match		if ($password != $cpassword) {		header("Location: register.php?error=5&username=$username&email=$email");		die();		}		// Now check the minimum lengths		// Check the maximum lengths		if (strlen($username) > 15) {		header("Location: register.php?error=9&username=$username&email=$email");		die();		}		if (strlen($password) > 50) {		header("Location: register.php?error=10&username=$username&email=$email");		die();		}		if (strlen($email) > 40) {		header("Location: register.php?error=11&username=$username&email=$email");		die();		}	// Now check to make sure that we don't have the same username.	$temp = strtolower($username);	$query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(LOWER(username)) FROM users WHERE username='$temp'");	$result = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM);		if ($result[0] != 0) {		die();		}	// Check for duplicate email addresses.	$temp = strtolower($email);	$query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(LOWER(email)) FROM users where email='$email'");	$result = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM);		if ($result[0] != 0) {		die();		}	// We have completed all the checks.	// MD5 the password.	$password = md5($password);	mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (username, password, email) VALUES ('$username','$password','$email)");	mysql_query("INSERT INTO other (current,possible) VALUES ($current,$energypossible)");	mysql_query("INSERT INTO item2 (current,bank23) VALUES ('$current2','$bank23')");if ( isSet($_POST['submit']) ){echo '<pre>';print_r($_POST);echo '</pre>';{   switch( strToLower($_POST['class']) )   {    case "1":	$result = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET field1='10,field3='12'");break;  case "2":	$result = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET field1='3,field3='10'");break;    case "3":	$result = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET field1='6,field3='14'");break;    case "4":	$result = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET field1='2,field3='8'");break;    case "5":	$result = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET field1='9,field3='12'");break;  case "6":	$result = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET field1='5,field3='10'");	break;}break;   }}}	break;	case "login":	// Get user data	$username = $_POST['username'];	$password = $_POST['password'];		if ($username == "") {		header("Location: main.php?error=1");		die();		}		if ($password == "") {		header("Location: main.php?error=2");		die();		}	// MD5 the password.  Lower the username	$password = md5($password);	$username1 = strtolower($username);	$query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(LOWER(username)), id FROM users where username='$username' GROUP BY username");	$result = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM);		if ($result[0] != 1) {		header("Location: main.php?error=3");		die();		}	$query = mysql_query("select password from users where id=$result[1]");	$id1 = $result[1];	$result = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM);		if ($result[0] == $password) {		session_start();		$_SESSION['id'] = $id1;		// Get the actual user name		$query = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users where id=$id1");		$result = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM);		$username = $result[0];		$_SESSION['username'] = $username;		$_SESSION['password'] = $password;		// Check to see if they want to be logged in for a week.		$week = $_POST['week'];			if ($week == "yes") {			// add the cookie data			// find out the time a week from now			$time = time();			$time1 = 7 * 24;			$time1 = $time1 * 60 *60;			$time = $time + $time1;			setcookie("username", $username, $time,"/");			setcookie("password", $password, $time,"/");			setcookie("id", $id1,$time,"/");			setcookie("signedin","true",$time,"/");			}		header("Location: home.php");		die();		} else {		header("Location: main.php?error=3");		die();		}	break;	}

    is what i have now if that makes a difference, and the case "login" part is considered an unexpected T_STRING? it wasn't before?

  11. I did have a few errors with my script itself before, but they were just headers being sent twice, and I fixed it, so I'm thinking that it is fine. Here is what I am experiencing:Basically, the user is trying to register, so he enters username, password, and a confirm password, and email, and then picks a class. Depending on the class it changes other fields, which otherwise are being automatically set as '1' when created. I think when I do that I'm having the problem. The database connection is fine, I get no errors. I see all the information in the databases, such as username, password (in md5 hash), and email, and all the other fields set as 1. So I don't exactly know what that means, as to what is going on anyways. Here is exactly the script I'm working with.this is script.php (its actually called process.php on my webhost, but i called it script.php because thats what i called it above)

    <?// confirm.php$mode = $_POST['mode']; // Make sure a mode is specified.   if ($mode == "") {   print("No mode specified.  Please contact the webmaster to have this problem fixed.");   die();   }require("vars.php"); // Get mysql info.mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die("MySQL connection error.");mysql_select_db($db) or die("No such database."); // Connect to the right database   switch ($mode) {   case "register";   // First, check to make sure that all the data is filled in.   $username = $_POST['username']; // Min 4, Max 16   $password = $_POST['password']; // Min 4, Max 10   $cpassword = $_POST['cpassword']; // Min 4, Max 10   $email = $_POST['email']; // Min 4, Max 40	  if ($username == "") {	  header("Location: register.php?error=1&email=$email");	  die();	  }	  if ($password == "") {	  header("Location: register.php?error=2&email=$email&username=$username");	  die();	  }	  if ($cpassword == "") {	  header("Location: register.php?error=3&email=$email&username=$username");	  die();	  }	  if ($email == "") {	  header("Location: register.php?error=4&username=$username");	  die();	  }	  // Check to see if the passwords match	  if ($password != $cpassword) {	  header("Location: register.php?error=5&username=$username&email=$email");	  die();	  }	  // Now check the minimum lengths	  // Check the maximum lengths	  if (strlen($username) > 15) {	  header("Location: register.php?error=9&username=$username&email=$email");	  die();	  }	  if (strlen($password) > 50) {	  header("Location: register.php?error=10&username=$username&email=$email");	  die();	  }	  if (strlen($email) > 40) {	  header("Location: register.php?error=11&username=$username&email=$email");	  die();	  }   // Now check to make sure that we don't have the same username.   $temp = strtolower($username);   $query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(LOWER(username)) FROM users WHERE username='$temp'");   $result = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM);	  if ($result[0] != 0) {	  die();	  }   // Check for duplicate email addresses.   $temp = strtolower($email);   $query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(LOWER(email)) FROM users where email='$email'");   $result = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM);	  if ($result[0] != 0) {	  die();	  }if ( isSet($_POST['submit']) ){   switch( strToLower($_POST['class']) ){case "1":	$result = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET field1='10,field3='10'");}break;	  default:   }}   break;   case "login":   // Get user data   $username = $_POST['username'];   $password = $_POST['password'];	  if ($username == "") {	  header("Location: main.php?error=1");	  die();	  }	  if ($password == "") {	  header("Location: main.php?error=2");	  die();	  }   // MD5 the password.  Lower the username   $password = md5($password);   $username1 = strtolower($username);   $query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(LOWER(username)), id FROM users where username='$username' GROUP BY username");   $result = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM);	  if ($result[0] != 1) {	  header("Location: main.php?error=3");	  die();	  }   $query = mysql_query("select password from users where id=$result[1]");   $id1 = $result[1];   $result = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM);	  if ($result[0] == $password) {	  session_start();	  $_SESSION['id'] = $id1;	  // Get the actual user name	  $query = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users where id=$id1");	  $result = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM);	  $username = $result[0];	  $_SESSION['username'] = $username;	  $_SESSION['password'] = $password;	  // Check to see if they want to be logged in for a week.	  $week = $_POST['week'];		 if ($week == "yes") {		 // add the cookie data		 // find out the time a week from now		 $time = time();		 $time1 = 7 * 24;		 $time1 = $time1 * 60 *60;		 $time = $time + $time1;		 setcookie("username", $username, $time,"/");		 setcookie("password", $password, $time,"/");		 setcookie("id", $id1,$time,"/");		 setcookie("signedin","true",$time,"/");		 }	  header("Location: index.php");	  die();	  } else {	  header("Location: main.php?error=3");	  die();	  }   break;   }?>

    I only added one case to test out, so ya...here is the actual form page:

    <html><head><title>Register</title></head><body><?require("function.php");$error = mysqlconnect();   if ($error === FALSE) {   die("Error connecting to MySQL.");   }if (isset($_GET['error'])) {print("<b><font color=Red>");   switch ($_GET['error']) {	  case 1:	  print("You forgot to enter your username.");	  break;	  case 2:	  print("You forgot to enter your password.");	  break;	  case 3:	  print("You forgot to confirm your password.");	  break;	  case 4:	  print("You forgot to enter your e-mail.");	  break;	  case 5:	  print("Your passwords do not match.");	  break;	  case 6:	  print("Your password must be greater than 4 characters long.");	  break;	  case 7:	  print("Your username must be greater than 4 characters long.");	  break;	  case 8:	  print("Your e-mail must be greater than 4 characters long.");	  break;	  case 9:	  print("Your username may not be more than 15 characters long.");	  break;	  case 10:	  print("Your password may not be more than 50 characters long.");	  break;	  case 11:	  print("Your e-mail cannot be longer than 40 characters.");	  break;	  case 12:	  print("The username, $username, is already in use.");	  break;	  case 13:	  print("The email, $email, is already in use.");	  break;	  default:	  print("Error information not understood.  Please contact the webmaster.");	  break;	  }   print("</font><br><hr>");   }?><form action='process.php' method='post'><input type='hidden' name='mode' value='register'>Username:  <input type='text' name='username' size=16 maxlength=15 value='<? print $_GET['username']; ?>'><br>Password:  <input type='password' name='password' size=10 maxlength=50><br>Confirm Password:  <input type='password' name='cpassword' size=10 maxlength=50><br>E-mail:  <input type='text' name='email' size=40 maxlength=40 value='<? print $_GET['email']; ?>'><br><input type="radio" name="class" value="A" selected="selected" /> A<br /><input type="radio" name="class" value="B" /> B<br /><input tupe="submit" name="submit" /><!-- Blahhhh--></form>

    (again I only have 2 radio form on there and will add more to it later)So do you think you know what could be wrong? I hope I explained what's going on well enough. Should I make class and the other fields in it's own table? Or is it fine in the table of users?

    Notice from truefusion:
    For big code, please use CODEBOX instead of CODE

  12. well the way i was previously thinking is this:

    <form action="script.php" method="post"> <input type="radio" name="class" value="1" /> A
    <br />
    <input type="radio" name="class" value="1" /> A

    switch($class) { case "1":
    $result = mysql_query("UPDATE table SET field1='10'");
    case "2":
    $result = mysql_query("UPDATE table SET field3='10'");

    only problem is idk if that'll work?

    Edit: Ya it doesn't work, any idea why? registration form still works, it just won't update the information I want it to, infact it doesn't update anything at all

  13. Ok, so I want to create a user sign up/regsitration, on it I want to contain 6 options to choose from, for this case, i'll call them A,B,C,D,E,F. User can only select one, and depending on which one they select, different attributes will go down into their account. So if they choose A, It'll mark down in their database as 1, for one of the fields, and then it will change a couple of the other fields instead of the default of 1, it'll change some of them to maybe 10. Now if they selected B, it would do the same thing except mark down Id number 2 (for :(, and then in some of the other fields mark down 10 (in different fields than A did).So basically if that was really confusing,I have 6 ClassesA-F right?Well, now this is what the database would kinda look likeUsername Class Field1 Field2 Field3 Field 4Testing1 1 1 10 1 1Testing2 2 1 1 10 1Testing3 3 10 1 1 1Testing4 4 1 1 1 10Testing5 5 10 10 1 1Testing6 6 1 1 1 1I know how to make databases and such, I just don't know how to enter certain information into a database depending on which class the user picks. Of course there will be more fields such as password and such on sign up, but I hope you kind of get what I mean by that.

  14. Ya my boy Frank Mir is gonna rock it! I'm not sure if I'm gonna buy PPV with some friends or not, but it's been awhile since I seen a PPV UFC fight, last time I saw one was the Machida vs Evans fight, which was amazing, Machida deserved the belt, but I mean it's been awhile, probably only a month ago, but wouldn't mind to see this one. I really need to see a UFC fight sometime live, that would be amazing. Do you happen to know where they sell tickets? Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing the outcome of htis fight. Personally, I'm rooting for a crazy submission by Frank Mir, hopefully in the 5th round (it's for the belt isn't it?), but ya its gonna be a blast afo r anybody watching, the fight card looks amazing, so many great fights.

  15. What's funny is that his albums are going off the shelves very fast now and most of them are bought by people who're never gonna really appreciate the real thing inside it! Well this is going to stay for a while for sure...
    And about the jokes...well that was bound to come up too. Some people will always be doing such things and they may never change :(

    It does seem to happen like that with every huge artist that. Take Tupac Shakur for example, when he died his sales went through the roof, and they are still keeping steady even though he has been dead for over 10 years now. People that didn't even support Tupac, or Michael in this case, are making a ton of profit because of his death. They didn't need to like his music, they just happened to sign him, and then he died. Wouldn't surprise me if Tupac's sales are way over what he had when he was alive, and I'm sure the same thing will happen to Michael.

    I heard on the radio the other day, that Michael Jackson's death was the biggest death (in the music business), over Elvis, and a couple other famous singers, including the beatles. Which is honestly amazing. I would have never thought that by how cruel people were to him while he was alive. As far as im concerned, Michael Jackson was a great actor, and was never convicted of those terrible things in the court, therefore, he will always remain an amazing singer of his time, and everyone should respect him for that.

    I mean Michael had a horrible childhood. Just horrible, his dad would beat Michael's brothers because they weren't as good as him, as a performer. I mean, if you think about that, even if you don't have a sister or brother, you would feel terrible that you are the cause of the beatings, even though you weren't giving them out, you would still feel like just because you perform, you are the cause.

  16. Some of those gpt sites do actually work, and some of those things do actually work, the things I have posted (few but still) do work, and I've made 100 some dollars in the course of a long time but still, I agree. A lot of them are kind of bogus, but I wouldn't really classify them as annoying. They really do annoy me once innawhile but honestly, a lot of them are the same, I wouldn't mind it being a lot more moderated, but even if it isn't, I think it is fine, a lot of those things people can just sift through in their head and obviously see which ones are scams.

  17. You will still be gaining fat, which is why many people don't count calories anymore. It's like diet sodas. You won't be getting any calories from them, but your getting a lot of sodium usually. Any excess in something, can result in fat. Too much protein, (usually is pooped out), but it call us but contained in fat cells until there is a sortage of them. Therefore I'm sure you won't be losing too much weight.

  18. I think it isn't wrong for someone to be homosexual, however I do believe it is wrong to talk about it. Hold on though, let me explain.


    It seems like a homosexual person [and i may be stereotyping when saying this], usually will try and defend other homosexuals. For example, when somebody uses the word gay, they take it too offensively. Or it seems like they will try to explain the way they feel about it too much.


    I for one, have not really seen somebody purposely make fun of a homosexual [face to face], yet homosexuals I have come across, seem to talk about it [it being, homosexuality], while I don't see too many heterosexual people talking about sex the same way homosexuals do. Which kinds of bugs me, I mean it depends on the situation, but it does seem to be that they do like to bring it up more often.


    It is something they are born with, and I have no problem with that. I don't have a problem with them showing public affection [at least in the confines of what heterosexual people are in too], and I don't have a problem hanging around them. I used to, I admit it, but it really isn't anything big. One man, and another man, in love, as hard as it is to grasp, it has no affect on me, just because 2 guys are in love, does not mean I have to love a guy, they are allowing me to love a woman, and I think it is just respectful for me to be fine with them with another man.

  19. I know you maybe are shocking like me when I read this. I read it in a magazine in Honduras years ago and I remembered it now when Michael die.

    HA, theres also the news in other countries that have been wrong about a celebrity who died, who wasn't even in the country at that time. It just happened a couple days ago. Don't believe everything you see.


    The theory said that Michael Jackson is son of Aliens and that he was a special genetic flexibity and this is the explanation to his peculiar moves are possible.

    I've seen way way more amazing moves from other people that Michael Jackson, true, he was GREAT during his time, it was not because he is an alien.


    Michael when born was took to the artirst life for his parents to make money because they knew that "the humans" are fool and somebody can make a fortune only moving the legs.

    I don't think I have any comment on that, because that doesn't prove anything.


    How Michael born with black skin and that limited him to the black audience, he decided to change his skin with a rare treatment that convert him in a white guy in a little time.

    This is the biggest pile of crap ever. He didn't change his skin because of his audience..he changed it because he had a rare skin disease that DOES exist, and let me tell you, it does not have to do with being alien. Look it up, it happens rarely, but because he was black, it was easier to see. I can't remember what it is called, but he had dots around his eyes, and they were white dots, white people who have this disease are pretty lucky because it can't be seen very easily on white people. The disease usually starts showing in older people, however reported cases have shown on younger people.


    Explain that?


    He got married with an "woman" that results to be the another alien?s daughter: Lisa Marie Presley. This theory says that Elvis Presley was an alien too. Lisa Marie and Michael are not descendents of the same specie. They were incompatible and that is the reason because they never had children.

    Oh come on.. Not everyone has to have children. Plenty of couples don't have children before they move on. Does that make them Aliens?


    Then Michael Jackson starts to love to human women like Brooke Shields for example....But He had to used a strange artificial insemination to have children, it?s pressumed that this insemination required alien technology and a lot of expensives because the diference in the Genoma was big.

    Ok now thats just weird, I don't understand where people get these crazy idea.


    After this he expose to one of his children in a window in Germany because Michael can make levitate to his boy if this fell...


    And in 2007 Michael will return to his planet, for that he will perform his own death...

    Well...umm..he was addicted to plastic (and opiates), and was 50. Time ages people, and opiates kill. Honestly, this is just another tragic story. Michael jackson was a great performer, and was not an alien.

  20. It's kind of funny how people all-of-the-sudden just adore him now. People out of nowhere are just praising this guy, who they never really knew, or really cared to know. I bet half of them didn't even have his back during the times of him in trials. All they knew about him was his videos, and his music. They never knew the exact reason why he went from African American, to his Caucasian appearance, they just thought they he was some wanna-be white guy. Which is untrue. It's also sad to see all those people who are making jokes of a guy who is dead. All those mean cruel jokes, and it was alright when he was alive, but he is dead people. It's like making fun of a little kid, you just can't do that, it isn't respectful.

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