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Everything posted by rustypaulin

  1. i think the DS is great, the graphics are amazing considering its a handheld, they arent as good as the PSP but they still are amazing. I got a DS for christmas and i've rarely been bored with it. The games coming out in the future look far better than the ones you can get at the minute . I have 5 games at the minute as well as the metroid prime demo, here are my games in order of how much i like them1 Super Mario 64 DS2 Zookeeper3 WarioWare Touched4 Ridge Racer5 The Urbz Sims in the Citytheres a couple more games that i want to get than are out now they are 1 Polarium2 Feel the Magic3 Yoshi Touch and Go,i'll probably get them all soon
  2. yeah it is but i'm not sure when i think its around June but i'm probably wrong
  3. so far after only a few days i do like the site and the hosting is good, i would prefer it if you didnt have to post as much once your site gets hosted even if it means it takes more credit to get your site hosted in the first place
  4. This is the first proper site i have ever really made and i've been working slowly on the homepage for quite a while, and i still have a few things i want to do. The site is going to be for Resident Evil 4 and all i've really done is make the homepage and it will take me quite a while to finish the site. The banner at the top is temporary and i will get a better one made by someone soon hopefully. Any suggestions or complaints about my site so far, here it is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ none of the links work by the way so dont bother clicking them.
  5. my favourite was probably Final Fantasy 7 i can remember playing when it came out and how much funit was, i think i still have it somewhere but i've probably lost one of the discs or something
  6. i'm thinking about getting Tekken 5 but i'm not that sure becuase i dont really play fighting games all that much and i think that if i buy it i'll not play it and it'll have been a waste of money. I rented Tekken 4 a while ago and it was OK but i got bored of it quite quickly
  7. it looks good and its easy to navigate and quick to load, but on this page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ the writing in the main paragraph of text at the start goes into the affiliates panel at the side and it makes it hard to read a few of the words and looks messy
  8. that design is great, the site is really well thought out and the design makes it very easy to navigate well done
  9. it just looks like a slimmer Xbox which i think would be an OK design for the Xbox 2 but i think they should go with a completely new design, its definetly fake though but it loooks good anyway
  10. i have the same problem if i go to my site with the www. bit it doesn't work and i get the Welcome to your hosting account page but take away the www. and i get my site, its not really a problem but it is annoying
  11. if you play videos on the PSP do they not need to be encoded in some special way that Sony use, i'm not sure about that but i cant remember
  12. its OK now i've found out both the problems and my sites working out now thanks for the help everyone
  13. i use Netscape and i have done for quite a long time becuase of the amount of ads and stuff on IE but there are a few problems that i have with Netscape but they aren't that important i might download Firefox but i doubt i ever will
  14. what do you mean by upload the file? the HTML Editor i'm using is the one that when you go to file manager from the Cpalnel and click a file the bottom link is html editor
  15. i'm listening to Jimi Hendrix Purple Haze i really love his music and this song is probably one of my favourites
  16. i think its fake but the design isn't too bad but maybe the only problem is that it looks too big, also does anyone else think it looks like a projector?
  17. if you got rid of the front page thing i think the site would be a lot better it looks like a really nice site and the design looks really good
  18. i cant remember how i found Xisto but it was quite a long time ago i registered for the forums and then i forgot about the site for a long time then remembered it a couple of months ago
  19. i'm going to go to university when i'm 18 but i dont have any idea what i'm going to do when i get there there's no course in particular that appeals to me
  20. its probably because teenagers have far more free time than adults becuase of not having jobs or families
  21. unless you want to wait about a year or so for the Xbox 2 or PS3 which will both be very expensive at launch and drop in price within a few weeks probably, i'd get the Ps2 becuase there are better games in my opinion like Metal Gear Solid 3 and Tekken 5
  22. 1. the problem with the text size is only in the navigation bars at the sides but in the middle of the page the text is the size it was in the HTML Editor preview2. deleted the index.html file by accident is there anything i can do?
  23. my hands sweat quite a bit if i play the game for quite a long time but i rarely properly sweat all over when playing a video game but sometimes if the game gets very intense i might break out into a sweat but it doesn't happen very often and is only if the game is very intense
  24. i dont have the game yet but i think it looks really good it looks a lot better than Devil May Cry 2 which i thought wasn't very good at all, i might get it some time soon but i'll probably just wait until the price drops or i see it keep
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