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Posts posted by nightwolf

  1. Ok so i want to know how to amke flash intros and i need help on what i need and where to get it i know tehre taht one flash micromedia thing but i don't get ho wto use it if you can help me with this or mabey even give me a webpage to help me i would also liek to learn how to design flash web games i am kinda new to flash as you can tell so please help me! if you can help oter post or e-mail me at nightwolf5512@gmail.com Thank You so much for your help and taking time out of your life to help me -WaT-X-Killer

  2. War Against Terrorism is my last clan i well post about here but it's really a nice clan all in all mostly full of teens as a matter of fact they all are teens lol but it's cool to have soem one your own age running this around here we have a 20 slot medal of honor:AA server up in a day or two so we well be playing there alot ( i well post ip when i get them ) we well also have a team speak server up you must have Team speak and a mic to even tryout but than the tryouts aren't to hard you just need to have a good adutted and have fun and NO cheating we are 100% cheat free. If we find any one cheating they are baned on the spot. All members well have admin rights to the serevr so they can ban you if you cheat. Looking For Members!:We are looking for members of all agesCheat Free playersPlayers who enjoy the gamePlayers who are on at lest 10 hours a weekif you would like to look at are website go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ( soon to be updated )

  3. Yes worth a download so much better than old one lets see add new stuff is1) Mini Clips like smiles only bigger and better2) Ring Thing( if you really want 2 wake some one up )3), Better smiles (download able )4) Writing instead of typing you can write5 ) Backgrounds as befor 6) voice/wideo covI think thats most of it but it is like yim and aim put together all my friends and i used yim cuz it was cooler and now we all love MSN so much more. Anyway enjoy your time downlaoding it if u have dail up man ur in for a long 2 hours ( i tryed it befor hard has heck )

  4. Hey People Whats Up? Any Way I Made A New Sig it's a counter strike sign and you would wnat to veiw it on a black or dark color even yellow would look better than on white just because the border.


    Please vote 1-10


    Posted Image



    Yah it Sucks but not bad for a 12 year old!


    Have fun people enjoy ur break Teens!

  5. Posted Image


    Hey People,


    ( Plz Close BSG Shop i was only one working it and i would like my own shop )


    Welcome to A Town Gfx!


    We make almost any thing with GFX


    Avatar: 5



    YVD Skin:


    Forum Skin:

    Web Layouts:


    Requesting GFXs



    Size: ( Max 500 x 200 )


    Pics: ( Well not do Bebes )


    Text 2:



    Size: ( Max 100 x 100 )


    Pics: ( Well not do Bebes )


    Text 2:



    What for:





    Forum Skins

    What for:





    YVD Skins











    Pics: ( Same Rules )










    Work Done!

    Posted Image


    Posted Image


    Posted Image



  6. ......Wait Seams almost to good to be true....... i thought cheaper was lower quality ( right?? ) So why Buy of some site you have neaver even heard of when if you look hard enough around your area you well find one that is 100% fine and cheap it works just it's not the smartest idea to buys a computer/Hardware off soem site..Heck might even be stole products ( Not That They Are Just saying) I would just stick to buying bye vies not net. Final point: I say to Good To be True

  7. Hey Guys, You saw my post about EoT... They are gay baning us for leaving jsut cu zwe wanted are own clan. Any way we are are looking for members that Play Moh and both CODs. are website is reconbattalion.com cheak us out we are a new clan been around for 2 weeks and a half and we have around 23 members with us we are a great clan and we are proud of it. Best Part IT IS FREE!

  8. Hey Guys, Need a Moh,COD,BF,AAO or a CS Clan? This is the place for you we hav earound 300 some members we are a clan that is on alll the time we have people even on at 12:00 am every night we are all ways looking for new members so you are mor ethan welcome to come and play with us are website is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. We do have a $5 payment a month but give up coffey fior 2 or 3 days an dyou cna pay for it.

  9. Lol i don't know any hmmm i guess theres freewebs use that than take code and use in ur website i had one a long time ago hmmm i forgot what it is i well see if i can find it again i welll telll u why not use Word i mean save as a webpage open in notpad and it's in html and copy code in to webhost and your done!

  10. Hey guys, I need help ok i just got fireworks and it bites is there a way to get hmmm brushes like in PhotoShop? I guess i am new but is there ways you cna make any thing but the stuff they have pre set on the program if not this program sucks Crap! but if you cna add liek brushs mind telling me how thanks guys see yah.:angry:

  11. Hmmm i guess welll use frontpage if you have to me i am a kid so i use photoshop CS it's not bad at all but you need to know HTML at lest a little so i newed to know if you know HTML so i can help you. Like if you know html i say things like photoshop for some one new front page you can use word to just save as a webpage file and your good to go

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