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  1. The Zen Vision M, and many other plug-n-play based mp3/video players. Just to clear this up, I don't much like the Zune either (eeeww... DRM).
  2. I am trying to make a menu for my site. I made an HTML page with the text/links of the menu, then I embedded that page in all the main "content" pages using an iframe. The problem is that whenever I click the links in the menu they open INSIDE of the iframe instead of switching the whole browser to the page the link is directed to. I hope I'm not TOO hard to understand. Oh, and on this page it has the perfect example of what I want. http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_iframe.asp See how when you click on one of the links in the example frame, the whole page changes to that link.
  3. Figures. MicroSoft has always been run by jerks.
  4. for four years now, i have been stuck with the lousiest MP3 player on the market, the iPod. It doesnt support drag-and-drop and forces you to use the bulky, frustrating, proprietary software. It also has EXTREMELY inflated the price of any electronics product with a lowercase i in it's name, especially those made by apple. Lastly, there are so many great alternatives that people underrate because the iPod is so popular. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Topic title modified.
  5. Diamond made from the ashes of a dead person, just a little to creepy for me...
  6. I have been using MusikCube for a while now and I strongly reccomend it. It has some great features, and takes up 4mb of ram.
  7. I use my windows version of Macromedia Dreamweaver 8. It works great. However, I sometimes use Notepad++ (Link) for raw code editing.
  8. Firefox is THE best browser out there, not only because of the tab feature, but because of it's enhanced security, and rich database of plugins and skins. I have a full-blown FTP client in my browser.
  9. Wow, I never knew about this. Thanks. This will help me make the best of my webspace.
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