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Posts posted by SNiped

  1. Hi guy's, i keep getting called stupid, crazy, hilarious because i can never get enough adrenaline. I do many exetreme sport's including downhill mountainbiking, parkour, free climbing and many others. But even after as really bad fall or when something goes bad i love it. Im not usre if it is the adrenaline im addicted to or the chance to hurt myself. Does anyone else have this problem?

  2. 666 is that not the day of the devil. Firstly do you believe in the devil, if not then it cant be his day. 10/10/10 why that date, it could be any date.Nostrodamaus was pretty impressive but honestly, It was pot luck. I dont know if he got the names right or something but i could say there is going to be a cruel leader born 2134 and i could be right.In my opinion it is just a old wives tail which was told as a story.

  3. Hey guy's, ive done as you said and tried to install my phpbb without fantastico. I have got to the the install page then i get a mysql error

    Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/tdm/public_html/forum/phpBB2/db/mysql4.php on line 330
    Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/tdm/public_html/forum/phpBB2/db/mysql4.php on line 331
    phpBB : Critical Error

    Could not connect to the database

    Im not sure why this has happened as i have never really used mysql for the fear of messing it up.If someone could tell me what is wrong and what i need to change it would be aprreciated very much. Thanks


    I have asked a managed to sought the problem out myself, sorry for wasting anyone's time. It was just a simple reload problem.

  4. We are really going to be in a lot of trouble if this happens. If everyone has taken history we werent very friendly with germany. As a madder of fact no one was. Whats to stop them from going to war with us and starting another WW?WW3 may be coming if something dosent happen.

    That is really qiute ignorant. Just because they have nuculear weapons does that make them a threat to world peace, if so does that not make Russia, United States, United Kindom and many other's?

    Just because they started WW1 and 2 that does not mean they will start another WW. If you have ever been to Germany you would know they are really quite ashamed of that era of there history.

    I feel every nation should have the right to nuculear weapon's else it makes the powerful countries even more powerful.

  5. Hmm i'm british and would not normally say this but our goverment is being pedantic. Surely one country can have nuculear fuel and another can't. Yes i know iran may try to develpo nuculear weapon's but that's a chance the rest of the world will have to take as i do not feel a group of counrty's can deny another of there right to development.

  6. I think going into space would be the ultimate experience but spending a week floating around really does not float my boat. I am clumsy as it is floating would not really help that cause. I agree with Saint Michael on the 2 4 man crew's but the amount of supplies needed for that long of journey with that many men would be outrageous.I think the only feasable way to travel to mars would be to put liek truck stops in space with stocked up food then you move up to the next station on your journey. It's hard to explain if you need more explanation just ask.

  7. It's going to happen one day. Pointless worrying too much about it, If it hit's it hit's if it does'nt it does'nt. If we all sat around worrying about thing's like this we would all be locked in insane asylum's. And anyway when was the last meteorite strike, a few million years ago, i believe we are on borrowed time for the next one. So live life to the full until it does come ;)

  8. I do not feel it is religieons that are the terrorist's, it is the exetremist's who are the terrorist's. Yes there religieon may have indoctrinated killing other into them. But Define terrorism?Have you ever heard of the saying, One mans terrorist is another man's freedom fighter?Honestly i believe religeion is blamed far too much for terrorism, as i personally do not have any beliefs about god or whatever.How many people knew what terrorism was before 9/11? It only became associated with muslims, (i mean to cause no offense when i say this) after that happened. Now if anyone metions terrorism you straight away think about them. In the Uk we have had terrorism alot longer. The IRA attacks were terrorism but are they really remembered?Bottom line is Religion is a cause for war over thing's that are possibly not true. Possibly an excuse for a fight.

  9. Indeed, the restriction's on Guns here in the uk are alot more strict, But the same goes for anywhere. If you know the right people and have the right money you can buy anything you want. I mean every country has an underground black market. People make millions from illegal buying and selling of firearms. It has happened since people wanted newer and more lethal way's to harm each other. Another contributing fact to the problem with gun crime is that here in the UK you cant go on the internet and buy a gun, i believe, im not totally sure. But you go on a US site and you seem to be able to mail order one. Yes i know you have that constitution which allows you to buhave gun's but people the age of 18 are getting killed 'Reguarly' and still nothing seems to happen.I must agree with you on the Youth Culture not being exactly helpful on the matter. But then again neither are the Rapper's and the people singing about shooting each other.In my opinion i feel you should be able to carry a gun but not to the extent that all you need to purchase a gun is a peice of paper that says your over 21.

  10. Hey guy's i was recently on my favourite website and saw they were having a paintball weekend in june, I've sat around comprehding wheather or not to go. One problem is that Utah is over 8000 miles away. So i have been wondering if anyone else is thinking or has already booked there place at the SPec ops elite weekend.

    If you have Congratulation's and have fun.

    If you wish to know why i want to go on this weekend just check out some of the stuff below, you will be blown away by it.

    WHEN: June 22nd through June 24th, ALL DAY for three days. (You'll want to fly in on Thursday and fly out on Monday.) WHERE: Salt Lake City, Utah.

    COST: $2,500 ($1,700 for Brigade members) if you purchase admission and FREE if you win admission (click here to find out how to win.) ONLY THE FIRST 30 PLAYERS TO SIGN UP WILL BE ALLOWED TO REGISTER. DONT DELAY. THE REMAINING 30 PLAYER SLOTS WILL BE GIVEN AWAY AND THE EVENT WILL BE STRICTLY LIMITED TO 60 PLAYERS OVERALL.

    WHO: A pile of paintball pros and celebrities, including Greg Hastings (if you don't know who he is you should ask for an X-Box for Christmas,) a bunch of paintball media, the Special Ops Paintball Factory Crew and around sixty fellow Brigade Members who have come to take their game to the next level and party with the best and brightest woodsballers out there.

    WHY: If you have to ask, then you're probably not a sick enough paintball fiend to see the beauty in three days of intense paintball action and partying.

    RESTRICTIONS: Unfortunately, we can't allow players under the age of 15. Players 15 to 18 must have signed parental permission. Any health or fitness limitations MUST be shared with event staff.

    GEAR: Attendees will receive tons of free gear and will have chances to win a bunch of other stuff. You should bring your gearbag (gun, goggles, air tank, camo. . . All the junk you haul around when you play.) Bring a backup marker if you have one. All paint and air will be provided, compliments of Draxxus.

    ACCOMODATIONS: Unless you've won an "all expenses paid" package from SO, you'll be paying for your own hotel room. The good news is that we've negotiated a good rate and you can share a room with another paintballer. Room rates are $35.00 per night and you will be staying four nights. More info hotels.

    TRANSPORTATION: You pay for your own airfare (unless you win the all-expenses-paid prizes) and Special Ops will provide transportation to and from events. Everything's fairly close by, but we'll be driving you around on the "short bus" (just like in school.)

    FOOD: Most major meals will be provided by Special Ops Paintball. Bring some cash for breakfast or whatever.

    LEGAL STUFF: Of course, you'll sign waivers and agreements to abide by safety rules etc.. Also, if you're under 18, you'll need full, signed parental permission (Download the Elite Weekend Waiver/Parental Consent Form - this is a PDF file). Also, we'll need players to keep their paintball gear stowed when we're traveling around town and going in-and-out of the hotels. We love our community and we want to provide the best possible impression about our sport.

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