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Posts posted by unicornrose

  1. Hm, perhaps I might be misunderstanding or overanalyzing the question.
    Molecules are solid objects that exist in 3-D space. They have specific dimensions and shapes resulting from the types of bonds which make them up. Some molecular shapes (with angles between atoms) include:

    linear (straight, 180 degrees) e.g. carbon dioxide molecule
    angular (bent, 104.5 degrees) e.g. water molecule
    pyramidal (107.3 degrees) e.g. ammonia molecule
    tetrahedral (109.5 degrees) e.g. methane molecule

    Atoms, on the other hand, are what make up molecules. For the sake of simplicity, their shape is usually taken to be spherical.

    Molecules are made up of atoms. Atoms form the above shapes based on their electron clouds. It has to do with electron affinity and electron repulsion. Electrons live on differant energy levels and depending on how many electrons an atom has and how close they are to the nucleus will determine the chance that the atom will loose its electrons to another atom or gain an electron from another atom both when it is forming compounds or when it is just bumping into each other. The differance between what state a molecute or chemical is in is based on temperature, pressure and volume. All three affect the molecules in differant ways. molecules are always moving in all states. Just as a review the three states are gas, liquid, and solid. In a gaseous state in a ideal situation the molecules are bouncing around in the air or container. As you lower the temperature the molecules begin to slow down and gather together. As you continue to lower the temperature you will see that the gas becomes liquid and if you go below the molecule's freezing point soon the molecules will be in the solid state. Water is an excellant example. I am sure many people have drank bottled water and when you are done there usually are a few drops left. Well if you close the lid of the bottle and leave it in the sun eventually it will appear that the bottle is empty or foggy. Well as the sun goes down and the bottle cools the water droplets will form again and if you freeze the bottle it will freeze the droplets and the bottle will crush. All of this is extremely fascinating. hehe

  2. Considering all the stars that we can see with just our naked eye when there is no light pollution I think that the universe is infinite. It can go on and on. There are probably alot of differant solar systems with suns like ours. It makes the most sense in my mind anyway. I suspect that there are indeed other universes that could be travelled to by spacial annomolies or something. I often wonder if there are parallel earths and universes as well. I sometimes wish that I was born or was able to travel to the future because I would hope that at some time in the future we will have figured out a way to travel the stars and find out what some of the universe is like. Sometimes this old earth seems really small. LOL

  3. Religion is the most argued and contested thing or idea throughout the ages. Its probably one of the biggest war makers throughout history. LOL The way I look at it is there is no one religion. There is no one perfect belief system. You have to study and find out for yourself what will work for you. It all depends on so much. What you believe strongly depends on where you live, what your culture is, and the circumstances you are in. Some people would definately disagree with this but no matter what you think its true. How we grow up and where we live influences far more than we often realize. I think that this topic is definately interesting and merits thought, however I do not think that I completly agree with what is being said. Its okay though. That is my right as a human to have an opinion and to believe what I believe. I do believe in heaven and hell and all that jazz. I believe that Lucifer is an evil being but I also have compassion for what happened to him. I believe that even the bible or bibles may not have the entire whole story. We as humans are not perfect so since the bible's were written by humans even if they were influenced by a higher power of any type they most definately probably have flaws and mistakes. Alot of people would consider what I said blastemous but I am a realist. I believe that if I am not perfect and sometimes can get confused or my facts wrong then its very possible that the people of the bible were the same way. Then again that is my opinion and my way of thinking. <_<

  4. I am very aware how expensive space travel is. it is crazy expensive. As far as overcrowding goes well yeah it does not seem like the earth is overcrowded when you live in a rural area. But seriously if you look at the world's population just 30 years ago when I was a child to what the world's population is now. And you would see that human population is growing at an extremely alarming rate. Yes we are "okay" right now. But I think that in between 50-100 yrs the population is going to be worse. Think about the billions of people that are here now. And quite a few but not all families are having on average two kids each. Think about this most people are living to be at least in their 80s. Some even older. As the population grows the space gets taken up by those people and as that grows so does the demand for food. As we loose more and more space that is more and mroe space that we are loosing for grazing land and land for planting of food. Yes there is a fair amount of deaths but unfortunately the death rate is far lower than the birth rate. Granted I am not really one to be a doomsday person. Its something that I am really passionate and alarmed about. This is where we live. It alarms me that we are slowly destroying it. I kind of like the virus analogy. We are like itty bitty viruses. And some of us are like the white blood cells trying to defend the cell our earth. LOL.Yes Space exploration is expensive and well it will be probably an extremely long time before there are any manned flights or walks on any other planet or space body besides the moon. But I trully believe that ultimately that is the goal of most space programs to get out there and see what this huge galaxy has to offer. As far as the Moon goes there is talk of another manned space flight in the next few years. I think 2008 but I could be wrong. I hope it happens. It would be totally amazing. <_<

  5. I have found that sometimes a computer will freeze for a number of reasons. If you have too many windows going sometimes the computer gets overwhelmed with all the stuff going on. Once in a while my computer temporarily freezes. So usually I just give it a couple of minutes before I try the reboot thing. Sometimes it does freeze because its overheated. Usually that happens when I have had the computer on for a very long time. Also loose cables will also cause a computer to freeze. After all when we walk around and when noises happen they cause vibrations that can slowly loosen the cables and eventually cause problems. I does not hurt once in a while to check your cables for loosness. <_<

  6. I have a Samsung SGH-X475. Its a nice little phone. It's not a camera phone or anything like that. It is a flip phone though. Is small enough to fit in my pocket very comfortably. I sometimes forget it is there.... hehe uless it starts vibrating. Then I jump in the air. hehe. <_<

  7. For most peoplw who are just using there computers for word processing and going online to check email and chat a early pentium as in Pentium I and II. Or any of the early computers that had internet access. Most of the time they can be used with a lan card for routers or DSL. To improve performance a little memory should be added. However if you are a computer gamer and/or someone who works with alot of image or is a web designer it would be a good idea to upgrade about every two years. At least that would be about the standard when trying to keep up with the times. Just remember within a month of buying a computer its already not the latest technology. At least that is the case I have found when working with people and computers over the years. There really are not too many games or programs that I can pickup now that I can run on my computer because my little PII is just too slow and the hardware I have in it can not run the programs. Someday when I have the money I will definately be replacing this lovely computer and going full speed ahead. <_<

  8. I swear some people have way too much time on their hands. LOL. Its so darn amazing to me because numbers go on and on infinitely. I really wonder why they need to know prime numbers so large. How does it help and what does it do for them? I just don't understand why someone would want to know that. My other question is who is paying these people to figure this out? LOL

  9. That's the general idea of any fuel, Amhso.
    Human presence in space will not come about the way Star Trek depicts it. Humanity is just too stingy to throw away money chasing stars (literally) for an indefinate period of time. Eventually, NASA will dry up (unless something like extraterrestrial life is discovered), since there is little or no profit, and very high expenses. On the other hand, space tourism may become the big thing within the next few decades, with the current concepts of Virgin Galatic to the plans for the Space Hotel. However, the only thing that will encourage Humans to move further from Earth than maybe the moon would be potential profit. For example, a fuel that is very rare on Earth, but is abundant elsewhere in the solar system.

    Actually I have to disagree slightly with you. With the rate that the human population is growing and how polluted this earth is getting it will be to the human's advantage to find a way to explore the stars for not only natural resources but other habital planets. This planet will reach its capacity eventually. In the past when the human population became too much things happened to control the population. Like disease and war. Now days with all the modern advances in medicine alot of the diseases are kept in check. Wars are still happening. But the population is still increasing at an alarming rate. There are far more births than deaths. Because of all the things we have done the climate and the earth is experiencing many changes. There are also natural changes that are occuring. It will be prudent for humans to explore the galaxy to find other worlds to explore as well as find out if there are other living sentient species. Maybe even ones that are more advanced than us that will help us along the path of growth.

  10. Hi there!I want to be clear first that I am a christian. However I have a very differant take on what religion is about. To me religion is a belief system. What you choose to believe and live for is based on what both works for you and how your were brought up. Yes I was brought up christian but I lived in a very disfunctional family. Most people do live in a disfuntional family but there are differant degrees. Needless to say there was alot of do as I say not what I do. Its hard to grow up in that sort of environment. I really struggled when I got out of it trying to find my way. I had to finally realize that religion is personal journey to find what works and gives you peace. Yes Christianity is more prevailant and there seems to be more people who lay a claim of the religion. What most people don't realize is that there is more than one christianity. There are few religions that claim that they are the true and only christianity and all others are blastemy. As far as I am concerned no christianity is not the only or superior religion. It is just one that I happen to choose to believe because in my own experience it has kept me alive and semi sane. I see nothing wrong with believing other things. Many of my friends are in other religions. I don't judge them and they don't judge me. As far as any religion goes none are superior. None is the only one we all should be in. Its up to the individual and no one should be coherced or forced to believe anything. That is just my opinion though.

  11. We all or at least heard of Star Wars and Star Trek. If you have been to Disneyland you have probably been on the ride "Star Tours" Its a fun little ride that in theory you were going to tour around the moons and things but you end up in a star wars fight and going through some comets and all kinds of other neat stuff. Its a fantasy adventure in a ride. There are many other books and stories out there about this universe out there that is so darn big and beyond us. Look at Sci-Fi Channel's Stargate Series'. You can also see them on local tv. Its about round gates that can help you travel to other planets in your galaxy and other galaxies' planets. In addition to that there are also space ships. I honestly think we are alot closer to space travel than it may seem. Yes there is alot of danger involved but I think the progress is being made. Look at the space station for example. That is common place now. That happened in my lifetime. When I was little that did not exist at all. We have rovers on Mars and satalites that are traveling our own tiny universe and discovering things all the time. There is talk of another manned trip to the moon in the near future. In in the much futher future a manned trip to Mars. Its absolutely amazing to me that we are making such advances. There are many private as well as governmently funded scientists and technicians working on the problems and science behind pleasure as well as regular space exploration vessels. There is talk of a Space Holel that is to be built many years in the future. There is even talk of finding a way to colonize the moon. Colonizing the moon would be the first step in getting us off this planet and considering visiting and trying to colonize other planets. Science fiction talks about things like hyperdrive and light speed. These things are not in our reality yet. However I am sure there is some secret technicians out there trying to figure out a way to make it work. As soon as it has been figured out Man will find a way to become more knowledgable about the infinate universe. We will finally learn just how tiny we are in this great big universe. Imagine the possibilities. Thinkin of all the things that you can imagine. Tell me and everyone here about your thoughts.

  12. GNU is one of the best known places to get programs that you can work with. My whole system is GNU. I am using Debian GNU/Linux. Its freely available and I am allowed to make as many changes as I want and I can futz around with the software if I want. When I decided I had enough with windows that is what attracted me to Linux. Number one is free and number two is freedom. Sure Linux very occationally freezes and crashes but its not every single day every couple of hours like the windows system. For me its much more stable. Plus if I am ever going to get windows again its going to be XP. At this time I can not afford to buy new software. But even so I do have a second hard drive with windows on it so that if I want to play any of my windows games or if I have to work with software that I can only use in windows its there. I am using Windows Me which is buggy as heck. So I really try not to use my windows drive all that often. I spend more time rebooting than anything else when working with it. I would much rather spend hours on my computer without rebooking and getting frustrated. :lol:

  13. you guys seem like you know a little bit about fish and fishtanks so im gonna ask you a question.
    I bought a 50 gallon fishtank for my girlfriend as a gift couple of months ago. The fish were happy in it (had 6 originally) but after that the fish tank darkened with what looked like algea. A few of the fish died during that time.

    2 weeks ago we decided to fix up the fishtank so i cleaned it real good, and added 3 more fish (total of 7 now). We have a bottom feeder and a snail as well. Someone told me that i got the algea because we kept the fishtank light on for too long so i now shut it off completely.

    In just a day, the fish tank was completely covered in that green stuff. Went back to the pet store and bought another fish (dont know what its called but it "sticks" to the glass) that cleaned up the glass pretty well.

    Since the first time that fish cleaned it up, he did nothing. I don't know how often they eat but its been close to a week and the fish tank is getting all fogged up again with the green stuff.

    Do i need a bigger filter ? different fish ? more/no lightning ? im even puting a solution i bought from the pet store to clear the water (one spoon a week).

    Please help :angry:


    First of all the light might be part of the problem but its not the whole problem. When you purchased the light did you check to see if it was a plant growing light. There are differant sorts of lights. Its good to turn off the light during the night when you are sleeping. Also is your fish tank anywhere near a window? If you are near the window and if the sun ever gets into your fish tank that will cause algae plumes to form. Also over feeding will also do that. How often are you cleaning your tank? You should be cleaning it technically at least every two weeks. I can let mine go for up to a month or two without fish loss. When you clean your tank how thourgh are you. Its not good to completely clean the tank. You should use the special aquarium vacum tubes to make water changes and to clean out the bottom. However you should never ever completely clean the rocks unless you are putting new ones in... You see in a good fish tank there is good bacterias that live in the rocks below that help yoru fish tank and your fish. You can buy those bacteria in the store to help keep your water good. Also when you do water changes or add water are you treating your water. I hope so cause its got stuff that will hurt the fish. I would suggest making sure that you are changing the filters every two weeks at least and cleaning them off once a week. The stuff you are putting in your tank to clear the tank causes the little particles that are clouding the tank to gather into bigger particles that the filters can catch. I wil warn you about the snail that you will find you will have more than one very soon. Snails reproduce fairly quickly. LOL I got snails because I bought live plants. They laid their eggs in the soil the plants came in then they ate my plants lol. All well you live and learn. So now I have qute a few snails. They don't get very big and when my tank gets really messy there are alot of them. Then I clean it and they go down the drain. They are good for the tank to a certain extent though so I won't get rid of them completely. Not sure I could if I wanted to anyway. I would suggest looking for algae killer in the store that won't hurt your snail. MOst of them will. I would suggest doing a 75% water change with suctioning alot of the garbage from the bottom of the tank. I also would use a algae cleaning sponge on the sides of the tank. Clean out your filters real good too. If you have decorations I would clean those up too. That should help your algae problem.

  14. I am actually pretty sure that xml is a variation of html. at least from what I have read. I like the idea of AJAX. Its a good idea. After all in the world of the internet the technology only has to get more sophisticated because its got no other choice. If we do not grow with the times we will be lieft in the dust. I am very interested in all this.

  15. OmG!!! i got astounted when i noticed that Optware is designing a disc capable to store upto 300 GB, also file transfer rates are quick enough to burn the entire disc in less than 30 minutes!!!


    But theres a small problem.... the reader drive too expensive: $2700and the writer drive...... much more expensive : $20,000, also each disc will cost $100


    Check it out http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/11/24/maxell_holo_storage/ and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Yes this technology is super expensive and such because its the cutting edge. I am pretty sure that in a few years that will go down in price. As technology advances and the supply and demand go up the price comes down. LOok at the prices of computers. They used to be so much more expensive. Just like DVD, VCR, and Microwaves. These days those things are way cheaper than they were when they first came out. Its all pretty darn amazing.

  16. Sometimes when a program freezes alot its because the computer is overheating. Not always though.I have nto tried the other clients yet. I go with bit torrent because I know it has been around forever. At least when I am using the windows desktop. I have another client that came with my linux system when I installed it. I don't remember what its called. Torrents don't seem to be quite as popular as they once were but they are more convienent when you have really alot of information to transfer. This is especially true for cd images.

  17. Alot but not all electronics can withstand a tumble in the wash. As long as you dry them out afterwards really good most will work again. Don't play that game with the ocean however. Salt water is corrosive. Also when it comes to electronics and the washer if your eletronics are off they are more likely to survive. As far as the flash drive goes that is a pretty closed off unit. Most usb portable drives are. They have to be because the manufacturers have to take into consideration the abuse that people will put them through. ie sitting in a backpack being bounced around in a purse and well in pockets and stuff like that. Also being taken on and off of differant computers. If I and when I buy a flash portable drive I probably will go with some thing bigger than 512mb.

  18. The whole concept of a IPOD is great. IPOD is not the only one out there however. There are other mp3 players. I want a mp3 player. I would not mind a IPOD. They have a nice look and I am a fan of apple products. Granted I use a pc but if I could afford it I would get myself a mac laptop. or IBOOK. Anyway IPODs are useful in the idea of being able to pick the music you want to listen to when you are walking or running around. Its great for exercise and some have car adapters. And for those of us who walk and take the bus everywhere the IPOD is ideal.As far as it being a fad it was not that long ago that Sony Walkman was the thing to have when it comes to portable sound devices. IPOD is just the next generation in portable devices.

  19. Obviously any technology or new invention can and will be abused. Life is full of crazy things like that. Or should I say crazy people like that. However something like this is useful to look in on caretakers of your children and your elderly parents or elderly relatives. Its the perfect way to make sure they are getting the right kind of care. I think its a little wrong to use it to spy on your children or your spouse but I suppose if you suspect that they are cheating on you this would be the thing to do. It seems aweful though. It would be a good hidden camera for convience stores and the like since they seem to be popular places to be hit with crimes.

  20. Actually from what I have read in the past it was the older cell phones that posed the risk. I believe but don't quote me on this that older cell phones were using microwave technology or something like that. Anyway the newer cell phones are less of a risk. The truth be told if technology does not get you then some other crazy thing will. You never know these days what will kill you. According to so many studies there is a ton of differant things that can hurt you. Including pollutants. I guarentee that no matter how careful you think you are being there is something that you live with that will cause cancer or caise you harm.

  21. Its a decent computer for what you are spending however I am wondering where you are buying if from? Are you in the US? Have you looked at computers on http://www.newegg.com/ They usually have really awesome prices. The computer you are looking at would be great for playing games. I personally would stick with your old moniter until you can purchase a new one. The picture quality on a tv is not quite the same as a moniter. If you have no other choice then go ahead and use the tv but I would stick with the moniter if it is still in good shape.

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