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Posts posted by unicornrose

  1. You did a good job. The pictures really made a differance. If I did not already know how to use Photo Shop I would have been able to follow this for the most part. What photo shop are you using anyway? My only peice of advice on that would be is to mention what photo shop you are using. As photoshop improves its features they change a little bit. So your tutorial may not work for a much older photoshop or in the future for a newer version. Just a little bit of a suggestion.Beth

  2. Quick review of this service.Yes everything on there is fairly simplified, The server moved pretty fast for me. However there are alot of pop ups with the service. Fortunately for me I have a pop up blocker. It was working overtime with this site. Also there is no folders. At least with gmail and any other email account out there you can organized your emails. Unless folders or labels are implimented into this site not many people will stick around long with this mail 3gb or not.Beth

  3. Hello Everyone.I am Beth aka unicornrose. I am 31 years old and live in California. I was born here and then lived in Wisconsin when I was 5 until I graduated high school in 92. I came to California to visit and ended up staying. I love it here. I already have a Associates Degree and a Bachular's of Art Degree in Theater. I am currently working on a second BS in Bio Chem. I have been designing websites for about 10 years or so. I am still learning as all web designers should be. After all the market is ever changing. Some interests: acting, anthropology, battlestar gallactica, beauty, blogging, bowling, candles, cary elwes, castles, christianity, computer games, cooking, dancing, david bowie, deutsch, dragons, evil, fantasy, final fantasy, flowers, friendship, garden, gargoyles, german, hamsters, healing, hearts, hello kitty, history, hockey, horses, insight, jerry o'connell, johnny depp, joshua jackson, joy, kevin sorbo, love, magic, make-up, martial arts, matt damon, medievalism, meditation, midieval, moon, movies, music, mythology, nature, neverending story 2, ocean, pandas, parasite eve, performance art, piracy, plants, playstation, poetry, princess bride, ps one, psii, psone, rain, reading, red griffin, richard hatch, robert anthony aviles, rock n' roll, romance, roses, rpg, sarcasm, sca, sculpting, seth green, sex, silliness, simcity, singing, sleeping, solitude, stuffed animals, swimming, the sims, twister, unicorns, video games, volleyball, water, wicca, wil wheaton, witch, writingHere is a discription that I often use for myself: Cool, sweet, weird, unique, eccentric. I am a kind person but I don't put up with crap. I have a dark and sinister side that I rarely show. I sometimes even have a sick sense of humor. I am mostly confident in myself but I do have occational bouts of low self-esteem. I try to help people where I can. That is my greatest joy and trial in this life. This should give you a good discription about me. Feel free to ask me questions.

  4. I can totally understand your frustration. The reputation points should mean nothing. Where it counts is the hosting points they are receiving. I am sure that if someone is abusing the right to use this board they will slip one too many times and get caught. No one can cheat the system forever. Just be patient and do what you do best. It will only help you.

  5. Well I have been html coding for a while now. I have used both the html editors and good old standard notepad. I actually prefer notepad these days. Notepad is better in my opinion because I can find my mistakes and fix them. I also occationally use wordpad. Both have a search feature. so if you know one set of characters or words that is in the peice of code you are looking for you just type it in the find bos and keep clicking find next until you get to the peice of code you are looking for and make the repairs. I know this can be a pain in the rear, but you learn alot more if you figure out your mistakes on your own. I used to use a html editor called AOL Prepress but it is no longer around. if you do a search on the internet you can find a few other freebies out there. Some of them are good and some of them are crap. That is pretty normal for any freebie. Also if you are looking to use a html editor to teach yourself html you would be better off looking up html tutorials than doing it that way. Good luck.

  6. I may not agree 100% with all of Bush's Policies. However when it comes down to what the choices were when electing a president this last election it was clear to me the Bush was the least of our evils. I feel that this country the USA would have fallen to a far worse state than it is now if I had elected one of the other president hopefuls. I worried very hard about the close election.Something that I realized within the past few years. All presidents make a mistake somewhere in the presidency. Considering the fact that the government is run by human beings you can not expect it to be perfect all the time. Mistakes are made all the time. People are human and make mistakes.With that in mind what makes you think any other president will be any differant. The truth be told they won't. Fact is if we had a differant president there would be differant reasons to complain and be upset.I believe in this war and what they are doing over there. Yes innocent people are dying but we are fighting to protect what we have.This is not a communist country. The reason why muslims and other people come to the us from other countries is because of the freedoms that the US gives all of its citizens and immigrants. We are not perfect and we fight among ourselves but what happens when someone else threatens us? We unite and fight for our rights. Do you think that Osama Bin Laden is sitting around twiddling his thumbs? No he has operatives here in this country ready to strike us again as soon as a hole in our security is found. Even when the homeland security alerts are not upgraded just by telling us that there is a possible threat is a way to protect this country. This way concerned citizens will report when they see suspicious activity.Our false sense of safety can be shattered at any time just like when 9/11 happened. Truth be told 9/11 could have been much worse. Because of the way our president and the world reacted to it we managed to save many lives.Beth

  7. I realize that it is frustrating to you that your little brother wants to watch this cd over and over again. He will grow out of it. They always do. Just make sure you leave the room when he is watching it. My little sister used to watch Dumbo what seemed like 20 times a day. I hated that movie so much for so long. We get sick of it but they love it. If you think about it really it could be far worse. They could be doing worse things. I think every child goes through this stage sometime. I will get better eventually. Now you get to learn patience which probably will pay off later on.I sympathize with ya. I have been there.Beth

  8. Nah... I dont think that the delayed signals is a problem. I mean, c'mon, Your satillite television doesnt have any problems or delays. I have DirectTV and there are no delays or anything. The picutre comes right up and thats transerfer like twice the amount of data per second because its video. See what I mean. :)


    What you are talking about is not what he is talking about. You are taligbout a stationary dish that gets a constant signal. He is talking about internet service rather than tv.


    I am under the impression that satallite internet most of the time is okay but there are the weater and other factors to worry about.


    I am guessing you have a laptop. Does your laptop have wired network capabilities and wireless networking capablities? I thinkits a good idea to have those handy in your computer for areas that just don't have a signal. I think that is the case sometimes. I know that when I am near a hospital and some malls I don't get very good radio reception.


    I realize the waves used for radio and the waves used for satallites are differant but Just like radio some things will jam or bounce the waves funny in certain areas. Having alternate ways of connecting for such times will be your best bet. I hope that helps.



  9. Hmm on some forums there is a time limit as to how long you can edit your post. IE you can edit your post for up to one hour after you posted. So if you posted your message without reading it over and did not catch your mispellings the first time then you can fix those mistakes for up to one hour. I don't know if this message board has that capablity though.A way to prevent this issue is to preview your post before submitting. Basically you click the Preview Post button instead of the add reply button. When you preview the post you will discover any grammatical errors as well as any other problems you might see when rereading your post. Its an idea anyway, :) Beth

  10. Hotmail was not originally a MSN product. It was still free then but I really liked the interface and how it was run. I guess it got to be too much for the original founders so they sold it off to MSN. Somethings aobut hotmail have obviously improved but its not my favorite email. I have my original email address with hotmail because it was my original account. It is useful for those people who knew me long ago can still find me.I mostly use yahoo. However I recently got a gmail account within the past 6 months. Besides the 1gb of space and the conversation threading this is by far the best free email service out there. I have noticed that other free email services are starting to integrate some of the features that gmail has. Just like when Yahoo gave us 100mb of space and then MSN could not be beat so they gave us 250mb so then Yahoo had to upgrade to 250mb of space. I found the whole thing quite amusing. Anyway by far Gmail is the best out there right now.

  11. I only recently got Unreal. I realize I am a little bit behind the times but I have always loved this particular genre. I like the coridor type game. I think the reason is it is a get down and get dirty kind of game. You either kill or be killed. There is alot to be said about such a game. Because the games are so similar its hare to choose. Plus I have only really just started playing Unreal.... So I have not had a real chance to formulate much of an opinion. So far I am pretty happy with the game. It presents some pretty good puzzles and I like the way you find out your info through the translator. Beth

  12. One of the most interesting things about yahoo and google both now is you can get alerts in your inbox. What I mean by this is you can pick a subject and google will sent you links in your inbox to hits on that subject. I have my name and my domain name in this alert. It really interests me what sometimes will come up. Beth

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