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Everything posted by Ao)K-General

  1. lol. No you wouldn't. But you would see Chuck nail some one hard with his famous round house kick. And Arnold throwing someone at something else (ex: ground, wall, etc...). Or even throwing a phone booth with his enemie in it. The whole phone booth. And Sylvester nailing someone hard.
  2. Now thats funny. And Sony would NEVER let something like that EVER happen. You know how I know? It's common sense. Only retarded companies would put pictures out with spelling mistakes and never realize it. But Sony would never let that happen. Microsoft and Nintendo wouldn't. And Sony is big. So if they let that happen, it wouldn't happen. It ain't possible with them. And I suck with photo shop and couldn't do that. I can't even make a good matrix pic. I made the background but tried to put Neo in. But it looks like hes glowing. It's also too large for what I wanted to do with it.
  3. lol. I really think he would be a great fighter in real life. A lot of people who do those things in the movies most likely know them in real life and that's why they got the part. But that's just me. Though I think he would be a great body guard for anyone. Him and Arnold and all those other strong popular and buff movie stars. If they were younger though. Arnold is going into his 60's if he's not there yet. But you know he's gotta be strong because of how much he works out. And Chuck Norris is intelligent (I would hope so), than theres Sylvester who was in the Rocky movies. He should know boxing and if he doesn't than I don't know what to do with him. lol.
  4. I have no idea what you said. 2 nights ago me and my dad watched the ending of Rambo 3. Than changed to watching the last hour of The Last Samurai. Than after that was over, Commando came on. AMC for The Last Samurai and Commando. Dunno 'bout Rambo 3. But those are some good shows. Though I prefer Anime shows for sword fights like in The Last Samurai. Anime is better because they jump really high and are a lot stronger and don't wear that stupid looking armor. And I would also wanna see who is better in Archery. The people in The Last Samurai or the Elves in Lord of the Rings like in The Two Towers. Or Kogome (I think that's how you spell it) from Inyuyasha lol.
  5. Yeah. Getting all weapons. Throwing knives are fun. Gotta love that game lol.
  6. Arnold is also good. But knowing many fighting styles doesn't mean you'd win a fight against him. But you gotta love Arnold (I'm not going to try his last name for obvious reasons). Commando, Terminator 1-3. He's awesome in Commando 'cause he acts like a normal person but he lifts up a phone booth with a person in it and throws it. He also throws people off him like they are nothing. It's funny, really. But Sylvester is cool too. Like Rambo. Good movies. But in the Rambo movies, Sylvester seems more human than Arnold does in Commando. Termanator. Good movies. Gets hit with bullets and hardly acts like anything even hit him. And he holds grenade launchers with 1 hand. You gotta love their movies.
  7. Awhile ago I decided to note thingy me self lol. And he changed it telling me not to do it again. And its working again for me now
  8. Is Xisto down? Because I can't get to my forums and it shows all the DB's gone. Yet I haven't deleted anything and the password is too hard to guess.
  9. It would be interesting to see. I had no one I knew who worked there or anything. But it would be interesting to see all that stuff.
  10. Halo 3 is coming out. And it will be out in 2007 sometime. And the graphics look really good too. I read it in Game Pro. So don't question me.
  11. Who here plays Outwar? And if so than what server? And what kind of character did you choose? And what lvl and set? I play and I am on the Torax server. My character is a gangster and he's lvl 35 and uses full noc. I'm in the crew -Total War- . It's a fun game with lots of other people. And you never have to worry about giving your password up. There is your login password and your security password. For someone to really screw you up, they need your security password. Most crews want you to send in your login password so they can use you in raids. But they can't do much to your account so you never have to worry. And there are points in the game that you get through trades. Transferable points can be used to buy upgrades for yourself or buy gems which make your wearable items stronger. You can also prestige things which gives them certain things they didn't have before. Raiding is also fun. And you get skills. At lvl 40 with preservation you can get a skill that adds 750 attack and 2000 hp. It's kinda cool really. You all should try it. The site is outwar.com You can choose your server from there. If you decide to play, msg me and I'll help you as much as possible. If you play already than msg me and send an ally invite. I'm AoKLeader in the game. Post your replies on what you think of it.
  12. Interesting... Yahoo has something like that. But it's basically the regular chat thing. It doesn't involve a number or anything. You just click call and it will start ringing for the other person and they can choose to answer or not. I think you can leave msges with it. But that seems interesting. You could give it to your aim buds and have them talk to ya.
  13. Not really... He knows Karate and can fight. And he's also famous for his round house kicks that he does in his movies. But be careful.
  14. Yeah. GoldenEye was the best. Great classic. Anyone who hates it or doesn't know what it is deserves to like, never play video games again lol.
  15. Yeah. With one of the 007 games they had it delayed a few times. And it came out pretty nice. Good graphics and really fun. And it had cheats too. But you had to earn them. The more golds and platinums you got, the more cheats you unlocked. The golden gun sucks though lol. The platinum gun is the best gun.
  16. I don't know the official date. All I know is that it is in 2007.
  17. Any and all Battle.Net games. And also CS and Halo 2
  18. Yup. And when you ask Chuck Norris what time it is he'll say "Two Seconds 'till" and 2 seconds after you ask "2 seconds 'till what?" he round house kicks you in the face. BURN!! lol
  19. It's 16 for Live at the most. And I don't know if they are making Halo 2 for the computer. What I am saying is that Halo 3 WON'T be out for the computer until Halo 2 is. And Halo 2 may never come out for the computer. Who knows.
  20. Is Chuck Norris as strong as we think he is? He is probably on this forum reading this topic right now as is getting ready to kill me for this. First lesson for the non-believers: Chuck Norris is God. He controls God and the Universe. Second lesson: Don't get on Chuck Norris's bad side or he will Round-House Kick you in the face. Third: Chuck Norris is always right. Don't question the power of Chuck Norris. But do you think he is as powerful as we think? Post your opinions. OBEY CHUCK NORRIS!! THE ULTIMATE RULER!!!
  21. I think it's harder on the computer. And they won't put Halo 3 onto the computer until after Halo 2 is on the computer. But Halo for the computer you can get more people in than on Halo 2 with XBox Live I think.
  22. Now that's funny. I'd like to see dogs with that. Than laugh at 'em. Those dogs wouldn't be invincible you know. CHUCK NORRIS!! hehehe
  23. lol. You do that and get arrested for it. Because if I sue and lose and you egg his house, I'm takin' you down with me. hehehe.
  24. I know people already. It's just that it's a new school with all these new classes and more work and stuff.
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