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Posts posted by scan06disk

  1. ## Try to lower the rate our population is growing at so we won't have as many peopleconsuming natural resources, including water.

    well, that means we would have to get rid of at least 1/2 of the worlds population, to last till the earth is engulfed by the SUN ! :unsure:
    it might be funny now but during those days u will be .........well yea think abt tht. hehe for now chill :D but then :( !


  2. hmm... so u blame money for that i blame intelligence money brought about a way to be organised and for example if u do a job that ur good at u will get rewarded well thats what money WAS but now money is just like food, too much food and u disrespect food. too much money and u disrespect one another, we have brains for good and bad if we intend to use money for bad only bad is returned if it is used for good only good is returned it all seems as though money is the culprit but without money where would u be ?? just think..... its the brains we have that and misused not money. The pictures all show the misuse of intelligence.Thank you for bringing up this topic at least we can hope people will think better.Cheers,Scan :unsure:

  3. hi,This is a really HARD Question !! i i choose cats well they devote them selves to one place and never change if i move where as dogs are usually Maintenance hehe not to put it that way but no other word hehe, sooo well a Dog is faithful and a cat ! cats love neighbours cat food hehe. sooo 1 good for dog as for can VERY CUTE ! one for the cats. Next, Dogs Bark and that can be a good thing in case of burglary and if u live in a small apartment can be bad for neighbours so 1 neutral for Dogs, as for cats they MEOW and thats awesome, doesnt disturb anyone so 2 good for cat. Next, both *BLEEP* a lot so both get neutral lol, as for cleaning up Hmm.. cats are usually self clean but still need a bath as for dogs hmm.. hard to get em to the bath hehe. So as stats go a cat seems better but as feelings and devotions go a Dog is best so u choose i like parrots hehe :unsure:Enjoy,Scan

  4. if we run out of lakes etc we can get water from the ocean!"

    Well well well nice to see someone thinking about our most important resource ! as for the Future when water is really gone what are we gonna do? forget oceans as the earthmoves closer to the sun and all sorts of changes occur, the only thing left to do is to join the 2 molecules H + O2 is some kind of ration that they form wate and thats the only was for mankind to survive. as for us we wont even be Alive then, hope so :( Think about it people ! the fastest and neares we can travel to safety is mars which in after a few years would also plunge into the sun thenwhat remains Nothing but Years of travel and finally the LOSS of mankind !

    hehehe spooked you all eh hahahahahah
    but still think about it ! :unsure:

  5. hi guys,

    I BET u $10 bucks(fraud)hehe that u would have never seen a Philips 760 well in fact no one in the whole of Australia has seen one except for me ! hehe its quite a good phone has a lot of features, only thing that astonished me was the FACT that it had a deragmenter inbuilt hahaha i saw it one day when i switched on my phone after a meeting to find out that it was defragmenting all my files(pictures, tones,etc hehe) it has a 1.3 Megapixel cam with video and a compression rate that can knock ur socks off its got just 18 mb of space and i can store a lot of pictures !! its very sleek and perfect u WOULD NEVER THINK A PHILIPS Can be soo good and well i have never tried to drop it hehe like a nokia 3310 hehe :unsure:

    well here is a link to GSMARENA - philips 720

    Philips 760 LINK (W/T PICTURE)

    Scan :(

  6. Hmm... sports and glasses BAD mix, but as i used to play cricket and soccer since a long time i am use to not wearing glasses and about contacts well they are worse than glasses, pls take my advice as Contacts was totally made for looks and NOT FEEL as they say! :unsure: but glasses well i have had 2 glasses and i still haven't broken one even though it bends drops, skrew falls off glass scratches a bit WHATEVER I WOULD prefer glasses, even if looks get ruined, hehe :(

  7. Hi,i have only one problem, i cant get other plp view my site, let me tell u what i did so far.1. i installed Apache, SQL and PHP.2. i run them sucessfully.3. i host a site, which works perfectly.4. i can access it using localhost.now the problem,how do i set my Netcomm DSL modem router to let plp view my site publicly and with out letting all my security run away.Is there any clever person who can help me with this? ;);) Is there a simpler way? :) Thank You Very Much ! ;) Scan :D

  8. hehehe thx for all ya comments its a site i abandoned few months ago i am running my own site from home using APACHE, SQL and PHP BTW if u guys can help me out i use the domain local host well what would i need to do if i want other people to see it over the internet, i am guessing u tell me to use my IP address well but i have an IP address tht keeps on changing i really dunno if it is Static or DHCP or something but i really want my family to view it from overseas what do i doo PLEASE HELP how do i open ports or such stuff for them to view the site ???Any help Thank you very much ;)Scan ;)

  9. lol i am a rookie in Clan sites its for AAO an Amry game America's Army Online :) my clans name will be =IF= Intensive force Clan well i hope it would ;) as of now i am already with another clan but i do hope to have my own. ;)one day Hmmm... ;)thx for the help offer but i dunno if u r into such games lol if u r then lets talk business:lol:

  10. Ok firstly Acne i not supposed to be touched or pinched or pulled or plucked it has to be treated gently just like a wound, firstly Acne is usually due to Oliy and unclean pores in faces i.e in layman's terms, but what i researched and found was tht Acne is easy to control once reduced i.e to eat properly and prevent getting depressed all the time as emotions and food all depend on ur body's mutual metabolism, what i mean it tht ur body has to be like a cool cucumber fresh and clean u should not eat oily stuff daily and especially Chocolate ! even if plp are saying tht coco isn't the cause well they probably made a deal with cadbury ;) but as tested coco has heaty ingredients tht means when digested there are elements that help in the growth of pimples, just remember keep off heaty things like Mango, chocolate, coco products, and anything tht make u fell a heaty feeling ;)Enjoy LifeScan

  11. i am quite thin i am 61 kgs and 18 yrs old many plp say i am slim how do i kno if thts the right weight? i feel fit a lot of plp tell me its hereditary and tht ill become fat later in my life like my dad ;) sry dad :D but sports is always my league and i dont fell i would die or something but it does creep into my mind tht being thin is being vulnerable any advice most appericiated ;), as u can see i am quite confused and no matter WHAT I EAT never do i gain weight ;) , in the long run i.e when i get old does it mean tht i would die faster :) ?

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