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Posts posted by scan06disk

  1. Hi,JatSim Hosting is pretty good, although it has barely any members, its a FREE FFMPEG hosting community ! so i can host my own video sharing website ! like PHPMotion and vshare which i bought for $10 for FREE ! hehe, have to love me for that :Dthis is their link: http://jatsim.com/
    their servers are "ok" with a 99.89% uptime, but they have fast speeds...Customer Service = 7.5/10Server Service = 8/10Website looks = 6/10Speed = 7/10Reliability = 8/10overall they are an OK host !Enjoy !Scanny :D

  2. Hi guys,i have some great news, Brandon has started his own website and he is developing it and well since i am his best friend he has called me to help :D , we are looking for members and staff but yea just take a look at the site and well tell us what you guys think :P , everyone now a days wants a site for their own :P but yea I KNOW THAT we dont have a logo and stuff lool but we will get to all that in good time :D .But do tell me what you think and OH YES the vB lisence is paid for :D not a cracked or nulled or illegal one lol.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ :(

  3. HI guys,i came across this site a few days ago http://www.zoomcities.com/ , A great free webhosting website, i browsed through the website, it seemed like a new site cause there are less people there :) , but yea great site :) , i have seen a few sites so far that have forum boards with MyBB, well this was one done very well indeed ;) , looking at the offers and efforts put into the site, i feel they are very good ;) . Check it out, just my review on it :) cause i love Mazda cars therefore ZOOM ZOOM, at first u would, 100% think it was a CARS website by the name :PEnjoy,Scan :P

  4. Great DUDe liked the website, but for all australians i recommend http://www.emailcash.com.au/, but as for this site it seem good so far but how long will they able to manage, i mean the site it self doesn't look that stable, sry to be negative be yea tht what i saw, as for Adbux being scam, as this site spoke well we just have to see for our selves if this site isn't a scam as they say, but as for adbux well most of my pals received checks already, not promoting it or anything but just facts.

  5. Hi guys,i kno i by mistake posted my friends website that was under construction, i am admin there as well as my friend, i am really soory if i broke some rule there, :) i really didn't mean to i though that in the freebies section we could post any thing free soory i really didn't mean to break any rules, sorry. i will never do it again !!!CheerScan :)

  6. Hi hitman,hmm... well its like a table with all multiples of ten in the left column and the preceding numbers on the top row304050 0 1 2 3means 0 =30 u know like multiplication tables this multi that but in this case 0 = to that left column number (30, 40,50...)as for 0123 1=31,41,51...... so the table in between displays the ASCII value of 31 32 33 below 0 1 2 3 in line with 30 left column.THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH for all your help!!scan :)

  7. hi guys,

    i really want to know how to make a ASCII table like this.

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 930 ! " # $ % & '
    40 ( ) * + , - . / 0 1
    50 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ;
    60 < = > ? @ A B C D E
    70 F G H I J K L M N O
    80 P Q R S T U V W X Y
    90 Z [ \ ]^ _ ` a b c
    100 d e f g h i j k l m
    110 n o p q r s t u v w
    120 x y z { | } ~ ? ?

    rows and cloumns.
    [hr=noshade] [/hr]

    this is what i have done so far

    public class DisplayChars {	public static void main(String[] args) {		int value;		for (int j=0; j<= 9; j += 1)		System.out.print("\t" + j);		 for (int i = 30; i <= 120; i+= 10) {		 value = ((char)i);		 System.out.print("\n" + i + "\t" +(char)i);																						 		 }	}}

    and i cant get the ASCII characters to line up. :unsure:

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