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Everything posted by HmmZ

  1. I've send you a PM, read and think about it please
  2. Hmm,Lucky to see sierrad was offended by the -1rep...I found out who and what...Click on sierrad (username)click on the -1rep pntsthen click on thomas4 (username) the one who gave it to her..without reason aswellOnce you click his name then the error returns on a next page
  3. I've seen this attemptive source of income in:-Ragnarok Online-Gunbound-Project A3-Eve Onlineand probably numberous of other games, so yeah, this type of income exists and will only be thickened by time, wait till you can buy a lvl100 ragnarok online char for 5bucks
  4. I ám using that code ($pass=md($pass) look again What I meant, was that with the registration, the password will come hashed into the table, and I thought with the login it would then require to insert the hashed password (a whole different password then the user wanted..), so basically, im using the md5 in the registration ánd with the login, and theres where my question earlier comes in, does thát matter? and could you tell me what a custom salt is? I've heard about it before, but i don't know what people mean by that and thanks for the tip on single quotes and the urldecode() ??Their values go through some stripping first don't they? Once stripped and secured from sql injection, then the values are send through a query, so why wouldn't this be secure?
  5. the 26 days was calculated with 1.5minute songs, but the average song these days is 3-4minutes long....so it would double the amount of days...I have 1 gigabyte of songs on my HD, but i only listen to like...100mb of those songs XD.Well one thing is certain, they are better off with enabling it to be a portable HD, instead of enabling it only for songs, else noone would be buying these things...I hope Duracell or something comes up with like...ultra-lithium batterys or something, else it wouldn't be possible to listen the whole thing off, and I hate the idea of:Instead of carrying 10 dvds, carrying 50batterys just to keep up with the portable HD eating all your batterys energy..hehe
  6. Haven't noticed any articles similar to that recently, but of course scientists are always woking on faster, better, smaller in size, bigger in amount, so yea it's possible they are wandering about that
  7. Well, to be honest, I dont know anymore, I tried looking in the reputation list, but it seems it doesn't show negative reputations? tried ascending order and it displays from none-highest rep....not negative =/
  8. This happened when I clicked a users reputation (he had -1 so i wanted to check it out), from there I clicked on the user that gave the -1 rep, the following page had this error (the rest was blank) Notice from serverph: Placed error report in quote tags.
  9. Thang Global is a game I recently joined, and it's a great mmorpg so far, even though they don't have quests (except for the beginners quest), they have enough other aspects that balance the lack of quests: -Nice graphics -fast-paced battles -Vendoring (having a shop) -Refining your weapons and armor -weapon combos -6slotted combination set where you can enhance hp/mp/crit chance/attack rating/defence rating Overal a good game, they are in Open Beta, but, with the introduction of game money for real money, they pretty much turned into a F2P game (free to play). just check it out Thang Global
  10. Meh, only a 14day-trial, i had that with ro(ragnarok online). You feel screwed when you got yourself a nice char after 14 days, and then it just gets munched
  11. If your using CSS: body{ scrollbar-face-color: #color; scrollbar-shadow-color: #color; scrollbar-highlight-color: #color; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #color; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #color; scrollbar-track-color: #color; scrollbar-arrow-color: #color; } If you just want to edit 1 page: <style>scrollbar-face-color: #color; scrollbar-shadow-color: #color; scrollbar-highlight-color: #color; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #color; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #color; scrollbar-track-color: #color; scrollbar-arrow-color: #color;</style> experiment with the colors
  12. I had to google >.> Ogame Anywayz, I'm not into space-like games, they are often turnbased and just not my style, MMORPGs are the way to go
  13. I've took the effort to google for ya, here are a few advanced error handling tuts: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.phpbuilder.com/columns/mattias20000519.php3 and here they even discuss it as a topic: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hope this suits your question
  14. Hmm, the error says theres a problem on line 20... // Then you need to make sure the database you want// is selected.mysql_select_db($db);?> try the following: mysql_select_db("$db",$ms); if that doesnt work you can try to take off the apostrophes, if the problem still persists please reply again P.S. please don't forget that Xisto uses your cPanel username in db usernames and dbs, e.g. cpanelusername_dbusername and yourcpanelusername_dbname.
  15. If youre gonna implement the left scrollbar, do realize that visitors wont think its ease of use, because since most people have right hand mouses, they automatically rather have right scrollbars
  16. It is sort of what I meant, but without the red around it xD
  17. Ok, vizskywalker was finally able to solve the problem with my registration, but when I tried to login with my testaccount, it just continuously give me the "wrong username/password" error, i registered a new account and tried again, but still fails... here's the authentication page...: <?php $user = $_POST['username'];$pass = $_POST['password'];$user=strip_tags($user);$pass=strip_tags($pass);$user=str_replace(" ","",$user);$pass=str_replace(" ","",$pass);$user=str_replace("%20","",$user);$pass=str_replace("%20","",$pass);$user=addslashes($user);$pass=addslashes($pass);$conn = mysql_connect("localhost","***","***");mysql_select_db("***");$pass=md5($pass);$request = "SELECT * FROM go_logintable WHERE password='$pass' AND username='$user'";$results = mysql_query("$request",$conn);if(mysql_num_rows($results)==0){ echo "Username/Password Incorrect"; $_SESSION['auth'] = false;}else{ echo "Succesfully logged in"; $_SESSION['user'] = $user; $_SESSION['auth'] = true;}?>I don't know if it matters, but the registration also uses $password=md5($password), so the password is already encoded, like i said, i dont know if that matters. also, since the error i get is displayed with if(mysql_num_rows($results)==0) maybe the problem is there.. [And again...sorry im bugging you guys..again ]
  18. Finally,its inserting data now, can you explain something to me tho, ive made a testpage to view the data in a table, and I see that the password is way different then I inputted, is this security?($password=md5($password)?Anywayz, big thanks for helping me out, seems its working now, gonna try logging in now
  19. First of all,Microsoft would never choose a new color combination, as green-black is the Xbox trademark color comboSecond,Microsoft IS working on a much smaller version but it won't look like that, I've heard from a trusty source that they want to stretch the X, so there wont be corners, sounds like a seriously dope shape
  20. *BUMP*Hopefully someone can give me a fix on this, im still thinking it's in the connect part (registration works now, but it wont insert it into the database)
  21. Well...I started all over, writing the whole thing all over again (it was getting confusing), BUT, of course, it's not working It does give me the errors i worked on (passwords dont match, emails dont match, didnt fill everything out) and it gave me the success message, the only problem now is...it doesnt insert the info in the table :) so here is, once more (HOPEFULLY!), my register_user page: <?phpinclude "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Variables$host="localhost";$user="***";$pass="***";$db="***";$table="***";//registration shortcuts$username=$_POST['username'];$password=$_POST['password'];$password2=$_POST['password2'];$fullname=$_POST['fullname'];$gender=$_POST['gender'];$birthday=$_POST['birthday'];$birthmonth=$_POST['birthmonth'];$birthyear=$_POST['birthyear'];$country=$_POST['country'];$email=$_POST['email'];$email2=$_POST['email2'];if ($password!=$password2) { print "<table border='0' align='center' valign='center' width='400' height='400'><tr><td align='center'><font size='2'><b>Your Confirm Password didn't match the original password</b><br><A HREF='javascript:history.back()'><img src='http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; border='0'></A></td></tr></table>";}if ($email!=$email2) { print "<table border='0' align='center' valign='center' width='400' height='400'><tr><td align='center'><font size='2'><b>Your Confirm E-Mail didn't match the original E-Mail</b><br><A HREF='javascript:history.back()'><img src='http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; border='0'></A></td></tr></table>";}if ($username==''||$password==''||$fullname==''||$country==''||$email=='') { print "<table border='0' align='center' valign='center' width='400' height='400'><tr><td align='center'><font size='2'><b>You did not fill out all the fields</b><br><A HREF='javascript:history.back()'><img src='http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; border='0'></A></td></tr></table>";}//Connect..mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass) or die(mysql_error());mysql_select_db($db) or die(mysql_error());$password=md5($password);$addit="INSERT into $table VALUES ('$username','$password','$fullname','$gender','$birthday','$birthmonth','$birthyear','$country','$email')"; mysql_query($addit);print "<table border='0' align='center' valign='center' width='400' height='400'><tr><td align='center'><font size='2'><b>Registration was succesfull, you can now log in</b></td></tr></table>";}?>I think there must be a problem in the connect part...=/
  22. Haha, Nice little tut, Ill add a bit If you have many programs you wish to put in one new folder (in my example we will use Applications with my HD=C:/) This is also WinXP tutorial material! Step 1: =>go to my computer =>then to your main HD C:/ =>then to your documents and settings folder C:/Documents and Settings/ =>then choose your user folder [if its your comp, choose "all Users"]C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/ =>go to the "menu start" folder C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Menu Start/ =>once your there, go to "Programs" folder C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Menu Start/Programs/ =>Youre finally at the place where the real action comes, make a new folder in this map, name it to your desire (in my example we use "Applications") To check you did it right, go to your start>Programs and see if you see the folder you just created =>In your new folder (Applications) drag and drop the programs you want in there, in my example, I will put some applications in the folder =>In my Applications folder, ive dragged Photoshop, Word, Antivirus Software and my AntiSpyware. If i go to Start>Programs>Applications I can now select any of the applications I just dragged into the folder I've explained it in great detail, so now it may look harder then it is, but if you try it, you'll see its a matter of seconds to do it, a useful way to make new folders in my start menu
  23. *BUMP*:)Hope I could get a reply(answer) soon, cause my registration is stuck right now.
  24. It was actually a questioning statement rather then just a plain statement, as ive mentioned before im a noob in php... so NO need to say that, first read right before judging like that... second, it was solved so why dig the thread up again, you'll only get other threads down in the list...
  25. Well the image count is reduced significantly, and so is my loading time :)I still think LoFo skin would be best tho
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