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Posts posted by Laurie

  1. My boyfriend has smoked in the past. At the moment he doesn't. He has used the patches to quit a couple of times. My confusion comes in that he continues to chew tobacco. He did it even through the use of the patch. Aren't the patches supposed to take care of your nicotine addiction? I think the patches helped him because he believed they did. He has stopped the action of smoking but it has left him with more money for his chew. I don't nag him about it because he cleans up after himself. The part I don't like about smoking is the cigarette butts, the ashes, the smell and the empty boxes. I don't like the idea of using gum because then I have the used gum wads to deal with. And the same issue with sunflower seeds. I don't know what to offer to help him, I am letting him decide on his own what to do. But I try not to give him money to buy his supplies. I look forward to the time that he decides by himself that it is time to quit and does something about it.

  2. My income does not depend on what I do with my time so I choose to spend it at my computer. I have a website with a blog that is hosted by Xisto. So not only do I spend time at my site but I also post here on the forums to keep my credits up. My site provides me with a place to keep track of my Works in Progress and my blog lets me share my thoughts with others. These are things that I probably would not be able to do as well without the Internet. I also pay a lot of my bills online, I have communication with others through my email, and I keep a photobucket. Now for what I would do without my connection to the computer. I really don't know. I have spent much time trying to define what to do with my life and the time and energy I have available. If internet was not available, what would you spend your time doing? That is much of what this topic is about. I don't have a good answer.

  3. The IRS has determined that April 15th is the deadline date for filing your taxes. Many people procrastinate until this date. I hear many people saying, 'I have got to do my taxes'. For me it is not something I need to worry about. My income is non-taxable. I don't owe them and they don't owe me so they don't even want me to file. Some peoples taxes are simple. Take the income reported on the W-2. Do some calculations to find adjusted gross income. Look in the charts to find the tax owed. Compare the amount you have paid with the amount owed and determine if what you paid is enough to cover your taxes owed. Some people have had taxes withheld from their paychecks so they don't owe anything and sometimes the government even owes them a refund. Many people depend on this refund to make some purchases they couldn't otherwise make. Companies use this expected income as a way to draw in extra customers. There are many rules and regulations regarding taxes. There are companies that provide a service of filing taxes for people who find that they don't want to do it themselves. They charge a fee but are worth it if your taxes are complicated by the things that affect your adjusted gross income. If you make or lose a bunch of money or if you itemize your deductions, 'doing your taxes' can be a large task. If you have other income than just your wages and salary, the math can be mind boggling. I have enough knowledge of filing taxes to do the simple ones that just have a couple of W-2s and no extra considerations. But for the rest, I leave them to others. Have you 'done your taxes' yet?

  4. I think it's unsafe for your to take advice from random people in a forum...

    Im getting a second (or more) opinion as well as some entertainment from hearing other people's experiences.

    so grin and bear the pain

    It is easy to grin when people like you respond to my post.

    I suggest a Lawn chair and a pitcher of Pina Coladas, preferably with an ocean view...

    I think I'll take a chocolate milk and a seat at my computer, with a view of the Xisto forums.

  5. I have broken a couple of ribs. What are your experiences with broken ribs and how do you suggest I treat them? My injury came from just a minor nose dive that barely hit the ground with any pressure. But it was enough. I fell, got a little bit of wind knocked out of me, but stood up and went about what I was doing. I noticed a little bit of tenderness but nothing major. The next morning it hurt a bit to breath deeply or move in certain ways. Over the week this pain got more intense and was triggered by littler movement. It got severe enough and didn't seem to be reasonable so I chose to go to the doctor and get it checked out. They took some x-rays and a CT scan. They determined that I had broken a couple of ribs but there was no internal trauma. In the process they found a mass in my liver that they wanted to explore further. So I got another CT scan a couple of days later.I feel like a pincushion. I have 9 holes where they either tried to get blood or put the contrast dye into me. I told them, 'You can have it if you can find it.' They usually didn't believe me until they tried to go for it and they couldn't get a vein. I used to try to donate blood but after a few unsuccessful attempts I stopped trying. So now I have been sent home with broken ribs to deal with. I am told that I should use my pain as a guide to how much I can do. I shouldn't be in any danger of injuring it any further. But it will take several weeks for it to truly heal. Now what? Do I take pain killers? Do I stop using it? Do I exercise more to get it reconditioned? Do I indulge myself and use it as an excuse not to do anything? Do I tell others about it? Can I use it as an incentive to get into better condition? What ideas and suggestions do you have for coping with this situation?

  6. I was skimming the forums and came across a thread about torrent. After reading through several posts and even a couple of different threads I am still no more enlightened about what Torrent is. It is evidently something about downloading files and there are several different programs for doing so. If someone wants a good crack at post credits you could post a definition and discussion about torrent for us noobs who dont know what it is.

  7. After being considered disabled due to being bipolar I found myself in the situation that my income did not depend on what I chose to do with my time. So now what? If money didn't matter, what would you spend your time doing? I did get my Bachelors Degree in Business from AIU Online. Now I spend my time at the computer. I intend to become more physically active since it is now spring and easier to want to be outside. Somedays I just dont do much of anything and others I am driven to improve myself and my lifestyle. But what would be an improvement? I am not choosing between job or studies because now I am guided by more of thinking of what will benefit me towards achieving what I want. I am stuck at the point of having to define what it is that I want. Until I do, I will just spend my time at whatever appeals to me at the moment.

  8. I just read that they will send you payments at the end of each month but they wont send a check for less than $10. I don't know how valid that is, but I think it is fairly current. Adsense is a good way to make the money to support your computer habits. Besides, it gives you incentive to make your site a worthwhile place to visit. Follow the rules and it can be a good experience for you.

  9. I am seeking a game concept to develop. I have the ability to get the time, skills, resources and energy to develop a game, but I don't have the idea. Many people talk about learning languages in order to get started, but I don't have any ideas of what to program to learn them. Any suggestions would be helpful. If you would like to see your idea developed, please contact me to discuss the possibilities.

  10. I am seeking a game concept to develop. I have the ability to get the time, skills, resources and energy needed to develop a game but I dont have an idea to develop. If you have one, I would appreciate hearing from you. My income is not dependent on what I do each day so I choose to spend my time at the computer. I am good at putting resources together with the people who need them. And I am looking for a project or two to work on.

  11. I recieved my Associates of Arts and my Bachelor's Degree in Business from AIU Online. It took me about a year and a half and consisted of 5 week courses, one or two at a time. The courses had assignments each week of an individual assignment, a group project and a discussion board to participate in. It required individual discipline to complete each of these assignments in a timely and professional manner. Some courses were harder than others but I managed to graduate with a B average. Having completed a course of action that led to the reward of a degree was a major accomplishment for me. Because of my mental status of being considered disabled due to being labelled bipolar, the online setup was perfect for me. On my good days I could accomplish lots and get ahead of the program. On my bad days I could do only that which was really important and put off the rest until I was more mentally able to handle it. I was not going to school for social reasons, it was so that I could say that I had completed something I had set my mind to doing. There were times I wanted to give up, but I would just reschedule my assignments until the mood had passed. That is one nice thing about being bipolar, you can always count on your mood changing if you just wait long enough. Online schooling cost about the same amount that being in a classroom would have cost. I now have the obligation of repaying my student loans. The education I got I am now using with my computer activities. I am also using it to advise others in their business operations. Overall, online education was a very good experience for me. Degrees earned online now carry about as much power as classroom education, sometimes more. Anyone seeking certification should certainly consider online education as a way to go.

  12. Select a word. Provide a definition, either one you find by looking it up or even better, write one yourself. Then provide an example of the word in use. Talk about what the word means to you and how you have used it.Communication - an interaction between two or more participants in which there is an exchange of thoughts, ideas, feelings, etc.Xisto is an excellent place to practice communication.Communication is a way for information to be exchanged. Good communication is a necessary part of effective relationships. There is both verbal and non-verbal communication. There can even be communication with animals, nature and inanimate objects. Ever just feel a connection with someone or something? That can lead to communication or you can ignore the opportunity and maybe miss a special interaction. There are many mediums used for communication. The first one I think of is conversation, but there is also writing, acting, touching and emoting. Without using communication, you will lead a very isolated life. This is not necessarily a bad thing, it is a lifestyle choice sometimes brought about by circumstances and sometimes created on purpose. Using communication will bring new awareness of the world around you. Sometimes it will be effective and sometimes it will be conflicting. There are many courses and seminars about how to use communication to enhance your relationships with others. The more you practice communication, the better you get at expressing yourself. So take a step forward and respond to this post.

  13. You are young enough that your body has not settled into its stable balance. You could work on finding a comfortable weight and muscle tone for yourself where you are capable of doing the physically active things that you wish to do. I have to admit that I have not followed this advice for myself. My system is no where near where it would need to be for me to be active. My first step would seem to be deciding what I want to be able to do. Then work towards being able to do it. Any ideas for what I might be able to become interested in experiencing?

  14. Is this for a game that is already developed or one that is just an idea? You may want to check out some of my other posts. I am looking for game concepts to work with. You can also respond to my posts to boost your count. I look forward to working with you and your hosted site.

  15. The definitions of 'rich' and 'poor' are not limited to the amount of money or goods you have. Some people define them as to your level of mental condition. If you feel you have enough and that your life is good, you would be considered 'rich'. If you constantly feel a lack and that you don't have enough, you would be considered 'poor'. There is not a set amount of things you have to have in order to be considered 'rich'. Also, you do not have to be lacking certain things to be considered 'poor'. I myself feel that I am rich as I have a place to live, transportation, food, activities to do, social interaction and other things that make it so I have a 'good' lifestyle. Even though I don't have a whole lot of money, I do have enough. I feel that I have unlimited resources, I just need to figure out how to convert them to the form I need. No matter how little 'things' I have, I can survive and be happy, feeling that I am 'rich'.

  16. The word 'addiction' is usually thought to refer to something bad. I feel that it is just a state of being. It can be negative or postitive depending on what you do with your addiction. If it makes your life more difficult or gives you a lower standard of living I would probably think of it as something negative. However, if it gives you something to do with your time and energy that doesn't make your life worse, then it could be thought of as something positive. I consider myself addicted to spending my time at the computer, but others may just see it as an obsession. However, I don't like it when I am forced to be away from doing something that makes me feel good about myself and be in contact with other people. This is what I get from being at my computer. I am attempting to develop some other more active pursuits so that the physical aspect of my life will be more healthful and capable. There are many times when I will sit down at the computer intending to just catch up on the latest posts and I will find myself still sitting there hours later without having used the restroom, gotten any food or moved at all from the chair. Is that an addiction? I am hoping to make it an addiction to stand up at least once an hour. That way my body will be craving it and I am more likely to do it. I have broken a couple of ribs and I need to do gentle exercise to get me back to being able to move effectively. I'm very certain that I don't want to get addicted to the pain medications that are available to me. But I don't mind being addicted to the mood stabilizer medications that my doctor and I have determined are effective in treating my mood swings. I have physical responses when I don't take them for a few days. It is better for me to take them. This I feel is a positive addiction. I require food, water and sleep but I don't think I would call them addictions. My boyfriend was/is a smoker. He has quit, but I think the addictive tendencies are still there and it would be easy for him to start again. If someone determines that they are addicted to something and then they quit doing it, are they still addicted? How long would it take away from the behavior to determine that they are not addicted anymore? I feel that someone facing an addiction should determine what the results of the behavior are and consider whether the cost is worth the benefits gained. If not, then what actions can they take to eliminate that behavior? I am addicted to my sedentary lifestyle and am on the borderline of changing to a more active one. I still don't know what it will take to push me into action. Any suggestions as to what I could use as the 'on' button to get me going?

  17. It used to be that you would be considered a 'couch potatoe' for sitting for long hours watching TV using the remote to change the channels and having a drink and munchies at your side. Now we have become 'mouse potatoes'. How many of us have 'mouse wrist' instead of 'tennis elbow'. How many times have you sat down at the computer for 'a few moments' and found yourself still sitting there hours later saying 'just one more'. Your bladder is bursting and you have a severe case of the munchies. I am now challenging myself to stand up at least once an hour. Seems like a small thing, but it will make a big difference in my activity level.

  18. I find that I know what I need to do, but I am just not doing it. Where do I find that 'on' button that gets me to be more active? I have adjusted my diet and that has helped. I have added little things like taking the dog out more often and dancing when a good song comes on the radio. There is still a long way to go. I keep on the look out for opportunities to be active, but it is just so much easier to continue doing what I am doing, such as sitting at the computer and typing messages on the forums, rather than get up and move. Funny thing is, when I do get up and do something I end up feeling so much better. So why don't I do it more often? I am finally getting to the point where I am accepting that it is something I need to do. Both to feel better physically, but also mentally. Okay, so I have a couple of broken ribs, I can still be more active than I am. They said I should use my pain as my guide. I can do as much as my pain will allow me without doing any damage. I can't use my ribs as an excuse to be inactive. When I am lying in bed because I can't think of anything I would rather do, I need some ideas about what I can be interested in. I have recognized that I am good at putting resources together with those that need them. Right now I am looking for someone with a computer game concept that we can develop together. I have the ability to get the time, skills, resources and energy to develop a playable computer game but I don't have the idea. Anyone with any suggestions, I would sure love to hear them.

  19. I am offering assistance in developing a game. I have the ability to get the time, skills, resources and energy needed to do what it takes to produce a playable game but I don't have a game concept. I am willing to look at any genre, theme and design. I don't know what kind of distribution to look at until we know what kind of game we are developing. I also don't have any idea of the time we will take in developing it. It will depend on the kind of game and how much we have available to put into it. I am excited about this idea and ready to begin. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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