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Posts posted by hateheals

  1. erm.......certain files that are infecting mt pc and cannot be deleted..even by using the latest Avtivirus uptated to the date......the data is immaterial....i have it all on DVD....the restore points i have are all mostly after the day i found the two suckers in my PC......and i tried restoring once...system just refused to restore....wonder why...feel wiping HDD is best soultion....

  2. end of the world.....imminent phemenon that all of us need to prepare for.....for everything has its decay period after which it HAS to perish....the end can arrive ANYTIME.....noone can determine whethter its now or then......and frankly...no amount of preparation or repenting can save us because death comes to all..so might as well just let it come that actually prepare forwhat we cannot evade

  3. the OS in microsoft windows XP with SP2,processor is s pentium 4 3.00 GHZ,motherboard and intel make model details i dont really know,RAM satnds at 512 MB ddr,adn hard disk is seagate ATA HDD 232GB....and BTW...will typing the format command in the windows repair console do?coz i dont really have and idea as to HOW to access the command prompt BEFORE windows boots....

  4. COz renegade and the tiberium series in all that i havnt played yet,so im planning to download that.Will it be worth it???i have C&C3,which refuses to function on my pc...(sucky config)...so i thoguht ,heck,lets finish all the previous parts before playing this one.also....temme the name s of ALL the game sin the C&C series so that i can download all i havnt palayed yet......

  5. Could be possible,surprisingly all musicians die under mysterious circumstances,elvis,kurt cobain,jim morrison,michael hutchtance and the list goes on.Regarded as the greatest rapper ever,Tupac just MIGHT have faked his death to gain publicity,and that he did...the facts stated above indicate just that,although im not muchinto hiphop and rap,my plas mentioned this name a lot,so i felt inclined to post here.its a pity the heights people will go to get fame,even at the cost oftheir identety....

  6. erm.....not really.....google is more of a daily necessity more than anything else..google earth...maybe yes....that is something that will give my money's worth...but on the other hand,Gtalk,orkut and google search and the other stuff are too essential for millions to be made into paid stuff,no doubt many would pay for it,but the vast majority who cant really afod even that much(includes me too:(,donations most welcome;) would be affected...i wouldnt mind paying for ADSense either....

  7. erm.....not really.....google is more of a daily necessity more than anything else..google earth...maybe yes....that is something that will give my money's worth...but on the other hand,Gtalk,orkut and google search and the other stuff are too essential for millions to be made into paid stuff,no doubt many would pay for it,but the vast majority who cant really afod even that much(includes me too:(,donations most welcome;) would be affected...i wouldnt mind paying for ADSense either....

  8. I need to comepletely erase the whole of my hard disk.It should be in such manner that I get the same options i got when i first plugged in my hard disc.Ive heard about a few softwares that can do the job but i dont know their names properly[:D]!!!!!!iS there any means to do that without softwares??What softwares are the best for such a job?

  9. i dont know the virus name...the two files are named temp1 and temp2 and are in system32 folder...i tried the spybot thingy just today and it didnt pick ANYTHING up....and before i overwrote my OS...i kept seeing a message that said that c:/windows/system32/services.exe terminated with error code 255 and this system will shut down in 60 seconds...after that time..it froze and never shut down....all this stopped now....and also...panda detected one of the two files yesterday...but it never cleaned any of em and just terminated.....never to function again ....tryin to reinstall it again....one of the two files keeps terminating,showin an error message every time i open any of my drives.....other than that....they seem to be harmless...

  10. My PC got infected about 2 months ago,but the catch was,that the virus never hampered my system performance and evaded all tests done by all kinds of antivirus softwares which of course was kept updated.THe only problem was that i kept seeing the blue stop screens every now and then and a message that said that a file encounteredand error and had to be had to be shut down,that file was deleted by me quiet a lot of times,but it still kept spawning back .then i overwrote my OS ,restoring almost new settings,and the stop screens didnt appear anymore but,there are two files that i suspect are the cause of infection,are still of myPC and manage to evade detection by around 5 different avtivirus softwares for the SECOND time.these two files are upto something in my pc that i cannot detect.The wierd part is,that McAfee detected one of the files engaging in illegal script activity only ONCE,thats what im worried about.any suggestions as to how to gett rid of these two files,coz formatting my WHOLE HDD is out of question,coz i dont have a backup,suggestions and soultions are most welcome

  11. erm......is the question asked from a spiritual or scintific view????coz both theories differ by leaps and bounds...and both cant give satisfactory answers...the carbon dating is appliacble for only for 8k years.....that being the half life period of the carbon 14 isotope.....the uranium-lead method have yielded dates back to billionsa of years on basis of evidence found in really old rocks....the spiritual viewpoint...well...erm...is about a supreme mass of energy AKA god creating the stuff.....all i can say about this....

  12. After rocking us for more than 20 years...SLayer finally sems to be losing its charm.....coz after GOd Hates us all....christ illusion was a bit of a disappointment...and even their clasics sound wierd in their latest concerts...araya cant scream as he could.....jeff and kerry cant create the magic of their riffs...is slayer fading away???your thoughts on it

  13. Love is a DEADLY emotion according to me ,but is called the most wonderful creation by god and the thing that turns the world around.Love is the ideal example of a two edged blade,cant have too much or too less of it,a fine balence has to be maintained ,which aint easy by any means.true that love is an intoxicant,but it is one that cannot be ridden of with ease and sadly,every mortal gets affected by it.I dont know about others,but love is one emotion that i can do without coz love can seroiusly impair reasoning capacity in many.

  14. Vista is a RAM sucker.My pal says even with 1.5 GB RAM.It slows down his performance by a lot,the system alone consumes a bout 300 MB,not recommended for us 512 MB RAM users :unsure:. And as if that wasnt enough,drivers for Vista are very hard to come by and connection to the internet is a pain.The games are decent but i think i prefer good old solitaire.If you are stuck with a pirated version of vista,cracking is a PAIN and if improperly done,can screw up your data...stick to good old XP is my advice

  15. Passwords shouldnt be hard to remember.keep it short and sweet but absolutely unguessable.If you have a good memory,number combinations are suggested.The Fibbonaci[is that thr correct spelling?]sequence with modifications serves as an excellent password or perhaps even jumbling up phone numbers of loved ones might help.Or even commonly used sentences or signs serve as excellent passwords.But "password" is the most common password in the world because it is one word that you can see on the screen and can never forget.The best thing to do is to keep a common but difficult password for all of your usernames,that helps.as far as people with short term memories go,the password should be linked with something that is a part of our life,that can save them a lot of trouble.Or even random scribbling of the password on a piece of paper might help because even if its found,it wont make sense to anyone but the owner

  16. Is it essential in these ages where all humanity is lost under the rubble of currency?Is this what it has come down to?Can it be done with until the mess is sorted out??why do we need it now ?Me being an atheist am bound to feel this way,but i feel i should take an opinion of all those who beleive .opinions and replies highly appreciated

  17. "always be positive","think positive","never be negetive" are words that you hear many times at many places and most people oblidge to it.But what does "positive" and "negetive" mean???why is positivity considered superior over negetivity???who decides the convention to be taken to determine positive and negetive???why is anger,hate,jealousy etc considered negetive.why are people who think differently about this shunned by society??why is satan considered the source of negetive energy??why is negetive energy always cleared out...your opinions and answers on this would be highly apprecoated..

  18. suicide is commited by ONLY 2 kinds of people...one too cowardly to face life and the other who are throught exploring mortal realms and wanna expand further........which category does your friend fall in????frankly,i dont mind dying,hech,iv seev a lot of this planet,time to move on now,,,but some arrears need to be fulfilled.....

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