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Posts posted by bakr_2k5

  1. Hello,First off: Don't know if all goes well because i'm on a text-browser currently!K here we go:I'm installing gentoo, well i installed it already but setting up my make.conf,And my question is:My cflags are: CFLAGS="-march=athlon64 -O2 -pipe -mmmx -m3dnow -msse -msse2 -msse3"But do i have to set -mmx -3dnow -msse -msse2 now in the USE flags or is it done automatticly by the CFLAGS?It's making me really confused :PI don't really want to f*ckup my gentoo system at this early stage :POw yes another question:When i want to recompile/rebuild my gentoo setup,do i use "emerge -e world" or "emerge -e system" ??Thanks in advance,bakr_2k5PS @vyoma: How is it going with the cursor-for-loop problem?PS2 text-browsing isn't everything ...PS3 Sorry for the language!

  2. Well I'm back and came up with something again :)
    It took a while and I gues it isn't what you look for but eh I did it without any knowlage about PLSQL!

    PROCEDURE process_records() -- or what ever you want to call itIS	CURSOR cur_some_record IS		SELECT *		FROM some_loaded_table		ORDER BY some_sort_column;BEGIN	SELECT COUNT(*)		INTO v_rowcount		FROM some_loaded_table;	FOR some_record IN cur_some_record	LOOP		-- Do processing on each of the record		-- referencing it as some_record.<some_column>		EXIT WHEN v_rowcount < 2; -- Will process the first row and then shut the loop down IF there is 1 row	END LOOP;END;

    I used this tutorial along side:

    Otherwise I wouldn't get this code :D

    I HOPE you can use this :)


  3. Hmm ok, please not that i'm not a PLSQL user or developper or whatsoever, i just look at the code and try to help :)But I found something I think it could be usefull. I'm currently trying to figure out how PLSQL works (the part where youre problem is)Later tonight (The Netherlands) I come up with a new solution, I HOPE :D I'm allready working on the code a bit, but just need too know a bit more about PLSQL.But so far what I understand is that you want to use the EXCEPTION command to handle the lonely row?I got to eat now. :) bakr_2k5

  4. Now, whatever is bakr_2k5. :)

    I mean, I can deduce 2k5 to be 2005, but what about bakr?


    Well bakr_2k5 is my nickname :)

    bakr is my real name in Arabic. A long time ago someone pointed my to such a nickname creator and bakr is what came out

    and I liked it ;)

    2k5 is 2005 indead and that was the year I started using the nickname :D


    So bakr_2k5 rolled out of the press ;)



  5. Evening asta users,I'm bakr_2k5, i'm from The Netherlands and I'm 17 years old.My interests are gaming, programming, helping other people out, chatting with friends and being lazy once a while :) There are some circulations in my head about starting an open source project but it's just thinking for now :) I found this server on google somewhere and i thought well let's take a look, and here I am. ( i like it so far :D )This forum will keep me busy (i hope) and when I'm ready to start my project i can host it here so that's probally the main reason i'm here ;)Yes, I'm not so good in introducing myself, but eh, who cares ;)bakr_2k5PS When you think i'm annoying.. JELL / SCREAM at me so I know when to stop ;)

  6. It looks great. I only don't really like the two "::" in the middle ... I think they don't really fit in.Ofcourse it's an apinion from a non psp user and non designer :)What kind of games do you plan to build?If those games all have the same genre / theme or whatever.You splash screen should have something incommon with the games itselves.I don't know anything of the psp etc. It's just what I think of it :)bakr_2k5

  7. hehe .. Well I don't know it .. I'm a linux user!
    You need help with the setnet32? I can hunt google for you!
    Hope i didn't understand your post wrong .. Kinda tired!


    setnet32 is from IBM so i think it's better to use MS created software for these purposes?
    Or edit the register, to keep it a bit clean!

    Ok i found something about a hosts file, don't know if it's the same but it's worth a shot :)
    I think it's the equivalent of the netrc in *nux?
    I don't know it all for sure since i'm not really busy with networking etc.

  8. I use Fedora Core 5 and it states in the man pages:

    NAME httpd - Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol Server

    httpd [ -d serverroot ] [ -f config ] [ -C directive ] [ -c directive ]
    [ -D parameter ] [ -e level ] [ -E file ] [ -k start|restart|grace-
    ful|stop|graceful-stop ] [ -R directory ] [ -h ] [ -l ] [ -L ] [ -S ] [
    -t ] [ -v ] [ -V ] [ -X ] [ -M ]

    Strange .. Maybe some different versions?

  9. I've worked with Apache long enough that I know (or at least I thought I knew) how to restart it. The problem: my terminal is filled with "command not found" and other errors and the such.
    httpd restart, right? NOPE! Command not found!
    apachectl restart, NOPE! Command not found!

    I'm out of ideas! I can't just keep physically re-booting the machine when I need JUST apache to restart! Thanks for any help, my system is Debain 3.1 r1.


    Hi nightfox,

    try this command as root:
    httpd -k restart


    Uh yes sorry about that, kinda old thread but anyway didn't know if the problem was gone :)
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