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Posts posted by bakr_2k5

  1. Do you use any proxy server? It may be caused because of that...Another thing is that localhost is your 'domain' in local - it is (I don't exacly remember) but propably localised in windows, that after writing 'localhost' you get you domian :P
    But in the end it uses, and for me personaly it doesn't matter what I write, but I use (my ip in local network)
    If you don't like writing that numbers (it may annoy ypu, I know) ypu can tipe in url name of your computer for exaple I have 'athlon' - I wrote it while I wass installing WINDOWS
    If you don't remember it, you can check it in properies of 'my computer' (I would told you what it is named, but I don't have english windows, but polish :P )

    I prefer the 'localhost' way. Anyway those things you said will work too! But it just seems like somekind of bug, since Firefox hasn't such freeze-up with 'localhost'. I'll see if there would be more posts :P
    Thanks anyway!! :P


  2. Hi there,Internet Explorer 7 seems to freeze up when I put 'localhost' in the url bar? Though when I type '' in there, there's nothing wrong :P!I switched from 32bit XP to 64bit XP yesterday and got IE7 for the first time.Installed XAMPP (latest version), tried to access it with ' localhost' and it hang for like 15 seconds,very annoying! ( it does that everytime I put ' localhost' in the URL bar )(Sorry for the small post, but there isn't much more to say!)Thank you for those who reply :P,bakr_2k5

  3. vujsa, this is fully understandable yes. And for the biggest part I completely agree with you. Though those flaws in it like abuse and so on, could be solved in a small 'beta' test to get some ideas how people could abuse the system. It's true that it's better to keep it simple, automated and working! But with this post from flashdiamond:

    I think you should be able to vote on posts like put near each post (did you find this post helpful) and the one who gets the most votes for being most helpful will win some good points. That way we can all get good info on whatâs out there. And that way people wonât post point less things just to get credit because they will have to earn those credits.

    It would overcome the work that moderators / admins would have to do, since all users do the work!
    But yes it's probably better to keep it this way it is since it's pretty safe, stable and robust! Still I stay with my opinion it would encourage users to post better and perhaps longer posts because of some rating / awarding system. Although the credits system is already something like a rating / awarding system.
    Great you have forwarded it to OpaQue, and not just dropping the idea of all this :P. I think it could possibly work but the cheaters out there would cause problems... Perhaps it should be reconsidered a few times (if OpaQue thinks it could work / improve etc) just to solve the cheats!


  4. Quite usefull piece of software! But when it gets more and more popular MSN / Live (miscrosoft, whoever) will block these kind of things, just like they did with MSN block checkers and so on.


    Anyway, aMSN (http://www.amsn-project.net/) has this already implemented in their tool. Back when I was on Linux (gentoo) I used this feature a lot. Perhaps MSN should implement this feature too, since lots of people would like this thing. And it could also be used to SOLVE sexual 'abuse' (like showing yourself on the webcam or something like that) on the networks, this way it's possible to let the police show the movie and with a screentest get the people caught! Though it would also be something like privacy violation, since their 'face' is saved to your harddrive and some bad *bottom* can post it on the net without knowing of the 'face' owner. My view on this :P


    But then again when microsoft implements it in MSN then people will shout like "You have stolen this from <someone's name>"... I know for sure that's going to happen! Just like they said Microsoft had stolen the tabbed browsing from Firefox, but Mozilla has stolen it from Opera... It's like something never ending. Though there has always be one with the ideas, and people can use then. Anyway I'm going to much off topic! :P



  5. maybe a solution though! tell me if im wrong, but would it be possible to give the 'referrer' 5 points ONCE the 'referred' user gets a total of 10 or so points. this would mean that the new user would have to get 10 points before the original user gets their 5 points. this may stop the abuse that the 'referral system' may get. but like i said, tell me if im wrong.

    This could work with the referral system yes. Atleast it would stop lots of people to abuse cause of the work that has to be done for that small amount of credits. But I think it would be a lot of work to record all these stuff. But it's a good solution if the referral system gets some votes or something, though I think Best Post of the Week will 'win'! :P

    It sounds like a good idea but their is a small problem with that best post Idea the admin would have to go through hundreds of posts from that week and then decide which one is better.
    Now I don't know who has that kind of time to read all those posts and then decide, I know most of the admin already here don't have that kind of time.

    Also How would you determine what the best post should be like? (rhetorical question).

    Like Mark420 said, it's based on the popularity of the thread (hits, replies). And perhaps also what's the content of the post, like is it usefull, etc...

    For the needed time: The popularity shouldn't be that hard to 'log', perhaps with a little script all threads of that week could be printed. Though the content checks will take a bit more time like human eyes, but that could also be limited by picking the let's say top 5 popularity threads.


  6. Hi Nightfox,


    My firewall (Jetico Personal Firewall) says that windows auto update contacts these adresses and remote ports:

    - (a26.ms.akamai.net, download.windowsupdate.com) remote port 80

    - (update.microsoft.com.nsatc.net, update.microsoft.com) remote port 443

    Perhaps there are more when it actually FINDS new updates, then I'll edit this post!

    Don't know if this is usefull but it might help. You could loop the hostnames back to via the hosts file or something (don't have any experiance with this on windows!).



  7. I don't know, it sounds all nice and dandy...but really, couldn't it be taken advantaged of? It's really a lot easier to take advantage of the referral system than it is to take advantage of the current Xisto's system. With the referral system in place, people could refer themselves and then register with a bunch of different email addresses from different computers and then these fake registrants probably won't post at all. That isn't really useful.

    Agreed with Arbitrary, it would be easily to cheat with a combination of proxies and a ton of emails someone could easily mass a ton of credits. I know we talk about it on trap a few times coming with the same conclusion.

    This is all true! But with some good checks, scripts and stuff like that, it wouldn't be a big problem. Anyway the Referal Link System didn't seem to be right so we discussed about other things.

    Like Mark and I said, Mark came up with the Best Post of the Week which is much better, it can't really be abused or cheated. And since spamming and whatever are not allowed on Xisto (and mostly all other forums), it can't be abused so Best Post of the Week would be safe.

    Just like Mark said in his post, it would encourage users to post good posts and be a bit more active.

    See it as a little contest or a game(?), it's not really about getting more credits since you'll get a small amount of them, it's more about writing the best post and get a small gift from Xisto in credits for your good work.

    And IF it get's abused somehow one of the admins just pulls the plug out.

    Oh yes, I had a thought at school. In association with the Best Post of the Week there could also be something like a Hall of Fame, although there is already something like that but that's for the amount of posts.



  8. Alright,


    A few weeks ago (if I'm right) I asked if there was somekind of Referal Link System for Xisto in the shoutbox.

    Well there wasn't and we had a little discussion about it. (I don't remember any names only Mark's name so if you want some credit on what you said PM me, or let a blue guy do it :P)

    Anyway some guy said it would be cheating, of course that's true but then again, Xisto gains more users, and the users gain more credits. I'm not talking about LOADS of credits but like 5 per referal or something like that. Well then Mark420 came up with something like the Best Post of the Week, which gains some bonus credits.

    Thus we kinda came up with something like a bonus system!


    We, he, she, it and I want(s) to know what you think about this and perhaps you have a better idea for the bonus system. When there are enough opinions / ideas whatsoever we'll make a nice list and maybe a poll or something and see if the admins would agree with it.



  9. I don no why you like your Sygate FireWall very much, you should try ZoneAlarm stuff then!!! then please tell me your impressions about it, and if you want i have tool which viewing, and you can see what Ip and Which Port connected to your PC in the moment and you can easly Close Session or Kill Host that making connection!! program call like CurlPorts but its not so public programm, probably you are not able to find out it by yourself, if u want to see i can send you this program or will try to findout link for download!!! anyway its not bad programm!!

    You probably mean CurrPorts (http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/cports.html) this is almost the same as Sygate does, only Sygate functions as a firewall too. Anyway I have heard BAD things about ZonaAlarm free!

    I no longer recommend the free version of the ZoneAlarm firewall. First it is a very basic product compared to the commercial ZoneAlarm Pro version. The leak-test performance of the latest free version is extremely poor while the Pro version is excellent. Second, it can be a troublesome program on some PCs.

    Also I'm not into buying software or using cracked software. I mostly only use opensource or freeware software!Anyway thank you for your suggestions, but for now I'll stick with Sygate Personal Firewall till someone has a good alternative which is mostly the same as Sygate. Probably you should install Sygate Personal Firewall (just to see what's it like), then you'll know why I'm so in love with it :P


  10. And i think you have already your best security i mean about your router!!!


    My computer will be completely open to the world, since I set my router to use my computer a the DMZ (which forwards ALL ports to my computer) and there for I'm very much in need of a firewall :P

    Anyway I'll take a look at the Kaspersky Internet Security stuff.




    EDIT: Saw the Kaspersky Internet Security stuff, and it's not what I'm looking for. It a whole suite which I don't need. I only need a firewall and prefer Sygate Personal Firewall. Oh and my question was Is it still secure? and not Which firewall/security suite do you prefer? :P (no offence!!)

  11. Hi there,


    First off a few days ago I switched from Linux to Windows (don't ask me why!) and trying to get it secure.

    Second, don't know if this is the right forum, but it seemed the best choice to me!


    Alright, now my question:

    Is Sygate Personal Firewall still secure? (it's quite dated now!)

    Symantec bought/destroyed Sygate. But I downloaded Sygate Personal Firewall from http://www.oldversion.com/
    '>oldversion.com, it's the last version they released and it's the firewall that best suites my needs.

    I'm behind a router (with firewall) at the moment, but i like to be a DMZ host. And then I will need some good security :P


    Oh, I really hate it when a company buys up the good stuff! :P



  12. 1)

    I would be very surprised if there wasnt a parametr you could pass to the script to cause it NOT to add that string to the file name.



    You Have the source code !!!

    Edit the Script.

    Is this not the reason we love open source ???

    if it doesnt do exactly what you want it to... re-program it.


    Answer to 1:

    No there isn't some kind of parameter in mlame or lame itself!

    This script runs the LAME mp3 encoder on multiple files:


    /usr/bin/mlame [options] <file 1> ... <file n>



    -? this help text

    -r remove files after encoding

    -f force overwrite of destination if exists

    -l low quality settings

    -h high quality settings

    -o "<lame options>" overrides script default options



    /usr/bin/mlame -r -f -o "-v -V 0 -b 112" a*.wav z*.aif g*.mp?

    And have tried all those parameters and none did the thing I wanted!


    Answer to 2:

    Yes you're completely right, but I don't consider myself a good programmer. I know some basics but none of the advanced stuff (soon it will come). Perhaps I'm a bit to faint-hearted (got that word from babelfish :P), to do these things!



  13. i havnt read all the rplays so i am sorry if ill write what outer ppl wroteyou can simply when taking out datas with PHP or any outer programing lang to increase number by one every time you take somting out,
    so you will get the real number and not the aout incresed number form the MySQL database
    or in for while (PHP mainly) to use the incereser


    Perhaps you should have read the replays since it's already solved :P
    Of course I can't blame you :P.


  14. I can point you to the right direction I hope..I would use a lightweight PERL script to do this..its perfect for the job!
    Google up some cool PERL scripts and I am sure you will find one that can rename/replace etc

    Good Luck!


    Searched for while for PERL scripts, but the all seem web orientated or CGI stuff. So no real use.
    But I just discovered a standard linux program (at least I think it's standard :P) called "rename".
    Very oblivious, well my topic lately are a bit lame guess I need more sleep... Anyway I just do this:
    rename -new-converted-file.mp3 .mp3 *.mp3
    And it works :P So problem solved, and thank you Mark420 for your reply!

    Think I'm going to work on a script for Nautilus (gnome's file manager) to integrate this stuff :P


  15. Hello there,Today I've encoded lots of mp3's for my portable mp3 player (which only has 128mb ... :P), Anyway I encoded them with Lame using mlame script (for those don't know it handles more files then one).Now mlame appends "-new-converted-file" to the filename. And renaming every individual file with the hand is A LOT of work :P. I tried to write a script to remove that "-new-converted-file" but they kinda all failed! And the "tr" command seems it can't handle sentences.Well does anyone in here have a clue or a nice script to do this? :POf course if you only give me a hint to do this. I'll write the script on my own. But if you feel like, you're free to do it :P(Please no reply about use "sed" or something like that without some explanation, I really don't know anything about it. And I just can't understand the whole "sed" thing :P. Thank you!)Bakr_2k5

  16. Oh, this makes it even easier. Again, you select all the rows, and create a variable $i = 1. In a "while" loop you go through all the rows and check if id is equal to $i. If it is, you just increase $i and go to the next row. If it is not, you update the current row so that id becomes $i, increase $i and move on to the next row.


    I hope this is what you were asking for :P


    :P That's EXACTLY what I meant! Thank you! Damn, I'm not clearly minded these days. It's so simple and even can't think of this! Hmm maybe I was thinking a bit too much the difficult way! :P


    Anyway thanks, if I need it I know how to :P ... Although those posts earlier from m^e and jlhaslip kinda discouraged me to do this. But I might be handy sometime!



  17. else {  echo "<span style=color:red>$error</span>";}
    I would change this to
    else {  echo "<span style=color:red>$error</span>";  include("./html_form.php"); // Or whatever the page with the html form thing is called!}
    (note: please scroll a bit down to my EDIT thing if you're mad about it :P)

    This prints the $error's and the html form (with the values) on the screen.

    If you don't do this, and hit the back button, it gives that annoying pop up about "POST already sent" or something like that.


    And as mastercomputers said, those trims()'s could be much less.

    $username = trim($_POST['username']);or$_POST['username'] = trim($_POST['username']);
    For the javascript redirection at the end, use META tags or PHP "header()" function, since not everyone has javascript enabled.


    Lastly a little correction

    else {  if(!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $_POST[email])) {	$error="The e-mail you entered was not in the proper format!";   }}
    Should be
    else {  if(!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$", $_POST[email])) {	$error.="The e-mail you entered was not in the proper format!";   }}
    If you don't see it, the dot after $error :P

    As for the "eregi()" thing, don't know anything about it, but mastercomputers said it had to be changed.


    Oh man I feel bad now :P





    For the first change, never mind! I didn't know it was a "one page script", sorry about that :P

  18. I would like to introduce a search engine to all of you, I believe that it is one of the greatest and most professionalized vertical search engines you have ever heard or used. It is efficient, comparatively cheap and has considerate after service. Here is the link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    You can have a browse, maybe you will find what you need.

    Uh when I visit btsearchsoft in Firefox it kinda disturbs my eyes... Like HUGE text, Layout is totally screwed up, all links open in a new tab, the Flash thing not working (although it's a problem on my side :P), etc.

    Doesn't look like a professional business to me :P (if it's a business)


  19. The gaps in the index for this table are not critical to anything. The Index does not need to be continuous at all, what-so-ever. As mentioned by m^e, you could create more grief by messing with this than it is worth to have nice, neat indexes. Let the MySql worry about that.


    Yes that's completely true, but it was just a thought that popped into my head! :P

    And it was more like a question if it was possible. But I'd guess it IS possible but like m^e and you said it's not worth it, and could break things. So I'll quickly "remove" the thought and go on with life :P


    Thank you all anyways!!



  20. Yes, bakr. Currently, only an administrator can change the Display Name and/or Username of members, and that goes for all the members (well, obviously other than the admins themselves.. lol). This is what the senior administrator, Microscopic^Earthling, told me once in response to the same question :P.

    It depends. If you're asking about the sub-domain of your hosting account, e.g. ****.astahost.com, then that can be easily changed on the https://support.xisto.com/ page. It costs 15 credits, though.

    But if you're asking about the username of your hosting package, then no. The only way to change your hosting username is to totally re-set your hosting account, i.e. delete it and re-create it. At least, that's what I understood after several PMs with senior members and moderators.



    Alright then, that's what I wanted to know :P


    To bad the can't / won't change the hosting username without recreating, when it's needed. But then again, it would be a lot of work I think!





  21. I don't have time to write the PHP script, so I'll just try to explain what I have in mind.


    First, you select all the rows in that table. Next, you start a while loop that will go through all those rows. Also, you create a new variable, let's say $i, which is 1. Now, in the loop, if the current row isn't empty, you will save it in the same table, but the row will be $i, and then you will increase $i. If, however, the row is empty, just increase $i without saving anything.


    What will you accomplish this way? You will go through all the rows, and save them one after another if they are not empty. Be aware, that this would leave you with a certain number of unwanted rows. You can delete this by starting from row $i (as $i will be the row after the last one).


    I hope I was clear enough :P




    This isn't exactly what I had in mind. You see, the "empty" rows don't exist. They are deleted true the mysql DELETE thing. Which ends up with 1,2,3,5,6,8,9,10 (4 and 7 are deleted) so those aren't empty they just don't exist. And I have set the "id" field from the "news" table to "auto increment". BUT when I delete a row 4&7, the id's don't get updated to "recount auto_increment" so it leaves a gap between id 3&5 and 6&8. Well there isn't more to say I think. Maybe you don't exactly understand what I mean, but I'm no professional in English :P! Although your explanation was very clear but just not what I'm looking for. (Hmm... It could also be that I don't understand what you mean, but then I'll hear it from you :P)

    Well thanks anyways!




    I hope you can dig it somewhere from your memory :P



  22. Bakr_2k5, NULL is a bit different in databases and programming languages like PHP.
    NULL in PHP, like in C means a pointer to "nothing" while NULL is databases basically is for indicating "no value set". It's also improtant to bear in mind that NULL is databases does not equal to emptry string.

    So when you test

    if ($mysql_result == NULL )

    you are essentially testing if the handle to the query result is NULL. And if the query is performed and the result is returned to that variable it is never NULL regardless of the query result.

    Database can return a NULL for a value of a field.

    Ok, didn't know that! :P

    But what about this?
    <?PHP$query = "SELECT * FROM non_existent";$menu_result = mysql_query($query) or NULL;if($menu_result == NULL) {	echo "Yes";} else {	echo "No";}?>
    Here "or" is a PHP function if I'm right (right?). So it should pass the PHP like NULL to $menu_result. And not the "no value set" thing. So $menu_result = NULL ..
    And it's the same thing as:
    <?PHP$var = NULL;if(is_null($var)) {	echo "Yes";} else {	echo "No";}?>
    Which results in "Yes". So I don't really understand it! :P

    Maybe it's something i misunderstand about the "or NULL" thing. Well my point of view seems logical but for PHP itself it isn't logical :P!


  23. Hello you all,

    I've got a question :P

    Let's say I have a database width the table "news". It contains about 10 items which is ordered by the field "id".
    Now from my admin page i do this:

    <?PHPmysql_query("DELETE FROM news WHERE id=4");?>
    And a few days later i do:
    <?PHPmysql_query("DELETE FROM news WHERE id=7");?>

    Now there are two gaps in the table => 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 (no 4 and 7).
    It want to reallocate the whole table to fill the gaps like this => 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
    Of course true a php script which lies in my admin environment.

    But I can't figure out how to, so i thought let's ask it here :P


    Perhaps it can be done with a temporary table or something like that, but still don't know really how. And it would be nicer if it could be done without the temporary table :P

  24. The results from the query are going to be Boolean 'true' or boolean 'false', so it will never be 'null', which is "no value". A NULL is different than boolean false, zero or a blank space, too.

    This isn't completely true, I think.

    "$menus_result = mysql_query($query) or NULL;"

    $menus_result would be the output of mysql_query($query), but when mysql_query($query) fails it should pass NULL to $menus_result. Thus resulting in $menus_result = NULL!
    $query = "SELECT * FROM non_existent ORDER BY id ASC";$menu_result = mysql_query($query) or NULL;echo $menu_result;	// Which echoes nothing at all, thus NULL!if($menu_result == NULL) {	echo "Yes";} else {	echo "No";}

    This results in a "Yes" so $menu_result is NULL. So "is_null($menu_result)" SHOULD return TRUE.

    http://php.net/is_nullis_null -- Finds whether a variable is NULL

    This means "is_null()" doesn't do what it should do!
    Anyways we shouldn't trust on the name of a function as "is_null()".

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