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About Psvertjuh

  • Rank
    Newbie [Level 1]
  1. well its ok, one thing, I think you should change the border. now it seems realy cutted of, try to make the corners a little round or put a black 1 px border around it.But the banner itself is a bit empty and simple I think..
  2. k it works now, and i gotta say, I love it! i really like the design and the colours..nice job!
  3. well, I play drums for like 2 and a half year, only thing I'm still 15 (turn 16 at July)I would like to be a moderator, im moderator at some other forums, I know how it works only thing is my age so if thats a problem please tell me (btw the site doesnt works? I get the files shown...)
  4. I really love soccer, addicted to it :lol:well you wanted to know some information if its football? :( :(If its football you must tell me:Your favorite player: Ronaldinho (briljant player)Your favorite team: PSV Eindhoven (thats were my forumname comes from )Your favorite league: The english one, you never know how's gonna win, the lower clubs got a change against the higher one's, in holland normaly lower clubs dont got a change...
  5. I only see a "Index of /"Have you done something with the pages? deleted from the file manager or something?
  6. Well, if you like age of empires you can try alot, there are many versions of it, I got an myth version called Age of Mythology where you can play with the greek, norwegian and the egyptian, all of them got their own powers and stuff, its pretty nice you just have to check that out, and if im right there are more age of .... games, further you got alot online wargames where you can also play offline, like Wolfenstein RTCW.
  7. My favorite game is at this moment (bin for a long time) Wolfenstein ET, and when Wolfenstein QW is coming out im defenitly going to get it!
  8. maybee u got a darker screen or something? cause when I look at my picca I see the name inmidiatly...
  9. holy smoke, that jesus site, im getting a freaking headace of it, holy crap... how can u be so... uhm, well lets be polite, so bad in making sites even my father can make better sites then that (trust me, he isnt good either) well, now I need to get myself a paracetamol
  10. would be nice indeed, i want to learn more about flash to but dont know where to start.. >.<
  11. nice tut indeed, really good, maybee i can use it. One question, is it possible, when you already have a forum, that u can make a quick login on your main page so you can login for the forum.. ? <-- bit vague I think? when u dont get it say it, dont really know how to say it in english
  12. nice tut but if i were u I should do visitor on none, not on sharp, and i dont know the sizes are different in photoshop and paint shop but in photo shop 10, none looks alot nicer (what I think)
  13. probably to earn some points or get some posts, when u post a review post the link and your thoughts about it, anyway: ontopic: I never played Battle field before but I thought bout it some times, but dont know for sure, any people know why I should start playing it, cause I think its the same sort game as War Rock or Wolfenstein?
  14. really nice, im sure gonna get it when its out, and some more CSS options would be nice indeed.
  15. pff, look at the top right, there stands Psvertjuh, its not very clear but i like my texts that way...
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