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Ridwan sameer

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Posts posted by Ridwan sameer

  1. Hey... HEy... Please keeep strong emotions aside. This is mySite :-) you have got your own sites. The name Xisto is not gone, its been added as a parked domain for everyone who still wishes to type Xisto.com in the url bar. We all will still be called "trappers" (we know why? :P )
    I will be showcasing your site on my site.. isin't that cool? Now that the damage ;) is done... lets start discussing the important stuff :-)

    Please tell me what all should I include in the home page(s) OR
    Is the site "as it is" fine with enough content?

    No offence But thats kinda saying

    "This is my site.. i do whatever i want.. i dont care what my members think... they dont know anything"

  2. Okay so the fact that there are so many Forums here Bothers meYes its really hard to post when there are so many Forums... I prefer less... WAY lessI mean Why have so many.... It doesnt benefit us in anyway.. it onyl bring people who just post for the sake of it and for MyCents... I mean there would be a lot more discussion if there were less topics... easier to find. + It will make this forum look mroe active.. Almost each Section will have a post that was made in teh current day.. Right now when i look some section havent been posted in for a few daysSO i suggest reducing teh Section... PLease post your thoughts here

  3. I think the outcome of a domain name change has the possibility to be positive but it is definitely not likely to be easy. Looking at what you currently have is a well established brand that has several pros.
    I'll attempt to list a few of them.

    1. Short and Easy to remember domain name ( Personally I struggle to remember people's names 5 seconds after meeting them even after shaking their hands and looking them in the eyes and repeating their names but somehow the current domain name stuck to my memory from the first time I read it.)
    2. Already established listings in search engines etc.
    3. Current domain name does at least partly represent what is being done. (people are being trapped by good hosting service)
    4. Current name is neutral towards all groups and people.

    Trying to change this brand without losing any of the pro's will most likely prove to be quite a challenge.

    As far as I have witnessed, it seems that all of the newly suggested names has fallen short of at least the first and most important pro that the current domain name already has.

    "Sutra" must go:
    Do not underestimate how many people would avoid visiting a website from the workplace due to the name even sounding like it could be related to adult content. In the same breath this could be positive for your traffic as 90% of the Internet is adult content. Do you really want to attract that type of audience?
    If the name fails to be neutral towards all groups and people you will end up luring some groups and alienating others. Avoiding names that support one religion, spirituality , race or nation is important if your target market is going to be over the entire world.

    I think a compromise can be worked that will keep most of the pro's.
    Here are some names that I ramble off perhaps some of them will help.

    infotraptrapinfopin17infopinpintrappincluetidingstipammoammotrapcluehook tiphook tiptrap tiptralorepinloreleakkeypintipleakpinleak tippin

    Ooo the possibilities are endless... which ones will work??? .... Arrgh it's driveing me insane :P
    Good Luck in your quest.

    I wonder how much MyCents you got for that :angel:

  4. HahahThe only reason Xisto Stuck in your min was because the hosting is Phenomenalanyway.... Its anonymous.. we want thing the way we are, change isnt always for the best, alot of people come here for the hosting, not for the discussion, but they get sucked in the discussion and stay, so a name change is irrelevantLets hope that name stays the way it is... but id still join sutra xDDDD

  5. YOu guys cant blame IE6 for no addons, plugins, themes, lag. At that time no browser had add-ons, so there are always upgrades, which microsoft did with IE7 and IE8Next thing i know youll be telling me WIndows 98 was a piece of crap, no themes, bad layout etc.... well DUH times change,its not like microsoft still supports IE6, they've changed, so yes, goodbye IE6Also Opera is teh best xD

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