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the ipc

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Everything posted by the ipc

  1. Every time i have a date, I get smacked in my face when i try to put my hand in her pants :-/
  2. Will i be able to use the mail() php function?greetz, StYn0!
  3. Howdy!,Is this a stupid question???the awser:YES!!!Take G-mail, it's the king of the mailing systems!!!!grtzStyno
  4. Howdy,i'm dreaming of an own website(that's why i'm on theis forum..) and I'm searching for the files to create an own server...I would need to be able top have:PHPMysqlsmtpperlall the other usefull thingscan somewone help me, i've searched on google, yahoo and altavista and I didn't find annything!Help me please...Greetz(to all females..I'm available...)StYn0!
  5. This sounds just like the prog called supper "pi"(3.14159264....) It starts at 3.14 and that it's gone calculating after 2milion numbers my pc crashes..... but you guys(with a strong pc)can try super pi: In order to calculate 33.55 million digits, it takes within 3 days with Pentium 90MHz,40MB main memory and 340MB available storage. so with a great pc it would get to the 40.00 million in 3 days here is a link to the site: http://files.extremeoverclocking.com/file.php?f=36 Greetz( to all females, i'm available...) Styno
  6. Howdy,I've checked it and you guys are right, i only have 21 days of vista left :-/ I'm gonna buy it when my trial expires.On the tones.be you can buy an OEM version of the ultimate for 110? so that's what i'm gonna do :PI'm happy that i know taht it was just a trial periode, i know myself that i would bring my pcp to a reparation shop when the traail woulb be over becous i would think that my pc is broke, the 100? i would spend on the reparation will be my vista :(Greetz (specialy to all females;-) i'm available....)StYn0!
  7. Howdy,I've checked it and you guys are right, i only have 21 days of vista left :-/ I'm gonna buy it when my trial expires.On the tones.be you can buy an OEM version of the ultimate for 110? so that's what i'm gonna do :PI'm happy that i know taht it was just a trial periode, i know myself that i would bring my pcp to a reparation shop when the traail woulb be over becous i would think that my pc is broke, the 100? i would spend on the reparation will be my vista :(Greetz (specialy to all females;-) i'm available....)StYn0!
  8. Howdy,Mayby this is a stupid bimp but I realy need this people,; so help me if you can...Greetz, Styno
  9. My favorite game ever on the pc is:Fable, The last chapters on the ps2 is: Ratchet and clanc: Up your arnasel
  10. Dudes, i didn't payed for vista!! but i have a legal copy...I downloaded the beta version and 2 weeks later i've dowloaded the patch.When i've installed the patch i was able to update and all the things you can do in the original version(ultimate!!).I downloaded the patch from the official microsoft website so it isn't a crack!!Lucky me :PWhen i turn on my pc i can chose witch one i want to use (Xp or vista)grtz, Styno
  11. Dudes, i didn't payed for vista!! but i have a legal copy... I downloaded the beta version and 2 weeks later i've dowloaded the patch. When i've installed the patch i was able to update and all the things you can do in the original version(ultimate!!). I downloaded the patch from the official microsoft website so it isn't a crack!! Lucky me Notice from jlhaslip: Signatures You have been signing-off your posts. Please use the Signature Block of your Profile. Continuing to sign-off your posts will result in a - warning being registered against your account. - - Xisto Readme -
  12. Dudes, i've asked for cutenews RU adn the normal cutenews templatyes don't work there..... so i'm still searching.........
  13. I bought an N-Gage of my friend for 30$ and it's allmost 200 uin shops so....yay!
  14. yay, i've added the <? and now it works prfectly!!I owe you guys somthing!
  15. Howdy,Vista is a big Macintosh rip off, Macingtosh now went to a lowyer to report it becouse the lay-out codes of vista are 85% the same as macingtosh!!!!GRTZ, Styno
  16. Howdy, I've created a PHP script but it semms not to work, here's my script: # # --> img-verwijderen.php <-- # # <? if (isset($_POST["delete"])) { if (unlink($map.$file) == TRUE) echo "Afbeelding met succes verwijderd <br /><a href=\"img-gallerij.php\"> Terug</a>"; else echo "Afbeelding is niet verwijderd<br /><a href=\"img-gallerij.php\"> Terug</a>"; }else{ if (isset($_POST["verwijderen"])) { ?> Weet je zeker dat je deze afbeelding wilt verwijderen _linenums:0'><?if (isset($_POST["bekijk"])) { $melding = ""; if ($_POST["map"] == "" ) { $melding .= "Je moet eerst <a href=\"img-gallerij.php\">hier</a> een map selecteren</span>"; } else { $map = $_POST["map"];?> <table width="520" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr height="20"> <td width="120px" align="center" valign="middle"><b>Afbeelding</b></td> <td width="320px" align="center" valign="middle"><b>Naam</b></td> <td width="80px" align="center" valign="middle"><b>Verwijder</b></td> </tr><$handle=opendir($map); while (false!==($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { ?> <tr height="70px" valign="middle"> <td width="120px" align="center" valign="middle"><? echo "<a href=\"".$map.$file."\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"".$map.$file."\" class=\"gallery\"></a>"; ?></td> <td width="320px" align="center" valign="middle"><? echo $file; ?></td> <td width="80px" align="center" valign="middle"><form action="img-verwijderen.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="map" value="<? echo $map; ?>" /><input type="hidden" name="file" value="<? echo $file; ?>" /><input type="Submit" value="Verwijderen" name="verwijderen" /></form><strong class='bbc'># # --> img-verwijderen.php <-- # #</strong><?if (isset($_POST["delete"])) { if (unlink($map.$file) == TRUE) echo "Afbeelding met succes verwijderd <br /><a href=\"img-gallerij.php\"> Terug</a>"; else echo "Afbeelding is niet verwijderd<br /><a href=\"img-gallerij.php\"> Terug</a>";}else{if (isset($_POST["verwijderen"])) {?>Weet je zeker dat je deze afbeelding wilt verwijderen:<br /><br /><? echo "<b>Naam:</b> " .$file. "<br />"; echo "<b>Img:</b> <br /><img src=\"".$map.$file."\" class=\"gallery\"><br /><br />";?><form action="img-verwijderen.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="map" value="<? echo $map; ?>" /><input type="hidden" name="file" value="<? echo $file; ?>" /><input type="Submit" value="Ja, verwijderen" name="delete" /><input type="Button" value="Nee, terug" onclick="java script:history.back();" /></form> <?} }?> Please help me! I need this script on my website!!!! Notice from electriic ink: Please use CODE tags when writing code. Thank you.
  17. Howdy!,I have bought a copy of RPG MAker XP and i noticed that the programming language is ruby, I don't know anny ruby so I need a easy tuturial to learn verry quickly the basics and mayby some other advancements so i can start making my own scripts!It would be cool to make my own game so help me please!If you know Ruby(and/or RMXP) and you're willing to write scrips for me i would be verry hapopy two, please help me!GRTZ!, Styno
  18. howdy,I buyed a nokia 6070 yesterday becouse it seemed a cool one, now it turns out to be a bunch of old crap!I'll change it for an otherone but i don't know what one would be the best to buy, it must be a Nokia becouse then i'll get 30$ discount ;-) so witch one i'll buy? please help me!greetz, Styno!
  19. the ipc


    Howdy,I tried Judo for a half of a year and i broke my leg so i can't do it ever again,what i wan't to say is that judo isn't as lame is it looks, it's verry cool adn fun!It can even save your life when somboddy trie to shoot at you!so trie judo everyboddy!!!!grtz, Styno!
  20. Howdy,I'm using Cutenews for 3 years for now and i always wanted it to use mysql.Now i descovered cutenews RU, it uses mysql but the layout is verry dumb?!Can somewone help me to create a basic lay-out?grtz!Styno
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