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Posts posted by lihuyt

  1. Here is an extended guide about creation of a cs movie (step-by-step procedure so to say) - based on the very short guide by metr4 (above).


    1.Connect to your hltv-server.

    - To start recording, open console and write "record nameofrecording"

    - To stop the recording, open console again and write "stop"


    When you are just doing the steps above you may want to change the HUD a little, and make the sound quality better (it just makes noises normally). These are both scripts which you can ad in your "userconfig.cfg" file in your "hltv" or "cstrike" folder. Or you may want to ad them in the server config. (copy inside code tags, and paste in config file).



    This script removes the radar, chat, and makes the screen ready for proffessional recording.

    sv_cheats 1hud_draw 0hideradarhud_saytext 0


    The sound quality of the voice communication is normally bad in CS, this script makes the quality much better.

    sv_voicecodec "voice_speex"sv_voicequality "5"

    2.The second step is to turn your recording into video.

    - Download a program or anything to do the job.:

    - Fraps: this programme makes a movie right out of the demo, downloadpage here.

    - cs console: go to the last step in the fraps guide beneath adn write "startmovie framespersecon" this makes alot of pictures which have to be imported into a videoprogram and exported as video (not to recomend for unexperienced users).


    In my example I will use Fraps, since it is the most popular with gamers.


    - First download Fraps, here


    - Install Fraps, just follow the steps.


    - Register Fraps if you want an extended version with better and more options, really cheap too .


    - Open Fraps. Here you have four categories: General, FPS, Movies & Screenshots. You should adjust some of the optiong:

    - General: None of the options here has anything to do with recording, so you'll figure this out yourself.

    - FPS: Here you have something called overlay, this shows the FPS when you are recording, and you can choose which corner to show it and more. You can also choose to show all the FPS info in the recording, but this is not to recomend.

    - Movies: Here you find some importand options:

    - "Choose the folder to save movies in": make shure that you have ALOT of space in this folder. I would change this to: "****\Fraps\Movies".

    - "Video Capture Hotkey": this is the key you push to start to record a movie.

    - "fps": this I will recomend to put as high as your computer manage to record without lagg. Without registration, 30 fps is max.

    - "no cursor": I would check this since cs gets a bug sometimes which show the cursor on the screen.

    - Screenshots: Here you also find some great options:

    - "save in": I will recomend to change to: "****\Fraps\Screenshots" This way you don't get the video and the screenshots in the same folder.

    - "Repeat screen capture every..": This is actually a cool feature, because you can use it to make a "fast runtrough" Changing this to 1 lets you make one minute become 2 second of film.

    - "Format": here I would recomend "JPG" for most people, but for this you have to register, "BNP" is standard.


    - When you are finished setting the options, you open cs, goes into console and write: "viewdemo nameofrecording". This opens the recording and also gives you play controls. When you come to a part you want to record, press "record hotkey" and press again to stop when you have the clip.


    - Now your clips are saved in "****\Fraps\Movies" in .AVI-format.

    3.& 4. The third and fourth step is to edit the movie and to convert it into the codec you want to use:


    - Here you'll either google and download a free program, or you buy a program as Avid Express or Adobe Premier Pro.

    - I will not write any guide on this part, here it's up to your emagination.


    Resources & links:


    Download Fraps here



    This Guide is written and is copyrighted by/to Daniel Ervik. If you want to use it you MUST copy the following quoted tag, and copy it at the start og the guide.

    Author: Daniel Ervik

    Written: 27.04.07

    Š Copyrighted Daniel Ervik

  2. Hi
    This is a starter about AFS - study abroad.

    AFS is a leader in intercultural learning and offers international exchange programs in over 50 countries around the world through independent, not-for-profit AFS organizations, each with a network of volunteers, a professionally staffed office, and headed up by a volunteer board. AFS International provides worldwide leadership, coordination, support, quality control and development of AFS organizations and programs.

    - http://www.afs.org/
    AFS is today actually in 50 countries, and they help over 11 000 students study abroad each year.

    AFS will turn diversity into an asset instead of a source of conflict. It is our belief that people change the world by taking responsibility in their local community aided by a wider global perspective.

    - AFS vision
    If you want to read about all of the programs they have to offer, click here.

    The one I am thinking about doing myself is to take one year of volunteering anywhere south in the world. This has allways been a dream of mine and it fascinates me. Here comes some information on this program:

    As a volunteer you can help with many things including promoting AFS in the local community and schools by finding and interviewing students and families, serving as a contact person for an AFS student, organizing fundraising events, and arranging activities for AFS students. Volunteering also offers opportunities for leadership roles at the local, national and international levels

    Now thats the end of the starter. I hope all of you that have been abroad with AFS share your experiences here, and that this post will be full of AFS. Good luck, have fun.

  3. A power tool is a tool powered by an electric motor. The addition of the motor, usually electric but possibly pneumatic, powder actuated hydraulic or gas, reduces the work required by the operator, and sometimes makes it possible for the operator to do things that are difficult or impossible to do by hand.

    - Wikipedia


    Wikipedia - Power ToolGeneral information about Powertools


    How Stuff Works - Electrical Tools - History, information and much more about Electrical Tools aka. Power Tools


    How Stuff Works - The Power Drill - This page is about what I think is the most used Powertool Now adays, The Power Drill.


    How Stuff Works - Power Saws - This page is about what the Powertools called Power Saws.


    There you have some links to read, and I hope that you will post some more links, tell what you define as a power tool, and what is your favourite one.


    Power on!

  4. Plumbing!

    Plumbing, from the Latin for lead (plumbum), is the skilled trade of working with pipes, tubing and plumbing fixtures for potable water systems and the drainage of waste.

    - Wikipedia


    Here are some links on Plumbing!


    The History of Plumbing - Pompeii & Herculaneum - The title says it all! Here you find the History of plumbing.


    Wikipedia - plumbing - Here you can find the history of plumbing pluss some more.


    How Stuff Works - Plumbing - Here you can find out how plumbing works, and find some "do-it-yourself"-guides.


    How Stuff Works - Plumbing Tools - Here you can find descriptions, information and "How to" on Tools that you use for plumbing.


    How Stuff Works - How To Fix Sinks, Tubs, and Drains - The link says most of it. Here you can find detailed descriptions on how to fix sinks, tubs, and drains.


    How Stuff Works - Fixing a Toilet - This here is great! Here you find a detailed description/Guide on how to fix your toilet.


    And finally: The Plumbing Care Handbook - This has detailed guides on everything concerning plumbing (I prefer the ones over, but this one includes other guides too)


    Post more links, dicuss and give tips to others. Share experiences and make this forum come alive.


    Good Luck, Have fun


    Happy Plumbing

  5. I think its about time to share som links and resources where you can find screenshots, information, trailers and more on the great upcoming game UT3 - 2007.



    UT3 - wikipedia


    Trailers and pictures:

    UT3 - IGN


    Gameinfo, screenshots, trailers and discussion:



    All you need to know + pictures of The Unreal Engine 3:

    Unreal Technology - MUSTREAD!

    Unreal Engine 1, 2 & 3 - wikipedia


    If you find some other great resources about and around this game, please share.


    I hope you will have a good time with this links, and that you will enjoy the new great game, Unreal Tournament 3 2007

  6. A new study in America shows that 40% of the Counter-Strike 1.6 players are woman.I am a big fan of female Counter-Strike players, and for me it was a great advantage to have a girl playing on my CS-team. A good -trained girl can play so intirely different from a boy that she often can think of tactics and types of playstyle that er unknown for most guys. The girl I played with was a great CS-player with a normal killratio of 11 kills to 1 death in proffesional CS-tournaments.I belive it is important to respect both female and male CS-players, and build a global community where girls get as much focus as the men, and with more mix-teams.To all female CS-players of the world, from a veteran male CS-player: PLAY ON! YOU ROCK!

  7. Hi

    Today I got this error-message in back-end on my Joomlasite hewwelub.trap17.com/d-lan/

    This site is temporarily unavailable.Please notify the System Administrator
    Connection to database server failed.

    This is the first time I get this error, and I don't want or have the time to reinstall the site with all its features...

    The only time I have seen this problem yet is when I tried to unpublish a menu item.

    Any answer would be to great help, thanx ;)

  8. Hi!

    This is the site I made for the Young Enterprise Company I am marketing & sales director for. I made the Design, and it is powered by Joomla (opensource respect!). I have also translated some of the Joomla extensions I use/used, like Eventlist and more; into Norwegian, which is the language I primaly speak.

    My YE company is going to make a cool LAN in the city Trondheim in Norway (where I live), so if you live close, join.

    Please check it out, and maybe give me some constructive tips, but have in mind that it is still not totaly finished.

    LINK: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  9. I looked at these USB's, and whell, I want to contribute, but with some cool, rare and wierd ones.


    Starting with:

    Posted Image

    Pretec USB 2.0 I-Disk Bullet - a bulletproof USB!


    Quote from Softpedia:

    You should get this device if you're planning to go join the Navy Seals, as it will match your dog tags quite well, and keep your secret data safe even in the worst possible situations (in front of a firing squad, that is). Or if you're the type of person who really wants to accessorize his/her outfit with a piece of technological jewelry. Or (and this is the right conclusion) if you're a person looking for a sound portable storage device, which can resist some pretty nasty shocks and carry around a lot of data hanging on your keychain while making some heads turn in the process.

    Next one:

    Posted Image

    Humping Dog - Yeah... the name says it all.



    Posted Image

    USB Dustcleaner - It costs only 5 dollars, and is very small... but how can you use it in the whole room?



    Posted Image

    Digital Bible - Eternal digital life for 30 dollars.



    Posted Image

    Wood stick - It is made out of real wood.



    Posted Image

    Flashbag - This is my favourite! It becomes bigger when you put more into it :lol: ... how cool is that?

    Quote from The producer:

    When the device is about to blow up you will see the familiar error message on your screen: "There is not enough free space".


    When swithched off the flashbag remains pumped up, so you can estimate with the naked eye how much more pics, books and music albums can be transferred into it.

  10. So, this thread is about woman, and makup. Do woman really need makeup at all? Don't you think they are prettier without? Isn't it better for their skin care to don't use makeup? Here you can say what you think about the need for makeup; the good and the bad.


    Personally, I think my girlfriend is beautiful when she does not use makeup, and now, after I have proved it for her with photoproof, she has stopped using makeup, and people just think she is doing a great job, and that her look is so natural, daah. And now she has actually NO acnes, seriously; whell, she is half philipino, but thats not my point. My point is that girls should not stress with makeup, but be beautiful instead, the real way!


    I am excited to hear what others think about this topic, so write on! Posted Image

  11. I don't have PMS because I'm a boy, but my girlfriend has it offcourse, so I know alot about it. Sometimes she is like you said roconza, she's angry at me, than kiss me and is happyhappy and then is like a 4 year old child; but that's natural. I have discovered alot of ways to deal with PMS though; the most know one is training, so we train alot together, run and pushups & more, and then go into the steambath. Massage works great too, especially if you massage certain points between the hip and the spine, it's relaxing and stimulating for the brain. Most of this is know but it's nice to say it again.


    So, to make PMS alittle better:

    Train (pushups, running, etc.)


    hipmassage (and other)

    Hot tea

    a cozywozy boyfriend (or girlfriend) who you can be with and that makes life better :lol:

    I respect you girls! You may get more plesure, but you have your pains agonies, RESPECT!


    (And to all you guys who say "ooh, menstruation is soo gross", wake up to year 2007!)

  12. My favourite car has changed through the years.


    First it started with the Porshe 911 turbo:

    Posted Image

    The porshe has great with 480 hp and goes from 0-60 in 3.7 sec. But at the official prize of $ 122,900.00 it is kind of expensive for what you get. (in my opinion.)


    Second we come to the "new" Lamborghini M consept car:

    Posted Image

    It has a 6.0-liter W-12 engine, and does the job, and looks great.


    Then we come to something different; My absolute favourite; The Pagani Zonda F:

    Posted Image

    With a 7.3 liter Mercedes-Benz engine at 650 bhp @ 6200 rpm and a weighs of 1230 kgs, it is what I look at as the best car ever!


    Disclaimer: You may agree or disagree, but this is purely what I think, and I love the Pagani Zonda F, my car.

  13. I will not say what is right or wrong, but I really think it is a natural thing. I have alot of gay & lesbian friends, and I know how hard it may be for them sometimes. The world is cruel, I don't think anyone should have the right to say if someones sexuality is right or wrong, because it is right for them.

    Another thing I think most of the world is good at, is discrimination. Lesbian is okay, but gay is not, what is up with that? I think that is because alot of people likes lesbian because of sexual reasons, but why is it like that? Someone tell me...

    My conclution is that the worlds people should live after one guideline:

    Respect is the ultimate curancy!

  14. I have tried many, many antivirus services, free & for money. After some research I will say that you should not use a free antivirusprogramme, because:

    they often get updates late

    They often let some viruses or spam pass through & then tells you to pay to get the removed

    Since they are free you get no binding agreements if your computer is infected.

    With this in the back of my mind I will say that it is worth a little money to keep your computer safe.


    The best antivirusprogrammes I have tried is Norton Antivirus and Norman Antivirus. I would refer to these as the best of the best.

  15. I do not have all the time either, but I ROCK pancakes, I have even my own special ingrediences :(. Now when it comes to guys and cooking there are some essentials for me:

    Something to drink when making food

    A good cookingbook (e.g. "cooking for bachleors")

    A girl to cook for

    Other than this I just have to say that the best thing in the world when it comes to cooking, is to make food with my girlfriend, that is soo cute :P.


    Keep on Cooking Boys & Girls!

  16. Philip Pullman - His Dark Materials is a story of three books which follows the 11-year-old Lyra Belacqua through a terrifying, facinating, beautiful & sometimes funny adventure.


    The trilogy contain three books:


    The Golden Compass

    In The Golden Compass, readers meet for the first time 11-year-old Lyra Belacqua, a precocious orphan growing up within the precincts of Jordan College in Oxford, England. It quickly becomes clear that Lyra's Oxford is not precisely like our own - nor is her world. In Lyra's world, everyone has a personal d?mon, a lifelong animal familiar. This is a world in which science, theology and magic are closely intertwined.

    The Subtle Knife

    In The Subtle Knife, readers are introduced to Will Parry, a young boy living in modern-day Oxford, England. Will is only twelve years old, but he bears the responsibilities of an adult. Following the disappearance of his explorer-father, John Parry, during an expedition in the North, Will became parent, provider and protector to his frail, confused mother. And it's in protecting her that he becomes a murderer, too: he accidentally kills a man who breaks into their home to steal valuable letters written by John Parry. After placing his mother in the care of a kind friend, Will takes those letters and sets off to discover the truth about his father.

    The Amber Spyglass

    The Amber Spyglass brings the intrigue of The Golden Compass and The Subtle Knife to a heartstopping close, marking the third and final volume as the most powerful of the trilogy. Along with the return of Lyra, Will, Mrs. Coulter, Lord Asriel, Dr. Mary Malone, and Iorek Byrnison the armored bear, The Amber Spyglass introduces a host of new characters: the Mulefa, mysterious wheeled creatures with the power to see Dust; Gallivespian Lord Roke, a hand-high spy-master to Lord Asriel; and Metatron, a fierce and mighty angel. And this final volume brings startling revelations, too: the painful price Lyra must pay to walk through the land of the dead, the haunting power of Dr. Malone's amber spyglass, and the names of who will live - and who will die - for love. And all the while, war rages with the Kingdom of Heaven, a brutal battle that - in its shocking outcome - will reveal the secret of Dust.

    His Dark Materials has long been my favourite books, and I love the seriousity in the books, and the "what is really out there"-feeling.

    This is a Topic, not a News so I would like to know what you thought about the books, what you thought about the start & ending, and what the mysteries really is all about.

  17. Like the Topic say, I want to give this forum a little starter with some facts, and links concerning home security.


    When it comes to home security, there are three main things to think about (in my opinion):



    Personal/Medical Emergency

    The definiton of burglary (wikipedia.org):

    Burglary – also called breaking and entering – is a crime related to theft or another crime. It typically involves someone breaking into a house, business, boat, or motor vehicle with an intent to commit a crime. To carry out a burglary is to burgle (British English) or burglarize (American English).

    The definition of fire (wikipedia.org):

    Fire is a rapid oxidation process that creates light, heat, and smoke, and varies in intensity. It is commonly used to describe either a fuel in a state of combustion (e.g., a campfire, or a lit fireplace or stove) or a violent, destructive and uncontrolled burning (e.g., in buildings or a wildfire).

    The definition of medical emergency (wikipedia.org):

    A medical emergency is an injury or illness that poses an immediate threat to a person's health or life which requires help from a doctor or hospital.

    Links concering home security:

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - A great site which give an overview on many securitysystems + more.

    http://www.guardianprotection.com/residential-security-solutions/burglar-alarm-system.aspx - Here you can read some statistics on burglary and more.

    http://www.guardianprotection.com/residential-security-solutions/devices/heat-detector.aspx - Here you can read some statistics on fire protection and more.

    http://www.guardianprotection.com/residential-security-solutions/devices/medical-pendant.aspx - Here you can read some statistics on personal security.

    Now I have started the topic, and what I want all of you to do, is to write about your experiences with home security, share links, facts, and more. Let us make this a helpful forum for all who visit trap 17.


    (Disclaimer:I do not claim to have written the quoted text, what I have done is to collect facts and links and to share them with my fellowusers so that we can all get a place where we can write and read all about security at home.)


    In the folder /public_html there is a file which is called .access. Edit this file and enter at the bottom of the file this line:

    php_flag register_globals off

    Then click save.

    Now register_globals is turned OFF in ALL subfolders!

    This code/solution is not originally by me but comes from this link: Click here. I will not take the honor of this code, but I felt like it was relevant to post it here.

  19. wow lol an evil mastermind lol very amusing to read actually hehe i like this topic :P

    If you want to become an evil mastermind there is a very important text to read, "If I Were The Evil Overlord..." by EvilRulers.com. This is a very amusing text, but there is also alot of important tips. I know this is for evil overlords, but to become an evil mastermind, you need to know this text in your head :( .


    EvilRuler.com - If I Where The Evil Overlord...

    This is a Must read!

  20. Hi everybody


    I have been working for some time with css code, and on every site I have made I have had one big problem when it comes to IE. I have watched mulitple bugs with css in IE, but the most irritating one is the following:


    IE missreads parameters like height & width so that your code that was perfect in FF, is now useless in IE. Whell, I have a solution, which in my opinion is not a hack, and works much better, atleast for me.


    The whole thing is just a javascript on a couple of lines that goes in the header, and then you make separate css-files for IE and FF + other.


    - First you make two .css-files, and in this example I name them "ie_only.css" & "not_ie.css".


    - Second you go into the header of your html file (or other type), and write the following:


    <!--[if IE]> <link href="ie_only.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <![endif]--><!--[if !IE]>--> <link href="not_ie.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <!--<![endif]-->

    The first if, [if IE] asks the browser if it is IE.

    The second if, [if !IE] really says "If not IE"


    You could also possibly make the script ask for more browsers, but I did not need this for my use.


    I hope this little script helped some.


    I am open for comments.

  21. Hi

    This sounds just like my story; I was also the shy nerd who almost noone talked to, and the girls would not consider to dance with. What I did was to deside that I should not change myself, but improve myself. The point was to be what I wanted to be without loosing myself. Practically the only things I did was the following:

    - I learned to dance swing. (As I found out, girls don't care that you are a nerd when it comes to dancing, it is all about the dance.)

    - I started to build my confidence that I was great as I was, and that it was the others who did not see it yet. (Some steps are to say something good to yourself everytime you look in the mirror, after a while you will start beliveing it :P )

    - I stopped thinking that I had to get a girlfriend or that girls had to be inlove with me.


    These steps resulted in that I got more friends who where girls (because I was not desperate, they wanted to know me, me. After some years, in the summer after 10th grade I met a girl who has now been my girlfriend for two years. She tells me that what atracted her whas that I was so real, that I was not a player, but a safe and careing person; and she actually liked the clumsy, nerdy me.


    What I am trying to say is that you should try to find the good things about yourself, and make them more visible, don't change youself.


    Don't become a player; they may be the ones with all the girls now, but when they finaly want a girl for their life, they will have serious problems because of their past. You may be the "looser" now, but you will become the proud and great, lucky person later, just have pations.


    And when it comes to girls, try to be more relaxed about them, if you don't try to get a girlfriend, the right one will come when you least expect it.


    Good luck with the future, may it be an happy one :(




  22. Whell there are some factors to consider;- How old is it?- Does the motherboard, and the rest of the structure allow the needed upgrades?- How it looks?- Is this a computer that is worth upgrading?- How much would you profit of it when you add the hours of work it takes, the new parts, and so on. (make a budget)- Where and who are the buyers, and how can you access them?These are all factors you should consider before you start a project like this. Do some research, and find out which laptops you could use, set up a budget and do all wour homework. If you do this you might make profit out of it, but no garranties from me.Good luck & have fun,lihuyt

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