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Everything posted by miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG

  1. Something really weird happened.. I got the mail from you all fine - but it's entirely blank.. no text, no attachment.. no nothing Can you please resend that one..Thanks dude,m^e
  2. Hey guys, I've got the following two lines in my WordPress theme header to help me display the favicon. <link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />Using either would have done the job - but I was told to include both so as to ensure the display of the favicon in IE and non-IE browsers. Now my question is, the icon shows up ONLY when you access my site using the main domain's URL, i.e. http://chaos-laboratory.com/. If you're reading any post / page below it, e.g. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ the icon won't show at all !!! Anyone else encourtered this and got any bright idea to fix it ?? Thanks & Cheers, m^e
  3. Check this out .... Source: Need to share data between your cell, the web and your IM? Send a GAD.
  4. Hey all,Anyone's got a copy of the D22-Shoutbox that's installed here at Asta? I've been trying to get my hands on one but the d-scripting site has been offline for quite a few days now and I can't seem to find it at invisionize. If anyone has it can you please mail a copy to me? That'd me most helpful of you...Cheers,m^e
  5. Mwaaahahahahahahaha Try your best but am still gonna make it to 3K before you ;)Good to have some competition though.. lol
  6. Yup we do. But shell access isn't turned on by default for the hosting accounts. Once you're hosted with us, you need to make a post in the SSH Access Request forum and it'll be granted at no extra cost. Cheers, m^e
  7. Read the full article Notice from vizskywalker: I know chaos-labratory is yours m^e, but search engines like Google don't know that, and even if they did, couldn't make the link. One of the reasons for quoting things (other than not gaining credits for work that isn't yours) used to be that search engines penalized for exact text found in multiple places. If that isn't true or isn't an issue anymore than I apologize for adding the quote tags. Otherwise, I feel they belong.
  8. True - nothing can beat Dreamweaver, but NVU or Konqueror (which is the unofficial bug-fixed release of NVU) is possibly the closest you can get. Dreamweaver costs a pretty penny - so for those who don't really want to burn a big hole in their pocket... NVU is the way to go Incidentally, not everyone here's living in India or Thailand (me) where all these softwares are available for as low as $2, on the roadside that is
  9. There's one out there which I'll strongly recommend. That's NVU - and it cuts out all the monkey crap and renders exact code Moreover, it's cross platform i.e. operates with equal vigour on Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
  10. Yeah I second MC's motion.. for Windows one should cut the crap and just install FileZilla server It's easy as hell to setup including granting directory based read/write access to users. If you install XAMPP you'll know for sure coz it comes as a part of the installation.Cheers,m^e
  11. Yup - Viz is right. I always right-click and add the names I use frequently to stop FireFox from bugging me. Later on, if you want to remove a name from the dictionary it's equally easy. You just have to go in a roundabout way. When you add a word to the Firefox dictionary, it gets stored in a file called persdict.dat, which is located in the Document & Settings > YourWindowsUserName > Application Data > Mozilla > Firefox > Profiles > SomeRandomCharacter.default folder. The entries are listed in plain-text, one entry per line. To remove a word from the dictionary, simply delete the appropriate line in persdict.dat and you're done. The same goes for removing misspelt words from the dictionary. If you blog a lot and write about various businesses and companies, you'd require a sizeable list of company names in your dictionary. I'd come across a site which offers such lists of company names (in various sectors) for free. Copying and pasting those lists from their site into persdict.dat makes your life really easy later on. Can't recall the URL though. Cheers, m^e
  12. It's not because of 2 "different kinds" of HTML but because of the way IE and FF render pages. The rendering engine in both are coded different. IE allows lots of "extra" Microsoft specific tricks and automatically tries to fix syntax errors and in turn has very bad compliance to the HTML standards defined by W3C. In comparison Firefox is far more standards compliant (following upto 99% of W3C's recommendations) and doesn't give you much lee-way in terms of coding error. A page which may seem to render fine on IE may not render at all in Firefox. On the other hand, since IE doesn't follow much of W3C's recommendations of both HTML and CSS, valid HTML layouts sometimes break-out in IE and become a mess. Stupid cow of a browser, if you ask me only fit for retards. As for vieweing the page in both modes - am not sure if you can do it in IE. But for Firefox, you have an extension called IE Tab which can render a particular page / site for you in IE mode, right inside a Firefox tab.
  13. Here you go... 1. You'll have to confirm with us that the credits are indeed in place (in the bank). I think OpaQue had set-up an email notification system - but that's just for direct member --> member transfers. 2. There's no way of knowing who are the credits for.. but we do know the amount of credits stored in the bank. Your best bet here is to inform one of the admins once you've completed negotiations and the credits have been stashed in the bank. That way we can always keep a track. 3. Once you've completed the job, your client has to use the AWARD Credits link to transfer them out of the bank into your account. 4. Nope credits wouldn't get mixed up coz we have individual logs of every person who stores credits to the bank - along with the amount stored.
  14. turbopowerdmaxsteel: Thnx for replying to that and Yep, we do not provide ASP hosting here at Xisto. You'll have to look elsewhere for that
  15. See one cannot claim with utter absolution that there cannot be memories from a past life or as a matter of fact the whole rebirth cycle itself. Keep in mind that what you call a RULE is only PROVEN by EXCEPTION Secondly, if you're the hardwired scientific kind, there could be a very logical explanation of this... once a person dies his/her body just doesn't vanish into thin air. Rather it gets decomposed (in graves) / burnt (during cremation) and returned to nature as the original elements (mostly Carbon). It's very likely that these same atoms somehow get dispersed only to be a part of another organism somewhere far away. There's a vast gap in our knowledge of atomic / subatomic phenomena. Will you be surprised if you come to know one day, that atoms / molecules can somehow carry forth "memories" ? Knowledge retention as cellular level is an established fact.. so why not at an atomic level? Now if these same atoms constitute another human being at a later stage - the old memories can easily be passed on to the new being - giving him/her that sense of having been reborn. Agree / Disagree?
  16. serverph: Yup - I haven't seen one that's as efficient as the one here on IPB - but there's a pretty good one available for WordPress too. You can grab it from here: https://asuth.com/ This gives me an idea though - I'll see how the coding is done for the IPB and and try and translate it for usage as a drag & drop WordPress widget. delivi: WordPress rocks I've studied their coding at lengths and they've done a terrific job of it. Your reviews / suggestions would be most helpful. If you require any help with the plug-ins, just drop me a line. Cheers, m^e
  17. As far as I've figured out you wouldn't require any temp file. The code can be directly injected on-the-fly while the main program executes. Code injection here is nothing but a simple require or include statement. There has to be some way you can define some sorta callback mechanism so that the code in inserted at the right point.
  18. Yeah true... luckily enough, just a couple of days before I found this suite, I'd bought a 4GB USB 2.0 flash - works at decent enough speed. I got another 40GB pocket USB drive. I've got this suite installed on both. It'd be too much to expect a USB drive to perform as fast as your local HDD. I guess the convenience you get out of carrying your work along like this kind of compensates for the lack of speed.
  19. A couple of months back I came across a handy bundle of 37 essential PC Repair tools which easily fits on a 32MB USB Flash drive making it a really versatile and highly portable PC Recovery kit. I've been out on the hunt since then for more of such useful tools and recently came across this entire productivity suite which can be carried on a flash drive and worked on using any computer. The suite is called Portable Apps and the tightly integrated bundle can be downloaded for free from their site. The bundle contains a web browser, email client, office suite, calendar/scheduler, instant messaging client, anti-virus, sudoku game, backup utility and integrated menu, all pre-configured to work portably - right out of your thumb-drive. Installation is extremely easy - can be carried out almost blindfolded. You're good to go as soon as you unzip the package on your portable drive. The full package even includes a XAMPP (Apache, MySQL, PHP, phpMyAdmin) integrated web-server, portable GIMP, Media Players like Audacity & VLC and miscellaneous compression utilities, HTML Editors like NVU & Konqueror, the full OpenOffice Suite etc. What gives a big boost in the usability factor is that instead of being a loose bunch of utilities, you're provided with a quick-access menu that acts as a central control / launch panel for all these apps. Moreover, these apps will work from literally any Windows compatible portable device like USB drives, iPod, portable hard drives etc. Installing new apps can be done with a single-click action through the same menu. Portable Apps suite comes in two flavours - Standard and Lite, none of which would fit on a measly 32MB flash drive. The Lite version, which is approx. 30MB in compressed form takes up around 105MB after installation. The Standard version can eat up almost 260MB space. While you just might be able to fit it on a 256MB drive, you'd be left with very little work space. The whole purpose of portability is defeated if you can't carry your work around. I'd suggest at least a 512MB drive to give you some decent breathing room. The advantages / conveniences of this suite are limitless. They've put up a nice summary on their site... to which I don't think I can add much. So I'm going to quote it verbatim. Possibilities Carry your web browser with all your favorite bookmarks Carry your calendar with all your appointments Carry your email client with all your contacts and settings Carry your instant messenger and your buddy list Carry your whole office suite along with your documents and presentations Carry your anti-virus program and other computer utilities Carry all your important passwords and account information securely The Convenience Factor Have your favorite websites handy to recommend to a friend or colleague Have your presentation AND the required software ready to go for that big meeting Have your password with you if you want to bank online while traveling Have utilities handy when visiting family or friends that are having PC problems If you're a supporter of the Open Source movement, you'd be happy to know that all the applications included in this package are built around the very same concept. What more - every other week, the guys at PortableApps keep introducing new utilities bundled in PortableApps compatible format - all ready for download and installation. What are you waiting for? Get Portable Apps today...
  20. A bit of self advertising I've been dabbling in WordPress plug-ins for a while now and have successively come up with quite a few. Here's the list so far. If you find them useful, feel free to grab them off my site and use in your own blog. Some of them are Sidebar Widgets, which means you'll need a widget enabled theme for WordPress. The others are simple plug-ins meant to perform other tasks. Here's the list... GARR (Google AdSense Referral Rotator) - A sidebar widget, this sits in your WP sidebar and keeps displaying random AdSense Referral buttons (as per your settings) upon every page-load. curreX: AJAX based Currency Converter - Another sidebar widget which can be really useful for those who run Foreign Exchange / Banking related blogs. This little tool takes an amount as input along with source and destination currency units and provides you with the converted rate. The exchange rates are fetched on-the-fly from Yahoo! Finance making the conversions dead-acurate. Unitary: AJAX based Units Converter - Yet another sidebar widget that can be serve as an invaluable addition to scientific blogs. This one converts between thousands of units of Length, Area, Volume, Speed, Weight / Mass etc. It's designed in a similar fashion as the last widget - both looks and functionality wise. TailHitter: A cool plug-in that automatically inserts HitTail Tracking Code in each of your blog posts and pages. For those who didn't know, HitTail is a service similar to Google Analytics but with a twist. HitTail keeps track of ONLY the hits you get through major search engines and builds up a long list of "recommended keywords" around which you can build / fine-tune your content to draw further traffic. LiveSig: Most ardent bloggers are surely aware of Lorelle on WordPress which is one of the most valuable resources on the net on WordPress and blogging in general. Her signature has always stood out as a beautiful example of calligraphy and adds a different dimension to her blog by effortlessly imbibing that much-needed "personal touch" to all her posts. The signature in question has intrigued me since I came upon her blog quite sometime back and I've wanted one of my own ever since. MyLiveSignature is a cool new service that enables you to create such a signature for yourself online and for FREE. Consequently, came LiveSig - my brand new plug-in which inserts such a signature right after each of your blog posts. That's it for now... more to come soon Feedbacks & Comments will be much appreciated. Cheers, m^e
  21. ethergeek: If it was for myself - I'd probably use awk. Would have been a much faster and smoother approach. But this is for someone else, who sadly has no clue how to work out of the Windows box. So there...
  22. As for Answer #2, we have a mechanism to prevent such scamming. We have a Credit Bank, where your client should transfer the credits once you strike up the deal. We'll act as an Escrow Service and hold the credits for you till both parties (yourself and your client) mutually agree that the work is completed and that the credits should be rewarded to you. However, there's a nominal transfer fee of 3% of each transaction, i.e. you loose out on 3% everytime those credits are bounced around. You should only progress with the work ONLY when the client has agreed to this. If you set-up a direct transfer routine (to avoid the transfer charges), then we cannot be held responsible if you get scammed In any case, even during a direct transfer from your client to yourself, you still loose 3%.
  23. I would have suggested a Forced Reload (not simply deleting the cache) by pressing Ctrl+F5, but then again you say you've tried it from various comps. It's not possible to comment any further from the info you've provided. As Quatrux said, you need to give us the URL of the site. A look into the code might reveal more.
  24. Check it out and here are the problems: Problems It finds and replaces ONLY the FIRST INSTANCE of a string in a file. The S & R function halts after that. After replacing a string, it pops-up a message-box saying "Replaced (x) Instances". That is fine - but it keeps reporting that it replaced an instance EVEN AFTER the replacing is over. What I mean is that supposing you've searched & replaced a particular string and there are no more instances of the same string in the file. If you the try S & R again, it still reports that 1 instance has been replaced Back-up doesn't work yet The S & R function works on executables (.exes) too and dutifully screws them up even if there's NO POSSIBILITY of such a string occurring inside a .exe. Suggestions: Include an option to add folders instead of single files. Include an option to recurse into subfolders and perform the S & R Add a file filter along with the above two - so you can specify say, *.txt or *.htm and it'll look for the string in only those file types.
  25. Pyost, I had the same thoughts too.. but who wants to go into the pain of writing one right now... lets see how turbo's software comes out..
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