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Everything posted by wesXking

  1. as of late poker players and hot dog eating contestants are being called atheletes. yeah I agree that there should be a line drawn somewhere. Personally I was watching the X games today and I was acknowledging the fact that I watched the first through like 5th X games and all of a sudden they are having like ski mobiles and motorcross and dirt bike stunt competitions. It is ridiculoous. I would rather watch a well trained well conditioned athlete perform to his very best than rely on machinery to equip him with his abilities.
  2. alright guys. let's talk about this.First off how in the world is wrestling supposed to be a "thuggish" sport...whatever that means anyway? Wrestling is the basis for most martial arts today. Ever heard of the olympic games? Plus wrestling is so closely related to Jiu Jitsu and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu that it can hardly even be recognized as its own art anymore... especially with the recent addition of a little thing called submission wrestling. Now... as far as just anyone being able to box... tell muhammed ali that and he will still knock your block off. There is so much training involved in Boxing that it is unreal. That is the problem with traditional martialartists... they are so narrowminded. There is something in the USA that is designed for the people who just get in the ring and throw punches. Usually refered to as tough man competitions. Although usually commissioned by the state boxing commissions they are not boxing matches. You do not come out with a boxing record if you win one of these. Plus if boxing is just people slugging then what is Kickboxing? No finesse there either I suppose?Judo Karate and taekwon do are of course going to be looked at as the only martial arts that are able to be "professional" because they are the most common and the most flashy. Judo has good throws karate has flashy kicks and that movie series and taekwon do has flashy kicks which grabs everyone's eyes.Wanna know how I know this? Wes King black Belt and instructor in Kenpo, study Mauy Thai, Blue Belt In Jiu Jitsu and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, 7-2 kickboxing record, 4-0 boxing record, 2-0 mma Record.
  3. "I used to be a second degree black belt in Taekwondo"used to be? umm... You either are or aren't. You don't lose rank in martial arts. Well... except Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
  4. I had an aikido guy talk some crap to me before a kickboxing match I had with him... then we got in the ring and I beat the crap out of him. And then I tapped out a shotokan guy in my first MMA fight.
  5. plus it depends on what you want to add. if you want to add lean weight then you should take Muscle Milk. that stuff works wonders. it has zero transfatty acids. it is great for body building and packing on the pounds with muscle.
  6. the military tells people to eat a bunch of bananas when they are under weight
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