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Posts posted by kc8yff

  1. Well, I am trying to be as flugel as possible. I am actually thinking about not thinking about upgrading -- perhaps an Apple Mac Mini. Since it will cost less for me to upgrade, chances are I will upgrade. My budget is around $250, and $300 is pushing it, but I can pull it off. I would like a processor with 2.0 GHz+. AMD is what I am looking for, but I heard AMD's require many fans because they get pretty hot. Is this true?

  2. They have some nice music. 'Vertigo' made a mark in Europe. This December when I was in Paris, I walked into a store called "FNAC" and what do you know... Vertigo is playing. Then in London, I walked by a small music shop in Heathrow, and Vertigo was playing. I really like this song though it has really no useful meaning.

  3. I am having some problems connecting to Xisto via FTP. I am using SmartFTP. Each time I attempt to log in, I get an error:

        SmartFTP v1.0.983.32    Resolving host name ftp.astahost.com...
        Connecting to (ftp.astahost.com) ->  IP: PORT: 21
        Connected to (ftp.astahost.com) -> Time = 80ms
        Socket connected waiting for login sequence.
    220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
    220-You are user number 2 of 50 allowed.
    220-Local time is now 17:37. Server port: 21.
    220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
    220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
        USER kc8yff
    331 User kc8yff OK. Password required
        PASS (hidden)
    530 Authentication failed, sorry
        Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...

    After 30 seconds, it retries and still cannot connect. I am able to log into the webspace I have on my friend's server.

    I appreciate each and every one who helps. ;)

    Thanks. ;)

  4. I am planning to upgrade my old computer. I am currently running a P3 with 450 MHz and 128 mb RAM. I am planning on upgrading it, and I don't really know where to start. I'll need a new motherboard and ram (which will depend on the processor I get). I don't know what to properly call this, but it is a seprate unit that holds all the PCI cards. I need a motherboard which that seprate unit will fit into. I have absolutely no idea where to start and I need some help.Thanx!!

  5. Hey dude, your site's content is great. Once you get your webspace from Xisto, you can use PHP-Nuke, which is a lot easier to use than FusionPHP. You can also have a sweet forum and stuff. Your site's content is good and I give it 4/5 stars. A sweet skin will give it 5/5.

  6. Right now, HTML is common and PHP is popping up everywhere. A few years ago, HTML was the thing. PHP was used for forums. But web pages (personal and business, not search engines) were made using HTML. Now, PHP is around. Do you think PHP is going to be the HTML of tomorrow? Or will something else like XML be the HTML of tomorrow?

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