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Posts posted by kc8yff

  1. Is there are way to put a quick launch button for Firefox in the bottom right corner?When I had Mozilla about 10 minutes ago, I had a quick launch button in the bottom right hand corner and it was sweet. It launched in like a split second.

  2. Google is affiliated with Blogger. Blogger is offering free blogs. I don't know what else there is to say about this... you can check out the site:
    . A while back, Blogger users got Gmail invites. I don't know if they are still doing this.

    If you have any specific questions, I'll try to answer them!!

  3. I know I have them networked properly because I am accessing the internet! I turned off my firewall and I cannot seem to find the shared folder. I looked in "Computers Near Me" in "My Network Places" and I can only see one computer. There are three computers on my network: my parent's, my brother's, and mine. I can only see mine... not my parent's, not my brother's. I also went into the network properties and made sure that the File/Printer Sharing box was checked.Anything else you guys can tell me?Thanks.

  4. I have heard that you cannot upgrade a Mac. I really want one of those. Right now, I have a 450 MHz Windows computer that I will use till I get money for a new one. I don't use this computer for much... just schoolwork and such. I think the Mac Mini is grabbing the attention of Windows users... it sure as hell grabbed mine. I had my homepage as CNET and it was a video on there, so I checked it out. I watched the review and I was thinking of the price. I saw "$497" and my eyes just popped open. Why is Mac offering their machines at such cheap prices? Is this just a technique to grab the attention of Windows users? I think it is...

  5. I have heard rumors that Google might be offering webspace to customers. I haven't read any articles about this. I merely stumbled upon it while reading something. If this rumor is true, what do you think Google will offer if their webspace just happened to be free?I personally think they will eventually expand into this industry. Google has made it's way into Froogle and Gmail. It's likely that they will end up giving out free webspace.Yes, I know, they do offer blogs already!!

  6. There is a program I have already removed from my computer via the Add/Remove Programs screen. The program is still on the Add/Remove Programs list. How do I remove it from the list?Thanks in advance.----------------------------This isn't the right forum. Since it deals with the Control Panel of Windows, am moving it to the OS Section.m^e

  7. I need someone who has used both Windows and Mac to respond to this post.


    I am trying to upgrade my (Windows) computer. It looks like it will cost me the price of a new Apple Mac Mini. It might be worth it for me to get a Mac.


    Like I said, I would like someone who has used both Windows and Mac consistently. I don't want people to respond that have gone to Best Buy and played with a Mac. I want someone who (for example) uses a Mac at home and Windows at work.


    You can reply to this post or:

    AIM: kc8yff

    YIM: kc8yff

    MSNM: kc8yff@hotmail.com

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