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Posts posted by Indego

  1. Hey All,just checked out all your suggestions on which phone is the best...... must admit that I've got a Blackberry 8700G running on the Australian Optus network. However I used to work for Australia's biggest Telecommunications network "Telstra" Personally I've sold several hundred phones over the past 2 years, and been involved in the communications industry for 6 years in total. So if your looking for an excellent phone with good back up and very large network of support and software check out either Nokia or Sony. Nokia definately has the lead on Internet and personal use. however Sony does have a lead on Photo quality and sound quality for mp3's and clips.As for Motorola not a big fan of the moto range however the new V3X does look to have the goods with 3G network access and data files.I suppose what you really need to establish is what features your going to use with your phone, how long your going to keep this purchase and your budget.With that info I would be more then happy to reccomend a device that may suit your needs.look forward to having you let me know what your looking for in your phone. :P

  2. Hello All.
    I'm looking for some advise or assistance with getting a web page/access page running so that i can have the page online and collect the data live into my database for Project Management...

    Currently I'm developing a database using M$ Access, and need to have staff data enter sales information directly into a web form that can be linked to a database?

    I've looked at using a M$ Front page web form with data collected into a .CSV text file and extracting the data but i need to be able to let the staff review and update the data for each file?

    Any ideas or suggestions would be very great fully appreciated? or if someone knows of a better system or set of software that will work better for me I would be really very thankful.

    Looking forward to some assistance with this request.

    Sorry to post this message twice but just noticed this topic string and felt that I may have more luck here with the assistance that I am looking for.

    Any assistance with the topic would be really helpful.

  3. Hello All. I'm looking for some advise or assistance with getting a web page/access page running so that i can have the page online and collect the data live into my database for Project Management...Currently I'm developing a database using M$ Access, and need to have staff data enter sales information directly into a web form that can be linked to a database?I've looked at using a M$ Front page web form with data collected into a .CSV text file and extracting the data but i need to be able to let the staff review and update the data for each file?Any ideas or suggestions would be very great fully appreciated? or if someone knows of a better system or set of software that will work better for me I would be really very thankful.Looking forward to some assistance with this request. :P

  4. Morning all :P Sitecube and I have a long history of use. I've used thier designed for many of my budget clients who only want a quick clean site that they can manage easily. the Sitecube site have many great features and bonus offers depending on what services you are looking for. The site is well worth joining even if it is only for Ideas and concepts.I've also found that some of their designs are easily customizable as well which is perfect for me as i then only need to purchase the design that i like once and then upgrade it to suit my needs as i see fit. Some of the Flash and Java sites that are out on the market don't easily allow the manipulation of thier work and retain the tags which is a little frustrating when your building sites for someone else.The Sitecube in my humble op' is well worth the look and definately worth joining. You've got nothing to loose that for sure as its Free to join. :D

  5. hello all,free forum you seek, free forum you will find when you host with Xisto..... check out your c/panel and the options there fantastico has a few options that you should check out.it will allow you install the phpbb option for you as well as some other great programs that can host and run a forum type solution such as mambo or joomla, along with a host of other great stuff.just register and get your Xisto hosting sorted and its all up for you to work on.:P

  6. STRESS !!!!! yeah its a good one, a long time ago i found it and it took a long time to work out how to get rid of it :P now days i've got a more ballanced approach to the entire subject.these days i take the time that it takes me to drive home to listen to my music and clear my head.i also use aromatherapy at work with different blends of essential oils depending on the type of day and levels of stress i'm feeling.i've also been known to enjoy a long hot bath and soak away my stresses. and if all else fails vent, do it via the punching bag or a good hard run and work out....works for me and these days i'm fairly stress free........ :D

  7. Your concerns on the whois details are really a little too paranoid, there are many other sources that can provide personal information, and far more detailed then those that can be found on the results of a whois search.if you are just a person hosting a personal site then by all means block your details or hide them depending on your registrant's options. however if you are running a business that is related to your website then it is basically pointless as the government hosts several search sites that are able to provide details on you and your business, not to mention the day to day scam sites that milk your personal details and gather them together to provide very interesting details on people. look around and search out a personal database repository.... there are several out there for a fee you can get just about anything that you wanted to know about just about anyone.anyway just my two cents worth.... :P

  8. Joomlashack is about to enlist the skills of talented new designers and developers who are skilled in the area's of Joomla.

    If your interested then read on and click on the link below, However you only have till friday to get into the selection group.

    Good luck.

    Private Developer Board now available
    We have had some good discussion about some of the potential here.

    The next step I would like to take is formalizing and documenting the program. To do this I want to limit the involvement to those that are actively involved. I think there are about 30 people signed up for this concept, but relatively few making posts.

    On Friday, I will prune user access to those that have shown they want to be involved by making posts . If you know of anyone that might want to be involved, please end them to the original sign up form.


    You can discuss the next steps in the forum:



  9. just uploaded the changes as suggested and it has definitely increased my browser speed. i'm wondering if you can do the same kind of thing with IE? as they run it at work and its seriously slow..... been trying to get them to change over to Firefox but as yet they still haven't made a decision.....I also feel that even though there had been previous mention of this process in the tutorials, i think its cool that its been posted again because i would never have found it in my day to day activities @ Xisto. I just don't find the time to go to the tutorials unless there is something that I'm particularly looking for. So I think its good that someone has taken the time to try and help a few of us out. ;)

  10. Evening all; i've just been reading over the post on this topic and i'm really curious as to those who do have adsense on their site?how much are you getting back from it and have you had any negative feedback since you added it to your site?I've been looking for a way to generate some base cash from the site other then just the info and sales that come from my core design business, but i'm really not sure if Google and the Adsense option is the way for me to go.I'd really like some cold hard facts about how it works after its been installed and running for a little.I've used other affiliate programs in the past and done very well based on the content of my sites, but not sure how this will effect things and if its worth the effort considering the potential return.So if someone would be kind enough to shed some light on the financial site of adsense I'd really appreciate it. ;)

  11. Hi Niagi,you really need to move on from that place...... You are clearly more capable then they are giving you credit for..... You sound very much like my partner and a bit of a perfectionist, you need to prepare your self to think that you are far better then what you are doing now for the money. Just remember that what you want is to move forward so you get your self a job that shows you the respect and appreciation that you deserve......No One should ever feel that they are deserting a company when they look for a new job because the company should have taken better care of its valuable staff. they are the ones that have deserted you....Go for it Niagi, do your research and look around something will show up when you least expect it and you should just take the chance, cause if you don't you'll never know where it may lead to.Good luck and remember your worth more no matter what anyone says.

  12. Just read over the post on this string, sometimes I wonder if some of you have bothered to do some research on the topics that you post about.....Firstly Solar Power is a viable option and is currently used in 12% of homes in South East Queensland. The initial cost to fully equip the average home with a complete solor system is $37,000 AUD. This provided you with 8 - 12 solar cells and the necessary battery bank required to store and distribute the energy as needed.Yes you do need to ensure that you are using energy efficient appliances but you should be doing that anyway.The panels last for 20 - 25 years and need to be replaced after that time. So it does cost you money but when you consider the cost of having your home connected to the power grid if you are any distance from the main distribution system it can be quite cost effective.The Cells are designed to work with a minimum of 4 hours direct solor contact. less then that and you would have a concern with the supply to your home however with the correct alignment of your homes roof line in a east west position then you will on average receive at least 6 hours per day and more in the summer months. The other alternative that is becoming quite popular for urban buildings is to connect your house to the power grid and install a smaller solar system that back sells the left over power that you generate during the day to the power company, and then draws back from the power company at night or when the solar efficiency drops below an acceptable limit. This system is being used frequently in Queensland and northern NSW.It offers people the opportunity to do something for the environment while still retaining a viable power supply. It also give the consumer the chance to get some money back from the Power company's if their supply usage is less then their supply generation, how cool would that be to get a cheque back from the power company?Anyway just my opinion and info that i have available on the topic.

  13. Broadband over the power lines is not new technology at all, only the availability to the average consumer is new. most countries have the massive copper network that is provided by the power suppliers that is why they are now looking at utilizing this means of delivery of higher speed broadband to the consumer. In OZ its been trialed in Tasmania for several years now in a suburb the local communications giant TELSTRA didn't want anything to do with.... Now the entire community has high speed internet, voip, and TV on Demand all via their power lines.The OZ Govt has also made a large push for the general public to have access to Broadband services by way of rebates and incentives to ISP's to supply technology to their customers at a reasonable rate, insuring that all consumers have the opportunity to run high speed internet from their home. We've just taken up the opportunity for Broadband satellite where I live as the Power company in my area has not started the roll out of their service yet and TELSTRA's ADSL network will never reach our house due to limits on the the local exchange and also the distance that ADSL will comfortably work.Personally though I see Wi Fi and other wireless technologies taking over the home users preferred choice of Internet service, it just makes more sence to pay for one service that you will be able to use anywhere, weather it be at home in your bedroom or at the town library or while your away on holidays at your favorite camping for beach spot....For more info on the Power Line internet service check out Aurora Energy or Seltel, alternatively check out the new Next G service from TELSTRA not that I like the company but the product is good. (Used to work for them so maybe I'm a little bias)

  14. Just for the record, the 500 times faster internet thing ain't going to happen either. I used to work for Telstra Australia's leading telecommunications supplier... So I can assure you that the ISP's out there are not going to open up the transfer lines enough for your home pc to be sped up 500 times its just not going to happen. In some cases you might find that you can expect certain products or hardware capable of providing you with 3 - 5 times faster transfer rate, with a combination of several solutions and a good compression service you might find a service of 10x's faster but its rare and not very reliable.

  15. Ok I'm with Thorned Rose on this one..... The software is complete crap.Installed it here were we run satellite broadband, I run several pc's over a network both wired and wireless. I installed it one one of our wired pc's and it actually reduced the transfer rate. and again while trying to uninstall the software it stuffed all my connection settings and drivers relating to the network.This software is not work the download little own the effort to install it or try and get it uninstalled.I wouldn't touch this software or even consider trialling it.just my opinion.

  16. Just looking over the conversations and thoughts that have been posted and there are many that are worth thinking about, I think that the idea of coming out so to speak is a personal choice. For me it wasn't until I was 24 years old when I told my mother and father. and not till 2 years ago that I told my very religious catholic Grand Parents ( Well actually my Aunt told them) and had to explain why I wasn't home on Sundays for lunch as much as I used to be :lol: Look as far as coming out of the closet or telling those people that you are close to about your sexuality, its very difficult and no-one will ever know when the right time for you to do is!...... But what I can tell you is that there are some really wonderful people out there that will make sure you are safe and secure about who you are, no matter the circumstances.I would however suggest that if you just have to tell the world that you are who you are, be very certain that you have a support network in place so you can feel safe and secure once you've told those that you needed to tell....I also have an opinion about the whole coming out issue as well even though i started this string. I am of the belief that not every one needs to know about your personal life and that is ever more important in this day and age. I am also of the though that being Gay or Lesbian does not define who you are just a part of your personality. I feel that these days as was mentioned earlier things have changed from when i was discovering life and my sexuality. People then were genuinely polite and would respect your decision even if they didn't feel it was a correct "life style choice". these days people are more aware and more capable of accepting homosexuality in their local community, however as accepting as they are, people have also developed the ability to be far crueler and far more violent towards our sexuality......Its really a shame, that with all our developments and growth as humans we have also lost some of those old world charms that made us safe and secure in our own home and community........ The only thing that I can honestly say to anyone with out knowing the specifics about coming out to family and friends is that, timing and delivery are everything. When you do tell them of your personal situation, give them time to take it in, Time to think about it logically and time to get over the initial shock.....So you have time on your side so make good use of it. If your friends and family react badly to your initial announcement, then sit back and think about it from their side of the story. There may be other things going on in their life that you may not be aware, this could be shrouding their true feeling towards you....Give everyone enough time and space to evaluate your situation, take heed in the feeling that many people have done what you have just done and many more will follow, be educated on your situation and be prepared for the worst case situation should that happen, And most importantly find a circle of support if every thing else goes wrong, find them and ask for their assistance and advice.........Please let me know if there is anything else more specific that you would like to know or talk about.

  17. New Years Spent in Brisbane Aust, It seems to be a tradition that my partner and I are getting into...This year the same as the last was spent with friends at our annual New Years Eve Dog Show in Brisbane. It was a very pleasant night with good friends, and a great show all round.. No Fire Works though as it scares the dogs, so i've had to settle for the coverage the next day on the TV to see what was happening round the world.....I think that this year is going to be one of many changes to the worlds as we know it and it feels like it could be a very good thing for everyone involved.Wishing everyone online a very happy and safe 2007 .....

  18. No offence but alot of what you have said isn't true. You are over 30 which means you probably haven't hung around people under 20 that are living today, not when you were 13-20. Many teens today DO choose to be bisexual, either because they think its cool, they think its different and will be a shocker, because they don't understand how to deal with admiring/idolizing and actual attraction for someone of the same gender or some other reason. I do believe many people choose to just call themselves bisexual just because they don't know what else to call it, so yes i do think for that part is a phase concidering atleast a half of those who say they are bi today, will not think/know they are bi 10 years from now, because they have matured and know their feelings more then they did when they were 16.
    And I don't think 1 in 10 people anyone meets will actually be gay or lesbian, i think that is wrong.

    I don't want to sound so contradicting to what you are saying, and many things are the same with whatever era of time, but with certain things it isn't. I think you can't fully speak for kids who are going through feelings today, because society has changed so much from when you were a teen, theres a whole new outlook on homosexuality many still find it offensive, and others obsess over it so much they think they aren't straight because now being straight isn't as cool, its to many 'boring'.

    I am gay, but i know lots of people who most definetly are not gay but claim to be, or claim to be bi. Theres sadly probably a lot of gays who say they are straight/bi and just as many straights who say they are gay/bi.

    Hello JasperIK,
    thank you for you opinion and no I haven't taken offense in anything that you have to say it's a free world and thankfully you are able to express your opinion....., however before you go assuming anything you should perhaps check some of the sources that I refer to :lol: No offense but I do know what I'm talking about as I said briefly I've been involved with the GLBT Community for many years now and that involvement includes being a mentor and councilor for QUAC "Queensland Aids Council" as well as being actively involved with several events and youth based programs in south east Queensland, So from your stand point you are correct there are many young people (God that makes me sound so old ^_^) teenagers and early 20 somethings that do choose to experiment in Bi Sexuality because it's cool and that's fine. I'm pleased that in today's society its OK to experiment with sexuality, it certainly wasn't when I was your age, and believe me it doesn't feel that long ago......

    With regards to the Stat's that I advised you on. one person in ten will identify as being Gay or Lesbian this is a cold hard fact based on extensive University and Govt Health Studies the world over. the area of research was however taken from developed countries and does not include countries who's population does not speak English as a first or second language, or who's population doesn't fit into the first world environment. (Published Results Circa 2004 ~ 2005 ACON Annual Sexual Health Review). If you want to be more specific with the statistics the study also found that one in three people admitted to either participating or fantasied about being in an sexual experience with another person of the same sex.

    So as you can see I am quite qualified to speak or at least hold an opinion and conversation about this subject. I'm also very pleased that you your self are gay and can draw on your own experiences. I am also more then aware that it is my generation the older Gay's and Lesbians who made it possible for you to be as open as you may have been with your family and friends and who have helped along the way with the general acceptance or more so awareness of our sexual identity and increased the populations understaning that Homosexuality is not a disease or mental illness its a genetically acquired trait that the individual has not ability to avoid or deter.

    I am also thankful for the fact that as yet they (The Medical Establishment) are not able to, at this stage test or Identify a "Homosexual Gene" so we can go on letting the world have babies who may have red or blond hair with blue or brown eyes and who just may or may not be same sex inclined as they develop............

    As I said in the beginning I am not offended by anything that you have said, nor would I be offended by anything that any person could say to me, If someone has a problem with my lifestyle and my physical makeup then that is their problem not mine and I'm sure as hell not going to loose any sleep over someone else's problems thats for sure.

    Hopefully JasperIK you will do me the kindest of favors and keep an eye on this string of conversation in the future as I'm sure the world could do with a few more people prepared to state their opinion and maybe even help out some one in need of a shoulder to lean on or a 'PM' to bounce an idea or feeling off......

    Thanks again for your interaction in this ongoing discussion...... :D

  19. Good morning all and happy new year:


    Thanks to Darren for his feedback and the support from salamangkero;


    Firstly to Darren's Questions?

    If that is the case, I would like to ask you how do you deal with the constant eye staring, critics on you and your partner? What made you decide to have a partner of the same sexuality?


    Darren, Yes I am Male and So is My Partner. How do we deal with the Staring etc, We firstly I'm not big on public affection from any one so weather it be from a man and a woman being affectionate in public or to people of the same sex, I think there is a time and a place for everything and that there really is no need to be openly confrontational and being a gay man then we tend not to be overly affectionate in public; however we don't hide the fact that we are partners..... (Not that we walk round with signs on our foreheads either)


    With regards to Critics and comments on our relationship, we've been through a lot over the past few years being actively involved in a large Gay & Lesbian Website and community events portal. We took a lot of negative publicity from the religious area's in Queensland Australia as well as the people who felt that we were unnatural and against gods will........


    My response to that is that I was created this way and that I did not at any time choose to be Gay. Nor did my partner in actual fact we both tried to fit into society and have girl friends and both of us were engaged to girls but in both cases we didn't feel comfortable about the situation that we were in. I personally find if very difficult to explain why I am the way I am other then this is how I was born and it feel correct to be attracted to a Man regardless of the fact that I am a Man as well. I suppose you could ask you the same thing? Why is it that you are attracted to the people that you are interested in ? What makes your attractions more correct than ours?


    Not that there is anything wrong with the attractions that you feel for someone either. Thats the thing if it feels correct and no body is being hurt by your actions than you should be allowed to live the life you feel most comfortable with.



    With regards to the "Choose to be that Way" statement. No one in their right mind would CHOOSE to be Gay or Lesbian or Even Bi Sexual as its just so much easier to lie to the world and choose to be Straight or Heterosexual to fit into society..... But it take a lot of work and so much heartache to keep that front up...


    Unfortunately this is why we see so many married men after years of Marriage they leave their wife and kids because they can just not continue to lie to them selves and the people who they care for often those people include the Kids and their married partners....


    It's more difficult than most people understand, to sit there in front of your parents and friends and tell them that you aren't like them and that you are not attracted to the opposite sex as they are......



    But once the dust has settled most people come around to see that you are happier living the life that you were born to live. Some times this takes longer with some families and you may very will loose some friends as well but what kind of friends are they really if they can't support you in your time of truth and openness.


    any way thats how I feel about it and hope that clarifies some of the things you have questions about.




    salamangkero; Thanks for your support in this forum as well I appreciate the fact that you can be here and open about who you are. If you have questions please let me know, as for being out on line and not in your personal life yet, time will tell how and when you let the world know in full you have to be comfortable about who you are and where you expect things to go.


    Please don't let people tell you its only a stage your going through as Truth be Known its not.....


    If you are sexually attracted to people of the same sex then don't let them effect how you feel about who you are, remember this is how you were born into the world just as many millions before you were and many millions after you will be.


    A small fact that you may like to know: 1 in 10 people you will meet in your life will be fully attracted to the same sex as themselves, So don't be afraid, Take a look round your circle of friends and count them. I'm sure your not alone in this genetic human trait........


    Let me know if there is anything that I can help you with. EMail me or PM me if you want a more private conversation.


    Notice from KuBi:
    When quoting text from anothers post please simply use the "quote' button. Or
    tags. Also, please do not sign off.

  20. Ok so this is what my third design now........
    Anyway take a look at it and tell me what you think of the design


    Hey Rob,

    The site looks good very clean and easy to navigate. graphics load quickly and the overall view is very smooth.

    The only thing that I'd try would be to change the page background to white, I think it would increase the overall crispness of the site and give it a very slick feel. But the darker base does add weight to the look and feel.

    I'd be very please it if were my site.


  21. for start i would offer this to my friends. i am not trying to be competitor to blogger i am just trying to learn new skills.

    Firstly Congrat's for trying to learn something new. "Hats off to you" :D

    Secondly yes it can be done through Fantastico;

    Try installing either mambo or joomla as your base then search for a blog / community module for the site.

    there are stacks out there that do exactly what you need them to do depending on the content and look of your intended blog site.....

    If you need a hand let me know and I'll only be too happy to point you in the correct direction and give you a hand with it :lol:

    You'll find that there are lots of support forums and web services for both Joomla and Mambo and they can be mixed together sometimes.........

    good luck and let me know how you go with it; I'd like to see the end result.


    Jase ^_^

  22. Hello All,Look just discovered this particular forum string and noticed that there was not an opportunity or string created for people who are questioning their Sexuality and where they will fit into the world. I'm not claiming to have all the answers on the topic but am more then happy to lend an ear and help out where I Can. I've worked as a volunteer councilor for many years dealing with Gay, Lesbian and Bi-Sexual issues and have been involved with that community for the past 20 years.I'm 34 years old and have a permanent Same sex partner, we've been together for over 5 years now, So if you have a question please ask away or let me know how you feel about anything that might be stressing you....As i said I may not have all of the answers but I'm sure I'll try and help were i can and if i can't then we can try and find the answer together....Looking forward to talking with you all soon.CheersJase :lol:

  23. Is Vista really that great? I'm on XP right now, but next OS I wanna buy needs something revolutionary. I'm talking Windows 3.1 -> Windows 95 revolutionary. 95-98 really had no difference, 98-XP just got smoother colors. It seems that vista is going to be just like XP only with more frosting. I want to see something huge going on here.

    Hey Bud,
    you need to check out the latest software and platform from Amiga, i know if sounds very 80s but you should take a look at it if your after something very cool. its able to emulate both the Windows M$ and Apple Mac OS's while still be super fast and very stable.

    Now that's forward thinking.



  24. is there an american version for this site???? like http://emailcash.com/?


    i've been a member of Email cash for some time now and it is very good. I've just joined up with ezy rewards and they are an international site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ they look to be just as good as email cash and are able to reward you for many different things.....

    they also pay out via pay pal so you can use that to then purchase other things via pay pal.

    anyway just an update for you....

    Cheers :lol:
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