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Posts posted by Indego

  1. thats unbeliebale mate, I bet that it was a ballon cause no way theyd be a alien or somethin. Wouldnt dat be somein if it is an alien and we all get abducted. (chuckle chuckle)
    Nah......my old mate say that if alien is real then where are they??
    good ol' google

    OK Maybe I'm just very blond but I can't see anything on that link that looks slightly suspicious ?

    Can someone direct me to where i'm supposed to be looking or at least what i'm supposed to be looking at ?


  2. Ok so a dog takes a little bit of your time,try living in my house. My partner and I have 12 dogs, We actually 8 of them are ours and the other 4 are here for dog showing. We breed Cavalier King Charles Spaniels..... I must admit that the first one was the best and he is really only a pet quality puppy but i love him and would be lost with out him....The other well they are just like me kids, they drive me round the twist just like having normal kids as well but the one consolation is that i don't have to pay for their college tuition or for their first car.....And when they really piss me off i can send them to bed and know that they are not going to sneak out the bedroom window......Anyway just my angle on the puppy topic,,,,,,BTW you can house train a puppy if you have the patients and are consistent with the way you expect the dog to act in your home.....None of our ever make a mess inside.......Cheers :lol:

  3. Hello All,just wondering if anyone has any experience or knowledge of a CRM + Scheduling software that would be suitable for use in the building and construction enviornment. What i need to do is manager the project schedule for each of our construction jobs, monitor and resource out the tradesman and contractors and ensure that all the jobs are running to plan.If anyone has any suggestions or info on the subject please let me knowCheers :lol:

  4. Your bet would be to get your server from HP then since you got more HP computers then anything else.


    This might need to be verified since I don't know much about servers except where to buy them. You would need to purchase a server, storage device, network hub and anything else that would go with those 3 items you would need.


    Here are the Following links you should look at in order to figure out what you want.


    Main HP Server Link



    Server Buying Guide



    Server Options Buying Guide



    Storage Buying Guide






    Also the Phone Number (Highly Recommend calling)




    I would call them for any questions you might have especially set up and all that good stuff.


    Thanks again Michael,


    I'll take a look at the links and see if they can help me out here in Australia.


    I'm sure HP will be able to;


    Thanks Again,


  5. I would be very grateful if someone could advise me on what i should be looking for and how much an average server will cost.


    We currently run 3 pc's in our office with files spread over all 3 pc's, as well as external web and email server.


    What i would really like to acheive is a small server that will basically hold our files and allow me to access the files remotely from home or our new office in another town.


    We run windows XP Pro and the usual Microsoft office packages.


    It would also be very good if it could be used to act as a print server and fax server for incoming and outgoing communications as well.


    Any recommendations or suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.


    Kindest regards


    Indego Media & Marketing

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