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Everything posted by happygolucky

  1. I personally think its how you feel and if you are happy with yourself. We have to stop looking at the magazines and the abnormally skinny models, wishing we were them. Love yourself as you are, that is how you were made. I'm not perfect by any means, some people may call me fat, others may say i'm average, but i'm happy with the way i am and people must love me for me and not what i look like on the outside. As soon as you accept yourselves you will find that you will become alot happier with life and not trying to live up to other peoples expectations.
  2. I agree, exercise is good for you. I never used to do exercise, because i used the excuse that i was too tired after work and never liked waking up early. But now i've got myself into a routine where i exercise everyday after work. I go walking with a friend, at first it was a mission but now i'm in the routine i'm really enjoying it. I def think that it helps to have a friend exercise with you because they motivate you and keep you going, its so easy to make excuses to yourself but when someone else is there is harder.I'm feeling much better in myself since i started exercising and feeling more awake, not as tired! I def think you have to find the exercise that you enjoy doing and stick to it, there are so many diff exercises to do and i think all of them are good, so find the one that you enjoy doing and give it your all.
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