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Posts posted by saladferk

  1. I live in NH right in MT. Washington Valley--the WHite Mtns, Appalachian Mtns, whatever. I'm there. The season just ended for us, but when we DO have snow, I go almost every day I have free...which is most of them. My friends and I make a mob scene on the mountains!

  2. I'm terribly sad that the Pope is gone--he was a great man with pure ideas. Yet I'm also happy that he's gone because nobody should live that long and in that state. May his God rest his soul.And he will, I'm sure.I recently learned how they hold the Conclave to decide the next Pope. All of the Cardinals stay together in a church with no outside contact. The doors are locked. There's black smoke coming from the chimney. When they have chosen, they write the name on a piece of paper and throw it into the fire along with some powder that turns the smoke white. They're choosing the next leader from THEIR ranks for an entire religion and NOBODY else gets a say!I think it's interesting, but, like most other traditions, somewhat ridiculous.

  3. I agree that starving her to death was not humane at all, but leaving her to vegetate like some sort of Chia Pet wasn't humane either. Imagine that someone you care about was like that. They'd never get better and would be completely unaware of their condition. What's the point of seeing them like that and remembering them for what they used to be, knowing you could never have them back? It was a pointless life, and I feel the husband made the right decision.

  4. The YO MAMA jokes are just low class. It can't take much brainpower to think these things up! They're not even funny! They're stupid! And largely offensive. Not that it really makes a difference whether or not it's offensive, but c'mon. If you're gonna be offensive, be CLEVER about it!

  5. I usually just type HAHAHA over and over, but that works for me since I'm a really fast typist. My other faves are herherher (feminist laughter, I made it up), tee hee, hooplah! and huzzahahaha! Yeah, I'm a geek with a lil too much spare time...

  6. i'd choose the N64 because of all the great games for it including 2 Zelda games goldeneye and quite a few mario games i bought an N64 a while ago but one of the cables for it is broken so i'll have to buy a new one soon if i can find anywhere that sell them which is probably unlikely so i'll probably have to buy a new N64. but out of that list i'd probably choose the snes because i like Nintendo so much.


    If its the video cable that's not working, the N64 one is exactly the same as the Gamecube one. Just though I'd let ya know.

  7. I'm so jealous of all you guys who already have the DS... I'm such a geek, but this is a major step in gaming and computer history! As far as I know, there's never been a touch-screen computer available for home use, so maybe this means we'll see that soon, and I KNOW that this is the first game system with that feature, so it's gotta be awesome!

  8. It sucks that rap has gone and dominated the music industry... The only other truly dance-able music is goopy pop garbage! That's just not fair! Of course, I'm more for hte whole moshing/headbanging thing, so it really doesn't affect me, but whatever... By the by, Emionem is great! He's one of the few rappers I actually like enough to spend money on!

  9. I love anime and manga! For anime, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, and Full Metal Alchemist are good 'uns. None of that Yu Gi Oh And Pokemon junk... Digimon, though I hate to say it, IS decent for the sort of genre it's in. The original, I mean. For manga, it'd have to be Full Metal Panic! and Chobits. They're both kinda girly, but really really really good!

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