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Posts posted by arcanistherogue

  1. For the members who don't know how to download skins - go to tools>themes. on the themes panel you will see the installed themes and a link to download themes. the same procedure is for extensions also (tools>extensions).


    Noia Extreme theme is best in look as other members have written but it eats a lot of RAM which i can not afford on my 128 MB pc. so i am stick with Whitehart as i have posted earlier.


    yeah, i have only 128 MB also so Gnome-FX blue is the extent of how flashy i can make my browser without sacrificing some speed.

  2. (in no particular order)1. Halo series - Love these games. REALLY got me into FPS games, and I am very good at Halo games. Also got me interested in PC gaming.2. Quake series - Very fun game, I love ripping people apart with rockets and the plasma gun is freakin awesome.3. Unreal series - Like the quake series, uber mindless fun.4. The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind - I am addicted to this game. I love makign many characters, doing the quests, collecting weapons, raiding towns. I even sacked balmora for the hell of it once. This game is an MMORPG without the MMO, would be beastly if it were online.5.Half Life - Engrossing story, amazing gameplay, and uber scary enemies make this game a gem.I have many more, I don't really consider any game my favorite, i just have favorites.

  3. Marriage is between a MAN and WOMAN.  If this is changed, it wouldn't be marriage anymore.  I have no problem with gays getting the same legal rights as a married couple, just don't call it marriage... because its not.  Changing the definition would be a bastardization of what its original meaning was. 


    That's like saying, well... I want to be legally known as a girl (I'm a guy).  Why? Because I am human and I should have the same rights as a girl.  Because I want to use the girls change room.  Because I want to collect scholarships for women.  Because I want to play womens sports.  And so on.  A female and a male have been defined by our society (and law).  Why even have gender definitions??  Why not change everything to refer to "human" rather than female and male?  That would make everything fair and equal.


    Marriage was originally a  RELIGIOUS ceremony defined as being between a MAN and a WOMAN.  Part of our rights and freedoms is being able to practice any religion we like.  The church says gay marriages are not acceptable.  That is part of the religious beliefs that people are FREE to have.  You are asking for a law that FORCES people to CHANGE their religious system.  So, how can you ask for a right to marriage that will stomp on someone elses rights to practice free religion?  Isn't that a bit selfish and a bit ironic?  You would ask for a right that, if granted, would take away someone elses.


    This is the exact reason why marriage should not be allowed for gays.  They can LEGALLY be joined and have all the same LEGAL rights as marriage.  That would be fair.  But to FORCE the church to ACCEPT gay marriage is unconstitutional.  It violates what the free world stands for.


    Finally, what if a brother and sister wanted to get married?  According to you, they are both humans.. there should be nothing wrong.  In fact, you talk about it being love... well between a brother and sister there has to be even more love, being brother and sister and lovers at the same time... so much love... it MUST be acceptable.


    I have the exact same views as you. I use the same sort of analogy, and the reason that it started out as a religious event when I debate this topic.

  4. Yea we have advancments in computers all the time, i dont think that will ever stop, if it does im out of a job :D


    I looked at your avatar right after reading your post, hehe :D


    I think it is not even a question if they can still be improved. We have a long way to go before they can't anymore, just cause its the most amazing thing you've seen yet doesn't mean it can't get any better then it is now. People said the same thing about 50 MHz CPUs and many other things, including almost every home appliance in the 1950s.


    Graphics can get better, there is much room for improvement. One can't fully understand until one has experience in that field. Graphics one might say are at the best they can get, but if you play around with models in FPS games or any other PC game, you will notice that there can be much more work done. Maps too, there can be more detail and less bugs then ever before.

  5. >_> wow you guys must be youngThat came out in 1998, I was seven also. I didnt get it until 2000 though, but my friend raved about it and to this day he is a zelda fanatic, although he HATES the new direction the series is heading with all the chibi characters and whatnot. I loved that game, I would play it just for shits and giggles sometimes. I would just walkaround the entire world and slay enemies.I loved me that game *tear*

  6. thanks alot. right now im working on a math helper program, that has a list of many formulas. It will start out as a list of basic things, like area, etc, then when you select one it goes more in depth, like area of a quadrilateral, then maybe like area of a square or whatnot. what i want to have it do is to have a loop back to the main page after each formula, and i put if selection == 0 it displays the main screen, and all of the formulas have a number near them so you input the corressponding number to select the certain formula. what i want to know is, this is a basic idea of what i have, i want to know if it will work:selection = 0if selection ==0: print "choose a formula" print "1. area" selection = raw_input if selection == 1: print "a. area of a square" selection = raw_input if selection == a a = raw_input("Length of a side?") b = a*a print b selection = 0will that work? like will it loop back at the end of the formula?and also, can i have multiple If's, or do i just put in multiple elif's?

  7. !! so anyways.... i finnally built my computer. everything is from newegg and it shipped a day early. fastest in the world. anybody whos wants help building plz post or pm me id me more that glad to help :D


    Here are the pimpin specs-----


    -AMD ATHLON 64 3400+ Proc.


    -dfi lanparty nf3 250gb mobo


    -1gb kinston pc3200 (400mhz)  ddr ram


    -wd 80 gb hard drive


    -thermaltake sviking case( i love this one) 2x120mm fans


    -samsung dvd/cdrw drive




    -9600 all in wonder ati radeon, buying a 6600gt nvidia!


    its fast thats what i can say


    sweet, i love that motherboard. its very sexy, goes good in a case with a window or a pure acrylic case. I dont know if that case has a window, i need to look into that case.


    My new computer im building will just have an Asus K8N, good reliability but not very flashy. if i have money later on this year ill make another with pure acrylic case and real nice parts, a bunch of UV lights and UV reactive parts. Maybe ill also shove one of those flashy controllers for fans in the front, they make the computer look so cool :D

  8. ok, i am learning python, and i realy dont know much. my guide im using said to make a program where it asks your name, and if the name is yours your make it so there is a compliment, if it is another name you make it that its an insult, and anything else makes it say Nice name.here is what i wrotename = raw_input("What is your name?")if name == John: print "Your name is freaking sweet, you must be a god or something."elif name == Bob: print "You have a freakin' weird name, dude."else: print "Nice name,",namei donot understand what i am doing wrong, i get this error when i run it:What is your name? JohnTraceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Python23/name.py", line 4, in -toplevel- if name == John :NameError: name 'John' is not definedcan someone help me please?thanks for any response.

  9. Ok, for about 2-3 weeks now firefox has been crapping out on me. First, in early december my extensions menu stopped working. That is, whenever I went Tools>Extensions, my cursor went to the arrow and the hourglass for about 5 second then stopped, and nothing else happened. The Themes menu works fine, and continues to, but most of the time changes to the theme won't appear or will appear sometime later, usually 2 hours later.


    Now, WeatherFox has stopped working. A message to reconfigure it has been appearing every time I boot up Firefox, and is getting quite annoying. Also, It has been erasing my bookmarks. I heard accounts of this from other people on GameFAQs, and now it is happening more frequently. I do not even bookmark pages now, as the bookmarks are erased within maybe 3 days. Before they lasted maybe 1-2 months without any problem.


    Here is a screenshot of what I see on firefox, though its cropped:


    Posted Image


    As you can see, my bookmarks on the bookmark toolbar are gone (they actually just reset), my theme is back to normal, and the error is popping up.


    I have enjoyed FireFox immensly in the past, but now I am starting to dislike it.


    I tried to reinstall from the setup file I have saved on my computer, but that just made another icon on my desktop. Would I need to download another setup file and try to install it from that?


    I really want to use FireFox, I get WAAAY too many popups with IE, to go from none to a billion would be impossible.


    Thanks, any help is appreciated.


    (EDIT) I forgot to say what the annoying thing about that popup was. The 'OK' button does not work, I can hit it and it doesn't confirm. I have filled out the form multiple times, and no dice. Maybe it is because of the recent change to ForecastFox, but with my Extensions menu not working I can't uninstall it or put in the new one.

  10. How big is the shift in processing speed when the cooling process happens? My friend was raving about these for laptops due to the battery speed, and planning to purchase one. I'm gonna tell him right away about this amazing shortcoming. Or not. He's the kinda friend that can be a real *BLEEP* sometimes.

  11. If those sites were valodated, the thay would...


    You cannot set the height of a table to 100% like this:



    you can do it like this, and all browsers recognise it:



    If you use stylesheets more often, then it will work in all browsers....




    Wait, I use firefox as my main browser, and when I try to set the percents in the tables it comes up all messed up on my browser. Are you saying that if I just type in "Sytle="height:100%" It will be firefox compatible?


    thanks if you reply, most of the people in my clan use Firefox and I wanted to make it all friendly for everyone in it.

  12. I'm definately gonna buy it when I get my new computer, as recently I have gotten into FPS games and I just got Half Life 1 for Christmas. I beat it, and I'm almost done with Blue Shift and on level 5 in Opposing Force, and all I can say is that the entire series rocks.This and HL2 are on the top of my must-buy list when I build my comp, man I can't wait to get off this crappy P3 and move up to an AMD Athlon 3000+

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