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Posts posted by arcanistherogue

  1. (Keep in mind, I haven't been following the consoles at all, I have become more interested in PC gaming. All my knowledge is either overheard from my friends or really outdated.)I concur, When you are talking about a dedicated gaming console the power doesn't matter at all, its the games. I mean, Playstation 2 was technically the weakest of the consoles technology wise, but it was the one with the most games and most sold units. This is mainly because it was the only next-gen gaming system for a while, so there were many more games made for it.I personally am gonna go with the Xbox 360, but I totally hate the idea of no Hard drive. I mean, that was part of the reason the Xbox was so cool and why I bought it. If there is a Hard Drive extension, I will definantly pick one up. Also, the whole totally live thing is awesome, where everygame is online. The only problem is I can't use XBox Live on my Xbox anymore due to the lack of a credit card, I wonder how this whole Xbox Live thing will work out on the 360...And I just think the Playstation 3 controller looks absolutely HORRIBLE. I mean, WTF? O_oBut I am defiantly getting a Revolution, I love me Nintendo. Hands down, I'm getting one.

  2. This will be awesome. I can't wait for the next quake. I have been an avid fan of Quake ever since I got into FPS games 2 years ago, and while I don't own one copy of any of the games (my town SUCKS, no card shops or game stores, just clothes) I have almost beaten Quake 1 which I borrowed from my friend, and I play DeathMatch Classic, a remake of Quake 1. I have a Quake 2 thing I got from the Ubuntu Linux Repositories, its a demo where you can play the first couple of levels. It's a great game, though I have an error with the saving I need to rectify.I play the Quake 3 demo all of the time. I love that one. The only thing I don't like about this one is that it gives many people the impression that Quake is totally a senseless deathmatch series, which I believed until I played all of the Quakes. While it does have AMAZING senseless deathmatch, its has great sprawling single player modes like the Doom series does. I can't wait to see a return of the focus on Single Player modes in Quake4.I hope my machine can handle it!

  3. Heh, this game is freaking great. I love the starwars theme, and it plays out great. Well, I just love starwars in general :DI got about halfway through... damn, I really forgot where I was. I remember doing the wookie place, and Manaan (I think thats the water one) but I didn't visit Korriban. I think I last left the party in that pub on tatooine, that hunters bar thing... I don't know if I finished Manaan though....Still a great game, and a real good play. Sometimes gets a bit boring though, but is a great game altogether.

  4. I love Counter-Strike Source. IT is much better than Counter-Strike 1.6 in my opinion. The movement feels much more natural, and using the guns feels much better. I also love the bots, it is very fun to play with them and actually have a good time because I'm not getting my *** wiped up and down the level. However, like someone else said It does lag more with bots, but I think that is better because you get better practice playing with some lag. Then when you go online and it runs much smoother, it is easier to kill people. Still, I'm not that good :(And I also love the level designs. They are freaking awesome, dust actually doesn't feel lonely anymore! :( Office is sweet too, and It's great with the new, more detailed bots. I love the level of detail added, and I love also the custom sprays. Uploading some of my PS work or spraying ads for my site all over the map is awesome :D The only thing I dislike Is how all players have the exact same skin. While they are great skins, and it makes sense that everyone is from the same fighting group, I miss the elite crew and the GSG's ;_;

  5. Well, it seems so when you first play it, and seemed to me so after about 3 months of it. The XBL thing is horrible. I have to listen to whiny underage kids in my ear, which I probably could do the same thing babysitting and get paid for it. The clan thing is a horrible idea, Halo 2 is in no way a game for clans. This is many players first FPS game, or first online game for that matter, and unless you have a clan of people who know how to be in a team your not getting anywhere. If it means some 12 year old getting the most kills, they will camp with a sniper rifle in a game of something like Assault or Capture the Flag, regardless of if they are on Defense or not. The only fun mode was Rumble Pit, there you are the only person who can make the mistakes. I would rather trust myself than some 12 year old teammate.Even though I am really harsh, it is an Ok game. NOWHERE NEAR as good as Halo 1, many things were nerfed, but it is still an ok XBox FPS.

  6. arcanistherogue with you sig i would have made the text blended in with the sigs, throw a border to it and add a little white to brushing to make it look more dynamic and to brighten it up just a bit the render works well just got to blend it in a bit.


    all its takes is some practice and some good brushes and renders to make it look better.


    on the scan lines i was tempted to do diagonals see how well that shows up, i do it for my next sig for tonight.


    Yeah, I need to practice on making sigs. This is still my best work to date, and its not very good :/


    I made the brushes myself actually, i splattered some ink on a piece of paper, then scanned it and cut various parts. I plan to add my brushes to my Deviant Art site and my Xisto site later.


    There actually is a border there, but its too dark to see...v_v


    I think I'll look around Good Tutorials and get some more practice, but what are some good things to search for? I never know what to look for...

  7. I have gotten none. I have gotten trojans and other malicious things, and some spyware, but in 9 years of using a computer I can safely say that I haven't gotten one.Then again, my dad was very paranoid when we didn't have Norton and didn't let me download anything until I was 10 O-o

  8. I have gutted my oldest computer. :(It was a Pentium, the older pin processors (before the Pentium 2 cartridges and the Pentium 3 pin processors). It had somewhere around 33 MHz if I recall correctly? It ran Windows 3.1. This was in 1994, We upgraded to Windows 95 the next year. Same computer, then we got a crappy early Pentium 3 (or a late Pentium 2?) which ran Win 98. I still used the older one, it was the best :(. Asteroids, Battletanks, Centipede, I owned all of my dad's arcade favorites on it. Great machine.I really should try to scrap together some old parts and put that thing back together. Just for nostalgia's sake.BTW, I was 3 at the time we got it :D .... :D all I did was play the games, but when I was 4 I started using it more. Since then I have used all Windows and Mac OS's since 1995, as my school used Mac computers.

  9. Months later, I am much wiser. Having now played all quake games and all UT games (sans the ones for Xbox, but I don't really count those) plus the original Unreal and it's Expansion, I must say Quake is a champion, by a bigger margin then I described last time.All of the Quake games are amazingly fun and brutal, its so fun to rip someone apart. Also the control is much tighter, and it feels more natural when you move. this was in all the quake games I've played, but only in the later Unreal Games.I also love the original Unreal, that game is amazingly fun. It is like doom but 3D, more of like Quake 2 singleplayer actually...

  10. I can't access it anymore! I'm typing in the right password...

    It just goes to a blank white page.

    I tried to get in to fix my forum, it says my database won't work. I just got my site up last night, but my forum has been up for about 4 days. You can check out the site at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ then hit forums to see how its messed up, and I don't know how to fix this.

    The only thing I can think of is this idiot who follows myg0t around. He used to be my friend, and he saw a link to my site in my AIM profile and said he would try to resist to brute force my cpanel account. Hes a real idiot, I hate him. He might of done that. Last time I checked the site was at 4:30 AM EST which was about 11 hours ago. It was working then, that's when I updated it.

    Does anyone have any idea whats happening and how do i fix this?

  11. I like many. I like starcraft the most, but I must pay respects to my first RTS game ever, Age of Empires 2. I also like Rise of Nations, good graphics and good gameplay. Overall great game. Hmmm... I played Warcraft 3 when I borrowed it from my friend, and that game was pretty neat. I love how it had RPG elements in it, as I love the game Dungeon Siege. It's like Dungeon Siege and other RTS-like RPG games, so it figures that I would like RPG-like RTS games :unsure:

  12. Hmmm... perhaps it could use a better font. I wanted it to have something unique and technical looking, but I'll check the site I use for some more fonts.Thanks for the suggestions, I'm actually making a new layout for my site based on this theme. Very simple, it will be white with pale blue dividers and whatnot. I think it will be pretty nice :unsure:

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