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Everything posted by arcanistherogue

  1. Just a simple banner I made in PS to replace the phpbb2 banner for my forums. Pretty nifty, took me about 10 minutes to make.
  2. Well, I got it. I did an 'apt-get install kubuntu-desktop', then logged out and choosed the session type to KDE from GNOME.Heh, I found a guide on w http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ started customizing it, it looks awesome now.
  3. Meh, I dislike CS. I never played Diablo 2 though.I love Half life though. I play it online all the time, and I play the story mode also. All the mods, the community, the customizing, its all great. I'm learning to make models and whatnot, perhaps move onto maps later. That would own I just need to find a decent gun tutorial, the one I found earlier was outdated ;_;...I also like many nintendo games, metroid series, mario series, zelda series, its all great.
  4. Definantly. I am a big Nintendo fan, I can't wait to use their newest console. It will own majorly.
  5. That. Is. AWESOME.I don't think I'll have time to play all of those characters O_oAt least they have Roy, Samus, and Fox, my all time favorites. Been using Samus and Fox since the first SSB. I also used Kirby and Ness in that one, they were great in there.I didn't like em too much in SSBM though...
  6. Heh, very cool sigs. I can't make em that good though ;_;
  7. Depends. UT99? Morpheus, Face Classic, and that map with the long LONG huge green hallway with all those bridges. It's a CTF map.UT2003? I don't have this one, but I remember Antalus being in the demo and in 2004, so I'm going with Antalus.UT2004? Rankin.... and thats about all I can think of now. I don't play online much, and I haven't played this in a long while.
  8. Hey. I use Windows mainly, as I use games and graphical programs the most. However, I use Linux a bit, just for programming and other things like that. I'm not that good at programming and linux though ;_;...Well, I decided that the main reason I don't like to use it is that it looks so alien, and I hate how GNOME looks. I hear that if I move to KDE I'll be sacrificing some performance or whatnot. I have this really crazy linux zealot friend who preaches the linux gospel to me, and will attempt to beat down any reason why I like Windows. I would ask him, but he would probably go crazy and tell me facts why GNOME is better and how stupid I am for choosing KDE, but I really don't care for that. That's why I am asking it here.I don't know too much, so a walk-through of sorts would be appreciated...Thanks to anyone who helps or provides links.Also, is there a way for me to change the font in linux? To perhaps Tahoma or Verdana? I love both Win XP and Mac OS X, and bringing these fonts to linux would be great.
  9. I play Default, but it all depends which thumb. Right thumb it has to be default, but left thumb it can be either, even though I prefer inverted with my left thumb. So I guess its kind of both.(Left thumb is used in flying games like Starfox, etc)
  10. All depends what game.In Quake 1, I am a big fan of the Rocket Launcher like everyone else. I also like the grenade launcher for doing crazy jumps, and the Lightning Gun is nifty too. Quake 2 I never played, but in Q3 its the Rocket Launcher, Rail gun, and the Plasma Gun. I love its fast rate of fire and how it doesn't spread, Reminds me of the Plasma Gun from UT1999. I hate the Link Gun in the new UTs, doesn't do the old gun justice :unsure:In UT99 its gotta be the Minigun or the Shock Rifle. Love those. Also, the Sniper. That is a favorite of mine in all Unreal games. In UT2004, its the Rocket, Flak, Minigun, and of course the Shock Rifle.Actually, shock rifle is one of my favorite weapons in any game I have played. Good solid reach-out-and-punch-someone gun.
  11. Well, It really depends. It always has to be cold, I don't like any hot drinks. Save for broth, which I drink in a mug sometimes.I like:1) Water2) Dr. Pepper3) Blue PoweradeIndeed.
  12. Yeah, I agree with all of the above posters. I like it. Fits very nicely together.
  13. I love making my computers, and gaming, so that puts macs out for me.I like programming and just basically fooling around wtih computers, so I love linux.and of course i love windows, i need to game.
  14. 1. Halo 2. Halo 2 (very close second)3. Morrowind4. Ninja Gaiden5. DDR Ultramix 2.Halo is amazing. I love it, and prefer it over 2. I feel the sheild system is much better, and I loved how the human weapons all didnt have a covenant counter-part like in halo 2. like guns like the needler were just bizarre and odd, like the ripper in unreal. they dont need to be countered by the other race. Morrowind blew me away, It is one of the first games I have cycled off my now playing list into my collection without finishing. I play it about 3 hours a week, and aty this rate it will probably take me a couple years . Thank God I finished the greater part of the main quest.Ninja Gaiden, pure gold. some of the most fun I have had in a platformer in a long time, love how NG 1-3 are packaged in so i can get my old-school gaming on. Graphics are amazing, and smooth, gameplay is crisp and amazingly fun. I never really knew how fun it was to rip apart zombies 1 by 1 until now.DDR is great, I love it, and this is the best Xbox installment. Well... It's DDR... not much to say.
  15. cool, i might get interested in Gameboy again. I haven't really enjoyed gameboy since the Advance came out, and loved its first year in existence, the games and commericals were very fun and interesting.I agree, the DS is crap. it will pull a virtualboy, I seriously don't know why nintendo thinks they have to hang the moon everytime they are making a new console.
  16. I do not think it is a question. firefox, pants down virginity taken game over.
  17. I currently have my uber-crappy nVidia TNT 2 Riva 32 MB card, I'm still in 1998 technology wise. Hey, it runs half-life 1 very nicely Anyway, I'm making a new gaming rig now, which will have an nVidia Ge-Force 6600 card. I only need about 100 more dollars and I can order the card, then I need about 150 more for the processor and I'm set.
  18. I love it, I couldn't work without it. I just reinstalled windows XP Pro yesterday, and while waiting to redownload my saved files from my home network main computer, i had about 1 hour of time without any of my games, and only IE.even though I had the firefox installer in my documents, whicih was being sent over, I couldn't stand using IE and had to in turn download firefox without waiting the 30 minutes - 1 hour. IE was just as I remembered it: craptastic. I think it looks ugly, too many popups, and most of all I HATE those "Do you want to trust this content from this company?" popup ads, they piss me off, especialy when i accidently hit "Yes" once, and it remembered my decision so I got hella lot of spyware. FF >>>>>...>>>>>> IEFF >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>....>>>>>>>>>>>> AllOnly thing that comes remotely close is safari.
  19. by the way, thats funny, as the pistol is already in the game. Check out the Carbine. EXACT same firing patern, EXACT same scope, a bit less power, but a bigger clip. It is a remake of the pistol, but noone has noticed it.
  20. Meh, Dawn of the Dead (whcih i know as Zombies) is overplayed.I play predator, which is a juggernaut game i made. ill post how to make it later today, i forgot all the particulars about what to set and whatnot.another fun gametype i play is "Catch the Monkey". loads of fun.
  21. Ok, all I really play is Team Slayer (but only with teams of four of my friends, so we can synchronize and know how eachother plays, a disadvantage of matchmaking) Rumble Pit, as I play better alone i believe, and Clan Matches. We're constantly trying to bring our clan level up, but we cant as we have about 17 people in our clan, 9 serious people and 8 idiots. the idiots tend to do matches when we are not here, and they do them very freqently and treat them like custom games. there is this one guy who as a joke shot me with a rocket when i was sneaking up on a red base with another person, the tk'ing idiot.I need to raise my rank up in Team Skirmish, everything besides team slayer (which is now 12) is 8 or less. I HATE head to head though, as its just a race for the rockets or the sword, or the oversheild.
  22. my gamertag is arcanistherogue, i play about everyday or every other day.i have halo 2, tetris worlds, and ddr ultramix 2. my only other live games never have anyone else playing or are really bad (Mechassault, Starwars Clone Wars, about 2 others).I have a clan, if anyone wants to join. Thats why i got my hosting. Our site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , but that might be down as i need to get some more hosting credits... my internet was down for a while.
  23. nevermind, i found it out: i misspelled border.
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