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Posts posted by arcanistherogue

  1. I love RPGs, and therefore I have many, many favorites. I have to say though, I prefer the American "Medieval" style RPGs over the Japanese fantasy style (like Dungeons and Dragons mroe than final fantasy). Well, I love Final Fantasy 7. Great game, and It was worth all the time I spent playing it. heh, I even got that Knights of the Round summon materia. I spent so much time growing that Gold chocobo O_o... And the story was great, though confusing at some parts. I also LOVE the Elder Scrolls series. I ahve played all of the Elder Scrolls RPGs but Daggerfall, and I love them all. The Elder Scrolls Arena was great, very revolutionary for it's time. Don't even get me started on Morrowind, that game is like a drug or something. My only gripe about it (and the series) is that they are very hard to get into. I wanted to play Morrowind so badly, and it looked so cool, but running around with a dagger and regular clothes just wasn't cutting it. I had to use a guide for the first 10 or so missions, but once I got stronger and had much money and weapons, the game was amazing. The story was great, and though rarely seen, the cutscenes looked great. The game also scared me sometimes, like when you walk out of a dungeon in the ashlands and an ash ghoul neaks up behind you. Great games. Also, it is very interactive, contrary to that dude who said all rpgs you just point your characters into battle. You can still pickpocket someone when you have low skills if you are good enough with yoru controller or Mouse and keyboard. Thats another thing I love, your skill matters. The only Elder scrolls game I don't like is the Elder Scrolls Travels, a really crappy game. Well, I guess that is understood as it is for the cell phone, and you can't really do much with that. I also love Dungeon Siege. Great game, its like a Real Time strategy game but just focusing on heroes, kind of like the hero elements in Warcraft 3. I haven't gotten too far in it, because I started using linux and have really only been playing UT2004 and steam games through a windows emulator.Whew... thats it. Many others I didn't mention, but this would take me forever.

  2. That is just freaking awesome. I just got back into Nintendo gaming, the Nintendo 64 mainly. If I get that, then all I need is a Super Nintendo and I am good.What are some good games? The only games I know of that are good for the NES are the Super Mario Brothers Series, which I beat many times on the various re-releases made for the gameboy systems. I also have played Kid Icarus, Balloon fight, and the Ninja Gaiden games on the Ninja Gaiden for XBox, and they own.Any other real killer apps?

  3. Hey guys. I am working on my websites CSS, and you can see said site at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , and the Cascading Style Sheet is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . I need help with the navigation links, the links on the left side.


    There is a problem with them that I just can't solve, I want the hovering Gray box to be a fixed size, like my friend Ricapar. See how his navigation blocks are all one size? I want mine to be like that. I am also going to edit the block so that the gray has a lighter blue border, but I can do the simple things myself.


    Then, there is one more thing I wanted to do. I want to have it so that the Content section (the one that currently has the "DeathMatchin'" Title.) to have its own little scrollbar, sort of like a sudo-frame. basically, I want the site to stay one fixed height, and this would fix it. I want the site to be 800-1024 pixels tall (ill see which looks better) then with those the little scrolly section.


    I don't know how to do the top part at all, I just learned CSS this year, coming from archaic HTML lessons, circa 1997.


    Thanks to anyone who helps, :D


    - Arcanis

  4. Conker's! God, what a trippy game. The cows and prune juice, the crazy fights, the Poo King (and his catchy theme song) the Clockwork Orange references = <3 Good thing they're making another version of it!


    They already made one :D


    For Xbox, its got revamped multiplayer. Its a semi-WW2-esque 3rd person shooter. With teddy bears. O-o


    And I have sadly only played the first level, to the part where you use the context sensitive buttons to use the dynamite. I played it at my friends house. Can't find a copy of it ;-;


    I'm wondering wether I should get the redone one for the XBox or the Oldschool N64 version for nostalgia, decisions decisions....

  5. Well first off, take out the N-Gage. That is going nowhere, and went nowhere in the past. Just for mentioning that, you should have to buy me a sandwich or something :DWell, this is truly a hard fight. PSP brings all of the nifty things to the front, such as media playback and storage cards for mp3s and whatnot, not to mention a huge, crisp screen with powerful graphics. But Nintendo has implemented their drawing motion technology nicely with the DS. Paired with Nintendo's classic cast of characters and amazing first party support, this looks good for Nintendo. Their only problems are lack of 3rd party support, and their idea that they have to rehang the moon with every new console. I don't want some console that has a built in toothbrush which with you use to power up your raygun, or some other wacky innovation, I want better games, and gameplay that works.

  6. I love tetris!!! It is simply the best puzzle game out there. I have Tetris worlds for xbox, that game is crazy good. It has online play (:D) and many modes. Even though some of the modes aren't really that good, it is great playing with all these new features and effects, and online.The one I play the most probably is Gnometris, a version of tetris for linux. It is made for the Gnome desktop manager, but I use it with KDE and it works great. Glad to see so many tetris fans out there :D

  7. Thats funny, Xbox losing the hard drive and nintendo getting one. I also seen many major rumors on the internet that the revolution is gonna have the cheapest online service "all online on the revolution is free" yea right, and I don't remember if it was the fastest. But everything is wireless on all three systems i guess.


    Also ps2 wasn't that weak, gamecube was weaker. Either way they can all run smoothly, nice graphix- heck I loved the resident evil 4 and 0 graphix, real as heck so never count out nintendo.


    And yes, like most people, I don't like the ps3 controllers either. But the controllers don't mean anything, everyone brings up the controllers, but just like the games many companies make different controllers. A lot of people don't like the bigger Xbox controllers, so they obtained smaller ones. Don't like the ps3 controllers? since alot of people don't they probably be other, better ones.


    Well, you have some valid points, but I really don't want to wait until sony makes a new contoller. That adds an extra year or so with that real ugly one O-o


    And I am pretty sure PS2 was less powerful, it had something near 150 MHz and I thought the Gamecube had near 400 MHz.


    Then again, I haven't been following consoles too much, you might be right.

  8. Haha... great games, great games. I hate everyone who just plays CS because everyone else does, it really isn't that good. I remember the first time I played (after waiting long to jump on the bandwagon) I said out loud "By god, this sucks."Heh, I am a deathmatcher through and through. I only love the real crazy games like quake and Unreal tournament. Well, I have UT2004 on my linux box and I am pretty sure that it runs without the playing cd. The thing is, I read in a tweaking guide they took out the need for a cd in their new 3355 patch. Not exactly too sure about htis, and I'm working now so I won't check this second, but you might not need the CD. - Arcanis :D

  9. Thats nifty! I'll look into slaxx. I am looking to burn as many distros as I can on discs, so I can try alot of them out and see the differences between them. When I put linux on my ipod I might even put an iso image on it (not installed, but in there for storage). It will be just like how I have Damn Small Linux on my SD card I use in my camera :Dso technically, I have linux "on" my camera :D

  10. I have many, MANY favorite video game characters. Of course, one of my childhood favorites is mario. I also thought link was awesome when I was younger, and I still love all the nintendo characters. Games like Super smash brothers own :D . I also like The main characters in the Quake series, even though they really didn't have names. Well, in Quake 4 the guy has a name, Matthew Kane I think it is. Actually, he is the same hero as in Quake 2... so... yeah. I actually like alot of the platforming game characters like Rayman and Crash bandicoot. Many characters from the games I played when I was younger. But, I love alot of the generic characters, especially the ones in FPS games like Half Life or Counter Strike.

  11. Hey. I have started using linux early this year, and I love it. I use Ubuntu 5.04 (yeah, i know, the noob distro) but I installed KDE on it. Not exactly Kubuntu, but I think it is better like this because I have all of both the Ubuntu applications and the optional Kubuntu ones.I tried Red Hat a while ago, but got errors on bootup O-oSo, what distro does everyone use?

  12. I used FileZilla for a while, then I realized my dad had bought a liscense to CuteFTP pro. He didn't know how to use it, but he bought it because a colleague recommended it. So, I started using that, and I think it is the best FTP out there.On linux, which I use as my main OS, I use KBear, the KDE FTP client. The only problem, and the reason I like CuteFTP more, is that you can't edit your html files in the client. You have to save them to your hard drive, edit them, then replace all instances of the file on your FTP. Doesn't really matter, because I get to use the amazing text editor for KDE, Kate. I love Kate, it is like an Uber Notepad.

  13. Well, I started with Python. I have been programming for about 5 months now, and I'm still very basic. Keep in mind not ALL of this time was programming, for the first month of summer I did almost nothing. From what my friends tell me, Python is better to start with than Visual Basic is. I didn't exactly know why, but I just learned Python. I know enough to make a basic text game, but nothing complex like a Text RPG or whatnot. I decided to move up to C++ about 2 months ago. I have been learning at a steady pace, and I am only 80 pages into my book and I already know as much as I do in python (its C++ for Dummies, a decent book but my friends told me they tell you to include too many unnesessary programs). I have even started converting some of my programs I made in Python to C++, an example would be the simple math program I have on my site which I am currently 1/4 done converting. Ever since I started learning C++, I knew this was THE language. It feels right, and I feel the differences between it and Python. I'm just starting highschool, and I want to be a programmer, so I think if I learn this early I can have a much better chance of getting a job as a programmer. I am also interested in game design.

  14. Well, I love Nintendo Hand-helds, but I hate how they think they have to hang the moon with every hand held console they make. I mean, come on. GameBoy Pocket is probably my favorite Nintendo Handheld, With the Original GameBoy Advance (I hate the SP) in second.However, the PSP is real nice. I think it just does too much, and the power supply sucks. It's like 3 hours, my friend brought his on our school trip to DC and it was dead before we got there (we came from New England). An Xbox handheld would be pretty nice, and I would probably have to pick one up just because I love Xbox :D

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