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Posts posted by greentea-pocky

  1. Definetly especially if you are choosing to go into medicine. Most doctors work shifts where they dont even sleep. Anyone watch greys?? hahah but you can see they're on calls where they get no sleep and tonnnns of stress. And they're always on the go. its like your life revolves around your career and you always have to keep moving. well there'll be that day were you suddenly just stop. EEK

  2. yes good job on quiting smoking!! and i had to do this bio project on TB in school once and the symptoms you are feeling are symptoms of TB. Who noes maybe you are contacting the disease again theres no way to be sure unless you go to the doctors and get a tuberculin test. Although if you knew you had TB at that young of an age you should've been more careful in making it worse, smoking is definetly not the cure

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