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About MarkyMark

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  1. Aslo No mail access at all .. No PhpMyadmin..MYSql Db errors...and no Fantastico
  2. i am a bit older and I was around when "Space Invaders" and "Pac-Man" were released )All of my pocket money from my parents went into these machines and I was SOO addicted to them!!I was on holiday and I had been crab fishing all day with my dad and I had spent all my money already for the week on the machines but I had bugged him all day about having another game so we went to the arcade with all our fishing gear to have a game..The coin my dad gave me was constantly being rejected by the machine and kept falling down the slot without a credit..I fiddled my dad fiddled we looked around and no one was around from the arcade to fix it or change the coin..so my dad reaches into the fishing bag and gets out a torch and starts really looking into the slot to see if there was a trapped coin..couldnt see one so he get out a knife and tries to stick it in..didnt fit..so then he gets out some loose really thick fishing line and jams that down the slot to see if it can bump down the trapped coin.He made a breakthough that saved me hundreds of pounds !!!! basically the old machines used to have a U shaped bit of metal on springs behind the slot at a distance of the coin it was meant to accept..in this case a 10p coin.As he wiggled the fishing line around inside he must have hit this and it made a contact with the circuit behind it and BINGO the game displayed 1 Credit.We were amazed so wiggled it round a lot and generated 99 credits..as much as it could.I used this fishing line trick for years before the coin mechanisms were redesigned and used leds/lasers/weighing/ all diff manor of things to generate a credit.I guess many more ppl had worked out how to do this.It was a problem using it tho because if other kids saw you do it..they would want to know how..or in a couple of cases try to beat the crap outta me till i told..I once tried it at a Carnival ;(( one of the carny workers saw I was doing something strange and came after me, oh boy I got chased all over the Carnival by 3 guys with extra fingers and ears and one even had a huge tent peg in his hands trying to hit me with it..So think about it before you rip someone off for free Coke..yes if you were just stealing from Coke I would say cool go for it but remember the place where you rip from is making money from that machine and will be really pissed if they catch you..even getting the cops involved etc etcMarky;)
  3. My 2 cents...too much flash for no reason..too many stolen images...
  4. Well done mate ;)how about telling us over @Asta about it!! we feel like the poor relation no one invites to the party!Mark420-Asta mod team
  5. hmm as usual these schemes are a bunch of ******* look at the site...No credit Check..No upper credit limit!!Wow seems to be too good to be true@!!!Thats cos its B******T !!! STAY AWAY FROM THIS KIND OF THING PPL!! DO NOT GIVE THEM YOU BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS!!
  6. lol im such a CSS freak i spotted it as a "landmark" right away!Odd isnt it how we think like this..for instance it could have been Big Ben or the tower of Pisa and I could have said youve altered the image..but right away when i saw that image I thought wheres the HUD!! wheres the gun!!Very nice mate
  7. no they dont see thro the tongue....they have a very high power video camera hooked up to thier heads then thats wired back into a laptop that its taking down the picture and breaking it down it to a series of pulses..the person has an electrode covering thier tongue and theres thousands of different points on it..the person is taught how to translate the puleses of electricity on thier tongues into a mental picture of whats infront of them..I saw this working on a blind guy and he navigated a corridor full of obsticles with no problems at all..The reporter who isnt blind then tested it out on different cards put infront of him..after a while his brain like the blind persons one translated the pulses on the tongue into a very crude picture.This is an amazing thought..the brain is rewiring itself!!!They also showed CAT scans of a seeing persons brain and pointed out the areas in the brain that are linked with vision..then showed a blind persons..it was all dark and dead in that region of the brain..then they showed someone blind using this thing and the vision area of the brain kicked into life and there was activity there when previously none!!At the moment the person is limited to a usb connection to a powerfull laptop and camera..soon they hope tto make into a pocket size device strictly for the job so maybe a set of glasses with two cameras built in with a wire to a small pocket pc in the pocket.I hope they can pull this off!! imagine what it could do for those poor unfortunate blind ppl
  8. I have bought every game in the series so far..I even have an origonal Shogan Total War trade pack with a free T shirt and mousemat somewhere..I had the first game on order for 5 months before it was realeased nearly 7 years ago i think it was..Im hopefully getting Medievil 2 in my Christmas stocking...I will will report my findings after I have eaten lots of turkey..drank way too much wine..and plotted my first invasion campaign against the French and defeated them )Cant wait!! Bring the TOTAL WAR ON!!
  9. Are we talking about that game the Americans call Football?That game with all the guys wearing padding and helmets?Sorry but most Europeans laugh at that :rolleyes:When it comes to "REAL" football I support Aston Villa!!..When it comes to Rugby I support Harlequins!...Aussie Rules? I would have to say Essondon!!!Hundreds of years of "proper" Football cant be wrong
  10. I used the link and it loaded your blog fine no probs..I guess you have fixed the problem? or is still giving you trouble logging into the admin side?
  11. We are getting an 360 for our son this xmas..I have thought long and hard about it..because my son is kinda wanting a playstaion, but here in europe the release dats is delayed so if he wants a new system this Christmas he has to go with the Xbox..I am very interesed in anyone that has experience of modding the new XBOX ..I have modded up an old one so its beome a Linux media center at a flick of a switch..would love to be able to run the same kinda things on the new xbox..Looking at the tech specs of both machines I think the Xbox has the advantage..but then again I hear that theres an overheating problem with the xbox unit because there now fan to cool the CPU ;((I can imagien this is bad when a child leaves it on all night ten goes to school with it still on..we will have to watch out he doesnt do this cos hes very fogetfull.!!All in all i hope the Xbox wins just cos I dont like the idea of Blue Ray and the money Sony is chuckign at this stupid project~!~ remember beta V Vhs? prolly the oldest one here to remember that one...I feel Sony is doing the same with these blue ray discs!Marky;)
  12. I think i know whats going on...Since HL2 Valve software are being MEGA paranoid about pirate copies of their software so they designed this system called "Steam" to try to catch people using pirate games..I got caught out like you with HL2 because I didnt have an internet connection..this made it IMPOSSIBLE to install the game!! FFS!! I had to get in a taxi with my WHOLE pc tower then plug it into the net just to install a game I just bought!!It works like this..When you install HL2 first of all you install Steam then it installs the game itself..When you run the game Steam is Automatically loaded up and connects to the internet and looks for a newer version of Steam..It will then update itself..you should see an "Updating Platform" message..When this is done Steam will then look at the game your trying to play and check that out too..what its doing I dont know but its making some kinda unique hashkey that it then stores in the Steam program.It then connects to the net again and then gives you a "Encrypting Game Data" box.This is the part that took ages for me!! even on a fast connection..it took twice as long as to install the game itself!!! you can stop this proccess and it will resume from where it left off....When this is finally done..then Steam will scan the server for any patches and updates to that game..and also automatically download them for you!Depending how busy the servers are..or if a patch was released that day or a few days before..this will take a while to get the latest patch...and you dont seem to be able to download the patches from anywhere else anymore..only Valve..So I am afraid you will just have to sit back and wait for Steam to do its stuff and download and encrypt everything before you can play...even if you never want to play it online..only in story mode...I even phoned Valve from work the next morning to complain bitterly about this system...they reffered me to the box to point out the minimum specs panel on the box (yes we never read em!!) and it says as well as a beast of a pc with top specs...you need an internet connection to play the game..it does state it on the box..so they think they are covered from all blame!!!Grr!!At least its a cracking game when you finally get it going!@!@Have fun!!Marky;)
  13. I used to have Nokia phones for years..and I also used to run a Palm 5..but last year I made the leap to combine all in one and get a phone capable PDA.. It took me a LONG time to choose a make and a brand that had all the features i was looking for.. I settled on the Qtek 9090 (some of you may know it as somethign else cos its sold by Orange as an MDA 3 or T-Mobile as somethign else) and boy I havnt looked back since!! This phone is STUNNING...it looks amazing...and soo many features packed into it! Theres a great review and lots of pictures of the phone here... Qtek 9090 review I have to use the train for about 2 hours each day and I just love the fact that I have a 2gig datacard in the phone!! I used to have a nokia mp3 phone and had to change the bitrate of lots of mp3s all the time cos of lack of storage space inside the Nokia...now I can have LOTS of mp3s that I just drag and drop to the phone wihout conversion so they are all 320kps ) Also I watch a lot of TV programs on the train on the way to work..I am a Brit living in teh Netherlands and miss a lot of comedy shows etc from the UK so I joined a UK TV torrent site (yes its legal!!) so i can download series and copy them to the phone and watch them with a free Divx.xvid.mpeg.avi player that ive installed on the phone..it was a bit odd to get used to watchign something on the small screen...but i can switch to landscape mode on the phone and the display resizes into 16-9 format ) I also make good use of the Wifi function of the phone...Im shocked at how many open Weps there are around I have an app that when the wifi is turned on it scans them and buzes in my pocket that its found one thats open and that it can connect to..I use Avantgo go which is an offline webbroweser..you connect and then download pages and then can view them offine later..I read the Times the Guardian and the BBC news and sports websites on the train also. The phone also has a great qwerty kb that slides out the back..i rarely use it apart from showing it off!! cos it lights up all blue when its opened )) The only down side ive found with the phone is the camera..I have a really good digital camera anyway so I dont have use it often..but when I have used it..its not very good esp in the dark..and its normally in a bar or a club when ive tried to use it ;(( SO take a look at it..i know that it might be to expensive of big for most people..but the functions it has coupled with thousands of free apps that you can get to do jsut about anything on it with..makes it a winner for me!! Marky;)
  14. One time washing my car my phone fell out of my shirt pocket and into hot soapy water..I was fast enough to get it out and take the battery off it right away..I took the shell off and let in dry off in room temp for a couple of days on the coffee tabel while I worried about it..it was a works phone not mine..so i swapped the sim which happly worked in an old phone..After a few days I took a tiny brush used for cleaning my camera equipment and dusted off everything and made sure there was no spots of water anywhere esp near the LCD..Also I then cleaned the phones circuit board NOT the LCD!! with an alcohol solution and let that evaporate naturally..Did the same with the battery then inserted it back into the phone and crossed my fingers..BINGO it came on first time!! but um!!! then it died!!DAMM! what to do..? so i plugged into the charger and it sprang back into life!!!I went to the shop and got a new battery and all was fine...I guess batteries HATE water!!So the moral of this story is...get the power off the phone RIGHT AWAY!! and be patient and let the phone dry out naturally for a few days..dont rush things..also Isoprolic Alcohol can be bought from any drug store for virtually nothing and is the best way to clean electronics stuff..but not TFTs..and not LCDS!! please be carefull with them!!Marky;)
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