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About Zaideu

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    Member [Level 3]

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  1. Exactly ! It can be useful but it isn't essential. If you don't need it, don't use it
  2. It does an action every "X When you have a file : update.php And you want to load it every day at midnight. You don't have to go on this page yourself. The cron does it and you don't have to do anything, it is really usefull You can insert some SQL requests on your file update.php, and it will be done everyday. Exemple : update.phpmysql_query("UPDATE members SET point = point + '1'");If the cron is activated on the page update.php, everyday your members will get 1 more point
  3. +1 Metal, a little bit of Rock and popular songs A man who like Rap and Metal ? Strange Rap is the opposite of the Metal
  4. I tried one more time but it doesn't seem to work
  5. Windows Server 2003 is for server, isn't it ? And, Windows LongHorn looks like beautiful (I like the blue ) And : I WANT THIS WALLPAPER ! So beautiful PS : Are you sure it isn't fake screenshots ?
  6. Hum... Currently the link doesn't work
  7. Ouch...Currently I use :- Macromedia DreamWeaver MX 2004- Macromedia Flash MX 2004 (But 1 time per month )- Macromedia Fireworks- Adobe Photoshop CS- Adobe Illustrator CS
  8. I suggest you this great one It isn't a plug-in but it is really usefull http://psydk.org/pngoptimizer/
  9. I think it too but... I don't want to remake an account just to change my nickname They just have to delete my current account and to remake one with an other name and the Package 3 (like now) and change my nickname on the forum
  10. It is like Starcraft, if you liked Starcraft, then it is sure you will be amazing by Warcraft 3. It is like Starcraft but with better graphics and 4 playables races You can evolve a Hero during the game and he learns some powerfulls aptitudes
  11. Can I change my nickname : "Zaideu" to : "Ping" ?For the forum and my hosting please (Account : zaideu.trap17.com --> ping.trap17.comPackage : 3)You can delete my old account to build an other if you want My files on the FTP are on my computer
  12. Oh... Today was a "Geek Day" for me All the day on the computer until my computer crashes because I have nothing to do today Oh... Playing at video games, read some articles on the web, coding... Read a book... Mhhh... Nothing to do
  13. I suggest you the Warcraft 3 pack ("Warcraft 3 : Reign Of Chaos" and "Warcraft 3 : The Frozen Throne" + A guide for only 50 euros ). You will be really addicted with this pack Be carefull This game is an anti-social life (Or you can play with friends )
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