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Posts posted by PlugComputers

  1. Hello all.

    I have recently changed some stuff around on my website and now my form email script is not working on the page...heres my situation:

    On my website Plug Computers we have custom build configuration pages (for example: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    The way the forms results have been done in the past is with a email script where I get the form results in my email. This has worked well, but now it is not working.

    I recently added a new script to the page in order to assign dollar values to each of the computer parts via javascript. You can see at the bottom of the page the price is updated depending upon what computer components are selected. Since adding this my script that emails my form results does not work. When you click the submit button on the bottom of the page nothing happens.

    Could you please take a look at my source on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and tell me what is going on and why are these 2 functions conflicting...

    Thanks alot.

  2. I think you definatly have to go with iPod. They are so popular now that you can get about whatever you want for it. You always see those 3rd party companies making accessories and adapters and stuff for the iPod, not Iriver or other lesser known MP3 players. Apple is getting to the point now where the volume of their sales with the ipod is so high they have begun cutting prices. To get something from a competitor with equal amounts of space/features it will cost you more. Ipod sells a much higher volume so prices will drop, in hopes to sell even more.You just cant match the positives that have came out of the ipod due to the widespread popularity of it.

  3. I as well like that entrance page. Pretty cool photoshop work you did there, or whatever it is, but I like the title imprinted into the mountain, you make it look pretty natural too. I like your intro page, but the other pages seem to be lacking in comparison to the intro page. It appears real strong, but then when you click on other links the design of your site seemed to be a bit rushed. It looks like you spent alot of time making your intro image, but then forgot about alot the rest of the site design, such as subpages, borders, banners, that sorta thing. Reconsider those. Maybe put some time into them. It seems like you know a decent amount about image editing and graphic design, just put some work into those subpages and I'd be loving the overall site design.Keep us posted, I'd love to see it once you get some more stuff on there.

  4. I'd definately say to try a new power supply, if you have a power supply to another computer in your house you may want to try it. Even if its too small for what your wanting to add try to just power your motherboard and hard drive and graphics card. Add other things as you go. If the previous setup works add another component, if not, then you know where your problem lies.

  5. Hello all,


    As many of you may know my website, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is in the business of building custom gaming computers. I need some help coding one part of my site and I have never been too good at javascript.


    First off, I'm assuming what I am wanting to do would be done with javascript...my problem is as follows:


    On our build customization pages (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/intelschedule.php for example) vistors can go though the page and select which components they want for their computer. The problem is people are selecting things they really dont know much about as far as the prices are concerned. Their submissions are submitted to our build team and then the vistor is quoted a price for their configuration. The issue with this is the computer they configure is often way out of their price range.


    What I wanted to do was assign dollar values to each component on the page so that when a user selects that option a total price at the bottom of the page is updated accordingly. The price upgrade amount would then be listed next to the component they selected.


    For Example:

    [_] AMD Dual Core x2 3800+ (+0)

    [X] AMD Dual Core x2 4400+ (+$70)


    When the visitor selects option 2 above (Dual Core 4400+) their system total will increase by $70, and so on for the rest of the components of their computer such as hard drives, memory, video cards, ect.


    If you are familiar with Dell or Alienware's custom build pages you will see what Im talking about, people click what they want, and are given a new price based upon their selections.


    If anyone could help me out with this it would be greatly appreciated. I have tried looking for some scripts for this, but havent been able to really find any. Maybe I am looking in the wrong place? Or is there someone here that has some experience with this? Thanks alot.

  6. Haha I think I got ya guys...AMD Dual Core x2 4600+ ProcessorAsus A8N-SLI Deluxe Mobo2GB Corsair XMS Memory256MB Geforce 7900GT (lil old i know, it'll be replaced soon by something 8800 series)400GB WD Hard DriveDual Layer 18x DVD+-R/RW Drive24" Dell Ultrasharp widescreen monitorIf you want computers you know where to come....check out the sig. haha

  7. Saint Michael-Parts of the forums have been a bit slower for me too, but not that bad. It just seems to be a bit sluggish when you first log in. Its like its having a hard time retrieving your post credits. After I log in, and get the main forum page loaded the rest of the pages seem normal. Anyone else confirm on this? Having the same issue? ...not really an issue, just an observation I guess..

  8. Many people dont understand that the clock speed of dual core is the combined speed of the individual cores of the processor. Say you have a dual core processor running at 2.4Ghz (Aka Intel Core 2 Duo E6600) each core of the processor is running at 1.2Ghz to combine to form the total 2.4Ghz clock speed. You cant say you have a 4.8Ghz processor because you have a dual core running at 2.4Ghz. Each core operates at the processor clock speed divided by the number of cores.


    Just wanted to clear that up...haha


    By the way, how much does a 1 TB HDD cost nowadays? I think I want that too.


    You technically cant get a 1TB Hard drive by itself, the largest widely available hard drive is the Seagate 750GB drive. Yes you could combine two in a RAID setup to have over a terabyte, but you cant get 1TB by itself...yet. haha


    [qutoe]Oooh... Ooozing amounts of RAM... 8 GB of RAM simply makes my mouth water.


    Haha although it does sound very nice, the typical consumer does not even run enough applications to notice the difference with 8GB of memory. Right now, it really isnt nescessary, yes in the future it will be, but quite a ways down the road. Right now 2GB will suit you pretty comfortably, with upgrades to even 4GB in the near future. 8GB? Thats alot of uneeded memory I think...


    Looks like AeonLan beat me to the answer, 1 minute late. Haha agree with the information provided though.

  9. I'm getting about 75-100 visitors a day currently, you think it is a good time to finally put some Google Adsense on my page? Or is it not really worth it right now? Out of 100 visitors how many Adsense clicks do you actually get? Maybe 5-10? If you're lucky?Let me know, what do you think the idea amount of traffic is to begin using Adsense where it will actually benefit you. I know having 5000 visitors a day would be superb for adsense, but you have to start somewhere. Any recommendations?

  10. Yup, that is what is so appealing about this new external 360HD dvd player. Look at the features you're getting for $200. To buy a standalone HD DVD player they're what? $499? Thats some of the cheaper ones too. Another thing I read, the 360 HD DVD player is the only HD DVD player than can play movies in full 1080p with the VGA connection. Other HD DVD players can only play up to 1080i with a HDMI connection. So its a great deal, and you're getting an even better resolution, that is, if you have a TV that can output 1080p. It makes a world of difference.

  11. The colors arent too bad, but I agree at the fact that they could be "updated" a little bit, it looks a bit dated, not to 21st century i suppose?The content does look pretty good, just try to work on a different color scheme to try to liven the page up a bit and add to the professional aspect of your page. Keep up the work! Its coming along.

  12. I like the looks of Microsofts new player, but I think its just going to be way to hard for them to earn any of the market. The Ipod is way to dominate right now, so many people know what it is. You could go up to anyone on the street and ask them "what is an ipod?" and they would be able to tell you, "a little white Mp3 player". I dont know if you could say the same for the Zune, it is not as widely known, and is going to take some time before the public becomes familiar with it. Pretty good idea for Microsoft to step in and try to take some of the monopoly that Apple has created, but it won't be easy for them.

  13. Here's a rule of thumb, there is no such thing as "FREE MONEY". It just doesn't exist, there is no reason someone is going to give away their hard earned money to someone for free. There has to be a reason, (1) some type of possible inncentive (large publicity? I dont know...) or (2) they have way to much money. And people that have that kind of cash are not going to make some website that pays people to surf the web and earn free money, they dont care about that sort of thing. Always stick with your gut, if you second guess it, then it probably is too good to be true.

  14. I would suspect the temp for the socket AM2 x2's that AMD is making would be a little lower than the 71 C that is listed. I'm not sure, you could try looking it up on google. Is your computer running near this temperature? If its anywhere near 70 C you are sacrificing a ton of performance from your processor, definatly want to get some more efficent cooling.

  15. Hey there, well i had a dual monitor set up which i used to run perfectly. I have a monitor that runs 1680x1050, thats my main display. I had a 17 inch which i ran 1024x768 I think, i am not really sure, I had a friend set it up for me a long time ago, and now he moved and I don't talk to him anymore.The problem i had was that I tried to add a bigger monitor a 19 inch i believe, I couldnt get that to work either, but I figured it was to much, and my 17 inch was fine for what I was doing.Now the problem I have now, is that I am trying to add the 17 inch back, and now i can't. It doesnt read it. I read through numirous articles on how to install dual monitors, but none of them seem to work.I went toProperties>Settings>I see the second monitor, I try to attach it, but it doesnt work, I set it to 1024x768 and nothing, I hit the "exnted my windows desktop onto this monitor".I am running windows xp pro. Both Monitors are Dells, i have a Geforce 7900GT series and it has the slot for the two monitors.I tried removing the second monitor, doing the same process as above and restarting, and nothing.Maybe someone can help me i hope. Thanks in advance.

  16. Welcome Ricardo, you will enjoy this community. It provides a great opportunity for people to earn hosting by making quality posts and building relationships at the same time. I have only been a member for a little over a month and I love it. I'm meeting new people and talking about interesting topics, all while earning hosting for my webpage.Enjoy your stay and buenos suerte.

  17. So how far do you think you can actually push your CPU before it melts down? Haha. Check it here:

    AMD Althon, Althon, Opteron, Duron & Sempron Series:

    AMD Athlon (socket) upto 1Ghz (90°C) AMD Athlon (slot) all speeds (70°C)
    AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1.1Ghz+ (95°C)
    AMD Athlon MP 1.33Ghz+ (95°C)
    AMD Athlon XP 1.33Ghz+ (90°C)
    AMD Athlon XP T-Bred upto 2100+ (90°C)
    AMD Athlon XP T-Bred over 2100+ (85°C)
    AMD Athlon XP Barton (85°C)
    AMD Duron up to 1Ghz (90°C)
    AMD Duron 1Ghz+ (90°C)
    AMD Duron Applebred (85°C)
    AMD Opteron (65-71°C)
    AMD Athlon 64 (70°C)
    AMD Athlon 64 (Socket 939, 1.4 volts) (65°C)
    AMD Athlon 64 FX (70°C)
    AMD Athlon 64 X2 (71°C)
    AMD Sempron (T-bred/Barton core) (90°C)
    AMD Sempron (Paris core) (70°C)
    AMD Mobile Sempron (95°C)

    AMD K6 Series:

    AMD K6/K6-2/K6-III (All except below) (70°C)
    AMD K6-2/K6-III (model number ending in X) (65°C)
    AMD K6-2+/K6-III+ (85°C)

    Intel Pentium III Series:

    Pentium III Slot 1 500-866Mhz (80°C)
    Pentium III Slot and socket 933Mhz (75°C)
    Pentium III Slot 1 1Ghz (60-70°C)
    Pentium III Slot 1 1.13Ghz (62°C)

    Intel Celeron Series:

    Intel Celeron 266-433Mhz (85°C)
    Intel Celeron 466-533Mhz (70°C)
    Intel Celeron 566-600Mhz (Coppermine) (90°C)
    Intel Celeron 633-667Mhz (82°C)
    Intel Celeron 700 - 850Mhz (80°C)
    Intel Celeron 900Mhz - 1.6Ghz (69-70°C)
    Intel Celeron 1.7Ghz and Higher (67-77°C)

    Intel Pentium II:

    Intel Pentium II (First Generation "Klamath") (72-75°C)
    Intel Pentium II (Second Generation, 266-333Mhz) (65°C)
    Intel Pentium II (350 - 400Mhz) (75°C)
    Intel Pentium II (450Mhz) (70°C)

    Intel Pentium 4, Pentium M (notebooks):

    Intel Pentium 4 (64-78°C)

    There are no specific stats for Pentium 4 CPUs as P4s have an ability to slow themselves down when they are getting too hot and thus, in theory they should never be able to burn themselves out. To get specifics, consult Intels specifications for your particular model.

    Intel Pentium M (notebooks) (100°C)
    Intel Pentium D (dual core):

    Intel Pentium D 820 (2.8Ghz) (63°C)
    Intel Pentium D 830 & 840 (3.0 - 3.2Ghz) (69.8°C)

    Intel Core 2 Duo:

    E6700 (60.1°C)
    E6600 (60.1°C)
    E6400 (61.4°C)
    E6300 (61.4°C)

    Intel Core 2 Exteme:

    X6800 (60.4°C)

    Intel Pentium Pro:

    Intel Pentium Pro. 256 or 512K L2 Cache (85°C)
    Intel Pentium Pro. 1MB L2 Cache (80°C)

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Quote tags for lists, please and thanks.

  18. So, what're your thoughts after seeing it in action in some form or fashion? NVIDIA has showcase at http://www.nvidia.com/page/geforce8.html , though I'm wondering why they haven't released any tech demos for at least the basic stuff you can do (or at least for those with Windows Vista RC1/2).

    The thing that trips me out the most is the water effect (the DX10 geometry shader). The Quantum Effects technology I'd have to see in another form or fashion.

    But geez, the 8800 kind of creates a whole new ball park of terms we have to know. Instead of pipelines, they use stream processors (or SPU). But from what I read, it's supposed to allow for 100% utilization of the GPU. So one could say it's an alternative to unified shaders. SPUs are different than the unified shader technology.

    But of course, some people are going to complain that it doesn't use GDDR4 while the R580+ does, it doesn't go along with the usual powers of two for RAM, and it's got a weird data-length transfer rate. Maybe by the time I finally get enough money for an upgrade to one of these babies, it'll be at 8900, where it finally has 1024MB of RAM and is using 512-bit transfer rates.

    Anyway, can't wait to see this in its fullest.

  19. Hmm, this seems interesting. I was checking out their website and they claim a 41% improvement in FPS in World of Warcraft using Killer and a 23% improvement in FPS for F.E.A.R. That seems like a pretty big deal considering the fact that some people will spend a TON on a new graphics card to get that kind of FPS increase on such big games. This makes you think, how does this card actually work? I mean I'd have to give it a shot before I said "ehh, I dont believe how this could cause such a great improvement, it seems like total bullsh*t" haha. But if it is reducing pings, imagine what it would do if everyone on a gameserver was using one of these Killer NIC's.Have to check it out, pretty steep price though for a NIC, shows that its like 250 bucks on Zip zoom fly.

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