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Posts posted by PlugComputers

  1. I am going to have to go with the Xbox 360. One of the major selling points of the 360 is its popularity. I know you should go with the best system, and not nescessarily the most popular, but think about the benefits of having the most popular system. A system isnt great without great games, I mean why but it if you dont have good games to play? The fact that the 360 is the highest selling next gen system, game producers are going to want to release their latest and greatest on the biggest system.The quality of the games on the 360 is much better, I mean you have Forza 2 coming out, Project Gotham 4, Halo 3 soon, whats not to like?..and dont forget price. Also a major selling point.

  2. I think its definatly a good idea. If the government can aquire a secure and reliable enough setup where voting is kept secure. Also, they would have to do some type of authentication to avoid double votes. Like assign each citizen an ID or something that allows them 1 vote. 1 vote per ID. May be a little hard to keep track of, but if it was figured out would definately help with alot. Remember what..7 years ago (?) The whole Gore/Bush recount in FL. With a web server counting votes, imagine how much quicker and precise that could have been done..

  3. Yea, the 2 cards you are trying to compare are in totally different ballparks. As for branding, I would stick with nVidia. We have been long time supporters of them, the SLI technology makes the difference. And look now, nVidia has DX10 cards out already and ATI is falling behind. The entire line of 8 series nVidia cards are DX10 supportive, something to consider if purchaing a new system.

  4. Well what case did you buy? Pretty much all cases that I can think of (?) come with case fans. If your case doesn't have any fans though I wouldn't run your PC though, even if you do have a heatsink on your processor. All the other components need cooled as well. Think about how hot your motherboard/memory/hard drives will get without a constant cooling device such as case fans. I'm sure your case has fans with it.

  5. Hey all, hope I can provide some insight into this topic, considering I have built more than my fair share of computers in my day...Heres what I consider important, in order:Motherboard - Stick with something brand name, Asus is always a good bet, and if you're going with an Intel CPU (Socket LGA775) then the EVGA 680i motherboards are great. They are some of the fastest, easily overclockable motherboards out there. Don't buy great components then buy 50$ board, you'll regret it later.Memory - With new Windows Vista, memory is key. All those fancy menus, and 3D effects in Vista eat memory like crazy. If you're going to upgrade to Vista, or planning on putting Vista on your new system I'd say to go with atleast 2GB of quality RAM. Plug has been a long time user of Corsair memory, they are the largest system memory producer, so you can't go wrong.Processor - At the moment, the Intel Core 2 Duo's are the fastest processors you can get. The dual core technology of these processors is a must for Vista and computing today. If you are looking for a little slower, less expensive dual core option check out AMD x2 series. They run in Socket AM2, so you'd have to get a different motherboard.GPU - If you are into any type of gaming, graphics cards is where it's at. With Vista's DirectX 10, the new nVidia 8 series graphics cards are great. They are the only DX10 cards out there today. Although expensive, you will be making an investment that will comfortably last for 3 years or so. HDD - If storage capacity isn't really a big deal to you, and you don't see yourself needing more than 150GB's I'd go with a Western Dig Raptor Drive. These drives run at 10,000 RPM vs. the typical 7,200. It makes a world of difference when loading Windows, large files, games, and large files. Storage space is limited though, so watch what you're putting on this drive. As far as a storage drive, we have always WD supporters, you can pick up one of their 500GB hard drives faily inexpensive for all your digital music, high def videos, and pictures. Make sure you are getting SATAII though. At transfer rates of 3Gb/sec these drives will serve up your media plently fast enough. As for other things, such as power supply, CD/DVD drives, case just be careful. Get a big enough power supply for your computer, if you're running a 8 series nVidia GPU I'd say 550ish watts atleast. Get a case that vents well, cause with all this new technology comes more heat. You might as well pick up a dual layer DVD burner as well, they're fairly inexpensive and great to have to burn DVDs.If you have any questions just let me know, or you can check out our website for more computing needs - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  6. I'm viewing in IE7 and center table looks fine, probably just a FF thing. I like the layout of the site though, looks clean. I like your header, how you have all the logos and such, very professional looking. I'm not so sure about your page background though. The colors just don't sit well with me. You have green background, then blue text, and some red banner ads. Seems like kind of a random color scheme. If you like it then stick with it, but try to establish some type of color theme for the page. Hope I could help...

  7. I like the login module you have, better than typical text boxes, kinda different, which is good. I agree with csp though, there are a few too many advertisements for my tastes. I know that is how a site like this makes it, advertising revenue, but maybe try to hide them a little better. Like at the bottom of the page, to just have multiple banners in a row, out of context looks sort of "unfinished" if you know what I mean. Try to incorporate them into your pages. It will look better, and you'll probably receive more ad clicks. Just a few recommendations.

  8. I saw one of these bad boys the other day, a client requested one in their system. Not too bad, good way to get into DX10 (that is, if you want to yet) and fairly inexpensive. Good performance, it seems to run about like a 7950GT or somewhere around there. Solid card. For the price, I'd recommend them. Dont bother buying a 7 series card anymore, have to go with whats new, get something that will support your system in the future with DX10.

  9. Intel always has the newest technology, if you want the latest, greatest, and fastest, Intel is the way to go. AMD usually comes out with the same technology a few months after Intel and drives the prices of both the Intel and AMD version of the chip.Due to the fact that we are involved in the custom computer market, people always want the best. If you're willing to pay a little extra, newer Intel technology is definately faster.

  10. The site right now is pretty much strictly HTML, its fairly basic all around. The forms are setup with a PHP mailer that sends the results to my email. The price calcualations on the form pages is done via some JavaScript. If your right click ---> View Source you can see it, its a pretty simple calculator like thing to load the price at the bottom...Any suggestions on how I could get this shopping cart implimented?

  11. Hello All-

    So I think I'm tackling a pretty big project here and was looking for some help... I am fairly new to extensive coding (beyond HTML and a little bit of JavaScript) and wanted to know how I can recall HTML form results on the next page (in a shopping cart) with a price based on the choices picked in the form. It sounds complicated...look at this example:

    Check out this page: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    See how when the user goes through and picks all their computer parts a price at the bottom shows the system price based on their selections, thats good. Currently I have it set up where when they click submit, it goes through my form processor and I get an email with their form results. This is good, but I was looking for a way where I can take the price total at the bottom, AND the choices they have selected and put them into a shopping cart, where it can later be purchased. Understand what I'm going for here?

    I know this may be a bit extensive, but if there is someone who knows they could handle this we would be willing to pay if you helped get this system setup.


  12. Hey all, I've always gotten great support from everyone here with my website, Plug Computers and was looking for some input:

    Our current homepage is quite boring in my opinion. It seems that people are being turned away due to the fact of the boringness of the page. haha. So I recently created http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to replace to homepage, not all the links are up and running yet, but let me know what you think of this page as a homepage.

    I wanted to get the computer details out there right away, rather than requiring a visitor to click through a few pages to get to our available systems. I'm hoping that if they see them right off the bat they are more likely to consider customizing a computer with Plug.

    Let me know what you think of the "index2" page. Thanks.

  13. Thanks for that jhalslip. And Unholy Prayer - he's exactly right, at Plug Computers we specialize in the complete customization of gaming desktops. Be it cutting edge high-end gaming, or practical everday performance Plug Computers will work with you individually to help create the optimal PC for your needs. When customizing a computer the first thing you want to ask yourself is what type of processor you want, be it AMD or Intel, and your budget. Visit our website (link in sig) to help customize a computer from Plug.If you would take the time to visit our site and complete one of the computer build customization forms we can begin working with you to help you decide on the perfect computer for you. If you have no idea what you are looking for in a computer you can contact one of our build specialists directly to help walk you through the process. As far as the other comments, if you are looking for a place to buy your components, NewEgg has always been a personal favorite, their selection is great compared to other online stores. If you are looking for fairly well known components you may want to also check out http://imptestrm.com/rg-erdr.php?_dnm=www.zipzoomfly.com&_cfrg=1&_drid=as-drid-2300300503455222, they carry a little smaller selection than NewEgg, but if they have your product you can usually snag a pretty good deal.If you have any questions about Plug, or building your computer feel free to PM me, or visit our website. Thanks.

  14. Nero has a point, while that would be amazingly fast, they would have to redesign an OS to run such a setup. Yeah you could run it now, but it wouldn't add any benefit if your operating system didn't utilize the speed of 8 logical processor cores. Pretty amazing stuff. Mac usually seems to do that: they come up with a lot of new ideas, the windows/PC's make them more cost friendly/efficent to the average user.Cool stuff.

  15. Being in the computer industry, I have been around both types of systems, both Mac and Windows based. The main thing I have noticed about Mac's is the price differnece. Many people feel Mac's are superior, and I will agree, many programs do run very well on Mac's compared to the Windows OS, but you are going to pay a much steeper price. Seems like the spec's you pay for in a Mac, compared to a PC, are much higher. As far as gaming is concerned, I haven't really heard much of people doing alot of computer gaming on Mac's. I may just be missing something, but people like hte customibility of PC's when it comes to gaming.I think Mac's are great for business use or basic home use, they're a stable, well running computer that will be sure to be there when you need it. Pay a little more, sacrifice some performance in some areas and you've got yourself a Mac.

  16. If you're looking for something free I'd go with AVG, as many other people have stated. If not, then I have been a longg time user of Norton products for internet security. I am currently running their antivirus program. As for a firewall, I am running Comodo Firewall. It is a free program that can be downloaded (do a Google search for Comodo) and it works great. For being a free version it has great features, you can manually open ports and such, which is great for a free firewall..Definately something to check into.

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