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About LostLittleRobot
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Early this morning I was with my sister sitting in my car eating del taco and this cop rolls by and looks down everyone outside at the time...so then i felt uncomfortable and decided to leave and get my other errands done early.. So, I'm driving out of the complex and a black gmc is waiting at the intersection and since it was sitting there longer then me i motioned it to go and it didnt so i went and then when i get to the stop like down the street i'm glancing in my rear view and the truck comes out and pulls into the lane next to me then the light turns green and as i go it sits there for a few seconds then pulls into my turn lane behind me. so it was behind me for about a block then i had to make a right turn into a parking lot it follows me in (at this point i was getting annoyed because i dont even like that to happen by coincidence, ive always been afraid of things like that) so then i drive all to the end and it's following me but weaving through the parking lot instead of staying in the lanes...then i make a u turn and look into the windshield to see if i could see them (girl with simple blue tshirt) and when i did that she ignored me and kept going straight then a few feet down she pulled out of the parking lot. then i was thinking okay that's odd...Well so at that moment i thought ok maybe it was jusy freaky coincedence (spelling?) then i head back to the area i needed to park but as i am a silver ford (man with blue shirt)had made a left turn the parking lot where the black gmc made a right. it hurried up right behind me followed by a red crown victoria(bit later was older women with blue shirt)! so then i was like wtf? i shouldn't have done this but my curiousity killed me and led them around all over to see if they did follow..so i parked at walmart and got what i needed and come back out... then i hopped in the car and headed on my way to the next destination, the mall...so then as i'm going a few trucks and suvs (about 5 if i saw right all blue and one red) even though they had room all waited for me to go before they went... and they all spread out but kept behind even if i slowed to 35 in the 45 so alright, my paranoia is getting the best of me....i drive around the mall seemingly going to the main entrance and a few trail off and go park unnecessarily far and don't get out then i'm left with a silver suv off in the distance but still following me...so then i go in a big circle and when we are on opposite sides i make a left and go into this tiny little shopping center a few yards away...the suv leaves the mall parking lot all together and i watch it as i notice it pass another red crown vic which made a left turn in my direction as the suv passed by. it pulled into the far end of the shopping center and again did not get out of the car. so me and my sis are thinking ok, what did we do? who do we know? blah blah...tthen as we decided we knew of no real reason for this we decided to see exactly how far they'd go... we went to a park i knew of about 10 miles away.. and followed by some red/white/blue trucks/victs/suvs one by one that everytime i turned another vehicle would convinently pull out behind me as the other went another direction...then i get there and one by one all the cars i saw drove past none of them coming into the lot but all either parked around the vecentity or just passed along... some of them slowing when passing a group of already parked vehicles which i think i saw some people in. we sat there for about an hour thinking of what to do. a few more cars passed or parked down the street without getting out again. oh let me add again that they were all either wearing blue tshirts, one car had two suits in it. well on the way back to my side of town the cars that were following added up in numbers with some even getting in front of me and all of them staring me down as they passed either either a headset a cell phone or walktalkie around their neck. so, i see the badass one speed up and i decided i'd follow her because it looked like she was planning on going somewhere else. i found out she wasnt a very good actor or driver and i kept up to her easily when she tried to outrun/out smart me. so then she leads me to a tj maxx parking lot and i park right behind her and sit and watch what was going on. (if she wasnt part of whoever they are then this wouldnt have happened) the lady i followed after her making it obvious trying to lose me gets out calm and collected after hurrying to tj maxx of all places and doesnt take one glance at me... so then a ford focus pulls up and low and behold its another lady with a blue shirt.. so as i wait about an hour some other women in a blue DRESS shirt gets into the other ladies car and drives away. and then i look around and start noticing that alll the cars except maybe 5 that whole hour were some sort of typical undercover car either red white blue or silver never much straying from american cars... all of which either had a tinted WINDSHIELD i could not see through and all either suits or red white or blue clothing, and maybe once or twice a cop in uniform. they all looked at me but didnt say one word and parked somewhere in the vacanity and got out and i never saw much of anyone come back to their car the time i was there. the cars that left got driven away by someone dif then who drove it...some would leave but a few i noticed would drive to the far side of the shopping center and as i looked closely i could see some odd cop cars in the middle of a packed group off multiples of cars i'd seen follow me....so some bad **bottom** working with them cut across driving silver f focus blasting his music making sure i noticed parked on the outside of the commotion (spelling?) so i ignore it and continue watching to see how they were working this.. looked around and they were coming in and out the stores back and both all over the place like *BLEEP*ing nats to a lightbulb... then i went and parked next to the badass around the grip of them across the parking lot and then he sped off when i looked at him. so then when i got uneasy i went and drove around the tightly weaved cars most of which were empty but were being parked and driven off in some sort of order heh. now yes i know im very paranoid heh. well, now that i'd made myself a red flag in suspiciousness i parked a ways away and me and my sis talked. i called a few friends and told em what was up. then me and my sis came to the obvious conclusion that over 100 maybe 200 undercover agents with a well thought out plan couldn't possibly only be watching me. would no doubt be something they wouldnt do if i was in trouble. so we thought about what it could be, first idea, drugs... i've done a few recently and even earlier the night i saw the cop eye me down in my apartments. even with that fact someone who did their home work would know that neither i nor any of my friends knew anything about the dealer we got our drugs from let another any helpful information. i doubt if they were looking for a lead to the leader that people smart enough to have this kinda system were smart enough to know i would be of no assistance. then after we crossed out being in deep *BLEEP* for drugs we couldnt think of any other reason! so we basically just left it on that there was a drug dealer around or in our apartments that they were looking for... me and my sis sitting in a parked car at 4am is something they'd question. i got a little worried and pissed off when i thought that they were following me to lead them to the dealer. though at the same time wasnt worried that i'd get in big trouble because sooner or later they will catch the guy from another lead or realise that i was just eating and didnt know anything about anything. realising i wasnt of help to them as a lead i knew wouldnt have came first though...because...i went in to tj maxx a few min later and went to find her and i walk in and theres blue shirts all over the place and i spot here walk up to her and said that i'd appreciate an explaination for the obvious display that i was being followed. of course knowing this all well before i asked she said "excuse me? what are to talking about?" so i get mad and storm my way out to my car mad that she wouldn't give me info and kicking myself for trying that stupid idea in the first place.a bit before when spoke with a friend of mine they asked if they had gotten to my mom already. so then i ignore my sisters requests of staying away from home for a bit. on my way home i started instead of paying attention to the cars following me already i payed attention to ones ready to follow the leader up ahead of me. the train of cars ahead and behind me now in a formation of groups of color. i think the reason they were AHEAD of me also was part of the whole intimidation ruitine. they cars ahead were all white and didn't leave any room for me to pass ahead of them and the cars behind weren't in much form but stuck tight together so as i couldnt fal behind them. all i could do was turn. when i turned another set would quickly form around me. then my sister goes wtf? i'm sure we were both wondering where the *BLEEP* they came from so fast all the time. then my sister suggests that we look and see so later we can avoid their hiding spots. my sister watches closely every parking lot and side street and informs me to look if she saw any of them. this is what really scared me. we look and see on every gas station and ever shopping center packed full of the red white blue and occasionally silver or gold typical undercover brand vehicles filling ever place we passed on the way home way so full that residents not associated were forced to park on the street or across the street. alll vehicles were filled with people who fit the profile. and ever block on every small street would have a car waiting to pull out then other cars further down the line that would move up when one pulled out. now at this point i was questioning if i'd gone insane! lol did a reality check with my sis to see if she saw the same things i did. it was true. :[ so now thinking wtf had i gotten myself into, as i pull into my parking lot the first thing i notice when i go to park is that every car parked in my view except for maybe two was one of theirs.. if no one was in it they were outside and acting like they were locals in the complex. instead of wearings solid reds white and blues they mixed it up and stripe print, floral, dress shirts, sweaters. not one of them strayed from the color theme. soo now after being scared out of my mind thinking the *BLEEP*ing world was coming to an end haha...i storm into my house having feared to see some suites speaking to my mom in the leaving rooom... and i shout "what the heck is going on?!" and my mom scared out of her wits having no idea what im talking about yells "what happened?!" a few times. then i try to calm myself now that i knew i could tell her my side before they went in and blew up their assumptions to make me seem totally horrible and get info out of my mom. well my calm attempt didnt work so well. i failed to explain how it led to seeing all this in my currrent mood i jumped from cop in parking lots to 100+ and pointed out what id noticed the cars werent the locals and the seemingly obvious color scheme and the people walking around with the colors and etc... well, to my mom from her point of view the cars parked werent much different from the locals. well, you tend to not notice things if you haven't been explained in detail what led to this extreme (and from her view, insane) conclusion. before i could calm myself i had pointed out that i'd seem some of the people standing around outside watching everything in the cars that were following me earlier that morning. so my mom thinking i was whacko and very worried was testing me... heh. she pointed at others she hadn't seen before and asked me who they were. i explained each one where i had seem them and pointed out the car in the lot that i'd seen em in. oh yes, to add to the craziness of it earlier before i was aware of this scheme it seems i'd mentioned that i was seeing things out of the corner of my eye and turn around and them not be there. i think when i said that whoever this group was, were already in the process of watching everyone in the area and seeing who was a likely a helpful link, i assumed that it was them who were monitiring me a few days before. all my mom knew after from her view was i was seeing things that werent there when i looked at them head on and now im saying the goverment is following me and taking over las vegas and that since everyones cars were misssing that they got killed or something. i never mentioned in this hurry to explain to my mom what happened that i didnt think they were out to get me and me alone. after the damage was done and she was threatening to call a doctor i explained myself over again more calmy. all was going well and it was starting to make sense to her. i pointed out the cars that had replaced the cars everyone noticed belonged to locals (most locals got forced into uncorved and street parking which explained the absense of the locals vehicles in their parking spots). i explained how i noticed their ruitine. i also explained that i had an idea that it was just this side of vegas (vegas is big so the miles covered by these guys was maybe 20% with 80% of vegas not being invaded)and that maybe they had been looking for suspicious people the past few nights by having people watch from over the fence that was never more then 3ft tall around the whole complex or in the empty apts or from the helicopters werring overhead my apts the last few nights. (explaining the seeing things comment before) in areas known for drug use in an attempt at some big drug bust or something etc. i tried my best to let her know that i'd thought this over as best i could and even i myself questioned being slipped something in my food or a drink or just going coocoo but i proved it was wrong by my sister seeing these things also. so my mom calmed down but then got mad because she knew i did drugs and started accusing me of stupid *BLEEP*, oh well better then being crazy.Anywho right about then i got a call from a friend i'd told to call me back later. i told him that i was being following by some people and that i'd call him back when i was in the clear. this was the call that i consider a miracle! when i explained what happened he laughed at me taking it so seriously and freaking out the way i did. he was in the apartments a few days before when it was just getting started. there was 2 7-11 robberies and they had fled to these apts (which would explain why theyd invaded the place). then i told him that it was way more cops thrn necessary for two robberies. they haven't caught them yet and i'm assuming that whoever did it either let the cops know they had bigger plans or already have robbed more then those 7-11s. so, after knowing that it the story fit into place. drugs would seem unlikely when watching everyone who was suspicious even though they werent a likely drug lead. my mom said yea now it explains why i noticed them putting an excessivly tight secutiry net over our apartments. the thing that made my mom believe i was freaking out was that she knew with drug busts they dont follow they question, and i'd told her not only did they deny being cops that they also didnt make any sort of verbal advancement to me at all. yea well now that my mom believes me and i know im not going to jail..... i know i've gotten nothing to do with it the cops are still gonna follow me around and anyone else they feel like following till they catch who did it. i think that it's more then just the 711s now though and something that's got undercover agents everywhere, it's a scary thought. They won't stop following me even though i've seen a few arrests being made in the apts and around the area, infact it's down right disrespectful how far they've taken this investigation. I'm partly to blame because i made myself look totally the part they suspect to be involved by my overly extreme (after this it's a phobia) fear of someone going the same way out of pure coincedence of even casual glances. it's not like they knew (or would believe it if i told em)that i was just paranoid and wanted to know what was up. all that they know and will think of me is that i was rude and speeded to follow an officer, was extremely nervous and evasive when theyd prolly use that against me. theyd prolly say that if i didn't have something to worry about that i wouldn't have even noticed them, just as my mom had no idea till i told her. well, i've got an obvious disorder i just cant afford a perscription since i dont have health insurance. eh well this would be all *BLEEP* to them now that i went about it the wrong way. Anyway, what's led me to believe that this investigation involves something more serious then 711s. Ive got a feeling they got a VERY extreme threat from them and that the small robberies were to get their attention and not to take the threat lightly. I'm afraid to know what it is because tonight after dinner and on my way home i came to the conclusion that it's very serious indeed. I first thought that the reason for this torture (well with my phobia of any sort of surveylance (spelling?) was my display of this phobia that made me a serious suspect and its too late to use it as a cover up for my actions. On the way there it was only one or two cars keeping track of me which i assume was because of the few arrests made in the apts after my ever so wonderful display. Well so the spot light was taken off me for the time being. I couldn't believe what I saw when driving down the strip. (my boyfriend thinks that i was telling the truth but with what im saying now he thinks its my paranoia taking over). So, we had planned to go to dinner on the strip. We get there and of course I noticed a few people following me there and exiting in strange places when i looked at them and standing around pretending to be engrossed with the blue man posters or whatever till i passed then theyd follow me around a bit. Well the man following me there went out an exit door leading to a water show display that had no exit anywhere else and no way out except back through that door. that door is for the maitnence people. he was in no uniform to be on duty and i doubt he wanted to visit it on his day off like me missed being there! lol. anyway, so thinking theyd leave me alone at least till i was done eating i relaxed, that relaxation didn't last long.Now Im going to mention what gave me this next thought, skipping back in time when i entered the casino. When I walked in I saw a few faces that looked familiar from that morning but what got me wandering what was up was that there were lots of them in the casino scattered about here and there... only a few of them acknowledged me and im assuming it was from earlier that morning. i disregarded it for the because i told my bf there were lots of them in the casino, and he told me that im just worrying to much and need to calm down. ok fine, then i let it be known as a strange coinicedence (sp?) heh. Now back to dinner, as i said, i sat down expecting to eat without anyone breathing down my neck. well i was mistaken and im assuming few that the man who exited when he saw where i was going remembered how i acted and told others to watch me. NOT to my surprise i was sat down right next to a man with a blue shirt and with family or friends. now to assume any guy wearing a blue shirt was one of them WOULD be crazy. So i said oh whatever, but he kept eyeing a female in a red jacket (if it wasnt blue it was red white or blue, some of the females wore red and the man she was sitting saw him do this and didnt mind even though they were of seemingly no family relation and an age unlikely to be friends. So after he'd motioned her and the mans glance over to me i got a knot it my stomach. i dont think they were waiting for me but i guess they were there before me just looking for anything suspicious and who knows maybe the guy went to the exit to tell that guy to watch out for me. hed looked at his beeper before he looked at the female mind you. So I told my bf and he just got upset because he thinks im just taking the worst scenario and assuming it. Well at this point i was losing my appetite because those three kept looking at me the whole time i was eating. So to make matters worse I tear my attention away from them to see if that guy was still in the worker area and I notice a guy with a blue hat sticking above a wall between two bushes staring right at me and when i noticed he stuck his head back down. he then attempted to keep cover and look at me through the bush. i didnt know he was watching till a waitress talked to him and gave it away. There was also someone else that kept looking at me over the wall from time to time. I told my bf to look but everytime he did you couldnt see the guy. My bf must think im a nut case! my fault though :[. well it got so uncomfortable i had to get up and face my back to them all. So, both families payed and all sat there for no reason not much talking. When i got up to my pay check both tables got up and walked out before i went up to pay and leave. I got to the cashier and didnt see them in site. So thought ok finally i come around the corner and at the end of the hallway entering back into the casino none other then the older man and his company stood there talking. They didny pay me attention till Id just about passed them then they all looked at me. I think theyd had enough time to inform others of my behavior because more people followed me out then when I went in. When all I was thinking about was myself on the way to dinner I'd failed to notice what I did on the way back. I was wondering why so many of them were in the casino. I thought since there was so many in the casino theres gotta be more then that somewhere else. I had no idea how many more it really was.There were no cops which I would have expected instead I saw suits and people who fit the profile of who was following me, all of which had headsets which well is a pretty rare coincidence (damn spelling). 30% of the people traffic was fbi (always partners wuth badges) and undercover agents in the colors they wore earlier that way (now im assuming the color is to recognize whos an agent without having to speak it out and blow their cover) or who knows maybe they want the people they are searching for to recognize them (or in my case, the paranoid people that got monitered). so i thought why be undecover if you're trying to show strength? and i'm assuming its not to freak out the general public with their vast amounts that went from my zipcode to the las vegas strip. the threat is either involving the strip or they have no idea where it is and have had to put agents all over las vegas most likely.So, then I payed attention to the cars around me, i wasnt even the spot light a whole day! they were still there just not staring me down or driving as to get my attention. this morning not all had headsets but everyone id seen had one if not they had a walkie talkie or were all their cell phone non stop. still drove the same cars, but i guess since they werent following me i didnt notice. from what i saw about every 1/5 was one of them (if anyones any idea how many people are on the strip at the same time it's alot when you do the math).Now if it weren't for the robberies being committed by someone in my apartments i'd have had any idea what was going on. Whether or not they suspect me is in question. I dont think they would look at some 18 year old girl as a threat but from the way i acted it probably seemed that i might have had something to do it. i think they had the idea that since i saying to them that i didnt know anyone that would help them (at the time i thought they were looking for a drug dealer). i guess making it such a strong point that i didn't know anything yet i was avoiding going back to the apartments looked pretty likely that i had something to hide haha. i guess even if it's unlikely that i had anything to do with it they wont take chances now that its as serious as it seems to be. I just wrote this so I could get some feedback and what's going on? Not sure if it's been going on for a while but it's just only today that they wanted me to know about it. It might just have only happened a few days ago when my friend I spoke with told me what it started from. I guess they thought they were dealing with a typical druggie needing money. I just think that the person who did it might have made a very big threat and knew that if the cops didnt know that it was serious they might not get what they want out of it. I just am so pissed that just because i was outside at an odd hour i got followed. I doubt theres much I can do now to get them off my back besides waiting till they find the guy/guys/girls. Im not mentally stable to handle this kind of pressure. Any advice in what do to get this to stop or at least loosen their death grip around my every little movement would be great. I don't want to deal with this much longer I know I will start questioning whether i even have privacy in my own room. I know this because I already feel that I'm making a mistake by letting anyone know about this. I really dont want to be those crazy middle aged women accusing the goverment of putting cameras and recorders throughout theit house. I wouldnt seriously think that but I already feel very uncomfortable being next to a window. Its not like im worried about being hurt but like i said, this is driving me up a wall. i keep looking outside my window to see if anyones listening in or even recording my activities in my room or any room they can hear from. Anything anyone can say would be great whether it be advice or info or support id appreciate some feedback.
hey dont dis it till youve tried it
as long as it's still the same videos as youtube i don't care who buys it, it just better not be different because i have some videos of me and friends that i don't have on my computer anymore! i don't know what happens when websites get bought out by others but i hope it's just a name like sprint to embarq *crosses fingers*
it seems that i might have annoyed a mod by talking to much in the shoutbox...oops. boredom causes me to do things i regret, like talk to much. as you can see
Orkut Invite, Interested ? Free Orkut invites.
LostLittleRobot replied to freesoul's topic in Search Engines
is orkut a messenger? if it runs similar to icp rather then aim i'll pass...you should try the myspace messenger, friends are garenteed! lol -
What's Up Everyone? It's Me. so sad...
LostLittleRobot replied to karlo's topic in General Discussion
well..i can't tell you "what's up" with half of what you asked...but i can say that you shouldn't try to use photoshop 8 without taking a class unless you're good at figuring out things on your own heh. I used photoshop 7 for all my editing needs, made a business card look pretty snazzy in 2 minutes! lol photoshop 7 is alot easier to teach yourself to use then photoshop 8 or maybe i'm just a genius, who knows. either sounds good to me :] -
World Of Warcraft. this game is so cool.
LostLittleRobot replied to Megaman's topic in Computer Gaming
i'm on your forums now....how do i go about taking up for offer? -
It's a scam...or they wouldn't be so hyped up for 5 dollar referals when i garentee they won't even get one referal... if it wasn't a scan they'd have known and been prepared for no one doing it. if it was real he'd have at least known that he's gotta come up with a better pitch then that to get anyone interested. people trying to market something real expect people to not believe a pitch like that, and know how to throw a good enough pitch to where you won't even know what you're doing till you sign up. that's what REAL advertisers know.
World Of Warcraft. this game is so cool.
LostLittleRobot replied to Megaman's topic in Computer Gaming
A mod for your forums? maybe, it depends what enjoyment I might get. I'm new to forums, I get the basic idea but this is the first real forum I've ever used, It's pretty simple only been on here a few hours. I'll be willing to help out if there's actually anything going on in the forums! I assume this is non profit? hehe oh well i'm up for it if it's gonna be fun. i'll check out your forums in a minute -
alright answer me this? if an animal is in pain and would be better off in heaven...would you let them suffer? pain is not only physical, as you say they have feelings. Animals are miserable in shelters and if they don't get adopted they get depressed they actually have made themselfs sick, refuse to eat, their overall look and personality is that of obvious misery. i work in a shelter that puts animals to sleep after a year of not being adopted. i've seen how low animals can get, and i've seen it in their eyes that they don't like living in a shelter..how please, please, read all what i wrote before you go and try to say that i have no feelings. the opposite, you don't think of how you would feel if you were them. animals that because so sad that their health actually is affected by it if they could speak would be asked to be put to sleep. i had a dream once after having to pet and comfort and animal after it was given the shot to be put to sleep. they are scared but when you look in their eyes if you really have a connection, like i do from my experiences working there with animals...you can tell then when i looked it in the eyes and let him know that it would be fine and that it would be happy and in a better place. i just look at them and i loved every animal that has came into the hospital... been attacked to animals for at least a year....and i can see that fear in their eyes disapeer and they trust me. it makes me happy knowing that their last moment i made it better. i was still very sad about because that was one of my favorite animals there. later that night i couldn't stop thinking about it and crying and when i fell asleep i had a dream. god spoke to me, which he does often in my dreams when i have questions or an upset... he told me that i did the right thing and that there's nothing i could have done to stop what happened, and that he was glad that i didn't let the dogs suffering continue. and god told me the dog said thank you. i want you to do something for me. i want you to go to a no kill shelter...ask you see the animal that has beent here the longest, just by looking into that dogs eyes you can see how much pain it's in, animals get sick, just like humans do if they are too depressed. it's horrible how bad of condition they are in just from being there for so long. it doesn't even matter if the shelter takes great care of them and they still manage to get sick and refuse to eat, don't sleep....just do me a favor and read my topic all the way through, it will make sense i promise. i spent a good two hours explaining why under the right circumstances that putting suffering and sad animals to sleep is better then letting them go down him...animals in no kill shelters very rarely live a full life just so you know. and when they do die it's not from old age, they starved themselfs refusing to eat, just gave up and randomly die heart attacks all sort of stress related death. i'd rather it die painlessly and peacefully trusting that they won't hurt anymore rather then letting them slowly die.
that made me wish christmas was closer. darnit it's not even halloween yet! Notice from jlhaslip: Editted to remove "quote" of Original post. It is not neccessary to "quote" the opening posting all the time. People reading the Topic are aware of the issue. Please use the "Add Reply" button instead. Use the "quote" and "reply" " more selectively.Thanks.
I think you might have misread what I said.. I do condone putting animals to sleep. it's only because animals get left in shelters for so long that they become so miserable that i think it's just inhuman to let them suffer. i worked at a shelter that put animals to sleep if they were here longer then a year. A whole year means that with 100 people or more coming in daily to pick up animals to take home, if an animal isn't picked for a year then it's down right so miserable that if it could speak it'd choose to me put to sleep. when animals are put to sleep because of how miserable they are then even though it's not a good thing, it's really better then prolonging a horrible life on earth. i had a dream once after i had to comfort an animal that was being put to sleep (pet it as it slowly died, make it feel comfortable not scared) it's painless... anyway i side tracked! about this dream, god spoke to me later that night in my dream... he told me not to mourn or regret my choice and that it was the best choice that i could make, because he was unhappy on earth, and there was nothing i could do to help. he said thank you for sending me this animal, now he'll be with me and never have to be sad or hurt again. and he said that the animal said thank you. so, i do condone it under certain circumstances. though if what you say is true about killing deaf puppies, that i don't think is ok. neither did my hospital/shelter i worked at, we had at least 5 deaf puppies/dogs up for adoption while i was there, and only one of them didn't get a home because it had other health problems on top of being deaf. that dog was in pain and we found out the only way it wasn't hurting was when it was so sedated that it couldn't move. i also believe that if an animal is sick enough to where there is no possible way it would get better, and it would just keep getting worse then i believe putting it to sleep is the best choice. as someone working at an animal hospital you're introduced to a totally different point of view. i used to think they put animals to sleep because they didn't have enough room, or put them to sleep after a month of having it. it's not the case though i found out, it's not about cruelty, it's about caring over all about an animal. if an animal is making itself sick, such as sleeping disorders, refusing to eat, and other serious problems, just from beind depressed, then it's best after a year to put them to sleep. a year gives enough time for someone to adopt it, and if it's not adopted then it shouldn't be put through another horrible day. i hope you'll actually read this, because you obviously didn't read over 50 percent of what the topic was about. The headline of the topic never said it's wrong, i just wanted to voice that if it's for the best it should be done. Animal shelters that have no kill policies have proof that the animals they have develop emotional scarring that gets worse they longer they are in a shelter. it's proven their over all health and immunity is decreased overtime just from anxiety. animals have heart attacks, and unexplained death. shelters test and treat animals regularly to make sure they don't get sick. even with all the tests and treatments animals not only have a HUGE and obvious personality change, but i've seen animals go from all hippy happy to sleeping their day away. their eyes are bright and alive with energy and overtime their eyes become glossed over and they really tend to not care much about things that a happy healthy animal would, some stop eating for no reason, their coats lose their sheen and have unexplained hairless....some have without warning bouts of anger towards the kennel keepers. we take great care and love towards our animals that come in to the shelter, but no matter now clean and how good we feed and water them they get sick for seemingly no reason. i believe they get sick from depression and anxiety, that alone can lead to loss in apetite...we've had animals refuse to eat any sorts of food we offer (we try all kinds to make sure it's not the taste) they've refused food to the point of where they become so sick and mal nourished that we have to put them on iv drips and feed them through tubes.....an animal in that bad of condition just from being in a shelter for so long would choose to be put to sleep if they could talk.
Aliens Or Ancestors Or Some Kind Of God
LostLittleRobot replied to amit nigam's topic in Science and Technology
I don't quite have the time now (it's almost 5am) to go and put all the info i've found into this. I mean, I read most of the replies so I'm sorry if I repeat something else someone else said, because I might have skipped over it. I believe in God in the bible and everything. I also do believe though that it was aliens that came to earth back during the egyptians and all those other times. I read if it's true I believe they found batteries, a power source in a pyramid in egypt. I really doubt that they would have all the drawings on the walls of the Gods standing before all the egyptians. in one picture i saw the god (can't remember which god it was) was handing something that resembled something of a power source. I believe that it was aliens that gave men the technology to build the pyramids that we can't build today. i mean, i'm just too tired to think of everything else there's been proof on. it's really just plain stupid if you've read and researched all i have and don't believe that aliens exist. i mean, now adays they find animals dissected with an instrument that we don't have. whatever it was was able to make clean cuts into the skin of many animals and remove the organs and such without leaving one drop of blood anywhere outside the carcass...not even on the fur. they've also found humans dissected in similar ways. i don't think there's really much you can do to people who don't believe you no matter what you show them. they'll just have to get obducted to believe it. I still put my faith in god though, he created everything, but the bible is for our means of guidance, who knows, maybe he felt it wasn't nessecary to mention that he'd made another race? lol maybe he had a reason for the way things are. maybe we weren't meant to know of this other race, it's sure caused lots of problems today just because of disagreements about the subject. i dunno, i say let things be, and don't dig too much because you might just find out something you'd rather not know. i found out some things that are just quite shocking and really have changed who am, and i mean that in a bad way. i guess if you do look hard enough you'll find the answer, but that doesn't garentee you'll like it. as they say ignorance is bliss. -
wow i'm more interested by your global warming pics, i knew it was serious but i never realised how fast everything is melting... if i see one big tidal wave off the in the distance the first thing i'm doing is grabbing my surf board! rofl, i wish it was funny matter, makes me kinda scared. not really too worked about 2038 thing, because if it's as big as an issue as 2000 was well, then i'll be talking in the forum posting something here the day after it hits 2038 and seeing everyone say what a croc it was . i dunno i don't expect anything to happen, if i hear more about it i might look into it though! keep it us updated if it does look real! eh i have to add on to what i said a minute ago. i never understood why programs and all that wouldn't work if the date got screwed up..it's not like it's a time warp. i don't understand how anything else can happen besides there being a wrong date, i don't see how that would affect anything. i guess maybe if i understood why it could cause problems i might be worried, but really, i guess i don't know enough. i know there's more to it, but in my brain in 2038 from what i read all that could happen is the date change. i don't understand what else could go wrong from that. aaaahhhh maybe i should do some more research, er, i would if had the patience or understood half that computer/math/time calculations your link you had. it's all another language to me! har har