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Everything posted by soulju
The USA might lead the world into space but you CAN NOT forget all the contributions made by Australia. They had the best telescopes in the world for a long time.
I am 150% behind a world without religion. There would be 85% less wars and noone would have a reason to hate someone for there religion. (and you get your sundays to yourself =P j/k)
RO is not worth the time. You need to check out lineage 2. much better game and alot more fun, even knight online is better then RO.
BAH DONT DO IT! RO IS CRAP... U should make a lineage 2 server!! )) I will help with that, it is total pwnage.
Well it is funny but it took a while to get approval for alot of us cus of the new cpanel, but at last its here =D Getting credits is simple. You post for an hour a week or something you will have a ton of credits saved up. It's real easy to find a topic to throw a few paragraphs at and then you really get alot of credits. Check the religious debates out, there always easy posts as long as you know a little about religion. =D Oh yah, a great big HOORAY for Xisto for the free hosting, it was well worth the wait! =D
lmao nukka, its gotta be a both on that one. i love everythign but country music hehe... you do know though if you play a country song backwards u get your dog, family and truck back, and your grandmom gets outta jail right? =D
lol dude, my parents go to vegas every year and they've never even invited me... and im 25 =P however, just try to make the best of it at your grandparents man, they wont be alive forever. i miss my grandfather so much and sometimes its hard to remember what he looks like because its been so long since he passed away. where do your grandparents live? im sure there is something to do there. go cow tipping or something hehe, thats always fun =)
welll check it out, it would be more of an X type strap that would fasten around your upper torso from the seat, no ejecting. you click some buttons or the pilot does, that release the upper portion of the chair, which is straped to your back, you would have to jump from the plane not enject =D and hell you can even use oxygen tanks. im just sayin i would rather take my risks with suffocating or whatever then slamming full force into the ocean or ground... maybe 5 of 200 people would survive with this method, maybe 200 of 200.. but you cant put a price on innocent life.. if it saved 1 person it would have been worth it.. its almost a guarantee though that if you just rode it into the gorund you wouldn't survive.
its very hard to find someone who fully follows there religion.. to put it in perspective.. i literally know over 2000 people between highschool friends from many years ago and the people ive met in work and life, i honestly can say that none of them fully follow there religions. its an ultra rarity to find someone who fully follows there religion and i would live to listen and learn from someone who does.
thanks for the feedbacks well here is a little more info on my situation, my g/f works during the day and i work at night... i am actually a very good carpenter, i was liscensed and insured in the state of maryland where i worked for my self, i ran a small company called Intelligent Building Solutions (IBS) and now i just moved to pennsylvania and i am no longer liscensed... it just so happens that i have to watch them during the day and she watches them at night. works this way so we dont have to pay for a baby sitter =D im not a pizza delivery boy i am a carpenter and a damn good one, i can build anything. but at this point in life ive had to come up with a job that will work with my schedule and it just so happens to be delivering pizzas, and its not bad money either.. with tips and gas and hourly its around $13-$15 an hour, its not alot of money or anything but its enough to get by. I am not a deadbeat or an idiot... i am a very capable man and provider... just at this point things are rough... dont want you thinking im some moron or anything ya know what im sayin =P just a thought hehe
If you have windows XP you can leave your computer on for almost an eternity it seems. Depends alot on your processor speed, ram, and how've you tweaked it. It will definantly kill your pockets though when you get your electric bill. You also shouldn't run defragmenter every day or anything... Only when you need to do it, its not healthy. Kind of like getting a cast put on a limb thats not broken, know what im sayin? Or was that a horrible analogy hehe.
I kinda have to agree that judging a religion by 1 or 2 of its followers is not a fair way to paint a picture. However, you have to judge a religion by its followers.. You cant say that being a muslim makes you a terrorist or that being an atheist makes you an anarchist, but what other way is there to judge a religion then by the people who follow it and there actions....I do know for a fact though that the muslim religon on a whole is peaceful. If you know something about it then you might know that the word Islam means peace, submission and obedience. I myself am torn with religion. I was baptised catholic, went to a catholic school and attended a luthern church. I went to a fransican Highschool for 3 years and then I was enrolled into public school. When I was 17 I started to study buddhism and I have read some of the Qur'an. I know a fair amount about alot of different religions. Even though I do not follow one in perticular , I am still a very spiritual person.I think that religion is good and bad. Many of the wars in the world have been caused by, you guessed it, religious leaders of all kinds. A down side to religion is that the 6 main religions in our world and most have major conflicts with each other that date back thousands of years and usually end up in a serious spillage of blood. You cant say any certain one is good because they have all done horrible things to each other at some point in our recorded history. On a posotive note, the feeling that people get when they go to church on sunday or get called to prayer by a muezzin at a mosque is amazing. The feeling of being one with your community and the love you feel, you can almost get absorbed in it.I also cant believe that there are not 5000 replies to this topic yet, as religous debates are virtually never ending. Everyone has there own opinion and they are entitled to it. =D I think that I will post a bazillion times here if other people follow up and keep the topics interesting. =D
Site looks very professional =) I have just 2 comments to add though. PINK LMFAO!!! =D and GO ARMY!! =DBut seriously it looks great, perhaps you should make some sites for companies and charge them out the yinyang.
has anyone bought an alienware pc? i here alot of good reviews but never from someone who bought one... just magazine adds and such. i was basically wondering if its worth buying one or am i more or less just paying an extra $1500 for there cool **bottom** case =\
i came up with a brilliant idea a while ago. parachute seating in airplanes. in theory it would be most simple and i dont know why noone has done it, or if they have done it i dont know about ti. so if you run an airline company or have the money to actually go through with this invention please do it and make the world safer, i dont care if u steal my idea cus it will help people and i couldnt ever mass produce it. but here is a basic run down.|_| \ <--- pretend that is a seat on the airplaneon top left would be a parachute in a seat, the part where your back rests. of course u have to buckle up right?then say the plane is crashing for whatever reason, fuel loss cus the pilot was stupid... there is some form of attatchment from the base where u rest your **bottom** and the part beneath it that helps to support your **bottom**. you can either set it up to unlock automaticaly when the pilot hits a button or you could just leave it up to the people to undue it at any time. i suggest allowing the pilot to control it though because some idiot would definantly open the chute in the plane if u could just remove it at anytime. but it really is a good idea and wouldnt be as expensive as you might think. as with anything mass produced it becomes very cheap and easy. sounds like a good idea to me, but i am a bit crazy.. what do you think
Whew life sure isnt easy, but throw some kids in the mix and <WHAM> everything gets crazy... Im the kinda guy that lives life day to day, pay check to pay check, one step at a time... Now my g/f's daughter is 3 and my daughter is quickly aproaching the 9 month milestone. Maaaan that *BLEEP* is tough. I find myself wondering what to do with the free time I do have and how to spend it. I try to make more time to relax but the I get yelled at. They've put a hella strain on the relationship my g/f and I had.. We were fine with her daughter now with our daughter its compounded it 10 fold. Dunno what to do.. Sometimes I find myself resenting them and thinking that they've ruined my life and sometimes im the proudest parent in the world.. Kinda like the kids have made me bi-polar or somthing.. It's almost like I look forward to going to my *BLEEP* job at dominoes pizza every night just to catch a break from the hellions. Anyone have some advice on how to handle this? I know it isn't going to be easy or anything but I never thought it would have been this hard.
LMAO this is funny stuff, kinda true I guess.. but if u think about it EVERYONE is a bit of a closet freak! All it takes is the right partener to bring it out of them and then its on! =D Question though... My first name begins with R, I use my middle name though which begins with an S! Which one am I =D There both a little bit right I guess but just owondering which im supposed to be. =P
The funny thing about life is people dont give away free money, especially $900+. =D I can understand its an advertisement maybe to poke up business or whatnot, but it may be rigged... Then again.. I suppose it cant hurt to check it out and see for myself. But don't expect many people to give you there legitament information KK =\ Just a thought hehe
Mars Probes Snap Stunning Images Of Giant Crater
soulju replied to boludo66's topic in Science and Technology
Sooo, you like space and such huh? Me to. =P Check this out, its pretty interesting actually. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Source http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Always use QUOTE bbcode when copying another source.