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Saint_Michael started following owbussey
Can't you just install wordpress manually in the public_html folder? That is what i did with drupal. If you need help with it send me a message and I can give you the steps. I just bought a book on it and it gives you detailed instructions. Wrodpress is really good i think i am going to install it soon too.
I get this error when i go to the following url: gallery I have been doing some research and it seems that the function scandir() is php 5. Is that correct? If it is how can I make it work on Xisto? I will post the code to the file. I do not know whether the error will be best seen in the context of all of the source code. Here is a link to a zip file download of the source code (I did not want to take up a lot of space with an entire page of source code): source code download
Secret German Holocaust Documents Found After 60 Years
owbussey posted a topic in General Discussion
For the past 60 years, it has been said that the Germans were maticulous record keepers throughout World war II especially with the Holocaust. Up until now those records have not been found. There have been records but not as much as expected.Recently in the middle of Germany secret Nazi documents were found after being hiddden for 60 years. It is more than just a stack fo files it is 50 million pages worth of documents. It is a complete archive documenting every aspect of the Holocaust.Originally the Holocaust was documented by Allied soldiers going through the concentration camps as the Nazis fell in 1945. Right before the Allies invaded Germany in 1945, the documents were taken a town right in the middle fo Germany called Bad Arolsen were they were sorted and organized. They were locaked away in a secret storage facility until recently.I am not exagerating this. The store rooms 16 miles of files which hold documentation about 17 million victims of the Holocaust. The documents has information about Jews, politcal prisoners, slave laborers, and homosexuals. The storage facility has every document that you can think of. It has Gestapo, the Nazi secret police, arrest warrents including death warrants, documented jewelry confiscated before the prisoners were taken to the camps, and more.There was a list found of 1000 prinsoners that a factory owner used for labor. Becuase he said that he needed the prisoners for labor he pretty much saved them from the camps. This was the famous Schindler's list. The documents also included Nazi files on Anne Frank. In general all of the names of the people killed in the gas chambers were not documented, but the people who worked in the camps were documented. Notebooks with the name "Totenbuch" written on them means death book. The notebooks include the cause of death of the prisoners and how many lice for each prisoner and the size of each lice. The execution list shows that they shpt one prinsoner every two minutes at certain camps. This notebook stating the previous informatino was a gift for Hitler. Why keep all of these records if you were just going to kill someone? It was evidence that they were carrying through with their job.Some people say that the government just kept the documents secret becuase they wanted to keep the people who had written the documents from being put in danger. -
Please Review My Site! my first joomla site
owbussey replied to MusicOnly's topic in Websites and Web Designing
From the looks of it you have a lot of experience in CSS. I am not familar with joomla but you have done a great job on the website.First: The three column aspect of the website is very organized. I especially like how you separate the more dynamic content on the right with the poll, news flash , and shoutbox and the static content on the left with the login and register options. I am a little confused abot the music that you already have to download. Is it music that you have the rights to or is just like file sharing forum. The design overall is very sleek and can definitly stand up to other professional websites. -
File-sharers Move Away From Bittorrent .. , Back to eDonkey
owbussey replied to DYABLO's topic in Science and Technology
The article was not very clear whether it was a good idea to stop using bit torrent. I thought it said that they were cracking down on the people who provided the files and not those who download the files. I know bit torrent can be tracked easily but if you don't upload any files, i think you would be fine right? -
Sorry for this post. As AeonLan pointed out i had not seen the announcement about the down time for cpanel. I am having problem acessing my site. When i type in http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i type in my user name and password and I get the following message: Sorry for the inconvenience! The filesystem mounted at / on this server is running out of disk space. cPanel operation has been temporarily suspended to prevent something bad from happening. Please ask your system admin to remove any files not in use on that partition. Is the entire site having trouble or is it just my account? thanks
are you able to put a link to the pictures on a website? do you have to have the premium service? I was a little confused of the service that you could use to do it.thanks
I just wanted to comment about a few things you said about black holes. I don't mean to correct you or anything but there are different classifications for blackholes. I thought you needed a little bit more detail about what scientists think about the actual structure of the blackholes. The general term for what you called the "Schwarzchild radius" or the boundary of a blackhole at which point nothing can escape is called an event horizon. That is used for all kinds of blackholes.karl Schwarzchild was a German astronomer who was one of the first people to observe a blackhole. A Schwarzschild blackhole which is a non-rotating blackhole was named after this scientist. The shape of this blackhole is thought to be similar to a traffic cone with the flat base cut off. So the shape is large at the top and comes to a point near its bottom. This point is called the singularity at which all the laws of physics do not exist. This is where all the matter is supposedly crushed into a dense sphere of matter.Another type of blackhole is a Kerr blackhole. There are theories that these holes are the ones that can transport objects through time and to different worlds. What scientists think is that you can pass through them and out the other "unseen" side which is called a whitehole. This is named because everything about this side fo the black hole is opposite. This is pretty far fetched but it is thought that the gravitational force uses some sort of unknown matter with a negative energy to push everything away from it. Some think that this energy is the "black matter" which has been observed in space. this matter blends into the black abyss of space but with contrasting light signals scientist can see these small chunks of matter. Of course there are no laws of physics supporting this now. other scientists counter that anything attempting to enter a blackhole would be destroyed before it even reached the singularity point.The scientists who counter the blackhole time travel theory provide a different theory for time travel- yes they still think it is possible. These tunnel-like structures or wormholes have not been proven to exist. Wormholes are also called Einstein-Rosen Bridges which would allow people to travel through time and like on all of those TV shows on the SCI-FI channel you could use them as gateways to travel multiple light-years in a fraction of the time. These structures are based on Einstein's theory of relativity which I think was called in question recently as being incorrect but that is something I am not familiar in. Anyway the theory of relativity can be used to say that any mass can curve the space-time continuum. To explain the curvature think if you take a rubber band and stretch it out. That is how the curve looks looking at it from the side. This is supposedly how the universe is shaped. For the tops think of a thick rubber band. Anything on top can curve the tops of the rubber band like a bowling ball on a water bed. Since the universe supposedly has ends that curve around, objects can fall through the universe at these points. These are the actual worm holes. I forgot to mention the different parts of the "rubber band" model of the universe. The actual rubber band surface is considered conventional space that we see using s telescope. The space in between your two fingers that you use to stretch the rubber band is called hyperspace.there is no theory about how the worm holes form except for two different masses on either side of the rubber band gradually bringing the sides of the rubber band closer together to form a hole. A bunch of things come together for time travel like the twin paradox and other theories with worm holes but I have not studied those yet. One theory of time travel i have covered has nothing to do with blackholes because this is a more recent theory (1991) and there is not much evidence for surviving a black hole. Dr. Gott at Princeton university says that time travel can be obtained using cosmic strings. These are string-like objects that were formed at the beginning of the universe and are used today to support the shape of the universe. These strings which could only be an atom in diameter form a structural matrix much like our skeletal system supporting the shape of our body. Because they support the entire universe, they are under a lot of pressure and would have a lot of gravitational pull on cosmic objects near them. You travel through time by pulling two strings together or near a blackhole. This would distort the space time continuum enough to create a small hole. The strings themselves would provide an incredible source of speed due to their gravitational energy which is speculated to be constant along its whole length.Ok i gave you about a weeks worth of info from my theoretical physics class. I just wanted to offer more information about theoretical info about blackholes
I don't think the colors make the website look like somethign from the 1990's. I like the black background with the white, yellow and blue text. You can see everything very clearly and it gives you an idea about different sections. I mean that the titles of each post are yellow, the post itself is white and then the comment text is blue. It ggives an easy to follow layout. The one thign i sugegst is to maybe fill in the scroll bar with color. It is a little hard to see at the moment and people might not realize that you can scroll down.Otherwise it is a great looking site.
I like the information about the webs design support you provde but there is no mention how a person can hire you for your services. Also, I would provide a link to what your different Content mangement systems are like. You said that you have several different designs but what are they? Who are the people who need different designs? Do you mean that you have more detailed CMS for people with more knowledge abotu web design? Overall I like the overview of what skills you have.The right column contrasts the web design services in the left column. The left column seems more formal while the right column seems a lot less formal. What about different pages for these columns? Good mix of music and great collection of links for CSS examples. Those sites give outstanding designs for new websites.
I really like th design of the website. The header not only has graphics but also some active buttons as well. the buttons are not obtrusive like other websites which try to draw your attention to the top of the webpage with flashing buttons. The add does take up a sigificant portion of the page but it blends in nicely with the format of the page. It does not have any moving graphics so it does not draw attention away from the main content. The forum design is good in that it does not follow the bland usual general single color and full page posting columns.the catagories on the left organize the website contant very well with a minimal amount of text. It gave me an easier search through the site.I especially liked the wallpaper. In general the contant is very good and very organized.
for some reason the actions that I assign to the buttons never work on the website. I just do plain javscript buttons. Also i have to deal with the one click activation needed for the flash buttons to even work.
I like google better and yahoo better than this search engine. The key words it seems are grouped into themes in order to gives the search results. I like to have the key words not linked to specific themes, and I like to have a bunch of search results without any constarints on my results.I have to admit it does give different search results from google. So this might be used as another source when doing research.
The template looks very good. I guess the pink color goes with the theme of the site right or is it a universal color? The use of tables is very good and the layout is easy to understand. You might want to add some [ictures within the tables. Within each table I think it would be good to separte each subject with bullets of some sort. You might want to specify what the black box above the main middle table is. I like the template and see if you can use other colors for different themed sites.
Ok here is the basic of paypal: It is a way to send money through the internet. The equivalent non-internet company would be something like western union. You need a paypal account and then you can send money to anyone with an emial address. It is not a bank per say but it is pretty much secure. It can integrate with your bank. You can set it up where you can pay by withdrawing money directly though your account. Also when you recive money it can be despotied directly into your account. This is a free charge. You can also request a check from paypal in which case they charge $1.50. They charge nothing for transactions. It is free even to convert money to foreign currecnies. The exchange rates are very low compared to the standard exchange rates. FOr euros it is usually 1.2 dollars for one euro but it is arounf .75 dollars for 1 euro. They are very low and it means that you actually save money. You do not need a credit card. you can use that or your bank account. SOmetimes sellers use it to confirm your address but in your case you would not need it. Ask me more questions if you are still confused or want specific directions on how to do certain actions. Notice from truefusion: Please use quote tags next time, when addressing questions.