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Posts posted by bizchina

  1. Name: Sharp Mebius PC-TX26GS

    Category: "AV Center PC"

    Price: Open Price; estimated around 350,000 yen

    Release date in Japan: Middle of December, 2004


    The Gist: Sharp has introduced the first desktop-based Mebius PC, though

    they insist on calling it an "AV Center PC." Given the case's form factor --

    it looks much more like a DVD recorder than it does desktop PC -- I tend

    to agree.


    There's really two parts to this new setup from Sharp: the PC and the

    included screen. I'll go over each one in that order.


    The PC itself, as I mentioned, looks more like a DVD recorder than it

    does PC. But frankly, considering its intended application, this is a

    great idea for Sharp. Audio/Video related functionality includes an

    integrated TV tuner, hardware video capture, DVD recording, and enough

    inputs and outputs to shake a stick at. But that's not where the

    innovation in this PC lies; I believe PCs with plenty of junk integrated

    and almost too many inputs and outputs already exist. Rather, the

    innovation lies in Sharp's "StationAV" software. This software appears

    to be similar in functionality to the launcher software that is included

    with Windows XP Media Center. That being said, I'll go out on a limb and

    say Sharp's software works better. To top off the AV functionality, Sharp

    includes wireless keyboard and mouse, as well as a remote controller.

    Furthermore, the front of the case is equipped with an LED screen that

    shows track name, the time, and so forth. As far as specifications are

    concerned, you'll find a 2.66GHz Celeron processor, 512MB of memory, 250GB

    hard drive, and 8x multi-format DVD drive. Interestingly enough, this PC

    runs not Windows XP Media Center Edition but plain Windows XP Home Edition.


    If you noticed the price above, 350,000 yen probably seems quite steep

    for a PC of these specifications. It may have a flashy looking case, but

    in all honesty, I'm sure you could come up with a far cheaper mini-ITX

    based machine on your own. But relax. Sharp has attempted to justify that

    price by including a 26-inch widescreen LCD. The maximum resolution on the

    screen is 1266 x 768 (TV mode) and 1360 x 768 (in PC mode). That would

    provide enough resolution for 720p HDTV, if you're in to that sort of thing.

    It's also got an integrated TV tuner, so if you don't feel like hooking it up

    to your shiny new PC, you don't have to. Alternatively, you can combine the

    TV tuner of the PC and the screen itself to allow for fun activities such

    as picture-in-picture.


    Sharp plans on selling just this screen for around 230,000 yen beginning in

    December as well. When you subtract this from the purchase price of the

    screen + PC combo, you come out with a cost of 120,000 yen for the PC alone.

    Seems like a pretty good deal if you ask me. But unfortunately, Sharp hasn't

    announced plans to sell just the Mebius PC-TX26GS by itself.


    Yes - you are right - all 3 posts were copied. Is there anything wrong with that ? I found the articles interesting and cut and pasted them. Have you never cut and pasted anything ? I would find it amazing if you havn't. I spent quite a while searching for new information - since I like to keep up to date with new technology. It seems to me that some people on this site are just _waiting_ to stab someone in the back - if they think they havn't written something completely original ?? Why ?? - Most forums are about being friendly - not about kicking people in the goolies. If you didn't find it interesting - or had read it somewhere else - fine. But maybe others would find it interesting. I could have re-written it and "pretended" I had just returned from Japan - but I think its more honest to just cut and paste it - if I feel its of interest! I can write original stuff and have written lots of it - and you will see more in the future. OK ?



    The technology is fine, but the post has an odd format. Why are there line breaks every so and often? Are you sure he didn't just paraphrase someone else's site?


    About the technology: I thought it was already out... I mean it's a computer... you can do anything to a computer... change the designs etc. to make people think it's a new technology!


    Does new technology only consist of things that are not yet re-leased ? Of course you can do anything with a computer - thats why we use them. I merely included it because its got a large ( 26" LCD ) which is unusual - and would ( to me ) be new technology since I havne't seen a computer with 26 LCD before - have you?



    The line breaks are because I copied it - I am beginning to see that people seem to consider this a capital offence - so in future I will make sure all my stuff is as "original" as everyone elses.



    (*Note from Zenchi: Next time, please use the edit button. Also, do provide a link instead of copying and pasting the whole thing, that way you can comment on this story. Thank you.)

  2. Has anyone seen the new BLACK samsung phone they are adviertising on TV yet ? Where can I get it ? It looks really cool and comes with 10mb of memory and can store a lot of movie time on it - so I guess it can store even more photos' etc. how about the reliablitily - what do other samsung users feel abut reliability of their fones ? And the features - do they have good features

  3. I really think that Bill Gates should be made to stand up and explain to us how he has the gall to use the marketing b**sh*t to tell us each version of windows is faster , better etc etc. I really would love to be a fly on the wall of his mansion ( they should make his day to day use of windows a reality TV show - it would be hilarious ) to see if he exclaims things like I do each time I have to reset - reset and reset each time I load a new app - or it takes sometimes 5 minutes to boot up!He should be accountable - I remember they told us that Windows NT is really very stable - how come my XP can crash all the time - especially after I donwnload their updates!!

  4. Wats the program is beter?






    Its like apples and oranges. If you are really thirsty - or need vitamin C then orange is probably better. So - you have to think about what you want to do? If you really want to produce stuff quickly ( for windows ) then I think you would be better using Delph - its supberb and its really quick to learn and fast to use. C is much easier than C++ since its not object orientated - but object is only useful if you really sit down and plan your applicaiton carefully.

  5. Now everytime when i called my bank service line, I just like went to a Pakistan shop, :rolleyes: Why HSBC has to challenge my poor English :) I don't know how much money they can save by moving their central office to Pakista, because it is not my business. but i am sick of listening pakistan English when I really want to know where is my little money gone! is it really important to speak a good level english as a line service, and now I just hope there is no problem with my credit card, which may help me to stopping waste money on clothes.

  6. Sometimes the innovation elves just miss the mark. Without a doubt, 2004 saw the debut of some great new products, like the cellphone that keeps track of blood sugar levels and digital music player that indicates how fast you run. It seems like new ideas are being added to mobile phones each day and more and more music players with multi function are being released.

    Yet anothety copied post: http://www.reuters.com/news/

  7. Hello...


    I am looking for information on how to build computers from scratch.  If anyone has any suggestions I would really appreciate your input.  I'm presently reading Building a PC For Dummies in order to get me started.


    Thank you for any help you can give...


    Ciao!  :rolleyes:


    Do you really want to build your own Computer - or do you just want to learn how to do it? I fyou want to learn - then of course its a good idea. If you are just trying to save a few bucks - then its not realy worth it - if you shop around you would find you can get a ready built for only slightly more. Personally I would prefer to buy mine ready built from reliable supplier

  8. For highschool graduation my parents said they will get me a computer. I have the choice of a desktop computer and a PDA or a Laptop computer. I am having trouble deciding which would be better. I will probably be going to the University of Missouri which, for the most part is wireless enabled. I am leaning toward the desktop, PDA solution, but suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.


    Personally - if you are serious about computers usage - I would forget PDA. Its not really useful for much - looks good but not good enough for full regular use - so if you want to wtach movies ( always good on campus )) and do some serious word proceessing etc -get a notebook. Some of the new ones would be very light and easy to carry - I odn't think you owuld regret your decisinon.

  9. I want to down load some movies from the websites. my problems is I try to use "save as the targets" which takes ages, and I heard the software like netants or flashget could accelerate the spead of down load, and I did down load the netants. But it didn't work-I means that the speed doen't increase.I never used the netants to download any movie before, but my friends did it with netants from the same website, and it works perfect, the movie normally taking thirty hours only last three hours, but it doen't work with my computer, anyone having the similar problem can tell me how to solve it out?many thanks

  10. Does anyone actually think that NET is a good idea? Doesn't it suffer from the Microft BLOAT we all love to hate ? And feature overload? And slow ? How about the vb for net - does anyone think its any good - and if so what do you like about it - and what do you hate about it. How does it compare to Delphi ?Is it good for building reliable applicaiton s?

  11. has anyone tested the difference in speed betwween P4 and the AMD chip. I just wondered which would be considered the best to go for speedwise - if you imagine that the same graphic card etc would be used. Is there any real difference and would the intel chip be more compatible - are AMD fully 100 per cent compatible ??I was thinking of building my own computer - so how about motherboard too?

  12. Delphi is a great langguage , does anyone else Agree? I love the fact that the IDE is so fast - and it compiles really fast too. Also it makes hadling the windows API really easy by putting wrappers round most api functions that make it easy to access. The compiler is very fast. I don't like Delphi 8 though - its biased twoards NET programming - and I don't like microsoft stuff too much. I suggest going for Delphi 9 when you can - and after its been released an update since the current verison is a bit suspect. An update is due soon

  13. I don't think gaming is a waste of time - its good for sharpen your reactions - and keeps your brain active. It may not be very productive in some ways but helps you in other ways to keep alert and active. Some of the games really make you think and you really have to use your brain. Others require a high skill level and must be played very fast - sharpening your reactions. so over all its worthwhile to play games I thinkMike

  14. I really hate my arm fat, specially around the shoulder. I tried a few ways to burn it, and now it has gone. here are the few things I did, if you have a similar problem, it may help you.firstly when I having a bath, I put some sea salt and massage five mins. and until the aim felt really hot, then I use the film (you normally use it for your food) wrape the arm, not too tight, then I had two bottles of water, (small size) doing some up-down, which makes you arms sweat. ten mins later, taking them away. let your arms cool down, and then put some body-buiding cream.anytime, reading, watching TV, listening music, trying to press the point on my elbow joint, which is the sessible part of you whole arms. I kept doing things talked above two weeks, and my arms look much better, :rolleyes:

  15. A guy walks into a bar with a dog under his arm, puts the dog on the bar and announces that the dog can talk and that he has $100 he's willing to bet anyone who says he can't. The bartender quickly takes the bet and the owner looks at the dog and asks, "What's the thing on top of this building which keeps the rain from coming inside?" The dog answers "ROOF." The bartender says, "Who are you kidding? I'm not paying." The dogs owner says, "How about double or nothing and I'll ask him something else". The bartender agrees and the owner turns to the dog and asks, "Who was the greatest ballplayer of all time". The dog answers with a muffled "RUTH." With that the bartender picks them both up and throws them out the door. As they bounce on the sidewalk the dog looks at his owner and says "DiMaggio?".

  16. The local bar was so sure that its bartender was the strongest man around that they offered a standing $1000 bet. The bartender would squeeze a lemon until all the juice ran into a glass, and hand the lemon to a patron. Anyone who could squeeze one more drop of juice out would win the money. Many people had tried over time (weight-lifters, longshoremen, etc.) but nobody could do it.One day this scrawny little man came into the bar, wearing thick glasses and a polyester suit, and said in a tiny squeaky voice " I'd like to try the bet" After the laughter had died down, the bartender said OK, grabbed a lemon,and squeezed away. Then he handed the wrinkled remains of the rind to the little man.But the crowd's laughter turned to total silence as the man clenched his fist around the lemon and six drops fell into the glass. As the crowd cheered, the bartender paid the $1000, and asked the little man "what do you do for a living? Are you a lumberjack, a weight-lifter, or what?" The man replied "I work for the IRS."

  17. One sunny day in Ireland, two men were sitting in a pub, drinking some Guinness, when one turns to the other and says "You see that man over there? He looks just like me! I think I'm gonna go over there and talk to him." So, he goes over to the man and taps him on the shoulder. "Excuse me sir," he starts, "but I noticed you look just like me!" The second man turns around and says "Yeah, I noticed the same thing, where you from?", "I'm from Dublin", second man stunned says, "Me too! What street do you live on?", "McCarthy street", second man replies, "Me too! What number is it?", the first man announces, "162", second man shocked says, "Me too! What are your parents names?", first man replies, "Connor and Shannon", second man awestruck says, "Mine too! This is unbelievable!"So, they buy some more Guinness and they're talking some more when the bartenders change shifts. The new bartender comes in and goes up to the other bartender and asks "What's new today?" "Oh, the Murphy twins are drunk again."

  18. One night, a police officer was stalking out a particularly rowdy bar for possible violations of the driving under the influence laws. At closing time, he saw a fellow stumble out of the bar, trip on the curb, and try his keys on five different cars before he found his. Then, sat in the front seat fumbling around with his keys for several minutes. Everyone left the bar and drove off. Finally, he started his engine and began to pull away.The police officer was waiting for him. He stopped the driver, read him his rights and administered the Breathalyzer test. The results showed a reading of 0.0. The puzzled officer demanded to know how that could be. The driver replied, "Tonight, I'm the Designated Decoy."

  19. There is a three-year old little girl named Lilly in my appartment, who has a really lovely looking. Everyone in this building love her, including my two-year old boy.One day, my little boy was ill at home, we tried to make him eat some medicine. He kept throwing them away. Then I said "baby, this is the candy Lilly left for you," before I finishing my sentence, he quickly took it and turned to his dad, said" Dad, this is the love power!"I am sweating :rolleyes:

  20. A new guy in town walks into a bar and reads a sign that hangs over the bar... FREE BEER! FREE BEER FOR THE PERSON WHO CAN PASS THE TEST! So the guy asks the bartender what the test is.Bartender replies "Well, first you have to drink that whole gallon of pepper tequila, the WHOLE thing at once and you can't make a face while doing it. Second, there's a 'gator out back with a sore tooth...you have to remove it with your bare hands. Third, there's a woman up-stairs who's never had an orgasm. You gotta make things right for her." The guy says, "Well, as much as I would love free beer, I won't do it. You have to be nuts to drink a gallon of pepper tequila and then get crazier from there.Well, as time goes on and the man drinks a few, he asks, "Wherez zat teeqeelah?"He grabs the gallon of tequilla with both hands, and downs it with a big slurp and tears streaming down his face. Next, he staggers out back and soon all the people inside hear the most frightening roaring and thumping, then silence. The man staggers back into the bar, his shirt ripped and big scratches all over his body."Now" he says "Where's that woman with the sore tooth?"

  21. A guy walks into a bar with his pet monkey. He orders a drink and while he's drinking, the monkey starts jumping all over the place. The monkey grabs some olives off the bar and eats them, then grabs some sliced limes and eats them,then jumps up on the pool table, grabs the cue ball, sticks it in his mouth and swallows it whole.The bartender screams at the guy, "Did you see what your monkey just did?" The guy says, "No, what?" "He just ate the cue ball off my pool table - whole!" says the bartender. "Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replies the patron. "He eats everything in sight, the little twerp. I'll pay for the cue ball and stuff." He finishes his drink, pays his bill, and leaves. Two weeks later he's in the bar again, and he has his monkey with him. He orders a drink and the monkey starts running around the bar again.While the man is drinking, the monkey finds a maraschino cherry on the bar. He grabs it, sticks it up his butt, pulls it out, and eats it. The bartender is disgusted. "Did you see what your monkey did now?" "Now what?" asks the patron. "Well, he stuck a maraschino cherry up his butt, then pulled it out and ate it!" says the barkeeper."Yeah, that doesn't surprise me," replies the patron. "He still eats everything in sight, but ever since he ate that damn cue ball he measures everything first!"

  22. A man limps into a bar with a cane and alligator. The bartender stops him and says "Hold on a second here - you can't bring that animal in here, they aren't allowed!" So the man says, "But my gator here does a really cool trick..."The bartender says "Well then, lets see!" So the man whips out his *BLEEP* and shoves it in the gators mouth. He then takes his cane and starts bashing the gator in the head with it. A crowd gathers around and everyone is astonished when he pulls out his *BLEEP* without a single scratch.He looks around at the crowd and says, "Does anyone else want to try?" An old lady raises her hand and says..."Sure, but don't hit me with that stick."

  23. A businessman enters a tavern, sits down at the bar, and orders a double martini on the rocks. After he finishes the drink, he peeks inside his shirt pocket, then orders the bartender to prepare another double martini. After he finishes that it, he again peeks inside his shirt pocket and orders the bartender to bring another double martini. The bartender says, "Look, buddy, I'll bring ya' martinis all night long - but you gotta tell me why you look inside your shirt pocket before you order a refill." The customer replies, "I'm peeking at a photo of my wife. When she starts to look good, I know it's time to go home."

  24. Q. What do you call 20 blondes in a freezer?A. Frosted FlakesQ. What do you call a dumb blonde behind a steering wheel?A. An airbag.Q. How can you tell a blonde has had a bad day?A. She has a tampon tucked under her ear and she can't find her pencil.Q. What does the Bermuda Triangle and a blonde have in common?A. They both swallowed a lot of semen.Q. What's the difference between a blonde and an ironing board?A. Its difficult to open the legs on an ironing board.Q. How did the blonde burn her nose?A. Bobbing for chips.Q. What do you call a zit on a blondes *bottom*?A. Brain tumor.Q. Why does a blonde insist on him wearing a condom?A. So she can have a doggie bag for later.Q. How would a blonde punctuate the following: "Fun fun fun worry worry worry"A. Fun period fun period fun no period worry worry worry....Q. Why is a blonde like an old washing machine?A. Because they both drip when they're *BLEEP*ed!

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