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Which is a better search engine?Google or Yahoo
Yacoby replied to jcreuter's topic in Search Engines
I definitely prefer Google, it seems to give a lot better results for what I type in, so until it starts to slip, I will continue to use it.There will, one day, be something better. I don't think that day is coming anytime soon though. -
I don't really want to upgrade at all. Ever. Which is why I use Linux quite alot. I would use it more, but I get better performance with games on XP.It doesn't seem to add anything, other than to kill some games performance. The new user interface doesn't really intrest me, as I normally turn it to its lowest possible amount anyway (So Windows classic interface on XP). What annoys me is that Microsoft are going to release DirectX 10 for Vista, and only Vista. Windows XP is perfectly capable of using DirectX 10 if they added support for it, so I am going to have to miss out on all those fun games with the shiny new graphics. (Won't bother me untill about 2012, as I usally play games that are arround 5 years old.
Site one is very bland, and needs some work. At least get a template from somewhere like OSWD (Google it). If you want to make one of your flash pages into your home page, you need to embed the flash file into your htm document. You can find information on this by typing in Google: "Embed Flash"One thing that annoyed me about site 3 was that when I clicked on "Gallery" it had a lot of moving lines, and took a long time to get to the content. I suggest you try and speed up those animations.Site two and four could in my opinion be done significantly better in HTML and CSS as there doesn't seem to be any need to use flash for those sites other than the fade effects.Overall site three was by far the best.
Destroy Your Hdd % ways of destroying your HardDrive w/o any trace
Yacoby replied to fr0z3n's topic in Hardware Workshop
Wouldn't it be much easier just to download a free program that will delete everything on your hard drive, and then write x's all over it a couple of times. After that, you have a working hard drive, but it is going to be almost impossible to recover any of the data that was on it. Admitidly this isn't as fun, but I cannot see the point in destroying something needlessly. -
I really hope Microsoft have as little as possible to do with the cells. (Oblivion doesn't have "maps" as such) Anyway. Don't they already have some DLC on the Xbox Live Marketplace? Anyway, FYI, there is an expasion called the "Shivering Isles", which is set in another plane of Oblivion. (Sheogorath, the God of Madness).
We were not looking for chemical weapons. We were looking for Nuclear Missiles with the range to reach Britain. Or that was what we were told.We didn't find any. The longest range missile we found would only go something like 160Miles. The chemical weapons we found weren't very much worth worrying about. Anyway, I am guessing most countrys mess around with chemical weapons. The US wasn't ever that interested in the WMD, it was more interested in the oil. Saddam, for all his faults, was holding Iraq together. His methods may have not been very nice, but he was doing it. We come in and start a civil war (I never notice one before we invaded), and you suggest we just abandon it? Unfortunately, they had a lot of weapons, which I imagine most of them quite happily sold. That sort of atitue isn't going to help. Iraq, Iran etc seem alot more devout than we are now, so it may seem like nothing to us, but you remember the Danish cartoons? We don't really want to be know for blowing up Mosqurs No, it is a resistance movement. Almost exactly the same as the French resistance fighters from World War II.That is what really gets me, no one seems to see the similarity. It would make a great recruting poster. "Help us kill the Americans that killed xyz". The problem was the some members of the Bath party were only memebers so they could do their job, not because of any loyalties to anyone. I hope you like your oil? If so, I don't advise to to anger the people who produce it. *Nods* Yeh, using the Israelis, in a way, the Israelis war against Lebanon(sp?) was just a US funded country verses as Iranian funded group. I hope the US leaders are cleaver enough to work out that using Nukes against a county is not a good idea.What if any other country with Nukes decides to get involved because the radiation kill thousands of their people? The radiation from a nuke spreads a very long way. EDIT: Ooops. Note to self: Do not use Italics in place of quotes.
I don't hate Site Builders, I even used them about 6 years back. It is possibly a way to get someone who knows nothing about HTLM to build a site, and maybe get them to learn HTML. That is what I did anyway.You are not forced to go to any sites made by the site builders, so I don't understand why you complain that you don't like them, but you visit them anyway. It is quite easy to tell from the URL.One thing to bear in mind is that people who make sites using these tools feel proud of what they have done, just as proud as you when you have hand crafted your site in XHTML, and so they will also think their page is great. Just because you have spent hours learning XHTML, CSS etc doesn't mean you should be critical of those who haven't.
American Citizens Selling Out The U.s. who would have thought
Yacoby replied to Saint_Michael's topic in General Discussion
I imagine there is a huge demand for American military technology, and where there is demand, people try to supply. It is a pity it is being sold, however some people have the ability to assume that if they didn't pull the trigger, it has nothing to do with them. I can also understand why Iran wants to get its hands of spare parts, as I imagine it is feeling quite threatened by the US at present. In my opinion America isn't going to go to war with Iran any time soon (Or is would be extremely stupid to). The only thing Iran is trying to do is acquire nuclear technology. If America, a country who has used nuclear bombs to take lives has them, I don't understand why Iran can't have them. -
It depends what you want to do with your computer, and at what price range. If you want to get the best processor on the market at present, no matter what the cost, you want an Intel Core 2 Duo processor, as that beats anything AMD can throw at it at present. If you want a lower range CPU, then as PlugComputer's said, AMD have more bang for their buck, and they tend to overheat less.
Apparently ATI's R600 beats the 8800GTX hands down. I am not sure if this is true, but ATI do have a habit of releasing their cards later, but they tend to out preform their nvidia counterparts.If you are going to get a 8800 and you have the money, go for the GTX, as it out preforms the GTS version by around 16% - 30%, which is nothing to laugh at.
Yup. You need to get the cron job to run the PHP I use something like this. 0 0 * * * /usr/bin/php -q /home/yacoby/public_html/path/to/php/file.php > /dev/null (If you set up the cron job under the Unix style interface, you will see that there are boxs for the 0s and *s, and then one big text input for this: /usr/bin/php -q /home/yacoby/public_html/path/to/php/file.php > /dev/null /usr/bin/phpThis is the path to PHP. -qQuite. The > /dev/null might make it so you don't need this. /home/yacoby/public_html/path/to/php/file.phpThe path from your top directory to the PHP file > /dev/nullI think this makes it so that the output is deposed of. Not sure though. Inclding something like this: if ($REQUEST_URI){ print "Access forbidden!<br>"; exit;} At the top of the script would, I think, make it so the script can't be run from your browser, it has to be run via the cron job. Hopefully this will have helped. I don't know very much at all on this subject.
C Or C++ Easy Programming Generator You need a program?
Yacoby replied to zak92's topic in Programming
Yeh, Microsoft have a C++ compiler. I think they offer their "Visual C++" as an express edition, which is free. FYI the file extension for C++ is .cpp I don't understand why anyone would want to use notepad for anything more than... well, why they would want to use it for anything at all. If you are going to do any programing at all, at least grab yourself a text editor with syntax highlighting. Makes everything much easier to read. I use Borland's free compiler for my C++ stuff (It compiles C code as well), as it hasn't failed me yet. You may be better with Microsoft Visual C++ if you want to do some programs with a GUI (Graphics user interface), as setting out a GUI in a text editor is not fun. -
What Will Happen If Oil Ceases To Exist?
Yacoby replied to Matrixdudej's topic in Science and Technology
The real problem is if we haven't go an alternative method of transportation in place when oil does run out. Most of our food in Brittan has traveled at least 100 miles, and huge amounts of it come from overseas. The supermarkets aren't doing much to help either. Also I don't really think we have enough land to feed everyone on it. If we don't get something in place by then, the population will drop till we can support it. 50+ Million deaths. That of course is the worst case scenario.When oil does run out, and we don't have anything to replace it, the west will probably take a huge economic crash as our society is at present based around oil. If I were to vote for what to call this age, it would definitely be the oil age.Hopefully the government will have invested in alternative forms of fuel to be able to deal with the total lack of oil, but I don't hold out to much hope that it will happen any time soon. I don't think any methods we have developed yet are economically viable, and there is also the problem that polymers are oil based, and they are very much in daily use. -
Web Standards Compliance Test For Browsers Check your Browser here
Yacoby replied to jlhaslip's topic in The Internet
Strange that the two main browsers anr't standards complaint. I would have though they could have got it right by now. Well, Mozilla seems to have got it right with Firefox 3 I might have to get myself a copy of the Firefox 3 beta, if only for looking how it does stuff differentFirefox 2 seems to render stuff very similar to Opera for most sites anyway, so it must be quite near compliance. -
Read the quote fully.