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Posts posted by darran

  1. Microsoft's intention is clear. But why would everyone want to move to Vista so quickly? Everyone knows Microsoft is likely, (sure) to screw Vista up just like they did with XP in the beginning, so many problems and Vista isn't going to be any different. If anyone is considering changing to Vista for whatever reason, they should at least wait when the reviews are positive. But thankfully this isn't going to affect me because I am going to stick to Firefox because it is the best browser available on the internet.

  2. I tried searching for this topic but the results were too vast in number to be able to go through, so I hope someone could clear my question. Xisto mention quality over quantity and more credits will be awarded to the amount of quality there is in a post. However how does Xisto define quality in this sense? Do they have a mechanism whereby they analyse each post and then assign credits to the user if he meets the requirement? Someone please enlighten me :)

  3. Trap17 was one of the first of its kind that I have seen on the internet. A web host which is using their forum activity to give hosting services to their users. It is really interesting in a sense that they make use of these user activity on the forum to hold up the site and give them quality service. Xisto is no different from a paid web host except that they host the free accounts on the Gamma server which has gone down quite a few times already (2 since I joined). But I can't argue about it since this is free.

    When I was told that we needed 30 credits, I figured that browsing through the forum and scanning through topics will do me good and to my delight, there are so many interesting topics to talk about in the world of IT like (Mobile Phones, OSes, Computer, Internet and even Programming). On top of that there are so many interesting discussions going on in the Relationship as well as the Ideas/Theories forum, that for me does it all. So I can never have nothing to talk about, because everyday members are joining and contributing to the forum, there won't be something called inactivity in Xisto.

    From the experience in posting to the 30 credits, I realised that this forum has a lot of quality and a lot of effort is put into each post unlike many forums you see out there, with a lot 1 liners and a load of rubbish in posts. This forum emphasizes quality and clarity in every post, so that for me is the way to go. Reading each post would be like reading into details a topic which can only do wonders as it will trigger a detailed reply as well.

    It didn't take long for my application to be approved, I must say that the 1 consigning this approvals; Buffalo or what is his name, is very active on the forum. Less than 24 hours and I can start installing my site, since my site is primarily a blog where I post entries, installation was pretty simple but I was very happy.

    I used to be hosted with http://www.digital-pulse.net/ but there were so many constant problems with the DNS renewal, as a result every new entry I made will end up missing the next day. That really got me frustrated as that has happened on more than 2-3 occasions and I would not accept such a service.

    But thanks Xisto for the countless time for providing us with top-end hosting at no cost!

  4. I haven't had the chance to install the Vista Beta version on my computer because I simply do not trust it, and I am not willing to take the risk seeing as it is Microsoft's latest release. But I have seen Vista being implemented in several desktops which are being sold in shops, the effect is really nice with the transparency and glass effects. For this to happen, your computer should maintain to the standard of the market, and it is said to say that the computers from 3-4 years will have some problems running Vista smoothly because of their specifications. I have no preference between 2 versions of Windows in their GUI. It does not have any effect seeing as Windows still have so many problems. And a good and classy GUI will not cover their technical failures within their system. Nonetheless, I still prefer the Mac OS GUI, speed, performance and design all in a package; something which Windows could not deliver. What more can you ask for?

  5. Having sex requires a lot of responsibility, and based on certain cultures, it is wrong to have sex before marriage. However even at 13, you are way too young to understand a sexual relationship, you have just reached your teenage years and there is a lot for you to learn and go through in life. Take things slowly and let nature decide everything, do not rush the process. I am 19, but I have not engaged in sex, though at times there is the urge to have it, there is a part of me which controls my actions and it is not right. I guess I think differently, I do not give a care in the world about these 1 night stands because I feel this is something I won't be happy about when I look back in my life's accomplishments. I will only be truly happy if I have had sex with a person who I hold very dearly to me and to whom I have some special feelings. So my advice to you: Just let nature take its course

  6. I am surprised this discussion has not been initiated in this forum. This is one of the most hottest topic in the IT world and it has been going on for several years with no conclusion to it because it changes from time to time.


    Out of all the operating systems in the market today, the 2 most popular ones are Windows and Macintosh among other operating systems such as Linux. Windows has proven on the market share to be the most popular operating systems purchased by consumers today. And the majority of us use Windows as compared to the lesser audience who purchase Mac.


    I am sure we have all experienced the screw ups while using Windows. Be it performance, bugs or even compatibility. There is not only 1 rare occurence of those problems but multiple frequent ones. We want a system which doesn't have so many screw ups like Windows. Now here's the consideration of Mac. Putting the 2 side by side will not distinguish which operating system is better or lousier. However the way to tell which is better between Mac or Windows is through implementation. Mac implements their stuff better on the system than Windows and this is the hugely obvious factor which puts Mac in a better position than Windows in terms of functionality.


    Design wise, Apple are well known to design one of the best custom GUI (Graphical User Interface), even their hardware is designed with a sleek and stylish theme. Their mouse especially is unique and completely different from the regular mouse you see sold in the IT retailers. That aside, within a Mac OS itself, the designs of the dock (Another feature of Macintosh OS), animation, icons and overall look and feel, they are pure creativity. Even the latest Windows Vista IMO does not match to Mac's design. I am a design oriented person, if something which is being promoted is packaged well, that would already half-convinced something about the product. Of course everything should not be based on design alone but also on the substance of the product.


    So if Mac is so good, why have so many potential users been scared away from it? Making Windows STILL the dominant OS system consumers look to?

    Lack of compatible software

    One of the biggest worries of potential users is that there are not many compatible software available for Mac, another indication that we are over-reliant on Windows. Many games are not available in Mac but are so in Windows. However this thread is gradually changing, many game developers are making their games compatible in Windows as well as in Mac. To solve this problem, Apple has invented something called 'Boot Camp' which will be elaborated with more detail at the bottom.


    Mac price

    Potential buyers have been totally scared away from the idea of purchasing a Mac because it used to be so expensive. However now there is a micro mac which is considerably cheaper than IMac or an IBook. I was looking around in a Mac retailer the other day, and I came across a Mac desktop at SGD 2185, which is equivalent to USD 1000+.


    A completely new system

    An issue windows users have with regards to switching over to Mac is to know how to use a Mac. It would be no different from learning how to use a new type of computer. The way Mac works is considerably different than Windows but most of the standard functions are of the same. However this would be a huge problem to non-IT savvy users.

    In April 2006, Apple came out with a software called 'Boot Camp'. So what does it do? It basically partitions another drive which can be used to emulate a Windows OS. So you can boot up and use either Macintosh or Windows. A 2-in-1 package. This is a very smart market plan because they are not only promoting their brand but also grabbing Windows consumers. They have pounced on Windows' constant liabilities and provide a much better solution to its users.




    So what is stopping you? If you are looking for a computer to purchase, do not hesitate and consider a Mac!


    I will definitely buy a Mac in a few years time when my current desktop is unable to keep up with the current standards of today's computing requirements.

  7. that is messed up! You should not have any stares at you just because you're not of the same race. jesus, what a backward country singapore must be!
    Me and just aout every other white guy would love to have a latino beauty like J-LO or an african darling like beyonce going out with us. The only stares we'd get would be ones of envy :)

    In terms of economy and placing in the world, I am very proud of Singapore. But in terms of accepting social changes such as this, we are so far behind. Definitely one of the last. This is the one thing I am disappointed in, the government has been emphasizing on harmony between races, if 2 races come together in love and do not get respected or acknowledged by their respective races, then how is this racial harmony?

    My question is: will staring hurt you? If it does, that means you are not a strong person. If it dosen't, which is certainly the case for me, then you are free to enjoy any realationship that comes your way, and not stress out one bit about that aspect.

    Staring doesn't hurt me. But I have never been a person who likes all the attention to be on. I have never taken these stares as something which will hurt my relationship, it just irks me that people stare just because we are of different skin color.

    PS: So far there isn't any negative reply to this topic which is a plus sign.

  8. Thought i would share some points on this interesting topic. To develop a simple webpage, you need HTML and to develop a simple Java application, you need Java. It just comes down to that. However if you are looking for an enterprise style of application, an application which is going to be sold on the market, you won't just be relying on that simple Java application would you? Alright, take for example my application. I am doing a Community Calendaring based application suitable for use in a J2ME Mobile phone. This could be classified under the Application Software Development. Other than the common Java lanuage, we have had to have other IT skills such as Photoshop (GUI of the Application), JSP (Server side component of the application), SIP also known as Session Initiation Protocol (For the initiation of chatting between 2 users). So to make this enterprise Application Software, it took the knowledge of 4 components other than the normal Java. Similarly for a website dealing in server technology like asp, you would need other things such as CSS (Faciliate the usage), ASP (Server side component) and even Photoshop apart from the normal HTML. So for me, it all depends on what kind of standard you are going to set yourself, a normal small application can be used through 1 component (either Java or whatever language you prefer).

  9. Looks to me, that there is no improvement at all besides the storage capacity and size of it. To promote a new product, you need to have some innovation and I hope to see a new design being released or something. It would be much better in that way, I am currently using a Creative MP3 player but it is only 1.5 gb; I would not hesitate to change if there was something which impressed me, and the new Apple Ipod model just doesn't do it for me. It is similar to Ipod Nano, just that it is longer.

  10. I think the most obvious reason why our computers run slow are not because of our disk space or RAM because when we buy this computer, this is the space and RAM we accepted and we did not have any issues with it. But after a while, everything started to fall apart and I can only bring it down to spywares and adware. While surfing the internet, you do not know which site actually installs spyware or adware onto your computer and it is really freaky. You could just be surfing a site which has the information you need on something, and bam! You are with a spyware. I recommend you to use adware, spyware removal programs. As for combining removable drives into 1 big drives, I find it impossible to achieve. You need to connect many external devices and it is beyond me how you would merge them into 1 big drive. But if you do manage to do it, please let me know.

  11. On Fireworks, I tried it once and I didn't like it. I prefer Photoshop anyday. Like what was said there is so much more extensibility with Photoshop, you can basically create anything you want using it, on the other hand with Fireworks what you can create is limited. It is rather ironic for you to say that Macromedia is pretty much owned by adobe ... literally because not only is Adobe products much more better, they have also merged. I guess Fireworks would become non-existent with their merger. It is a big fact that Photoshop is the BEST graphic editing tool in the internet, and no way will they replace Photoshop with Fireworks.

  12. I am glad to see all your replies, you guys don't seem to mind the interacial mix at all. It is a small/non-existent problem in your country but in mine, being an Asian country and all, with all the talk about their conservative sensitive culture, 80% of the people on the streets would stare at you and no it is not stares of envy, but stares of racial abuse. For e.g. when I was walking with my girlfriend, a group of young kids said something like 'A black and a white'. How would you feel if you faced something like this?

    We have been through a lot of ordeals together, and after 3 years, our relationship is beginning to settle, and I am certainly hopeful that our mutual feelings do not change over the course of time. But you are right, we should all just live for the moment, think about our wonderful memories and forget our sad memories.

    My answer to you, the guy in Singapore, is to stay in love smile.gif and that shouldn't be hard, ignore the ignorant people and/or give them a big, happy smile back when they stare.

    Well I love my girlfriend a lot so that shouldn't be a problem. However I find it extremely difficult to give a big happy smile back to them especially when they make stares like that which I don't find friendly at all. There are some friendly people who gives us a smile when they see us, I believe they are just like you, staring at people who are in love.

    Thank you for all your wonderful replies. It really gives me optimism that the stares are only specific in my country alone, and not all over the world. I hope in time to come, people in Singapore at least will come out and accept such relationships because love should not be restricted to a particular racial group. I don't see much of these problems as described by you guys existing in such a large scale in other countries (mainly in the US, and Europe)

  13. I am not too sure where in Canada you are living and it is so far away from where I live, at the other end so I can't suggest places where you could purchase such a system.For your requirements, school/writing, you would not require such a high end system. As you multitask, you might want to get a 2 gb RAM, I myself is still using on PC 512 mb RAM, but you should get as high as possible. Maybe you could also get a good graphics card, since you are going to video editing. Something along the lines of having higher than 128 MB should be more than sufficient to have a pretty good system

  14. Well I think it is a standard requirement to have Xisto link on your site. For me, I use an image saying 'Hosted by Xisto' at the bottom where my credits go (Powered by Wordpress, Designed by Alex ... etc) Well having Xisto links on your site could advertise Xisto to have more users in a way and to keep the hosting going. After all, if i am not mistaken, Xisto earns revenues in the number of clicks/visits they get to the forum.

  15. :) oh, well thats pretty smart. better than not backing up at all i suppose, lol umm like i said in the first post i back all of my files whether they be important or not on my flash drive and weekley i use a CD-RW disk and make a backup nn that weekly. :P


    I would not recommend CD-RW because of the experience I have encountered with it. I remembered doing a backup of my personal pictures using a CD-R and while trying to retrieve it, I accidentally dropped it onto the floor. When I tried inserting it in and an attempt to make sure everything was working fine, while transfering it pops up this error


    Data redundacy check


    My point is that CD-R are very fragile, any physical damage to it could really compromise the data contained in it and furthermore, during the process of burning, there must not be any movements which could jump the cd-burner in motion. This is why I prefer using a hard disk, it is much faster or an FTP connection to transfer my files within my network.

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