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Posts posted by grrlfromoz

  1. All right, since the guys have a 'hottest girl in the world' thread, figure I might as well start an alternate topic. Ok girls, time to gush -- who's hot or not?(and yes we ladies can start threads all by ourselves! now let's see how long it takes for the guys to take over... <_< LOL)

  2. but we like compliments that are sincere. Don't hand em out just because you think you need to; she might become suspicious of the ones that really are sincere then. <_< I guess the thing that always irritates me most in new relationships is if the guy keeps asking, "So, you really like me, huh?" Their insecurity always made me ask questions like, "Well if he's not sure *why* I should like him, maybe I'm not sure either." I'm just saying it casted doubts in my own mind that didn't really need to be there in the first place. So I suppose what I'm saying is stay calm and be yourself. :)

  3. no offense if you are just...are you cuz i dont think anyone would have a preoblem with that unless they are.

    I'm not gay, but I am educated enough to refrain from call out groups of people just so I can have something to say when I want to express negative feelings about something. At my school we had a large gay population and so the phrase "that's so gay" or "what a queer" sort of died out because there were just too many questions to answer like 'well who are you talking about?' By the end of senior year they had switched all of their gay phrases to jews. ie "that is so jewish" or "what a jew." Does *that* example make any sense how it can be offensive?

  4. My computer froze up while I was online and I eventually got it to restart but when I did, a bunch of "your computer is infected with spyware" and porn shortcuts were left on my desktop. I opened up IE and a begin2search toolbar was present. Ran Symantec Antivirus, Spyware Doctor, and had Secretmaker running at the time when it happened. I went into add/remove programs but didn't see anything wrong there. Googled and followed YoKenny's instructions here: http://www.webservertalk.com/message377740.html , so I got HJT, installed WinPatrol, IE-SPYAD, and changed browser security.

    When I run HijackThis, it says begin2search is still present, even though I've told the program to fix it. Now I can't get IE to run at all and for some reason Mozilla is extrememly unstable. Does anybody have any ideas on what else to do? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  5. Turns out I may have guessed wrong. *gasp* What me wrong? no!

    I figured there wouldn't be a sequel. Well...

    Whether Van Helsing will come back to life on the big screen remains a mystery. Jackman says he signed on for a sequel but has yet to learn whether his monster hunter will have another mission.
    The estimated $160 million-budgeted film was a disappointment at the U.S. box office, bringing in about $120 million. DVD success could hold the sequel's fate.

    Okay so he's already signed on, but will the DVD be released successfully?

    Universal Home Video's Van Helsing sold more than 2.5 million combined DVD and VHS units during its first day on store shelves Tuesday, generating an estimated $50 million in gross consumer spending, says The Hollywood Reporter.
    The Hugh Jackman actioner is on track to become the nation's top-selling home video this week, with sales estimates to exceed 5 million combined DVD and VHS units.

    Heh so whadduya know, they might continue the story. Underworld didn't do so well in the theaters either, but because of the DVD sales, they're doing a second one. (Freakin loved Kate in Underworld. I wanted be her soo much LOL) Maybe they'll be able to fix the character devel but I don't think there will be an end to the Sommers' corny-ness any time soon!

  6. I think my PS2 just died this weekend :angry: Only half of the buttons will work on the controller and I can only get one game to half-load, though I can't even play it. I was at Best Buy on Sunday and they said they're coming out with a new PS2 (was supposed to be in on Tuesday?). Anyway, I think it's really odd mine dies the same weekend a new one comes out. Conspiracy perhaps??Anyway, as for the topic, I would have sworn by my PS2 over XBox until it died :rolleyes:

  7. Good call DarkWarrior, love Blade. :rolleyes:Well I watched VH last nite and *sigh* I'm just still not happy with it. I mean I think the premise is good, and the choice of actors was good, but the end product just still leaves me wanting more. Dare I say too much action, flame, and lightning? I wished they would have had time to develop the characters more. I wanted a moment to breathe and say, "All right, I understand where the VanHelsing character is coming from." I mean, yeah I get he's got a past he doesn't remember *coughWolverinecough* and feels "passionate" to kill monsters, but what reeeeally is going on with him. We only get to see glimpses of images of characters, never having time to get into the actual driving forces behind them.I think they must have thought that they were going to make another movie, so then the'd be able to give us what was missing in the first, but I'm really not sure if they're going to make a second one. Rumor is, they aren't. I don't think Sommers (the director) should have held back on this one like it feels to me that he did. But on the other hand, it's supposed to be a fun movie filled with Universal Creatures, so in that case, I'll agree it's a romp. *nods* Just still feels a bit off to me...

  8. Van Helsing was released today on DVD (10/19). I'm going out today to pick up my copy. I didn't much care for it when I saw it the one time in the theater. But I've rented VanHelsing: The London Assignment and the VanHelsing game for PS2, so now I want to see the movie again. Heh, go figure. That's what you call good marketing! Plus I really want to see Richard Roxburgh (Moulin Rouge) as Dracula. He was the best character in the whole thing I thought--though I went for Hugh Jackman. I dunno, I still have mixed feelings on whether it's a good movie or not. Did anybody else have this problem?

  9. I loved studying the Comedia by Dante; it's such a rich text. Anyhoo, apparantly according to the test, I was sent to purgatory. hehe


    The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory!


    Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

    Level | Score

    Purgatory | Very High

    Level 1 - Limbo | High

    Level 2 | Low

    Level 3 | Very Low

    Level 4 | Very Low

    Level 5 | Low

    Level 6 - The City of Dis | Very Low

    Level 7 | Moderate

    Level 8- the Malebolge | Low

    Level 9 - Cocytus | Very Low


    Level descriptions: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-information.html

    Take the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-test.mv

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